58.BIM 中的图形是赋予了___属性的实体。
59.BIM 是指建筑物在设计和建造过程中,创建和使用的“___”。
The word "wag" (Line 1, Para.1) most probably means _________.
A. move
B. shake
C. bite
D. play
The video cameras were used to catch the dogs' responses because ___________.
A. the dogs were put in the wooden boxes
and tested one at a time
B. it was easier to catch the dogs’s response changes in the tail wagging
C. they enabled the dogs’owners to know
about their dogs’; habit
D. the dogs wagged their tails in different
directions when they were in different
When there are no stimuli, a dog will ___________.___
A. wag to the right
B. no wag at all
C. wag to the left
D. wag to the left and then wag to the right
The purpose of doing the experiment is _________.___
A. to train dogs for their owners
B. to help dogs find companion
C. to help people choose their pet dogs
D. to help people judge the mood of dogs
The underlined word "they" in the last sentence refers to __________.___
A. the trainers
B. the systems
C. the researchers
D. the dogs
The new law passed in Rome will ________.___
A. help improve fishing environment
B. stop people from catching goldfish
C. guarantee better conditions for goldfish
D. discourage keeping goldfish at home
People in Rome believe that the civilization of a city can be judged by _________.___
A. awareness of animal protection
B. exchanges with other cities
C. protection of ancient ruins
D. recognition of animal lovers
The underlined word "compassion" in Para 2 is the closest in meaning to __________.___
A. support
B. pity
C. help
D. love
People may break the law in Turin if they ________.___
A. keep their dogs or cats in cars
B. shut their dogs home all day long
C. raise their cats near ancient ruins
D. feed homeless animals in car parks
We can infer from the passage that _________.___
A. the owners can leave their dogs in hot cars
B. the cat only lives in modern life
C. the new law can prevent cruelty to animals
D. the new law gives recognition to the
people who feed homeless cat
If a person finds getting up early a problem, most probably ________.___
A. he is a lazy person
B. he refuses to follow his own energy cycle
C. he is not sure when his energy is low
D. he is at his peak in the afternoon or evening
Which of the following may lead to family quarrels according to the passage?___
A. Unawareness of energy cycles.
B. Familiar monologues.
C. A change in a family member's energy cycle.
D. Attempts to control the energy cycle of other family members.
If one wants to work efficiently at his low point in the morning, he should __________.___
A. change his energy cycle
B. overcome his laziness
C. get up earlier than usual
D. go to bed earlier
You are advised to rise with a yawn and stretch because it will __________.___
A. help to keep your energy for the day's work
B. help you to control your temper early in the day
C. enable you to concentrate on your routine work
D. keep your energy cycle under control all day
Which of the following statements is NOT true?___
A. Getting off to work with a minimum effort helps save one's energy.
B. Dr. Kletman explains why people reach their peaks at different hours of day.
C. Habit helps a person adapt to his own energy cycle.
D. Children have energy cycles, too.
An effective way to prevent the burnout of young athletes is __________.___
A. to increase their sense of success
B. to make sports less competitive
C. to reduce their mental stress
D. to make sports more challenging
According to the passage sport is positive for young people in that __________.___
A. it can help them learn more about society
B. it enables them to find flaws in themselves
C. it teaches them how to set realistic goals for themselves
D. it can provide them with valuable experiences
Many coaches and parents are in the habit of criticizing young athletes __________.___
A. without realizing criticism may destroy their self-confidence
B. in order to make them remember life's lessons
C. believing that criticism is beneficial for their early development
D. so as to put more pressure on them
A. 俄国十月革命
B. 资产阶级民主革命
C. 旧民主主义革命
D. 新民主主义革命
19 世纪末 20 世纪初,世界进入了___和无产阶级革命时代。
A. 社会主义
B. 帝国主义
C. 资本主义
D. 共产主义
A. 中国共产党领导人民进行革命和建设的成功实践
B. 中国共产党进行革命和建设的实践
C. 中国共产党领导人民进行新民主主义革命的成功实践
D. 中国共产党领导人民进行社会主义革命的成功实践
A. 六届六中全会
B. 八大
C. 七大
D. 十一届三中全会
A. 既有革命要求又有动摇性的民族资产阶级
B. 既有革命要求又有坚定性的小资产阶级
C. 既有革命要求又有生存要求的民族资产阶级
D. 既有革命要求又有生存要求的小资产阶级
A. 又团结又斗争
B. 团结—斗争—团结
C. 又团结又斗争,以斗争求团结
D. 独立自主
A. 武装斗争
B. 土地革命
C. 统一战线
D. 建立革命根据地
A. 对人民内部的民主和对敌人的专政互相结合
B. 对人民的民主与专政相结合
C. 对敌人的民主与专政相结合
D. 对人民内部的民主与专政相结合
A. 生产关系和生产力之间的矛盾
B. 上层建筑和经济基础之间的矛盾
C. 人民对于建立先进的工业国的要求同落后的农业国的现实之间的矛盾
D. 生产关系和生产力之间的矛盾、上层建筑和经济基础之间的矛盾
A. “批评——团结——批评”
B. “团结——批评——团结”
C. “说服——教育——团结”
D. “说服——批评——教育”
A. “长期共存,肝胆相照”
B. “长期共存,互相监督”
C. “肝胆相照,互相监督”
D. “统一战线,互相监督”
A. “统筹兼顾,适当安排”
B. “兼容并包,适当安排”
C. “统筹兼顾,齐头并进”
D. “齐头并进,适当安排”
A. 无产阶级性质的、具有统一战线的、同人民群众保持血肉联系
B. 中国共产党的、具有纪律严明的、同人民群众保持亲密联系
C. 无产阶级性质的、具有严格纪律的、同人民群众保持亲密联系
D. 中国共产党的、具有严格纪律的、同人民群众保持血肉联系
A. 能打仗、打胜仗
B. 听党指挥
C. 全心全意为人民服务
D. 一切为了群众
A. 游击战
B. 运动战
C. 游击战和带游击性的运动战
D. 带游击性的运动战
A. 政策和策略
B. 统一战线
C. 实事求是
D. 独立自主
A. 党的建设
B. 实事求是
C. 群众路线
D. 思想政治工作
A. 说服教育
B. 批评与自我批评
C. 批评与团结
D. 批评与说服教育
A. 理论联系实际,在实践中检验真理和发展真理
B. 在实践中检验真理和发展真理
C. 了解中国的基本国情
D. 理论联系实际
A. 全心全意为人民服务
B. 一切依靠群众,一切为了群众
C. 以人民为中心
D. 马克思主义关于人民群众是历史的创造者
A. 客观事物的内部联系,即规律性
B. 对客观事物的主观态度
C. 对客观事物的求学态度
D. 客观事物之间的关系
A. 《新民主主义论》
B. 《论十大关系》
C. 《矛盾论》
D. 《实践论》
A. 新民主主义革命
B. 大革命
C. 抗日战争
D. 土地革命
A. 马克思主义中国化
B. 毛泽东思想
C. 克敌制胜的法宝
D. 实事求是
A. 独立的重工业和轻工业体系
B. 重工业、农业和轻工业相互发展体系
C. 独立的农业体系
D. 独立的比较完整的工业体系和国民经济体系
1941 年 3 月,张如心在___文中做出“毛泽东同志的思想”的表述。
A. 《论布尔什维克的教育家》
B. 《中国共产党与中国民族解放的道路》
C. 《中国共产党的群众路线》
D. 《论毛泽东》
A. 中国国情
B. 世界局势
C. 敌友问题
D. 国内环境
A. 资产阶级民主革命
B. 社会主义革命
C. 资本主义革命
D. 新民主主义革命
A. 1923-1927
B. 1921-1927
C. 1921-1935
D. 1927-1937
A. 五四运动的爆发
B. 辛亥革命
C. 秋收起义
D. 推翻清王朝