植物、藻类利用叶绿素产生的光合作用过程中,在可见光的照射下,能将二氧化碳和水转化为有机物,释放出的是 ___
呼吸作用是生物体内的有机物在细胞内经过一系列的氧化分解,在释放出能量的同时,最终生成的主要是 ___
A. 氧气
B. 二氧化碳
C. 氮气
D. 不知道
A. 空气温度
B. 空气湿度
C. 氧气浓度
D. 氮气浓度
A. 短暂性增强
B. 持续性增强
C. 结构性增强
D. 内在增强
A. 勒比雄
B. 魏格纳
C. 赫斯
D. 李四光
(1)Whieh of the following descriptions about the characteristics of physiology is wrong?___
A. It is the study of how living organisms work.
B. It illustrates the discipline of the development and the evolution of disease and the essence of disease.
C. It is to study the living phenomena and the function activities of living organs.
D. It is to explain how they are regulated and integrated.
(2) Which of the following are specialized in producing force and movement?___
A. muscle cells
B. connective tissues
C. nerve cells
D. epithelial cells
(3)The fluid environment surrounding each cell is called the___
A. intracellular fluid
B. intracellular fluid
C. internal environment
D. external environment
(4) Which of the following is not the fundamental characteristic of living organisms?___
A. metabolism
B. adaption
C. reproduction
D. passive diffusion
(5)Whicl of the following is a physiological process with negative feedback?___
A. blood coagulation
B. process of passing urine
C. sino-aortic baroreceptor reflex
D. process of parturition
(6)Which of the following is not the characteristic of regulation by hormone?___
A. diffusenin nature
B. longer in duration
C. accurate in action
D. action in overcorrection
7)Which of the following is not the characteristic of cells?___
A. They are bound by the plasma membrane
B. They have the ability to break down large molecules to smaller ones to Liberate energy for their activities
C. They possess a nucleus which contains genetic information in the form of deoxyribonucleicacid(DNA).
D. Living cells can not transform materials.
8)The breakdown of large molecules to smaller ones is called___
A. respiration
B. anabolism
C. catabolism
D. absorption
9) Which of the following descriptions about the characteristics of nervous regulation is wrong?___
A. It responds fast
B. It acts exactly
C. It responds slowly.D.
D. uration is short
10)Which of the following descriptions about the control of body function is wrong?___
A. Homeostasis is kept by feedback control.
B. Negative feedback minimizes the changes, leading to stability.
C. Positive feedback is not useful.
D. Feed-forward makes human body foresee and adapt itself to the environment promptly.
(1)Which of the following parts of knowledge of drugs should be included in pharmacology?___
A. The effects of drugs on man
B. The correlation of biological activity with chemical structure
C. The history, source, physical and chemical properties, compounding, biochemical and physiologicaleffects, mechanisms of action, absorption, distrilbution, biotransformation and excretion.
D. The prevention, recognition, and treatment of drug poisonings
(2)Which of the following is what a clinician is primarily interested in according to the text?___
A. Drugs which can be reasonably limited to those aspects that provide the basis for their rational clinical use
B. Chemical agents that are not used in therapy but are commonly responsible for household and industrial poisoning as well as environmental pollution
C. Drugs which are useful in the prevention,diagnosis and treatment of human disease,or in the prevention of pregnancy.
D. rugs which are useful in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human disease, or in the prevention of pregnancy.
(3)Why was the physician not interested in pharmacognosy?___
A. He didn't have to select the proper plants for his prescription
B. He had a broad botanical knowledge
C. Fewer drugs were obtained from natural sources
D. Natural drugs had little difference with synthetic ones
(4)Which of the following is the best way of studying pharmacology for medical students and practitioners?___
A. to have a broad botanical knowledge
B. to select a plant and its preparation
C. to have the ability to purify natural plants
D. to have curiosity that stimulates them to learn about sources of drugs
(5)What are the tasks related to medicines almost complete!y delegated to the pharmacists now?___
A. the physical and chemical properties of medicines
B. the preparing, compounding, and dispensing of medicines
C. dosage forms of medicines available
D. the therapeutic and other uses of medicines
(6) What is a main unique aspect of pharmacodynamics?___
A. Pharmacodynamics is an experimental medical science
B. Pharmacodynamics is focused on the characteristics of drugs
C. Pharmacodynamics borrows freely from both the subject matter and the experimenta techniques of physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, genetics and pathology
D. Pharmacodynamics correlates the entire field of preclinical medicine
7) What time of history does pharmacodynamics date back to?___
A. the second half of the seventeenth century
B. the second half of the eighteenth century
C. the second half of the nineteenth century
D. the second half of the twentieth century
8)What does the research on pharmacodynamics focus on?___
A. study of clinical effect of drugs
B. study of the process of drugs in the body
C. study of the effect and the mechanism of drugs on the body
D. study of the correlation of the actions and effects of drugs with their chemical structure
(9)Which of the following is true when drugs are selected?___
A. It has to be based in part on legal reasons.
B. It has to be based in part on ethical reasons.
C. It has to be based in part on the pharmacological evaluation in man
D. It has to be based in part on the pharmacological evaluation in animals
(10)Why are chemotherapeutic agents useful in therapy?___
A. They stimulate or depress biochemical or physiological function in man in a sufficiently reproducible manner to provide relief of symptoms or, ideally, to alter favorably the course of disease
B. They can produce desired effects with only tolerable undesired effects
C. They have only minimal effects on man but can destroy or eliminate parasites
D. The selectivity of their effects is one of their most important characteristics
1)H. Mario Geysen initially used parallel synthesis as a quick way to identify which small_____ of any given large protein bound to an antibody.___
A. division
B. pieces
C. part
D. fragment
2)Chemists often start a combinatorial synthesis by attaching the first set of building blocks_____ to microscopic beads made of polystyrene.___
A. solid
B. inert
C. soft
D. active
3)The chemical reactions required to link compounds to the beads and later to detach them____ to the synthesis proces.___
A. induce complications
B. make easy
C. introduce complications
D. introduce easy
4)In a parallel synthesis, all the products are_____ separately in their own reaction vessels.___
A. combined
B. assembled
C. joined
D. assorted
(5)In many laboratories today, robots assist with the routine work of parallel synthesis, such as small___ amounts of reactive molecules into the appropriate wells.___
A. sending
B. transporting
C. delivering
D. giving
(6)Scientists can pull out from the mixture the beads that bear biologically active molecules and then,using sensitive detection techniques,___ the molecular makeup of the compound attached.___
A. determine
B. make sure
C. find
D. search
(7)Most pharmaceutical companies today continue to___ parallel synthesis. Which of the following is not appropriate to be filled in the blank?___
A. count in
B. count on
C. depend on
D. rely on
(8)Once they identify a promising substance, they___ make many one-at-a-time modifications to the structure.___
A. laboriously
B. hardly
C. easy
D. effectively
(9)Often these procedures yield a compound having acceptable___ and safety.___
A. strength
B. effect
C. potency
D. effort
10)In many laboratories today, robots___ the routine work of parallel synthesis.___
A. help
B. assist with
C. assist in
D. assist to
(1)Pharmaceutics is an interdisciplinary subject involving___
A. formulation, manufacturing, physical pharmacy, and biopharmaceutics
B. manufacturing
C. physical pharmacy
D. biopharmaceutics
(2)Formulation is about the design, development and evaluation of dosage forms,___
A. discovery of novel drugs
B. analytical methods
C. drug delivery systems and manufacturing process
D. dosing regimen
(3)Biopharmaceutics mainly studies the in vivo process of drugs and metabolites in humans, animals and tissue culture, which specifically involves___
A. absorption and distribution
B. absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion
C. metabolism and excretion
D. absorption and excretion
(4)Regarding the definition of bioavailability(BA), BA is related to___
A. total plasma drug concentration only
B. unbound drug concentration in the plasma
C. unbound drug concentration at the target site
D. total plasma drug concentration, and the administered drug dose
(5)Plasma drug concentration is affected by following factors such as___
A. rate of absorption
B. rate and extent of distribution
C. rate ofeli Imination
D. all ofabove
A. 双绞线
B. 同轴电缆
C. 微波
D. 卫星
E. 光纤
A. 灵活性大
B. 投资较省
C. 建设速度快
D. 带宽较大
A. 集群系统信道利用率比常规系统高;
B. 集群与常规相比具有通话私密性;
C. 集群系统具有交换功能,可联网;
D. 集群系统具有控制中心,具有控制管理功能。
卫星传输多址连接方式有哪几种? ___(易)(消防通信网络设备)
A. 频分多址
B. 时分多址
C. 码分多址
D. 空分多址。
A. 报警通信
B. 救援现场通信
C. 调度通信
A. 准确
B. 迅速
C. 不间断。
D. 冷静
A. 内存
B. 硬盘
C. 光盘
D. U盘
E. 软盘
A. Windows系统
B. Unix系统
C. Mac OS系统
D. Linux系统等。
A. 系统文件
B. 隐藏文件
C. 存档文件
D. 只读文件。
A. C
B. C++
C. C#
B. Word
C. WordPerfect
D. Page Maker
A. AutoCAD
B. Photoshop
C. Fireworks
D. Matlab
E. 光影魔术手
A. Word
B. Excel
C. PowerPoint
D. Access
A. 总线型网络
B. 星型网络
C. 扩展星型网络
D. 环型网络
E. 树形网络
F. 网状网络
A. A类是0、0、0、0-127、255、255、255,
B. B类是128、0、0、0-191、255、255、255,
C. C类是192、0、0、0-223、255、255、255,
D. D类是224、0、0、0-239、255、255、255,
E. E类是240、0、0、0-255、255、255、255。
A. 技术因素
B. 人的因素和规划
C. 策略和执行过程
D. 弱口令
A. 繁殖性
B. 传染性
C. 潜伏性
D. 隐蔽性
E. 破坏性
F. 可触发性
A. 行政公文
B. 事务文书
C. 新闻文体
D. 日常文书
E. 行业文书
A. 具有法律性
B. 政策性
C. 时效性
D. 资料性
A. 组织领导作用
B. 交流信息作用
C. 宣传教育作用
D. 依据凭证作用。
A. 应用文的材料
B. 应用文的主旨
C. 应用文的结构
D. 应用文的语言。
A. 分析和认识问题的能力:
B. 调查研究和速记的能力:
C. 专门的业务能力:
D. 文字表达能力:
E. 协调沟通能力
A. 公布令
B. 行政令
C. 任免令
D. 嘉奖令
E. 处罚令
A. 要慎用公报文种。
B. 要注意借鉴新闻报道的写作要领,反映重大事件,重要会议的全貌和精神实质。
C. 结构安排要突出主旨,层次清楚。
D. 在文字表达上要准确、严肃、言必有据、简洁明了。
A. 指示性通知
B. 转文性通知
C. 事务性通知
D. 任免通知
E. 临时性通知
A. 内容要真实、具体。
B. 重点突出。
C. 报告工作要及时。
D. 报告中不能夹带请示事项。
E. 报告必须具有典型性
A. 要选准请示的问题。
B. 要确保一文一事。
C. 要表明自己的态度。
D. 不要搞多头请示。
E. 反映情况阐述理由要实事求是,文字不宜过多
F. 要逐级请示,必须越级请示的,应抄送所越过的机关。
A. 一请示、一批复。
B. 观点鲜明,态度肯定。
C. 要讲究时效,及时批复,以免贻误工作。
D. 文字要简练。
A. 开头应开门见山,直接入题。
B. 要一函一事,中心明确。
C. 语言要恳切、得体、简洁、质朴,切忌盛气凌人,措辞强硬。
D. 观点鲜明,态度肯定。
A. 按内容分,有情况简报、工作简报、动态简报、会议简报。
B. 按性质分,有报道性简报、汇报性简报、介绍性简报、总结性简报。
C. 按时间分,有定期简报和不定期简报。
D. 按形式分,有专题简报和综合简报。
A. 求真务实。
B. 求简务精。
C. 体式要得当。
D. 辞藻华丽
A. 注意现实针对性。
B. 深入调查,充分占有材料。
C. 分析研究材料、揭示事物本质、
D. 用事实说话,用典型材料阐明观点。
A. SD卡
B. CF卡
C. SM卡
E. xD卡
F. 记忆棒
A. 标准镜头
B. 定焦镜头
C. 长焦镜头
D. 广角镜头
E. 微距镜头
F. 鱼眼镜头
A. 光圈
B. 镜头的焦距
C. 拍摄距离
D. 光线
A. 光圈
B. 快门速度
C. 镜头的焦距
D. 感光度
A. 远景
B. 全景
C. 中景
D. 近景
E. 特写
火灾现场需要拍摄什么内容? ___(易)(音视频系统)
A. 拍摄火灾现场全景;
B. 拍摄火灾燃烧过程和扑救过程;
C. 拍摄燃烧部位及周围情况;
D. 拍摄起火部位和起火点;
E. 拍摄起火源和起火源密切相关的痕迹、物证。