(1)Which of the following parts of knowledge of drugs should be included in pharmacology?___
A. The effects of drugs on man
B. The correlation of biological activity with chemical structure
C. The history, source, physical and chemical properties, compounding, biochemical and physiologicaleffects, mechanisms of action, absorption, distrilbution, biotransformation and excretion.
D. The prevention, recognition, and treatment of drug poisonings
(2)Which of the following is what a clinician is primarily interested in according to the text?___
A. Drugs which can be reasonably limited to those aspects that provide the basis for their rational clinical use
B. Chemical agents that are not used in therapy but are commonly responsible for household and industrial poisoning as well as environmental pollution
C. Drugs which are useful in the prevention,diagnosis and treatment of human disease,or in the prevention of pregnancy.
D. rugs which are useful in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human disease, or in the prevention of pregnancy.
(3)Why was the physician not interested in pharmacognosy?___
A. He didn't have to select the proper plants for his prescription
B. He had a broad botanical knowledge
C. Fewer drugs were obtained from natural sources
D. Natural drugs had little difference with synthetic ones
(4)Which of the following is the best way of studying pharmacology for medical students and practitioners?___
A. to have a broad botanical knowledge
B. to select a plant and its preparation
C. to have the ability to purify natural plants
D. to have curiosity that stimulates them to learn about sources of drugs
(5)What are the tasks related to medicines almost complete!y delegated to the pharmacists now?___
A. the physical and chemical properties of medicines
B. the preparing, compounding, and dispensing of medicines
C. dosage forms of medicines available
D. the therapeutic and other uses of medicines
(6) What is a main unique aspect of pharmacodynamics?___
A. Pharmacodynamics is an experimental medical science
B. Pharmacodynamics is focused on the characteristics of drugs
C. Pharmacodynamics borrows freely from both the subject matter and the experimenta techniques of physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, genetics and pathology
D. Pharmacodynamics correlates the entire field of preclinical medicine
7) What time of history does pharmacodynamics date back to?___
A. the second half of the seventeenth century
B. the second half of the eighteenth century
C. the second half of the nineteenth century
D. the second half of the twentieth century
8)What does the research on pharmacodynamics focus on?___
A. study of clinical effect of drugs
B. study of the process of drugs in the body
C. study of the effect and the mechanism of drugs on the body
D. study of the correlation of the actions and effects of drugs with their chemical structure
(9)Which of the following is true when drugs are selected?___
A. It has to be based in part on legal reasons.
B. It has to be based in part on ethical reasons.
C. It has to be based in part on the pharmacological evaluation in man
D. It has to be based in part on the pharmacological evaluation in animals
(10)Why are chemotherapeutic agents useful in therapy?___
A. They stimulate or depress biochemical or physiological function in man in a sufficiently reproducible manner to provide relief of symptoms or, ideally, to alter favorably the course of disease
B. They can produce desired effects with only tolerable undesired effects
C. They have only minimal effects on man but can destroy or eliminate parasites
D. The selectivity of their effects is one of their most important characteristics
1)H. Mario Geysen initially used parallel synthesis as a quick way to identify which small_____ of any given large protein bound to an antibody.___
A. division
B. pieces
C. part
D. fragment
2)Chemists often start a combinatorial synthesis by attaching the first set of building blocks_____ to microscopic beads made of polystyrene.___
A. solid
B. inert
C. soft
D. active
3)The chemical reactions required to link compounds to the beads and later to detach them____ to the synthesis proces.___
A. induce complications
B. make easy
C. introduce complications
D. introduce easy
4)In a parallel synthesis, all the products are_____ separately in their own reaction vessels.___
A. combined
B. assembled
C. joined
D. assorted
(5)In many laboratories today, robots assist with the routine work of parallel synthesis, such as small___ amounts of reactive molecules into the appropriate wells.___
A. sending
B. transporting
C. delivering
D. giving
(6)Scientists can pull out from the mixture the beads that bear biologically active molecules and then,using sensitive detection techniques,___ the molecular makeup of the compound attached.___
A. determine
B. make sure
C. find
D. search
(7)Most pharmaceutical companies today continue to___ parallel synthesis. Which of the following is not appropriate to be filled in the blank?___
A. count in
B. count on
C. depend on
D. rely on
(8)Once they identify a promising substance, they___ make many one-at-a-time modifications to the structure.___
A. laboriously
B. hardly
C. easy
D. effectively
(9)Often these procedures yield a compound having acceptable___ and safety.___
A. strength
B. effect
C. potency
D. effort
10)In many laboratories today, robots___ the routine work of parallel synthesis.___
A. help
B. assist with
C. assist in
D. assist to
(1)Pharmaceutics is an interdisciplinary subject involving___
A. formulation, manufacturing, physical pharmacy, and biopharmaceutics
B. manufacturing
C. physical pharmacy
D. biopharmaceutics
(2)Formulation is about the design, development and evaluation of dosage forms,___
A. discovery of novel drugs
B. analytical methods
C. drug delivery systems and manufacturing process
D. dosing regimen
(3)Biopharmaceutics mainly studies the in vivo process of drugs and metabolites in humans, animals and tissue culture, which specifically involves___
A. absorption and distribution
B. absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion
C. metabolism and excretion
D. absorption and excretion
(4)Regarding the definition of bioavailability(BA), BA is related to___
A. total plasma drug concentration only
B. unbound drug concentration in the plasma
C. unbound drug concentration at the target site
D. total plasma drug concentration, and the administered drug dose
(5)Plasma drug concentration is affected by following factors such as___
A. rate of absorption
B. rate and extent of distribution
C. rate ofeli Imination
D. all ofabove
6)Which of the following routes of administration will involve the absorption of drugs?___
A. i.v.injection
B. i.v.infusion
C. Subcutaneous injection, transdermal and oral
D. None of above
(7)Which of the following factors may influence the time course of a drug in the plasma and hence at its site of action?___
A. Food
B. Disease state
C. Route of administration
D. All of above
(8)Please identify the potential biological barriers for an orally administered tablet to be absorbed into the systemic circulation___
A. Sk d dermis
B. Gastrointestinal epithelium
C. Oral mucosal membrane
D. All of above
(9) Given the same administration dose, which of the following will likely result in varying bioavailabilities for the same drug administered to the same person? ___
A. tablets (p.o. )vs. solutions(p0.)
B. solutions for injection(i v )vs oral solutions(p0.)
C. coated tablets (p.0. )vs hard gelatin capsules(p0.)
D. All ofabove
(10)Which of the following statements is true?___
A. Bioavailability is only related to the administered dose and the total drug concentration in the blood circulation.
B. Plasma protein binding does not affect the bioavailability of a specific drug.
C. A given drug in different dosage forms may show differences in bioavailability if given by the same route.
D. Biopharmaceutical studies do not involve animal experiment.
Much of our present physiological knowledge has been found from the experiments and studies on human beings.
Living cells break down glucose and fats to provide energy for other activities, which is called.
The right atriapumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs where it absorbs oxygen from the air.
The nervous system uses electrical signals to transmit information very rapidly to specific cells.
With the level of sodium increasing extracelular fruid. the cardiac muscle cells become too excitable and may contract.
A negative feedback loop is a control system that acts to maintain the level of some variables within a given range following a disturbance
(1)Pharmacodynamics, which is concerned with the study of the biochemical and physiological effects of drugs and their mechanisms of action, Is an experimental medical science.
2)It's unreasonable for a physician to be interested mainly in the effects of drugs on human beings, for the pharmacological evaluation of drugs in them may be limited due to technical, legal, and ethical reasons.
(3) As the effects of drugs are often characterized by significant interspecies variation and may be further modified by disease, clinical pharmacology has never been efibrasized.
The physician is not interested in drugs that are useful in the prevention,diagnosis,and treatment of human disease, but in chemical agents that are commonly responsible for household and industrial poisoning as well as environmental pollution.
(5)A drug is said to be useful in therapy if it has the ability to produce its desired effects with only tolerable undesired effects.
A. 周转速度快,流动性就越强,安全性就越能得保证。但效益性较差
B. 周转速度快,流动性就越强,安全性就差,效益性较差
C. 周转速度慢,流动性就越差,安全性也就越差,效益性较差
D. 周转速度慢,流动性就越差,安全性也就越好,效益性较好
A. 存贷款期限结构匹配
B. 提高存货周转速度
C. 提高应收账款的周转速度
D. 提高二级市场股票的换手频率
A. 何某向工商银行借款100000 元专门用于其企业的工程结算
B. A 公司向B 公司投入资金8000000 元,并占有B 公司30%的股份
C. A 公司通过融资机构向B 公司借款600000 元
D. 何某通过金融机构借入资金120000 元
A. 基本情况
B. 贷款品种
C. 贷款利率
D. 贷款金额
A. 按照贷款币种可分为人民币贷款和外币贷款
B. 按照贷款期限可分为短期贷款和中长期贷款
C. 按照贷款对象可分为生产企业贷款和外商投资企业贷款
D. 按照贷款利率可分为浮动利率贷款和固定利率贷款
A. 文小姐向银行借款10 万元专门用于其房屋装修
B. A 公司购入B 公司20%的股权,价值80 万元
C. 赵小姐春节期间通过信用卡透支了2 万元购买年货
D. 郑先生通过银行贷款购买了一辆车
A. 真实性
B. 完成性
C. 可操作性
D. 全面性
A. 效益性
B. 流动性
C. 安全性
D. 自主性
A. 直接融资;间接融资
B. 间接投资;直接投资
C. 间接融资;直接融资
D. 直接投资;间接投资
A. 为了保证贷款的安全性,商业银行需要合理安排贷款的种类和期限
B. 在信贷资金总量一定的情况下,资金的周转速度加快,效益性相应较差
C. 在贷款规模一定的情况下,一般贷款期限越长,收益越大
D. 贷款期限越长,安全性越高
A. 基本建设贷款
B. 技术改造贷款
C. 流动资金贷款
D. 自营贷款
A. 交易对象
B. 信贷产品
C. 信贷金额
D. 信贷期限
A. 信贷产品
B. 卖方银行
C. 买方客户
D. 信贷市场
A. 贷前申请与贷款审批
B. 贷款审批与贷款发放
C. 贷款发放与贷款清偿
D. 贷款申请与贷款清偿
A. 结算业务
B. 代理业务
C. 存款业务
D. 资金业务
A. 承兑
B. 担保
C. 贷款
D. 公司信贷
A. 流动资金数额和周转速度
B. 主要客户、供应商和分销渠道
C. 资产负债比率
D. 存货净值和周转速度
A. 经工商行政管理机关(或主管机关)核准登记的自然人
B. 经行政机关核准登记的企(事)业法人
C. 经行政机关核准登记的自然人
D. 经工商行政管理机关(或主管机关)核准登记的企(事)业法人
A. 现场调研
B. 搜寻调查
C. 委托调查
D. 突击检查
A. 国民经济
B. 外部经济
C. 国家政策
D. 企业自身规模效益
A. 企业的借款需求原因,即所借款项的用途
B. 企业的还款来源
C. 企业还款的可靠程度
D. 公司的治理结构
A. 季节性销售增长
B. 长期销售增长
C. 资产效率下降
D. 债务重构
A. 营业额
B. 总资本
C. 全部利润
D. 销售收入总额
A. 流动比率越高,说明企业资产的变现能力越强
B. 流动比率越高,说明企业资产的变现能力越弱
C. 流动比率越低,说明企业资产的变现能力越强
D. 流动比率与企业资产的变现能力没有关系
A. 应收账款周转率
B. 应收账款回收期
C. 应收账款账龄
D. 应收账款余额
A. 未分配利润
B. 资本公积
C. 盈余公积
D. 流动资产
A. 工商行政管理机关(或主管机关)
B. 国税局
C. 人民银行
D. 农村信用社
A. 盈利能力
B. 营运能力
C. 资本结构
D. 产品竞争力
A. 资产负债率=负债合计÷资产合计×100%
B. 资产负债率=资产合计÷负债合计×100%
C. 资产负债率反映项目各年负债水平、财务风险及偿债能力
D. 银行从债权安全的角度考虑,总希望借款人的负债水平低一点
A. 销货成本/平均存货余额×100%
B. 存货平均余额×计算期天数/销货成本
C. 计算期天数/存货周转次数
D. (期初存货余额+期末存货余额)/2
A. 资产
B. 负债
C. 资本结构
D. 所有者权益
A. 借款人在银行的存款有较大幅度下降
B. 应收账款异常增加
C. 流动资产占总资产比重下降
D. 短期负债增加适当,长期负债大量增加
A. 全部资产
B. 全部负债
C. 净资产
D. 流动资产
A. 技术水平
B. 销售业绩
C. 偿债能力
D. 信息披露
A. 建立正式客户-评级-授信-申请贷款-发放贷款
B. 建立正式客户-授信-评级-申请贷款-发放贷款
C. 建立正式客户-申请贷款-评级-授信-发放贷款
D. 建立正式客户-申请贷款-授信-评级-发放贷款
A. 效率比率
B. 杠杆比率
C. 流动比率
D. 营业利润率
A. 借款人的现金流量是否充足
B. 借款人的资产负债比率是否足够低
C. 借款人的管理水平是否很高
D. 借款人的销售收入和利润是否足够高
A. 平均存货余额,销货收入
B. 销货收入,平均存货余额
C. 销货成本,平均存货余额
D. 平均存货余额,销货成本
A. 流动比率
B. 资产负债率
C. 净利润率
D. 速动比率