(1)Whieh of the following descriptions about the characteristics of physiology is wrong?___
A. It is the study of how living organisms work.
B. It illustrates the discipline of the development and the evolution of disease and the essence of disease.
C. It is to study the living phenomena and the function activities of living organs.
D. It is to explain how they are regulated and integrated.
(2) Which of the following are specialized in producing force and movement?___
A. muscle cells
B. connective tissues
C. nerve cells
D. epithelial cells
(3)The fluid environment surrounding each cell is called the___
A. intracellular fluid
B. intracellular fluid
C. internal environment
D. external environment
(4) Which of the following is not the fundamental characteristic of living organisms?___
A. metabolism
B. adaption
C. reproduction
D. passive diffusion
(5)Whicl of the following is a physiological process with negative feedback?___
A. blood coagulation
B. process of passing urine
C. sino-aortic baroreceptor reflex
D. process of parturition
(6)Which of the following is not the characteristic of regulation by hormone?___
A. diffusenin nature
B. longer in duration
C. accurate in action
D. action in overcorrection
7)Which of the following is not the characteristic of cells?___
A. They are bound by the plasma membrane
B. They have the ability to break down large molecules to smaller ones to Liberate energy for their activities
C. They possess a nucleus which contains genetic information in the form of deoxyribonucleicacid(DNA).
D. Living cells can not transform materials.
8)The breakdown of large molecules to smaller ones is called___
A. respiration
B. anabolism
C. catabolism
D. absorption
9) Which of the following descriptions about the characteristics of nervous regulation is wrong?___
A. It responds fast
B. It acts exactly
C. It responds slowly.D.
D. uration is short
10)Which of the following descriptions about the control of body function is wrong?___
A. Homeostasis is kept by feedback control.
B. Negative feedback minimizes the changes, leading to stability.
C. Positive feedback is not useful.
D. Feed-forward makes human body foresee and adapt itself to the environment promptly.
(1)Which of the following parts of knowledge of drugs should be included in pharmacology?___
A. The effects of drugs on man
B. The correlation of biological activity with chemical structure
C. The history, source, physical and chemical properties, compounding, biochemical and physiologicaleffects, mechanisms of action, absorption, distrilbution, biotransformation and excretion.
D. The prevention, recognition, and treatment of drug poisonings
(2)Which of the following is what a clinician is primarily interested in according to the text?___
A. Drugs which can be reasonably limited to those aspects that provide the basis for their rational clinical use
B. Chemical agents that are not used in therapy but are commonly responsible for household and industrial poisoning as well as environmental pollution
C. Drugs which are useful in the prevention,diagnosis and treatment of human disease,or in the prevention of pregnancy.
D. rugs which are useful in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human disease, or in the prevention of pregnancy.
(3)Why was the physician not interested in pharmacognosy?___
A. He didn't have to select the proper plants for his prescription
B. He had a broad botanical knowledge
C. Fewer drugs were obtained from natural sources
D. Natural drugs had little difference with synthetic ones
(4)Which of the following is the best way of studying pharmacology for medical students and practitioners?___
A. to have a broad botanical knowledge
B. to select a plant and its preparation
C. to have the ability to purify natural plants
D. to have curiosity that stimulates them to learn about sources of drugs
(5)What are the tasks related to medicines almost complete!y delegated to the pharmacists now?___
A. the physical and chemical properties of medicines
B. the preparing, compounding, and dispensing of medicines
C. dosage forms of medicines available
D. the therapeutic and other uses of medicines
(6) What is a main unique aspect of pharmacodynamics?___
A. Pharmacodynamics is an experimental medical science
B. Pharmacodynamics is focused on the characteristics of drugs
C. Pharmacodynamics borrows freely from both the subject matter and the experimenta techniques of physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, genetics and pathology
D. Pharmacodynamics correlates the entire field of preclinical medicine
7) What time of history does pharmacodynamics date back to?___
A. the second half of the seventeenth century
B. the second half of the eighteenth century
C. the second half of the nineteenth century
D. the second half of the twentieth century
8)What does the research on pharmacodynamics focus on?___
A. study of clinical effect of drugs
B. study of the process of drugs in the body
C. study of the effect and the mechanism of drugs on the body
D. study of the correlation of the actions and effects of drugs with their chemical structure
(9)Which of the following is true when drugs are selected?___
A. It has to be based in part on legal reasons.
B. It has to be based in part on ethical reasons.
C. It has to be based in part on the pharmacological evaluation in man
D. It has to be based in part on the pharmacological evaluation in animals
(10)Why are chemotherapeutic agents useful in therapy?___
A. They stimulate or depress biochemical or physiological function in man in a sufficiently reproducible manner to provide relief of symptoms or, ideally, to alter favorably the course of disease
B. They can produce desired effects with only tolerable undesired effects
C. They have only minimal effects on man but can destroy or eliminate parasites
D. The selectivity of their effects is one of their most important characteristics
1)H. Mario Geysen initially used parallel synthesis as a quick way to identify which small_____ of any given large protein bound to an antibody.___
A. division
B. pieces
C. part
D. fragment
2)Chemists often start a combinatorial synthesis by attaching the first set of building blocks_____ to microscopic beads made of polystyrene.___
A. solid
B. inert
C. soft
D. active
3)The chemical reactions required to link compounds to the beads and later to detach them____ to the synthesis proces.___
A. induce complications
B. make easy
C. introduce complications
D. introduce easy
4)In a parallel synthesis, all the products are_____ separately in their own reaction vessels.___
A. combined
B. assembled
C. joined
D. assorted
(5)In many laboratories today, robots assist with the routine work of parallel synthesis, such as small___ amounts of reactive molecules into the appropriate wells.___
A. sending
B. transporting
C. delivering
D. giving
(6)Scientists can pull out from the mixture the beads that bear biologically active molecules and then,using sensitive detection techniques,___ the molecular makeup of the compound attached.___
A. determine
B. make sure
C. find
D. search
(7)Most pharmaceutical companies today continue to___ parallel synthesis. Which of the following is not appropriate to be filled in the blank?___
A. count in
B. count on
C. depend on
D. rely on
(8)Once they identify a promising substance, they___ make many one-at-a-time modifications to the structure.___
A. laboriously
B. hardly
C. easy
D. effectively
(9)Often these procedures yield a compound having acceptable___ and safety.___
A. strength
B. effect
C. potency
D. effort
10)In many laboratories today, robots___ the routine work of parallel synthesis.___
A. help
B. assist with
C. assist in
D. assist to
(1)Pharmaceutics is an interdisciplinary subject involving___
A. formulation, manufacturing, physical pharmacy, and biopharmaceutics
B. manufacturing
C. physical pharmacy
D. biopharmaceutics
(2)Formulation is about the design, development and evaluation of dosage forms,___
A. discovery of novel drugs
B. analytical methods
C. drug delivery systems and manufacturing process
D. dosing regimen
(3)Biopharmaceutics mainly studies the in vivo process of drugs and metabolites in humans, animals and tissue culture, which specifically involves___
A. absorption and distribution
B. absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion
C. metabolism and excretion
D. absorption and excretion
(4)Regarding the definition of bioavailability(BA), BA is related to___
A. total plasma drug concentration only
B. unbound drug concentration in the plasma
C. unbound drug concentration at the target site
D. total plasma drug concentration, and the administered drug dose
(5)Plasma drug concentration is affected by following factors such as___
A. rate of absorption
B. rate and extent of distribution
C. rate ofeli Imination
D. all ofabove
6)Which of the following routes of administration will involve the absorption of drugs?___
A. i.v.injection
B. i.v.infusion
C. Subcutaneous injection, transdermal and oral
D. None of above
(7)Which of the following factors may influence the time course of a drug in the plasma and hence at its site of action?___
A. Food
B. Disease state
C. Route of administration
D. All of above
(8)Please identify the potential biological barriers for an orally administered tablet to be absorbed into the systemic circulation___
A. Sk d dermis
B. Gastrointestinal epithelium
C. Oral mucosal membrane
D. All of above
(9) Given the same administration dose, which of the following will likely result in varying bioavailabilities for the same drug administered to the same person? ___
A. tablets (p.o. )vs. solutions(p0.)
B. solutions for injection(i v )vs oral solutions(p0.)
C. coated tablets (p.0. )vs hard gelatin capsules(p0.)
D. All ofabove
(10)Which of the following statements is true?___
A. Bioavailability is only related to the administered dose and the total drug concentration in the blood circulation.
B. Plasma protein binding does not affect the bioavailability of a specific drug.
C. A given drug in different dosage forms may show differences in bioavailability if given by the same route.
D. Biopharmaceutical studies do not involve animal experiment.
Much of our present physiological knowledge has been found from the experiments and studies on human beings.
A. 对
B. 错
A. 生产力比较落后
B. 工业化和经济的社会化、市场化
C. 社会主义生产关系不完善
D. 上层建筑不成熟
A. 低水平
B. 不成熟
C. 不全面
D. 发展很不平衡
A. 坚持“一个中心,两个基本点”的统一
B. 正确处理改革、发展、稳定的关系
C. 排除“左”、右倾的干扰
D. 反对各种战争,维护世界和平
A. 两者辩证统一于为实现共产主义奋斗的全过程中
B. 最高纲领为最低纲领指明了前进方向
C. 最低纲领为最高纲领的实现准备必要的条件
D. 对遥远的未来做具体的设想和描绘,很容易陷入不切实际的空想,导致实践的挫折
A. 实现社会主义现代化
B. 实现工业化和经济的社会化、市场化、现代化
C. 在社会主义基础上实现中华民族的伟大复兴
D. 实现小康
E. 达到中等发达国家水平
A. “两个基本点”要围绕“一个中心”
B. “一个中心”离不开“两个基本点”
C. “两个基本点”之间相互贯通、相互依存
D. “一个中心,两个基本点”统一于建设有中国特色社会主义的伟大实践
E. 社会主义初级阶段基本路线集中概括
A. 是由我国进入社会主义的历史前提决定的
B. 是由我国社会的阶级斗争这个主要矛盾决定的
C. 是由我国现代化建设所处的时代特点与国际环境所决定的
D. 是由我国现实的生产力、生产关系和上层建筑的国情决定的
E. 是由我们党的执政能力决定的
A. 体现了党的最高纲领和最低纲领的统一
B. 是对马克思科学社会主义学说的丰富和发展
C. 是抵制“左”和右的错误观念的思想武器
D. 是制定路线方针政策的基本依据
E. 是实现共产主义的必要条件
A. 对社会性质的判断是正确的
B. 对社会性质的判断有失误
C. 对社会发展阶段的认识是正确的
D. 对社会发展阶段的认识有失误
A. 社会主义公有制经济是否成为社会经济的主体
B. 社会的主要矛盾是否是人民的物质文化需要同落后的社会生产之间的矛盾
C. 社会的生产力水平是否比较低
D. 社会的根本任务是否是发展生产力
E. 是否存在多种经济成分
A. 是基本实现社会主义现代化的历史阶段
B. 是由农业国逐步转变为工业国的历史阶段
C. 是科技教育文化由比较落后转变为比较发达的历史阶段
D. 是由人民生活水平比较低转变为比较富裕的历史阶段
E. 是实现中华民族伟大复兴的历史阶段
A. 生产力水平
B. 社会性质
C. 共产党的执政能力
D. 社会主要矛盾
E. 社会主义初级阶段的国情
A. 物质技术基础不够格
B. 社会经济制度不完善
C. 上层建筑方面不成熟
D. 执政党执政能力不够格
E. 人民觉悟不够格
A. 明确提出社会主义初级阶段的系统理论是对科学社会主义的新贡献;是邓小平理论的重要组成部分
B. 社会主义初级阶段是我国最大的实际,最基本的国情,是我们党制定和执行正确路线方针政策的基本依据和根本出发点
C. 是我们防“左”反右,特别是克服急于求成、盲目求纯的急躁情绪,脚踏实地地建设中国特色社会主义的强大思想武器
D. 是我们解决种种矛盾,澄清种种分歧和困惑,提高人们坚持党的基本路线、基本纲领自觉性的科学指南
E. 实现共产主义的必要条件
A. 新民主主义革命时期的总路线
B. 从新民主主义到社会主义过渡时期的总路线
C. 社会主义建设总路线:鼓足干劲、力争上游、多快好省地建设社会主义
D. 党在整个社会主义历史阶段的基本路线
E. 党在社会主义初级阶段的基本路线
A. 社会主义的根本问题
B. 党的思想路线问题
C. 社会主义首要的基本理论问题
D. 邓小平理论的主题
A. 解放生产力、发展生产力
B. 消灭剥削、消除两极分化
C. 公有制和按劳分配
D. 最终实现共同富裕
A. 剥削阶级
B. 私有制经济
C. 按资分配
D. 剥削现象
A. 没有固定的模式
B. 必须从实际出发加以寻找
C. 是马克思主义和本国实际相结合的结果
D. 可以照抄照搬别国成功模式
A. 社会主义代替资本主义是人类社会的必然规律
B. 社会主义道路具有多样性
C. 社会主义必然具有民族特色
D. 社会主义必然是民族主义
A. 充分认识国情和世情
B. 大胆借鉴外国经验,但不照搬外国模式
C. 坚持马克思主义的立场观点和方法
D. 解放思想,大胆实践
A. 同步富裕
B. 允许一部分地区、一部分人先富起来
C. 两极分化
D. 不存在富裕程度的差别
A. 社会主义的根本目的
B. 社会主义的价值目标
C. 从生产力方面揭示社会主义的社会性质
D. 从生产关系方面揭示社会主义的社会性质
E. 社会主义的优越性
A. 在目标的层次上界定社会主义的本质
B. 突出生产力的基础地位
C. 突出社会主义的价值目标
D. 在动态上描述社会主义的本质
E. 提出了最终达到共同富裕
A. 大力发展生产力是马克思主义的一个重要思想,是实现共产主义的物质基础
B. 发展生产力,是社会主义本质的内在要求
C. 发展生产力,是显示社会主义制度优越性和巩固社会主义制度的需要
D. 当前发展生产力是解决社会主义初级阶段主要矛盾的根本手段
E. 社会主义必须要抓物质文明的同时抓好精神文明
A. 中国发展得越强大,世界和平越靠得住
B. 最终说服不相信社会主义的人要靠我们的发展
C. 中国解决所有问题的关键是要靠自己的发展
D. 善于把握时机来解决我们的发展问题
E. 两手抓,两手都要硬
A. 发展生产
B. 共同致富
C. 消灭剥削
D. 消除两极分化
E. 一部分人先富起来
A. 解放生产力
B. 发展生产力
C. 消灭剥削
D. 消除两极分化
E. 最终达到共同富裕
A. 什么是社会主义、怎样建设社会主义
B. 什么是现代化、怎样建设现代化
C. 建设什么样的党、怎样建设党
D. 实现什么样的发展、怎样发展
A. 随着科技进步人民生活水平不断提高
B. 党的基本线路是正确的
C. 科技对经济的发展起着第一位的变革作用
D. 科学技术使管理日益现代化
A. 中国是一个大国,经济发展不平衡
B. 人口多,底子薄
C. 处于社会主义初级阶段
D. 生产力不发达
A. 国家、生产单位和生产者个人的关系
B. 沿海工业和内地工业的关系
C. 经济建设和国防建设的关系
D. 重工业和轻工业、农业的关系
E. 中央和地方的关系
A. 社会主义本质的内在要求
B. 建立社会主义市场经济体制的要求
C. 解决社会主要矛盾的要求
D. 巩固社会主义制度的要求
E. 提高人民生活水平的要求
A. 经济持续健康发展,实现国内生产总值和城乡居民人均收入比2010年翻一番;
B. 人民民主不断扩大,依法治国基本方略全面落实;
C. 文化软实力显著增强,全民文明素质和社会文明程度明显提高;
D. 人民生活水平全面提高,基本公共服务均等总体实现;
E. 资源节约型、环境友好型社会建设取得重大进展。
A. 国家富强
B. 民族振兴
C. 人民幸福
D. 小康生活
A. 坚持时代精神
B. 坚持中国道路
C. 弘扬中国精神
D. 凝聚中国力量
A. 低水平
B. 不全面
C. 不完整
D. 发展很不平衡
E. 不持续
A. 我国目前的小康是低水平的、不全面的、发展很不平衡的
B. 巩固和提高目前达到的小康水平,还需要长时期的奋斗
C. 人民生活总体上还没有达到小康水平
D. 全面建设小康社会目标提出的必要性和紧迫性
A. 坚持了雄心壮志和实事求是的统一
B. 坚持了经济发展和实现社会主义本质要求的统一
C. 坚持了经济与社会的全面协调发展
D. 是对中国国情和时代特征的深刻把握
E. 是对现代化客观规律的正确反映
A. 实现现代化建设第三步战略目标必经的承上启下的发展阶段
B. 完善社会主义市场经济体制的关键阶段
C. 基本实现现代化的重要阶段
D. 扩大对外开放的关键阶段
E. 基本结束社会主义初级阶段的重要阶段