26.应具有大客流车站(含各种交路折返车站和 停车功能的车站)站台至站厅或其他安全区域的疏散楼梯、用作疏 散的自动扶梯和疏散通道的通过能力模拟测试报告,核验超高峰 小时一列进站列车所载乘客及站台上的候车人员能在 min内全 部疏散至站厅公共区或其他安全区域、公共区乘客人流密度等参 数是否符合乘客疏散和安全运营要求。___
直线站台的站台门,其滑动门门体与车体最宽处的间隙,当车辆采 用塞拉门时,不大于 ,当釆用内藏门或外挂门时,不大于100mm;___
A. 120mm
B. 140mm
C. 160mm
D. 130mm
直线车站站台边缘(或防踏空胶条边缘)与车厢地板面高度处车辆 轮廓线的水平间隙不应大于 ;曲线车站站台边缘(或防踏空胶条 边缘)与车厢地板面高度处车辆轮廓线的水平间隙不应大于180mm。___
A. 120mm
B. 140mm
C. 160mm
D. 100mm
车体垂向、横向加速度传感器安装在转向架中心位置正上方距其 左侧或右侧 位置的车体地板面上,采集车体垂向、横向加速度 数据,测试并计算车辆运行平稳性指标(计算方法见附则);___
A. 1200mm
B. 1400mm
C. 1600mm
D. 1000mm
障碍物探测测试。选择车站一侧站台门,操作站台门端头控制盘, 打开和关闭整侧滑动门 ,确认滑动门能正常打开和关闭;选择其中一 档滑动门,操作门头就地控制盒打开滑动门后,将40mmX40mmX5mm 的标准试块分别放在上、中、下等离地高度来阻挡滑动门,操作门头上的 就地控制盒关闭该滑动门,记录滑动门报警和动作情况;___
城市轨道交通服务质量评价管理办法自 起实施。___
A. 2019年7月1日
B. 2018年7月1日
C. 2017年7月1日
D. 2016年7月1日
城市轨道交通服务质量评价管理办法有效期 年。___
城市轨道交通服务质量评价管理办法由 运输服务司负责解释。 ___
A. 交通运输部
B. 铁道部
C. 2017年7月1日
D. 2016年7月1日
城市轨道交通服务质量评价坚持以乘客为中心,遵循公平、 、公开的原则。___
城市轨道交通服务质量评价坚持以乘客为中心,遵循公平、公正、 的原则。___
城市轨道交通服务质量评价坚持以 为中心,遵循公平、公正、公开的原则。___
城市轨道交通所在地 或者城市人民政府指定的城市轨道交通运营主管部门负责组织开展本行政区域内的城市轨道交通服务质量评价工作。___
A. 城市交通运输主管部门
B. 城市交通运输主管车间
C. 运输交通运输主管部门
D. 轨道交通运输主管部门
城市轨道交通所在地城市交通运输主管部门或者城市人民政府指定的 负责组织开展本行政区域内的城市轨道交通服务质量评价工作。___
A. 城市轨道交通运营主管车间
B. 省交通运输主管车间
C. 城市交通运输分管部门
D. 城市轨道交通运营主管部门
城市轨道交通服务质量评价以 为单位开展。___
城市轨道交通线网的服务质量得分,以城市线网所有线路的服务质量得分按各线路客运量加权 后,再按城市线网规模进行系数调整。___
城市轨道交通运营主管部门应当按年度组织开展服务质量评价工作。新开通运营线路,自 起开展服务质量评价。___
A. 第三年
B. 次年
C. 当年
D. 第五年
城市轨道交通服务质量评价应当依照本办法和部《城市轨道交通服务质量评价规范》要求开展,评价内容包括乘客满意度评价、服务保障能力评价及运营服务关键指标评价 部分。___
城市轨道交通服务质量评价应当依照本办法和部《城市轨道交通服务质量评价规范》要求开展,评价内容包括 、服务保障能力评价及运营服务关键指标评价3个部分。___
A. 乘客满意度评价
B. 乘客服务度评价
C. 服务能力
D. 运营指标
城市轨道交通服务质量评价应当依照本办法和部《城市轨道交通服务质量评价规范》要求开展,评价内容包括乘客满意度评价、 及运营服务关键指标评价3个部分。___
A. 服务保障能力评价
B. 顾客服务度评价
C. 服务能力
D. 运营指标
城市轨道交通服务质量评价应当依照本办法和部《城市轨道交通服务质量评价规范》要求开展,评价内容包括乘客满意度评价、服务保障能力评价及 3个部分。 ___
A. 服务提升能力评价
B. 顾客服务度评价
C. 服务能力
D. 运营服务关键指标评价
应当通过面访调查、网络调查、电话调查等方式开展。 ___
A. 客户服务度评价
B. 乘客服务度评价
C. 乘客公平度评价
D. 乘客满意度评价
乘客满意度评价应当通过 、网络调查、电话调查等方式开展。 ___
A. 邮箱调查
B. 书面调查
C. QQ调查
D. 面访调查
乘客满意度评价应当通过面访调查、 、电话调查等方式开展。 ___
A. 网络调查
B. 书面调查
C. QQ调查
D. 面访调查
乘客满意度评价应当通过面访调查、网络调查、 等方式开展。 ___
A. QQ调查
B. 书面调查
C. 电话调查
D. 邮箱调查
服务保障能力评价应当通过 、资料查阅、数据调取、人员询问、现场测试等方式开展。 ___
A. 总结得出
B. 模拟演练
C. 实地体验
D. 现场投票
服务保障能力评价应当通过实地体验、 、数据调取、人员询问、现场测试等方式开展。 ___
A. 总结得出
B. 资料查阅
C. 模拟演练
D. 现场投票
城市轨道交通运营主管部门应当提前制定评价方案,并及时通知 单位。___
A. 财务
B. 分管部门
C. 运营
D. 地铁
城市轨道交通运营主管部门可以自行或者委托 开展服务质量评价。 ___
A. 外部门
B. 分管部门
C. 运营
D. 第三方机构
评价实施单位应当 、公正、客观地开展服务质量评价。 ___
评价实施单位应当独立、 、客观地开展服务质量评价。 ___
评价实施单位应当独立、公正、 地开展服务质量评价。 ___
运营单位在评价过程中存在提供不实数据、出具虚假资料、干扰正常评价工作等情形的,评价结果 。 ___
服务质量评价工作完成后,评价实施单位应当及时出具 ,并对评价报告负责。___
A. 评价报告
B. 评价结果
C. 评价效果
D. 评价结论
城市轨道交通运营主管部门应于次年 前将年度服务质量评价报告书面报送城市人民政府,并抄送相关部门。 ___
A. 12月底
B. 10月底
C. 2月底
D. 1月底
运营单位在评价过程中存在 、出具虚假资料、干扰正常评价工作等情形的,评价结果无效。 ___
A. 提供不实数据
B. 总结得出
C. 电脑得出
D. 调查
运营单位在评价过程中存在提供不实数据、 、干扰正常评价工作等情形的,评价结果无效。 ___
A. 出具虚假资料
B. 总结得出
C. 电脑得出
D. 调查
运营单位在评价过程中存在提供不实数据、出具虚假资料、 等情形的,评价结果无效。 ___
A. 出具虚假资料
B. 总结得出
C. 干扰正常评价工作
D. 调查
运营单位应当将服务质量评价结果纳入 和人员日常工作评价、考核体系。___
A. 子公司
B. 监管部门
C. 部门
D. 车间
运营单位应当将服务质量评价结果纳入部门和人员日常工作评价、 。___
A. 考核体系
B. 考核机制
C. 考核部门
D. 考核车间
省级交通运输主管部门 可选取辖区内部分城市轨道交通线路开展服务质量评价,加强对城市的监督指导,促进服务质量评价工作规范化开展。 ___
城市轨道交通线路、运营单位和城市线网服务质量评价工作适用 规范。___
A. 城市轨道交通服务质量评价
B. 运输局服务质量评价
C. 客运局服务质量评价
D. 公交分局服务质量评价
Which two permissions are required to migrate a virtual machine with Storage vMotion? (Choose two.)___
A. Network > Move Network
B. Virtual Machine > Inventory > Move
C. Resource > Migrate powered on virtual machine
D. Datastore > Allocate Space
Which are three supported storage requirements for vCenter Server HA? (Choose three.)___
Which are the two network requirements for a VMware vSAN 6.5 cluster? (Choose two.)___
A. Multicast must be enabled on the physical switches and routers that handle vSAN traffic.
B. vSAN requires IPv6 only.
C. All hosts must have a dedicated 40GbE NIC.
D. The vSAN network supported IPv4 or IPv6.
E. vSAN requires IPv4 only.
Which three prerequisites must be in place prior to enabling secure boot for a virtual machine? (Choose three.)___
A. VirtualMachine.Config.Settings privileges
B. an encrypted USB drive
C. Virtual Hardware version 13 or later
D. Virtual Hardware version 12 or later
E. EFI firmware
A user is given the "Virtual machine user (sample)" role in a vSphere 6.x environment. Which three permissions would the user be able to perform? (Choose three.)___
A. Reset a virtual machine.
B. Power on a virtual machine.
C. Move a host into a cluster.
D. Configure CD media.
E. Migrate a virtual machine with Storage vMotion.
Which three are supported upgrade processes for ESXi host? (Choose three.)___
A. using vSphere Auto Deploy
B. using a TFTP server
C. using Update Manager
D. using an
E. SXCLI command
When enabling Storage DRS on a datastore cluster, which three components are enabled as a result? (Choose three.)___
A. Space load balancing among datastore within the datastore cluster.
B. Initial placement for virtual disks based on space and I/O workload.
C. I/O load balancing among datastores within the datastore cluster.
D. Queue Depth alerting on disks within the datastore cluster.
E. Data de-duplication within the datastore cluster.
What are two features introduced in Network I/O Control version 3? (Choose two.)___
A. Bandwidth reservation per traffic type
B. Network resource pools
C. CoS tagging
D. Bandwidth guarantee to virtual machines
Which two correct virtual machine advanced configuration parameters will accomplish this? (Choose two.)___
A. isolation.device.edit.disable = “FALSE”
B. isolation.device.edit.disable = “TRUE”
C. isolation.device.connectable.disable = “FALSE”
D. isolation.device.connectable.disable = “TRUE”
Which three statements are correct regarding booting an ESXi Host from Fibre Channel SAN? (Choose three.)___
A. Direct connect topology is supported.
B. Each host must have its own boot LUN.
C. ESXi hosts do not require local storage.
D. Multipathing to a boot LUN on an active-passive array is supported.
E. Hosts can share one common boot LUN.
Which two tasks should a vSphere administrator perform if the vmkernel log reports VMFS metadata errors? (Choose two.)___
A. contact VMware technical support
B. reformat the datastore
C. check the device with VOMA
D. ignore the messages
Which two statements are true for a vCenterServer user account that is used for vSphere Data Protection (VDP)? (Choose two.)___
A. The user account must be assigned with Administrator role.
B. The password for the user account cannot contain spaces.
C. The user account should be created in the Single Sign-On domain
D. The user account cannot inherit required permissions from a group role.
Which three storage protocols are supported by Virtual Volumes? (Choose three.)___
D. NFS v3
E. NFS v4
A vSphere administrator observes a CPU spike on one of the web servers (view the Exhibit.) Which two statements can describe the cause of this activity? (Choose two.)___
A. The network packet size is too large.
B. VMware Tools is not installed.
C. Disk latency is present on the datastore.
D. The network packet size is too small.
Which three operations can cause VMFS metadata updates? (Choose three.)___
A. Restarting a VM using the guest OS.
B. Launching a VM console.
C. Migrating a VM with vMotion.
D. Powering a VM on or off.
E. Expanding a VMFS datastore.
*What two services run on all nodes in a vCenter Server HA cluster? (Choose two.)___
A. vmware-vmon
B. vmware-vpostgres
C. vmare-rbd-watchdog
D. vmware-vcha
Which two statements are true regarding Auto Deploy in version 6.5? (Choose two.)___
A. Auto Deploy can be configured and managed via PowerCLI.
B. Auto Deploy can be configured and managed via the vSphere Client.
C. Auto
D. eploy can be configured and managed via the vSphere Web Client.
What three options can improve network performance for a virtual machine? (Choose three.)___
C. NetFlow
Which two storage technologies are supported for MSCS? (Choose two.)___
When upgrading a VMware vSAN cluster to version 6.5, which two tasks must be completed to comply with upgrade requirements and VMware-recommended best practices? (Choose two.)___
A. Use RVC to upgrade the hosts.
B. Use the latest available ESXi version.
C. Back up all VMs.
D. Use only the “Full data migration” maintenance mode option.
What two enhancements are in VMFS6 but not in VMFS5? (Choose two.)___
A. Support for 4k native disks
B. Support for 512e disks
C. GPT storage device partitioning
D. Automatic space reclamation
Which two statements describe why a vSphere DRS cluster would report load imbalance? (Choose two.)___
A. The configured migration threshold is too high.
B. The configured migration threshold is too low.
C. DRS is configured for Partially Automated.
D. Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC) is enabled.
A vSphere Administrator must ensure that vCenter Server service is running in a domain user account rather than Local System Account. To accomplish this, the user account should have which two permissions? (Choose two.)___
A. Log on as a service.
B. Act as part of the operating system.
C. Log on as a batch job.
D. Log on locally.
A virtual machine fails to power on after being deployed from a template. What two remediation steps could correct this issue? (Choose two.)___
A. Increase CPU reservation
B. Decrease memory reservation
C. Increase memory reservation
D. Increase datastore capacity
E. Decrease CPU reservation
Which three directories are available under the vcsa-cli-installer folder of the vCenter Server Appliance installation media? (Choose three.)___
A. \mac
B. \ovftool
C. \migration-assistant
D. \win32
E. \lin64
What are three considerations when booting ESXihost from SAN software FCoE? (Choose three.)___
A. The VMware_FCoE_vSwitch that the installer automatically created cannot be changed.
B. Boot LUN cannot be shared with other hosts even on shared storage.
C. Multipathing is not supported at pre-boot.
D. Software FCoE boot configuration cannot be changed from within
E. SXi.
Which two choices are applicable to vSphere Availability? (Choose two.)___
A. Heartbeat Datastores
B. VM Startup/Shutdoown
C. Power Management
D. Admission Control
A user is a member of groups A and B. -VM10 and VM20 are in VM Folder. -Group A is assigned permission “Read-only” on VM Folder. What two configurations will allow the user to edit the settings for only VM10? (Choose two.)___
A. Assign group B permission “virtual machine power user” to VM10.
B. Assign group B permission “virtual machine console user” to VM10.
C. Assign group A permission “virtual machine console user” to VM10.
D. Assign group A permission “virtual machine power user” to VM10.
Which two new vSphere 6.5 features enable an Administrator to locate configuration options when creating or editing host profiles more easily than in previous versions? (Choose two.)___
A. Add the configuration option to favorites.
B. Navigate the option tree.
C. Search for the configuration option.
D. Copy the configuration option from a different profile.
What are the two valid storage controller types for VMs on ESXi 6.5? (Choose two.)___
Which two options can optimize conversion with VMware Converter? (Choose two.)___
A. Disable real-time antivirus scanners.
B. Remove the source from Active Directory.
C. Remove third-party device drivers.
D. Exclude diagnostic partitions from conversion.
E. Disable Volume Shadow Copy (VSS).
vSphere Availability considers which two factors for virtual machine restarts? (Choose two.)___
A. Host Isolation Response
B. file accessibility
C. NUMA node size
D. resource reservations
Which two virtual NICs support Wake-on-Lan to resume a virtual machine that is in standby mode? (Choose two)___
A. Flexible
B. E1000E
C. E1000
D. vmxnet 3
Which two logs should be examined to troubleshoot a Windows vCenter Server upgrade failure? (Choose two.)___
A. vminst.log
B. vim-um-msi.log
C. firstboot.log
D. pkgmgr.log
Which are two supported storage primitives for VAAI NAS? (Choose two.)___
A. Full File Clone
B. Reserve Space
C. hardware assisted locking
D. block zeroing
Which two parameters must be configured for Windows in-guest disk mirroring? (Choose two.)___
A. scsi#.returnNoConnectDuringAPD = “FALSE”
B. scsi#.terminateVMOnPDL = “TRUE”
C. scsi#.returnBusyOnNoConnectStatus = “FALSE”
D. scsi#.returnNoConnectDuringAPD = “TRUE”
Which two items are required to enable NPIV in a virtual machine? (Choose two.)___
A. use of physical RDMs
B. physical HBA support
C. use of virtual disks
D. hardware version 11 or higher
A vSphere Administrator has VM Component Protection (VMCP) enabled, but the VM was not restarted when one of the VMFS datastores experienced an All Paths Down (APD) failure. What two scenarios would explain why the virtual machine was not restarted? (Choose two.)___
A. VM Monitoring is required in order for VMCP to failover during an APD event.
B. VMware Tools is not installed on the guest operating system for the VM.
C. Insufficient Capacity is available on the failover ESXi hosts.
D. The APD failure was corrected before the VM could be restarted.
What are two requirements in order to restore a Resource Pool Tree from a snapshot? (Choose two.)___
A. vSphere DRS must be turned on.
B. A restore can only be performed on a vSphere DRS cluster within the original vCenter Server.
C. vSphere
D. RS must be turned off.
Which three vSphere features are compatible with vSphere Replication? (Choose three.)___
A. vSphere High Availability
B. vSphere Fault Tolerance
C. vSphere Storage