Much of our present physiological knowledge has been found from the experiments and studies on human beings.
Living cells break down glucose and fats to provide energy for other activities, which is called.
The right atriapumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs where it absorbs oxygen from the air.
The nervous system uses electrical signals to transmit information very rapidly to specific cells.
With the level of sodium increasing extracelular fruid. the cardiac muscle cells become too excitable and may contract.
A negative feedback loop is a control system that acts to maintain the level of some variables within a given range following a disturbance
(1)Pharmacodynamics, which is concerned with the study of the biochemical and physiological effects of drugs and their mechanisms of action, Is an experimental medical science.
2)It's unreasonable for a physician to be interested mainly in the effects of drugs on human beings, for the pharmacological evaluation of drugs in them may be limited due to technical, legal, and ethical reasons.
(3) As the effects of drugs are often characterized by significant interspecies variation and may be further modified by disease, clinical pharmacology has never been efibrasized.
The physician is not interested in drugs that are useful in the prevention,diagnosis,and treatment of human disease, but in chemical agents that are commonly responsible for household and industrial poisoning as well as environmental pollution.
(5)A drug is said to be useful in therapy if it has the ability to produce its desired effects with only tolerable undesired effects.
(6)Toxicology deals not only with drugs used in therapy but also with many other chemicals that may be responsible for household, environmental, or industrial intoxication.
1)With the more efficient screening tests and burgeoning knowledge about how a molecules biological activities are likely to be changed, the traditional approach of discovering new drugs has been improved.
2)With the parallel synthesis used to identify which small segment of any given large protein would bind to an antibody, Mario Geysen generated a variety of short protein fragments by combining multiple amino acids in different permutations.
)A parallel synthesis and a split-and-mix synthesis are different in that in a split-and-mix synthesis, all the products are assembled separately n their respective reaction vessels.
4) In many laboratories, robots are used in the routine work of parallel synthesis to deliver small amounts of reactive molecules into appropriate wells, thus making the process more accurate and less tedious.
5) In a parallel synthesis, each compound remains in its own container; while in a split-and-min synthesis, the related ce mpounds are mixed up in the same reaction vessel.
6)In order to solve the difficulties of identifying the compounds made in a parallel synthesis scientists pull out from the mixture the beads that bear biologically active molecules and determine the molecular makeup o d attached.
1)The concentration of a drug in whole plasma is the most accurate index of the drug concentration at the site(s) of action.
(2)It is difficult to measure the total concentration of both unbound and bound drug in total plasma.
(3)The clinical effect of a drug is assumed to be directly related to the plasma drug concentration.
(4) Systemically acting drugs administered by all routes involve the absorption of drug from the place of administration into the blood.
5)Bioavailability of a drug indicates whether a therapeutically effective concentration is achieved at the site(s)of action of that drug.
(6)Prodrugs are not therapeutically effective unless they are changed into therapeutically active forms before or after reaching the systemic circulation
(1)地球表层覆盖着很多圈层,其中最厚的圈层是 ___
A. 岩石圈
B. 水圈
C. 大气圈
D. 生物圈
(2)目前受人类影响最强烈的地球圈层部位主要在大气圈底层、岩石圈上层以及 ___
A. 生物圈表层
B. 生物圈中层
C. 水圈底层
D. 水圈全部
A. 大气圈、水圈和岩石圈的全部
B. 大气圈和水圈的全部、岩石圈的上部
C. 大气圈的底部、水圈和岩石圈的全部
D. 大气圈的底部、水圈的全部和岩石圈的上部
(4)地球上最大的生态系统是 ___
A. 森林生态系统
B. 生物圈
C. 海洋生态系统
D. 城市生态系统
A. 草原
B. 针叶林
C. 沼泽地
D. 热带雨林
(7)地球的表面积总共达到5.1亿平方千米,其中海陆各占的比例大致是 ___
A. 三分海洋七分陆
B. 七分海洋三分陆
C. 四分海洋六分陆
D. 六分海洋四分陆
A. 2%
B. 51%
C. 71%
D. 91%
A. 地形多种多样
B. 山地面积广大
C. 地势平坦,起伏和缓
D. 西高东低 呈阶梯状
A. 森林资源不足
B. 耕地资源不足
C. 水能资源不足
D. 动植物资源不足
(11)北回归线穿过的我国省区自西向东排列正确的是 ①广东 ②广西 ③云南 ④台湾 ___
A. ①②③④
B. ③①②④
C. ③②①④
D. ④①②③
A. 西北和东北
B. 东北和东南
C. 西南和西北
D. 东南和西南
A. 南丰北缺
B. 东北地区缺水最严重
C. 冬春季节少,夏秋季节多
D. 绝大部分地区水资源丰富
A. 山前桃花山后雪
B. 塔里木盆地终年干燥少雨
C. 昆明四季如春
D. 忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开
A. 纬度因素
B. 海陆位置
C. 地形因素
D. 季风
A. 冷热不均
B. 水汽交换
C. 地壳运动
D. 万有引力
A. 查看卫星云图
B. 听天气预报
C. 流览“中国气象在线”网站
D. 阅读空气质量日报
(20)地球上的水主要分布在 ___
A. 海洋中
B. 冰川中
C. 大气中
D. 江河中
对于连接市中心与周边卫星城的线路及开行大站快车线路,平均站间距离大,其最高运行速度应大于( )。 ___
A. 50 km/h
B. 60 km/h
C. 70 km/h
D. 80 km/h
测量现场正矢时,应在好天气下进行,弦线必须拉紧,弦线的两端位置和量尺位置要正确。测量时应在轨距线处量,有肥边应在肥边处量,肥边大于( )时应铲除再量。 ___
A. 2mm
B. 3mm
C. 4mm
D. 5mm
根据测试,当离心加速度在0.4~0.5m/s2时,乘客还能够在车厢内自由走动,而当超过( ) 时就感到行动困难了。 ___
A. 0.5m/s2
B. 0.6m/s2
C. 0.7m/s2
D. 0.8m/s2
为保证行车安全,按《地铁设计规范》规定:实设最大超高,不得大于( )。 ___
A. 100mm
B. 110mm
C. 120mm
D. 130mm
我国规定,允许最大未被平衡欠超高,一般为75mm,特殊情况为( )。 ___
A. 90mm
B. 95mm
C. 100mm
D. 150mm
城市轨道交通的现有运营线,最大外轨超高为( )。 ___
A. 90mm
B. 100mm
C. 110mm
D. 120mm
在困难条件下,车场线上的曲线轨距加宽,允许按不大于( )。递减曲线轨道的最大轨距,应能够确保行车安全,不使之掉道。 ___
曲线段,两股钢轨接头相错量不得超过( )加所采用的缩短轨缩短量的一半。 ___
A. 40mm
B. 50mm
C. 60mm
D. 70mm
规定按线路允许速度检算,未被平衡欠超高不得大于( ),否则应进行调整。 ___
A. 110mm
B. 120mm
C. 130mm
D. 140mm
联络线、出入线的最大坡度不宜大于( )(均不考虑各种坡度折减值) ___
A. 10‰
B. 20‰
C. 30‰
D. 40‰
线路坡段长度不宜小于远期地铁列车长度,并应满足相邻竖曲线间的夹直线长度的要求,其夹直线长度不宜小于( )。 ___
A. 40m
B. 50m
C. 60m
D. 70m
正线的最大坡度不宜大于( )。 ___
隧道内和路堑地段的正线最小坡度不宜小于( )。 ___
地面和高架桥上正线最小坡度为( )。 ___
A. 1‰
B. 2‰
C. 3‰
D. 不受限制
车站站台计算长度段线路应设在( )坡道上。 ___
无缝线路(seamless rail、continuous welded rail)是由许多根标准长度的钢轨焊接成为不小于的长钢轨连续铺设的轨道线路。 ___
A. 300m
B. 400m
C. 500m
D. 600m
温度应力式无缝线路伸缩区长度根据计算确定,一般为( )。 ___
A. 50-100m
B. 40-100m
C. 30-100m
D. 20-100m
无缝线路固定区长度根据线路及施工条件确定,最短不得短于( )。 ___
A. 40m
B. 50m
C. 60m
D. 70m
定期放散温度应力式无缝线路根据当地轨温条件,把钢轨内部的温度应力每年调整放散( )次。 ___
A. 4~5
B. 3~4
C. 2~3
D. 1~2
普通无缝线路因普遍设置缓冲区而使焊接长钢轨的长度限制在( )以内的无缝线路。 ___
A. 1~2
B. 2~3
C. 3~4
D. 4~5
筒放散法是先封锁线路,然后将钢轨扣件全部松开,拆除长轨条端部的接头夹板,在长轨条底部每隔( )放置一滚筒。 ___
A. 5-10m
B. 10-15m
C. 15-20m
D. 20-25m
钢轨伸缩调节器(Expansion Rail Joint)主要用于跨度大于( )的连续梁桥铺设的无缝线路上、以及道岔附近。 ___
A. 90m
B. 100m
C. 110m
D. 120m
单线路基采用梯形路拱,拱高( )。 ___
A. 0.1m
B. 0.15m
C. 0.2m
D. 0.25m
一次修筑的双线路基采用三角形路拱,拱高( )。 ___
A. 0.2m
B. 0.3m
C. 0.4m
D. 0.5m
为设置规定的线路标志和信号标志提供空间路肩宽度不得小于( )。 ___
A. 0.2m
B. 0.3m
C. 0.4m
D. 2m
在路堤坡脚与取土坑间设置的带状地面称为天然护道。护道宽度不得小于( )。 ___
在路堤坡脚与取土坑间设置的带状地面称为天然护道。护道宽度不得小于2m,向外做成( )的斜坡。 ___
A. 1%一2%
B. 2%一4%
C. 3%一5%
D. 4%一6%
通常将贯通的取土坑设置成底部为( )。 ___
A. 1‰一6‰
B. 2‰一6‰
C. 2‰一8‰
D. 1‰一8‰
路基设置中侧沟的深度和底宽均应不小于( )。 ___
A. 0.4m
B. 0.5m
C. 0.6m
D. 0.7m
路基设置中沟底纵向坡度应不小于( )。 ___
路基设置中土质边坡坡度为( )。 ___
A. 1:1-1:1.5
B. 1:1-1:1.5
C. 1:1.5-1:2
D. 1:2-1:2.5
平台宽度根据路堑深度和地层性质等因素确定,一般为( )。 ___
A. 0.5~1.0m
B. 1~1.5m
C. 1.5~2m
D. 2~2.5m
平台宽度根据路堑深度和地层性质等因素确定并向侧沟方向做成( ),便于横向排水。 ___
A. 1%~2%
B. 2%~4%
C. 4%~6%
D. 6%~8%
设置地面排水设施时,横向排水坡一般不小于( )(路拱的高度就是按此横坡确定的),以便迅速排水。 ___
设置地面排水设施时,纵坡不小于( ),不大于( )。 ___
A. 2‰ 8‰
B. 3‰ 9‰
C. 4‰ 10‰
D. 5‰ 12‰
普通排水沟,底宽一般为( ),深度为( )。 ___
A. 0.2m 0.4m
B. 0.4m 0.6m
C. 0.6m 0.8m
D. 0.8m 1m
小桥:长度在( )及以下的桥梁称为小桥。 ___
A. 5m
B. 10m
C. 20m
D. 25m
中桥:长度在( )的桥梁称为中桥。 ___
A. 40m-120m
B. 40m-10Om
C. 20m-120m
D. 20m-10Om
大桥:长度在( )的桥梁称为大桥。 ___
A. 100m-300m
B. 100m-400m
C. 100m-500m
D. 100m-600m
特大桥:长度在( )以上的桥梁称为特大桥。 ___
A. 400m
B. 500m
C. 600m
D. 700m