A. 禁食
B. 腹腔引流
C. 半卧位
D. 补液维持水电平衡
E. 营养支持
A. 5小时内
B. 7小时内
C. 10小时内
D. 12小时内
E. 24小时内
A. 身心休息
B. 低盐饮食、给氧
C. 使用利尿剂
D. 应用扩血管药物
E. 使用洋地黄类药物
A. 1周
B. 3~5天
C. 2~3周
D. 4周
E. 7~10天
A. 妇科内诊
B. 子宫颈活体组织检查
C. 分段诊断性刮宫
D. 子宫颈刮片
E. B超检查
A. 尘肺
B. 脊柱畸形
C. 重症肺结核
E. 肺小动脉栓塞
A. 阴道持续性流液
B. 宫缩时肛诊触不到前羊膜囊
C. 羊水涂片镜检可见羊齿状结晶
D. 阴道排液酸碱试纸检查呈弱酸性
E. 羊水涂片染色可见毳毛
A. 紫外线可致雌激素作用强
B. 紫外线是本病重要诱因
C. 紫外线直接破坏免疫系统
D. 紫外线加重关节骨膜炎
E. 紫外线直接损害皮肤
A. 心源性休克
B. 心律失常
C. 心脏压塞
D. 心力衰竭
E. 急性肺水肿
A. 乳房囊肿
B. 乳管内乳头状瘤
C. 乳腺癌
D. 乳房囊性增生病
E. 乳腺脂肪瘤
A. 双膝稍分开(与肩同宽)
B. 大腿与床面呈45°
C. 胸贴床面,臀部抬起
D. 头偏向一侧
E. 每天做2~3次,每次5~10分钟
A. 3~6个月小儿
B. 8~9个月小儿
C. 10~12个月小儿
D. 1岁以上小儿
E. 任何年龄阶段小儿
A. 漏斗骨盆
B. 扁平骨盆
C. 正常骨盆
D. 横径狭小骨盆
E. 均小骨盆
A. 链球菌感染引起的化脓性炎症
B. 病毒感染引起的非化脓性炎症
C. 多种原因引起的免疫性炎症
D. 急性肾小球肾炎迁延不愈所致
E. 先天遗传性疾病
A. 1~2天
B. 2~4天
C. 3~5天
D. 4~7天
E. 7~10天
A. 对称性
B. 节律性
C. 随意性
D. 极性
E. 缩复作用
A. 病态窦房结综合征
B. 颅内高压
C. 高钾血症
D. 甲状腺功能亢进症
E. 洋地黄中毒
A. 弛张热
B. 稽留热
C. 中等热
D. 间歇热
E. 不规则热
A. 尿量<400ml/d,提示肾衰竭可能
B. 少尿期饮食应取低蛋白
C. 避免使用含钾药物
D. 进入多尿期表示患者已脱离危险
E. 禁用对肾有毒性作用的药物
A. 收缩压<110mmHg,舒张压<80mmHg
B. 收缩压<120mmHg,舒张压<90mmHg
C. 收缩压140~159mmHg,舒张压90~99mmHg
D. 收缩压135~140mmHg,舒张压85~89mmHg
E. 收缩压160~175mmHg,舒张压100~105mmHg
A. 感染
B. 上消化道出血
C. 肝性脑病
D. 肝肾综合征
E. 肝肺综合征
A. 无晨僵
B. 关节无畸形
C. 游走性疼痛
D. 对称性改变
E. 发作性的
A. 全程间歇 性无痛肉眼血尿
B. 间歇无痛初始肉眼血尿
C. 活动后血尿
D. 无痛性中段肉眼血尿
E. 全程肉眼血尿伴疼痛
A. 肝癌结节破裂出血
B. 肝性脑病
C. 继发感染
D. 上消化道出血
E. 腹水
A. 失血性休克
B. 致残
C. 缺血性肌挛缩
D. 发生感染
E. 关节僵硬
A. 螺内酯
B. 氢氯噻嗪
C. 甘露醇
D. 白蛋白
E. 血浆
A. 严格无菌操作
B. 观察并记录引流液的量、颜色、性状
C. 拔管前一日应闭管观察
D. 拔管前做肾盂造影
E. 拔管后向患侧卧位
A. 将病人转移到空气新鲜处
B. 低流量吸氧
C. 人工呼吸
D. 高压氧
E. 换血疗法
A. 干性坏疽
B. 游走性静脉炎
C. 间歇性跛行
D. 静息痛
E. 全身感染中毒症状
A. 腹部包块
B. 绝经后出血
C. 接触性出血
D. 阴道分泌物增多
E. 腹部可扪及包块
A. 新生儿颅内出血
B. 新生儿缺血缺氧性脑病
C. 新生儿胆红素脑病
D. 新生儿化脓性脑膜炎
E. 新生儿破伤风
A. 0.5年
B. 1.5年
C. 5年
D. 2年
E. 3年
A. 进行性贫血、出血、感染及外周全血细胞减少
B. 黄疸、贫血、脾大
C. 发热、贫血、出血、肝脾淋巴结肿大
D. 进行性贫血、出血
E. 感染、出血
A. 快速输液
B. 立即静脉注射麻黄碱15~30mg
C. 改变体位
D. 去甲肾上腺素静点
E. 多巴胺
A. 新鲜血
B. 库存血
C. 白蛋白
D. 血小板
E. 洗涤红细胞
A. 脑血管意外
B. 白内障
C. 视网膜病变
D. 青光眼
E. 虹膜睫状体病变
A. 饮食
B. 使用止痛剂
C. 服用泻药
D. 灌肠
E. 腹腔穿刺
A. 血红蛋白尿
B. 血尿
C. 胆红素尿
D. 乳糜尿
E. 多尿
A. 注射异丙嗪
B. 注射肾上腺素
C. 注射葡萄糖酸钙
D. 口服葡萄糖酸钙
E. 两袋血液之间输入生理盐水
A. 呼吸、循环衰竭,各种深浅反射逐渐消失
B. 烦躁不安
C. 肌肉震颤
D. 神志不清,胡言乱语
E. 有抽搐现象
A. 巴比妥钠、地西泮
B. 洋地黄、奎尼丁
C. 普奈洛尔、回苏灵
D. 强的松、地塞米松
E. 异丙嗪、氯丙嗪
We ___ our breakfast when an old man came to the door.
A. just have had
B. have just had
C. just had
D. had just had
The bridge was named ___ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.
A. after
B. with
C. by
D. from
It wasn’t such a good dinner ___ she had promised us.
A. that
B. which
C. as
D. what
The road now ___two kilometers beyond the river.
A. develops
B. extends
C. expands
D. widens
It was claimed that the level of alcohol in the man’s blood was ___ to cause an accident.
A. sufficient
B. adequate
C. enough
D. accurate
Medical care reform has become this country’s most important public health ___.
A. question
B. stuff
C. matter
D. problem
His retail business in the city___ rapidly between the wars.
A. enlarged
B. extended
C. widened
D. expanded
Many frogs ___ the sound of their voice using special sacs(囊) in their throat.
A. amplify
B. widen
C. expand
D. enlarge
Some old people don’t like pop songs because they cannot ___ so much noise.
A. resist
B. sustain
C. tolerate
D. undergo
I have kept that portrait where I can see it every day, as it always ___ me of my university days in London.
A. recollects
B. reminds
C. recalls
D. invokes
The article suggests that when a person is under unusual ___ he should be especially careful to have a well-balanced diet.
A. weight
B. stress
C. press
D. nerve
You should hire a more ___ manager than the one you currently have.
A. sufficient
B. effective
C. respective
D. efficient
Surgeons began to ___ their hands and arms with soap and water before operating.
A. scrub
B. enhance
C. rub
D. exhibit
He might let something ___ in a moment of weakness.
A. slip
B. leak
C. to slip
D. to leak
Do not ___ the salad until you are ready to serve.
A. mix
B. toss
C. fling
D. eat
The ___ for which he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him.
A. aims
B. objectives
C. subjects
D. goals
You should pause and ___ now.
A. tweet
B. ponder
C. squander
D. gossip
Eating too much fat can ____heart disease and cause high blood pressure.
A. contribute to
B. attribute to
C. attest to
D. devote to
It soon ___ that what she loved was not my person but my wealth.
A. widened
B. expanded
C. extended
D. developed
I want to buy a new tie to ___ this brown suit.
A. go into
B. go after
C. go with
D. go through
Our company decided to ___ the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met.
A. destroy
B. resist
C. assume
D. cancel
My first ___ was to turn and run.
A. institute
B. institution
C. instinct
D. tuition
I think it’s time I ___ in a new computer.
A. invested
B. insulted
C. interacted
D. impacted
The jeweler will ____ the inside of the ring with her name.
A. carve
B. engrave
C. cut
D. engross
He was bleeding from a _____ on his forehead.
A. lash
B. gash
C. ash
D. sash
Let us go to the next ______ on the agenda.
A. matter
B. debate
C. speech
D. item
They are _____ moving their office outside London.
A. considered
B. discussing
C. pondering
D. negotiating
Although she _____ the old pot thoroughly, she could not make it look completely clean.
A. scrubbed
B. washed
C. made
D. screwed
The mistake will remain an indelible ____ on his memory.
A. stain
B. thing
C. issue
D. accident
The wheel ____ through my frozen hand, and the car went right across the road.
A. slipped
B. sipped
C. dashed
D. disappeared
The cupboard was ____ with old fishing tackle.
A. stuffed
B. stocked
C. stored
D. filled
The decision depended on the ____ of a coin.
A. loss
B. lot
C. toss
D. sign
Teaching can be a tiring and ____ job.
A. meaningless
B. stressed
C. rewarded
D. stressful
The building is partly a museum and partly a private ____.
A. place
B. area
C. community
D. residence
Stop ______ your foot.
A. tossing
B. wiggling
C. exhibiting
D. reviewing
It was a bloody ___ between the two armies.
A. rebellion
B. encounter
C. meet
D. fight
They conferred on the best way to ______ business.
A. extend
B. adjust
C. expand
D. adopt
We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so let’s have ____ one this month.
A. another
B. the other B. more D. other
I decided to go to the library as soon as I ____.
A. finish what I did
B. finished what I did
C. would finish what I was doing
D. finished what I was doing
The speaker, ______ for her splendid speeches, was warmly received by the audience.
A. having known
B. being known
C. knowing
D. known