数控机床的几何精度综合反映了机床各关键零部件及其组装后的几何 误差 ___
X 轴运动方向对工作台面的平行度检测超标,应进行 调整 ___
A. 工作台底面滑枕配合面的铲刮
B. 工作台面的铲刮
C.X 轴导轨面的铲刮 D.X 轴导轨镶条面的铲刮 13060.数控系统的机械误差补偿是指补偿 的误差 ___
A. 进给传动链存在间隙和变形
B. 进给传动存在的反向间隙
C. 滚珠丝杆存在间隙
D. 进给传动链存在间隙 13061.数控系统在工作中由于切削力太大,使机床过载引起空气开关跳闸,排除这种故障最好
的办法是 ___
A. 调整切削参数
B. 更换空气开关
C. 更换线路
D. 更换电源模块
为提高加工中心静动刚度,基础大件通常采用 结构 ___
A. 封闭箱式
B. 加强筋
C. 倾斜
D. 大板
对于孔系加工要注意安排加工顺序,安排得当可避免 而影响位置精度 ___
A. 反向间隙
B. 定位误差
C. 重复定位误差
D. 不重复定位误差
质量分析是通过 的分析来确定合格与不合格产品 ___
C.零件的尺寸 D.刀具磨损尺寸 13066.在下列几种平面度误差的评定方法中,只有 符合平面度误差的定义,其余均是近似的评定方法 ___
A. 最小区域法:包容实际表面距离为最小的两平行平面间的距离作为平面度误差值
B. 最大直线度法:以被测平面上各测量截面内的最大直线度误差作为平面度误差值
C. 三点法:以被测平面上相隔最远的三个点组成的理想平面作为评定误差的基准面,来计算平面度误差
D. 对角线法:以通过被测平面上的一条对角线且与另一条对角线平行的理想平面为评定基准来计算平面度误差
当对平面度误差值的评定结果有争议时,若没有特殊说明,则应以 作为仲裁的评定方法 ___
A. 最小区域法
B. 三点法
C. 最大直线度法
D. 对角线法
测量基准是指工件在 时所使用的基准 ___
C.系统插补运算错误 D.反向间隙超差 13070.机床精度可分为:静态精度、 、热态精度 ___
A. 动态精度
B. 常温精度
C. 加工精度
D. 检测精度
某加工中心进行镗孔时,所镗出的孔与其基准的相互位置度有误差,但未产生孔的形状误差,造成这种误差的原因可能是 ___
A. 机床导轨的导向误差
B. 机床传动误差
C. 机床主轴的纯径向跳动
D. 机床主轴的纯轴向跳动
对于万能工具显微镜描述正确的是 ___
A. 它可用极坐标测量
B. 它有 X、Y、Z 三个方向读数器
C.它不能测圆弧直径 D.它是电子显微镜 13073.立式铣床主轴与工作台面不垂直,用横向进给铣削会铣出 ___
A. 斜面
B. 平行或垂直面
C. 凹面
D. 凸面
在全闭环数控系统中,位置反馈量是 ___
A. 机床的工作台位移
B. 进给电机角位移
C. 主轴电机转角
D. 主轴电机转速
采用完全互换法装配可以保证 的预订精度 ___
纠正措施是要 ___
A. 消除不合格的原因
B. 消除不合格
C. 处置不合格品
D. 惩治错误
劳动合同分为固定期限劳动合同、无固定期限劳动合同和 的劳动合同 ___
A. 以完成一定工作任务为期限
B. 临时劳动合同
C. 不定时合同
D. 定时合同
提高劳动生产率的措施,必须以保证产品 为前提,以提高经济效益为中心 ___
A. 质量
B. 数量
C. 经济效益
D. 美观
在剖视图中,同一零件即使被其它零件分隔开,也应保持剖面线方向和 相同 ___
机器或部件的名称、性能、规格、 和工作原理是看装配图的要求之一 ___
数控机床电气接线图中的各项目,如部件、元件等,一般采用 表示 ___
A. 简化外形
B. 矩形
C. 圆形
D. 正方形
从标题栏了解部件名称,可反映 的功能 ___
数控机床电路图的布置基本上是 ___
A. 输入端在左,输出端在右
B. 输入端在右,输出端在左
C.输入端、输出端都在左 D.输入端、输出端都在右 13087.在分析进给伺服系统爬行故障产生的原因时,下列说法不正确的是 ___
A. 伺服电机不转
B. 接线端子接触不良
C. 负载大
D. 导轨润滑不良
数控机床其它部位运行正常,主轴驱动电动机不转,原因有可能是 ___
A. 主轴能使信号不通
B. 位置环增益系数调整不当
C. 电源缺相
D. 电流过小
图形属于 的功能单元 ___
A. 电气框图
B. 电气接线图
C. 电气原理图
D. 电气装配图
数控机床运行过程中出现液压油液位过低报警,但检查油箱液位正常,最有可能的原因是 ___
A. 检测液位的传感器故障或线路断开
B. 油液严重泄漏
C. 油液太脏
D. 滤油器堵塞
在下列数控机床定期维护内容中,检查周期为每天的有 ___
A. 电气柜通风散热装置
B. 更换直流电机碳刷
C. 清洗油箱
D. 更换主轴轴承润滑脂
在数控程序中,G00 指令命令刀具快速到位,但是在应用时 ___
A. 必须有地址指令
B. 不需要地址指令
C. 地址指令可有可无
D. 视程序情况而定 13093.机床加工时,如进行圆弧插补,规定的加工平面默认为 (A)A.G17 B.G18
进给功能字 F 后的数字表示 ___
A. 每分钟进给量
B. 每秒钟进给量
C. 每转进给量
D. 螺纹螺距
在 G90/G91 G10 L11 P R:中 P 所表示的是 ___
C.工件坐标系 D.变更刀具补偿量方式 13096.常用数控系统一般通过地址 S 和其后面的数字来控制机床 的速度 ___
A. 主轴
B. 程序运行
C. 进给轴
D. 刀库回转
液体中单位面积上的液体力称为液体压强,用 表示 ___
单活塞杆液压缸的有杆腔和无杆腔的有效工作面积不等,当压力油以相同的压力和流量分别进入缸的两腔时,活塞在两个方向的速度和 不相等 ___
在液压传动系统中用来控制工作液体流动 的液压元件,总称为方向控制阀 ___
液压控制阀的板式连接通过 组成一定的控制回路 ___
A. 连接板
B. 法兰
C. 非标准
D. 英制
泵 ___
A. 齿轮泵
B. 叶片泵
C. 柱塞泵
D. 电液泵
A. 46320
B. 46200
C. 46840
D. 46280
A. 46320
B. 46200
C. 46840
D. 46280
A. 700
B. 600
C. 800
D. 200
A. 700
B. 600
C. 800
D. 200
A. 300
B. 100
C. 400
D. 200
A. 30%
B. 40%
C. 50%
D. 60%
A. 400
B. 450
C. 550
D. 650
How did the speaker feel about his childhood? ___
A. Alone.
B. Happy.
C. Sad.
D. Interesting.
Which is NOT mentioned when the speaker curled up in a chair? ___
A. Reading fairytales and myths.
B. Daydreaming.
C. Writing poems.
D. Listening to music.
What kind of person was the speaker’s grandma? ___
A. Often critical, judgmental.
B. Very strict.
C. Easygoing.
D. Successful.
When was the speaker’s first conscious memory of feeling different? ___
A. Fourth grade.
B. Fifth grade.
C. First grade.
D. Second grade.
Which is NOT included in the speaker’s inner world? ___
A. Reading books.
B. Writing.
C. Watching TV.
D. Daydreaming.
What does integrity mean? ___
A. You do what you do because it's fashionable.
B. You do what you do because it's politically correct.
C. You do what you do because it's right.
D. You do what you do because somebody asked you to.
Is there cheating in World Cup? ___
A. It's none.
B. It's rare.
C. It's some.
D. It's popular.
Which one of the following situations is NOT mentioned for making us upset? ___
A. Some reward we thought we deserved has been denied us.
B. Some man we helped has proved ungrateful.
C. Some man we believed to be a friend has betrayed us.
D. Some woman we believed to be a friend has spoken ill of us.
In which year the Tour of France was hit by a drug-taking scandal? ___
A. In 1996.
B. In 1997.
C. In 1998.
D. In 1999.
Cheap fake products are everywhere except ___
A. clothes.
B. cut-price DVDs.
C. cut-price CDs.
D. cosmetics.
What should we do after exercise? ___
A. Stretch the muscles.
B. Have a sleep.
C. Maintain high body temperature.
D. Take a shower.
What shouldn’t we wear when we exercise? ___
A. Properly fitted sportswear.
B. Well-fitted sneakers.
C. Tight pants.
D. Sports bra for women.
Which of the following is NOT good for health? ___
A. Training with a friend.
B. Slack off a fitness regimen.
C. Keep our body hydrated.
D. Take small sips every few minutes.
What does the speaker do? ___
A. Public relations consultant.
B. Home cook.
C. Website administrator.
D. Writer.
Which is NOT included in the speaker’s favorite breakfasts? ___
A. Egg.
B. Prosciutto.
C. Papaya.
D. Cabbage.
When do the students start learning Chinese? ___
A. Since kindergarten
B. Since elementary school
C. Since middle school
D. Since high school
When can the students continue studying Chinese? ___
A. In elementary school and middle school.
B. In middle school and high school.
C. In high school and university
D. After the university.
How many American students are currently learning Chinese? ___
A. About 22,000
B. About 24,000
C. About 44,000
D. About 2,400
How much did the Defense Department give Oregon schools? ___
A. $70,000
B. $1.3 million
C. $700,000
D. $1.3 billion
What’s Isabel Weiss’s purpose of learning Chinese? ___
A. For fun
B. For more opportunities for jobs
C. For more opportunities of making money
D. For more opportunities for promotions
What ability do the standardized tests reward to? ___
A. Think.
B. Create.
C. Quickly answer superficial questions.
D. Above all.
In what ways the IQ scores can be changed? ___
A. Training.
B. Nutrition.
C. More friendly people administered the test.
D. Above all
What do schools focus on? ___
A. Concepts.
B. Science.
C. Social Studies.
D. Foreign languages.
Why tests and standards are a necessary fact of life? ___
A. They protect us from hazardous products.
B. They protect us from inept drivers.
C. They protect us from shoddy professionals.
D. Above all.
How many percent did the scores on statewide tests rise? ___
A. 4%.
B. 14%.
C. 40%.
D. None.
What was the woman’s reaction when she was nominated? ___
A. She was surprised at the nomination.
B. She was calm at the nomination.
C. She was indifferent to the nomination.
D. She was scared of the nomination.
According to the woman, who paid for her trip to San Francisco? ___
A. Her trip to San Francisco was sponsored by the Academy.
B. Her trip to San Francisco was paid for by her company.
C. Her trip to San Francisco was paid for by her family.
D. Her trip to San Francisco was paid for by herself.
What is the name of George Miller’s new movie? ___
A. Happy Feeling.
B. Happy Dancing.
C. Happy Foot.
D. Happy Feet.
Which name is not mentioned in the film? ___
A. Nicole Kidman.
B. Hugh Jackman.
C. George Clooney.
D. Robin Williams.
Which of the following statement is not true about “Life in the Freezer”? ___
A. It was a documentary film.
B. It was made by National Geographic and the BBC.
C. It was a story of the amazing life of Emperor penguins.
D. The
E. mperor penguin sang to each other to find a mate and made friends.
What should you do during a high-pressure periods? ___
A. Lock yourself in a room with your work.
B. Leave your work and go on a vocation.
C. Tell your boss you can’t finish your work.
D. Get together with people who will revitalize and inspire you.
Which of the following is the correct description of TempWorld? ___
A. The era of guaranteed jobs is history.
B. We are all temporary workers.
C. You have to equip yourself with the skills.
D. All of the above.
What should a career activist do? ___
A. Being a career activist means concentrating on daily business.
B. Being a career activist means you can do a business as long as it meets your short-term needs.
C. A career activist should take the long view of his career.
D. A career activist should plan everything in advance.