Q1: Why was the girl excited?___
A. She is going to have a lot of vanilla ice  cream .
B. She won the spelling competition at her  school .
C. She is going to the state capital for a  competition .
D. She "excellence"correctly,but others didn't .
Q2: What happened when the man was 13 years old?___
A. His family moved to Sacramento to settle  down .
B. His family bought him a new suit and a  new tie .
C. He went to Sacramento for a spelling  competition .
D. He won the first prize in the state spelling  competition .
Q3: Why did the man’s mom give him a big hug?___
A. To make him feel better after he lost the  first prize .
B. To apologize for not buying him some ice  cream .
C. To wish him good luck in the next  competition .
D. To congratulate him on winning the first  prize .
Q4: What color is the girl going to wear for her next competition?___
A. Red .
B. Blue .
C. Green .
D. Yellow .
Q1: What is this passage mainly about?___
A. Superstitions and science .
B. Tips on how to have good luck .
C. Superstitions in the United States .
D. Rational and superstitious societies .
Q2: According to the passage, what is considered as bad luck?___
A. Walking under a ladder .
B. Dreaming of a black cat .
C. Hanging a mirror in the house .
D. Stepping on one's own shadow .
Q3: Why is it considered bad luck to see a black cat crossing one’s path?___
A. Because black cats look like witches . e witches .
B. Because black cats were thought to be witches .
C. Because black cats bring seven years of bad luck .
D. Because black cats are hard to notice in darkness .
Q4: According to the passage, what will bring people good luck?___
A. Breaking a mirror on purpose .
B. Catching a falling leaf on one's birthday .
C. Finding a on the ground and picking it up .
D. Dreaming of blowing out the candles in one blow .
Q1: How long will the woman spend on her way to and from work by high-speed train?___
A. 4 hours .
B. 2 hours .
C. 1.5 hours .
D. 45 minutes .
Q2: When does the woman arrive back home by subway?___
A. At 8 .
B. At 7 .
C. At 6 .
D. At 5 .
Q3: According to the woman, in what way will the new high-speed train be a big help to her?___
A. She can either read or rest a little on the  train .
B. She can read and respond to emails onthe  train .
C. She can travel to many different parts of  the city .
D. She can go shopping on her way home  from work .
Q4: How will the new high-speed train affect the man?___
A. He can take the train to the old part of the  city .
B. He can save a lot of money when he takes  the train .
C. He can save 20 minutes to go to work with  the train .
D. He can take the train to the airport instead  of driving .
Q1: How much time on average do Americans spend on their way to work?___
A. About an hour .
B. More than an hour .
C. About half an hour .
D. More than one and a half hours .
Q2: What is the present situation about Americans’ commuting to work?___
A. More and more Americans spend over an  hour getting to work .
B. Over 10 percent of Americans spend less  than an hour getting to work .
C. Only New York people spend more than  90 minutes getting to work .
D. Over 10 percent of Americans spend more  than 90 minutes getting to work .
Q3: Why does Steven choose to have an extreme commute?___
A. Because gas prices are not high .
B. Because the commute is not tiring .
C. Because he can attend a better school .
D. Because he can have his favorite lifestyle .
Q4: Which of the following is the disadvantage of long commutes?___
A. Traffic jams .
B. Expensive housing .
C. Poorer life quality .
D. A tiring and boring trip .
Q1: What did Katy like about Jason’s last Halloween party?___
A. She liked playing an interesting game .
B. She enjoyed seeing many of her old friends .
C. She enjoyed wearing her Halloween costume .
D. She liked the decorations in Jason's front yard .
Q2: What is the actual reason that Katy doesn’t want to attend Jason’s party?___
A. None of her friends likes Jason .
B. None of Jason's guests is young .
C. She wants to go to Linda's party ..
D. She went to Jason's party last year .
Q3: What is special about Linda’s party?___
A. The party will last four hours .
B. Six people will attend the party .
C. They will have huge bags of candy .
D. They will play a new game called "GuessWho ".
Q4: What will Katy do to solve her problem?___
A. Go to Jason's party .
B. Go to Linda's party .
C. Attend both Jason's and Linda's parties .
D. Celebrate Halloween with her parents .
Q1: What is special about this year’s Black Friday shopping?___
A. Some stores offered bigger holiday discounts .
B. Some stores provided more choices of nightlife.
C. Some stores made efforts to attract young people .
D. Some stores opened much earlier than they used  to .
Q2: Why did some stores open at midnight on Thanksgiving night?___
A. To attract young customers .
B. To beat other stores for sale.
C. To let people sleep late the next day .
D. To keep people stay up for the night .
Q3: How many Black Friday shoppers were reported to go to the shops at midnight this year?___
A. 24 percent .
B. 37 percent .
C. 9.5 percent .
D. 23.5 percent .
Q4: What can we learn about the 15-year-old Jenny?___
A. She and her cousins went back home at midnight .
B. She liked the traditional 4 a.m. Black Friday.
C. She preferred midnight shopping to early  morning shopping .
D. She and her cousins got up very early to buy  discounted items .
Q1: Why did the woman decide to do a triathlon?___
A. Because she did it in college .
B. Because she wanted to be tough .
C. Because her sister did it and liked it .
D. Because her sister said it was good for her .
Q2: When did the man first do a triathlon?___
A. Last year .
B. In college .
C. Last week .
D. In high school .
Q3: How does the man feel about running?___
A. Boring.
B. Scaring .
C. Exciting .
D. Interesting .
Q4: Why doesn’t the woman like swimming in the triathlon?___
A. Because she fears that a big fish might eat  her .
B. Because she fears that she would get lost in  lakes .
C. Because she doesn't want to scare away  small fishes .
D. Because she doesn't like swimming with  many people .
Q1: What is the ratio of positive to negative emotions that can make a person happier?___
A. 1:3.
B. 3 :1.
C. 1 :10 .
D. 10 :1.
Q2: What is the most exciting finding about increasing positive emotions?___
A. It improves relationships .
B. It leads to greater success .
C. It helps develop creativity .
D. It contributes to good health .
Q3: What does the speaker say about negative feelings?___
A. People should turn every negative feeling  around .
B. Negative feelings can sometimes have  positive effects .
C. Negative feelings often cause people to  make mistakes .
D. People should never show negative feelings  in public places .
Q4: What is the main idea of the passage?___
A. People should learn to manage their  emotions .
B. People should be patient with their  negative feelings .
C. People should learn to analyze causes of  unhappiness .
D. People should identify as many positive  feelings as possible .
Q1: What are the man and woman talking about?___
A. Whether nature is magical and kind .
B. Whether nature is powerful and full of risks .
C. Whether Christopher was well prepared for the trip .
D. Whether Christopher's trip to Alaska was  worthwhile .
Q2: What can we learn about Christopher?___
A. He made a film about his trip to Alaska .
B. He wrote a story about his trip to Alaska .
C. He died while having an adventure in Alaska .
D. He learned how powerful and risky Alaska was .
Q3: What does the woman think about Christopher taking the trip to Alaska?___
A. He was too foolish .
B. He was really romantic .
C. He had a very kind heart .
D. He had a spirit for trying things .
Q4: Which of the following is NOT mentioned as something that would have saved Christopher’s life?___
A. A gun to hunt .
B. The map of the area .
C. Emergency food supplies .
E. mergency communication equipment .
Q1: What speed can an avalanche reach within five seconds of taking off?___
A. At 8 miles an hour .
B. At 18 miles an hour .
C. At 80 miles an hour .
D. At 88 miles an hour .
Q2: According to the passage, under what circumstances may an avalanche occur?___
A. There are too many layers of snow on the  .
B. There is a layer of snow covering an entire  area .
C. The top layer of snow slides off the layer  below it .
D. The layer of snow below the surface  becomes unstable .
Q3: What are skiers advised to do to avoid being caught in an avalanche?___
A. Ski only in the official ski areas .
B. Look for solid snow to walk on .
C. Look out for each other while skiing .
D. Learn to control themselves in an  avalanche .
Q4: Why does the ski patrol use explosives?___
A. To dig holes in the snow .
B. To close the area for skiing .
C. To make an avalanche move on purpose .
D. To' check how different layers are holding  up .
Q1:What is conversation mainly about?___
A. The woman's happy college life the  man's doubt .
B. The woman's spending habits and the  man's concerns .
C. The man's reminding the woman of the  exam this Thursday .
D. The man's support for the woman over the  past 15 years .
A. 膀胱
B. 直肠
C. 精囊腺
D. 盆膈
E. 尿生殖膈
A. 精索内筋膜
B. 精索外筋膜
C. 壁腹膜
D. 腹横筋膜
E. 腹壁浅筋膜
A. 输精管
B. 输尿管
C. 附睾管
D. 前列腺排泄管
E. 精囊腺排泄管
A. 子宫底
B. 子宫体
C. 子宫颈阴道上部
D. 子宫颈阴道部
E. 阴道
A. 食管以上的消化道
B. 胃以上的消化道
C. 十二指肠以上的消化道
D. 空肠以上的消化道
A. 牙
B. 舌
C. 腭扁桃体
D. 舌乳头
A. 颧弓下约二横指处
B. 上颌第一磨牙处的颊黏膜
C. 舌下阜
D. 上颌第二磨牙处的颊黏膜
A. 上壁为腭
B. 可分为口腔前庭和固有口腔两部分
C. 侧壁为唇
D. 下壁为舌及封口底的软组织
A. 轮廓乳头
B. 叶状乳头
C. 丝状乳头
D. 菌状乳头
A. 牙包括牙冠、牙颈、牙根和牙龈
B. 牙由釉质和牙质构成
C. 牙内的腔隙称牙腔,内容牙髓
D. 牙周组织包括牙质、牙槽骨和牙周膜
A. 牙冠、牙根、牙颈
B. 牙本质、牙质、牙髓
C. 牙槽骨、牙釉质
D. 牙周膜、牙槽骨、牙龈
A. 鼻咽部后壁
B. 鼻咽部侧壁
C. 口咽部后壁
D. 口咽部侧壁
A. 鼻后孔
B. 鼻咽部
C. 口咽部
D. 咽峡
A. 穿膈食管裂孔处
B. 与左支气管交叉处
C. 与右支气管交叉处
D. 近贲门处
A. 胃小弯
B. 胃大弯
C. 幽门表面
D. 幽门与十二指肠之间
A. 大部分位于腹区
B. 小部分位于左季肋区
C. 贲门约在第11胸刚椎的右侧
D. 幽门约在第1腰椎的右侧
A. 可分为四部,均系腹膜外位
B. 十二指肠上部位于第一腰椎右侧
C. 十二指肠呈“C”字型包绕胰头
D. 十二指肠空肠曲借Tez韧带固定
A. 上部
B. 降部
C. 水平部
D. 升部
A. 空肠管径较细
B. 回肠管壁较厚
C. 空肠无集合淋巴滤泡
D. 回肠粘膜邹襞密而高
A. 幽门窦
B. 角切迹
C. 十二指肠悬肌
D. 十二指肠大乳头
A. 十二直肠上部
B. 降部
C. 十二指肠纵襞上端
D. 十二指肠大乳头
A. 位于右下腹
B. 有集合淋巴滤泡
C. 占小肠全长3/5
D. 动脉弓级数少
A. 脐与右髂嵴连线的中1/3交点处
B. 脐与右髂前上嵴连线的中、外1/3交点处
C. 脐与右髂嵴连线的中、外1/3交点处
D. 脐与右髂前上嵴连线的中、内1/3交点处
A. 盲肠、结肠
B. 结肠、直肠
C. 盲肠、直肠
D. 直肠、肛管
A. 分为盆部和会阴部
B. 后面邻骶、尾骨
C. 有凸向前的骶曲
D. 有凸向后的会阴曲
A. 肛门内、外括约肌同属于平滑肌
B. 上续直肠,下至肛门
C. 肛柱的下端彼此借黏膜皱襞相连
D. 肛柱与肛柱下部围成的凹陷,称肛窦
A. 肛柱
B. 肛窦
C. 肛梳
D. 直肠横襞
A. 齿状线
B. 肛梳
C. 白线
D. 肛柱
A. 肝固有动脉左右支
B. 肝门静脉左右支
C. 肝静脉左右支
D. 肝左右管、神经和淋巴管
A. 肝圆韧带
B. 镰状韧带
C. 静脉韧带
D. 肝蒂
A. 肝上界与膈穹窿一致
B. 肝下缘与右肋弓一致
C. 剑突下可触到但不超过3cm
D. 成年人的肋弓下能触到肝但不超过2cm
A. 由肝左、右管汇合而成
B. 行于肝胃韧带内
C. 与胰管汇合共同开口于十二肠大乳头
D. 位于十二指肠降部的前面
A. 产生胆汁
B. 有浓缩胆汁作用
C. 胆囊颈续以胆总管
D. 体表投影是由胆囊体确定
A. 是人体内大消化腺之一
B. 可分头、体、尾三部
C. 可分泌胰液及胰岛素
D. 胰液及胰岛素经胰管排入十二指肠降部
A. 胆囊
B. 胆囊管
C. 副胰管
D. 肝总管
A. 位于肝的脏面,左纵沟前部
B. 一般为腹膜间位器官
C. 其体表投影为右旁正中线与右肋的交接处
D. 可分泌浓缩胆汁
A. 由左、右肝管汇合而成
B. 由胆囊管与肝总管汇合而成
C. 是胆囊管的直接延续
D. 由肝总管与胰管汇合而成
A. 门静脉
B. 肝静脉
C. 肝总动脉
D. 肠系膜上动脉
A. 沿结肠旁沟寻找
B. 打开网膜囊寻找
C. 沿小肠系膜寻找
D. 沿结肠带向盲肠端寻找
A. 为浆膜结构
B. 分壁腹膜和脏腹膜
C. 为一密闭腔隙
D. 有防御功能