Q2: According to the passage, what is considered as bad luck?___
A. Walking under a ladder .
B. Dreaming of a black cat .
C. Hanging a mirror in the house .
D. Stepping on one's own shadow .
Q3: Why is it considered bad luck to see a black cat crossing one’s path?___
A. Because black cats look like witches . e witches .
B. Because black cats were thought to be witches .
C. Because black cats bring seven years of bad luck .
D. Because black cats are hard to notice in darkness .
Q4: According to the passage, what will bring people good luck?___
A. Breaking a mirror on purpose .
B. Catching a falling leaf on one's birthday .
C. Finding a on the ground and picking it up .
D. Dreaming of blowing out the candles in one blow .
Q1: How long will the woman spend on her way to and from work by high-speed train?___
A. 4 hours .
B. 2 hours .
C. 1.5 hours .
D. 45 minutes .
Q2: When does the woman arrive back home by subway?___
A. At 8 .
B. At 7 .
C. At 6 .
D. At 5 .
Q3: According to the woman, in what way will the new high-speed train be a big help to her?___
A. She can either read or rest a little on the train .
B. She can read and respond to emails onthe train .
C. She can travel to many different parts of the city .
D. She can go shopping on her way home from work .
Q4: How will the new high-speed train affect the man?___
A. He can take the train to the old part of the city .
B. He can save a lot of money when he takes the train .
C. He can save 20 minutes to go to work with the train .
D. He can take the train to the airport instead of driving .
Q1: How much time on average do Americans spend on their way to work?___
A. About an hour .
B. More than an hour .
C. About half an hour .
D. More than one and a half hours .
Q2: What is the present situation about Americans’ commuting to work?___
A. More and more Americans spend over an hour getting to work .
B. Over 10 percent of Americans spend less than an hour getting to work .
C. Only New York people spend more than 90 minutes getting to work .
D. Over 10 percent of Americans spend more than 90 minutes getting to work .
Q3: Why does Steven choose to have an extreme commute?___
A. Because gas prices are not high .
B. Because the commute is not tiring .
C. Because he can attend a better school .
D. Because he can have his favorite lifestyle .
Q4: Which of the following is the disadvantage of long commutes?___
A. Traffic jams .
B. Expensive housing .
C. Poorer life quality .
D. A tiring and boring trip .
Q1: What did Katy like about Jason’s last Halloween party?___
A. She liked playing an interesting game .
B. She enjoyed seeing many of her old friends .
C. She enjoyed wearing her Halloween costume .
D. She liked the decorations in Jason's front yard .
Q2: What is the actual reason that Katy doesn’t want to attend Jason’s party?___
A. None of her friends likes Jason .
B. None of Jason's guests is young .
C. She wants to go to Linda's party ..
D. She went to Jason's party last year .
Q3: What is special about Linda’s party?___
A. The party will last four hours .
B. Six people will attend the party .
C. They will have huge bags of candy .
D. They will play a new game called "GuessWho ".
Q4: What will Katy do to solve her problem?___
A. Go to Jason's party .
B. Go to Linda's party .
C. Attend both Jason's and Linda's parties .
D. Celebrate Halloween with her parents .
Q1: What is special about this year’s Black Friday shopping?___
A. Some stores offered bigger holiday discounts .
B. Some stores provided more choices of nightlife.
C. Some stores made efforts to attract young people .
D. Some stores opened much earlier than they used to .
Q2: Why did some stores open at midnight on Thanksgiving night?___
A. To attract young customers .
B. To beat other stores for sale.
C. To let people sleep late the next day .
D. To keep people stay up for the night .
Q3: How many Black Friday shoppers were reported to go to the shops at midnight this year?___
A. 24 percent .
B. 37 percent .
C. 9.5 percent .
D. 23.5 percent .
Q4: What can we learn about the 15-year-old Jenny?___
A. She and her cousins went back home at midnight .
B. She liked the traditional 4 a.m. Black Friday.
C. She preferred midnight shopping to early morning shopping .
D. She and her cousins got up very early to buy discounted items .
Q1: Why did the woman decide to do a triathlon?___
A. Because she did it in college .
B. Because she wanted to be tough .
C. Because her sister did it and liked it .
D. Because her sister said it was good for her .
Q2: When did the man first do a triathlon?___
A. Last year .
B. In college .
C. Last week .
D. In high school .
Q3: How does the man feel about running?___
A. Boring.
B. Scaring .
C. Exciting .
D. Interesting .
Q4: Why doesn’t the woman like swimming in the triathlon?___
A. Because she fears that a big fish might eat her .
B. Because she fears that she would get lost in lakes .
C. Because she doesn't want to scare away small fishes .
D. Because she doesn't like swimming with many people .
Q1: What is the ratio of positive to negative emotions that can make a person happier?___
A. 1:3.
B. 3 :1.
C. 1 :10 .
D. 10 :1.
Q2: What is the most exciting finding about increasing positive emotions?___
A. It improves relationships .
B. It leads to greater success .
C. It helps develop creativity .
D. It contributes to good health .
Q3: What does the speaker say about negative feelings?___
A. People should turn every negative feeling around .
B. Negative feelings can sometimes have positive effects .
C. Negative feelings often cause people to make mistakes .
D. People should never show negative feelings in public places .
Q4: What is the main idea of the passage?___
A. People should learn to manage their emotions .
B. People should be patient with their negative feelings .
C. People should learn to analyze causes of unhappiness .
D. People should identify as many positive feelings as possible .
Q1: What are the man and woman talking about?___
A. Whether nature is magical and kind .
B. Whether nature is powerful and full of risks .
C. Whether Christopher was well prepared for the trip .
D. Whether Christopher's trip to Alaska was worthwhile .
Q2: What can we learn about Christopher?___
A. He made a film about his trip to Alaska .
B. He wrote a story about his trip to Alaska .
C. He died while having an adventure in Alaska .
D. He learned how powerful and risky Alaska was .
Q3: What does the woman think about Christopher taking the trip to Alaska?___
A. He was too foolish .
B. He was really romantic .
C. He had a very kind heart .
D. He had a spirit for trying things .
Q4: Which of the following is NOT mentioned as something that would have saved Christopher’s life?___
A. A gun to hunt .
B. The map of the area .
C. Emergency food supplies .
E. mergency communication equipment .
Q1: What speed can an avalanche reach within five seconds of taking off?___
A. At 8 miles an hour .
B. At 18 miles an hour .
C. At 80 miles an hour .
D. At 88 miles an hour .
Q2: According to the passage, under what circumstances may an avalanche occur?___
A. There are too many layers of snow on the .
B. There is a layer of snow covering an entire area .
C. The top layer of snow slides off the layer below it .
D. The layer of snow below the surface becomes unstable .
Q3: What are skiers advised to do to avoid being caught in an avalanche?___
A. Ski only in the official ski areas .
B. Look for solid snow to walk on .
C. Look out for each other while skiing .
D. Learn to control themselves in an avalanche .
Q4: Why does the ski patrol use explosives?___
A. To dig holes in the snow .
B. To close the area for skiing .
C. To make an avalanche move on purpose .
D. To' check how different layers are holding up .
Q1:What is conversation mainly about?___
A. The woman's happy college life the man's doubt .
B. The woman's spending habits and the man's concerns .
C. The man's reminding the woman of the exam this Thursday .
D. The man's support for the woman over the past 15 years .
Q2:What did the woman do last night?___
A. She bought a new leather coat .
B. She studied very hard for an exam .
C. She treated all her friends to dinner .
D. She went to a concert with her friends .
Q3:Where did the woman get the money?___
A. She just received her student loan .
B. She saved some money for herself .
C. She borrowed the money from her friends .
D. She asked her mom to send her the money .
Q4:What is the man?___
A. A teacher of biology .
B. An undergraduate student .
C. A freshman in biology class .
D. A graduate teaching assistant .
Q1: What is this passage mainly about?___
A. How businesses can compete with each other .
B. How small businesses operate during holidays .
C. How small businesses manage holiday workers .
D. How can earn more money during holidays .
Q2: According to Rubin, what can small companies do to thank holiday workers?___
A. Have talks with their families .
B. Give them good extra benefits .
C. Offer them expensive holiday tokens .
D. Show appreciation to them face to face .
BB038 计算机保护中的变换器将输入的电流、电压的最大值变换成计算机设备所允许的___。
A. 最大允许值
B. 最大电流值
C. 最大电压值
D. 最大工作值
BB038 计算机保护中A/D转换器的作用是将输入的模拟电压变换为以一定电压为基准,与输入电压___的数码。
A. 成比例
B. 相等
C. 相同
D. 同相位
B039 变电所综合自动化系统是将变电所的二次设备利用计算机技术、现代通信技术,经过功能组合和优化设计,对变电所执行___、测量、控制和协调的一种综合性的自动化系统。
A. 自动启动
B. 自动监视
C. 自动保护
D. 自动通信
BB039 变电所综合自动化系统按___形式可以分为多种。从国内外变电站综合自动化系统的发展过程来划分,可分为集中式、分布式和分散(层)分布式3种。
A. 软件结构
B. 整体结构
C. 分布结构
D. 硬件结构
BB039 综合自动化变电所为满足远方监控信息量大、传输可靠、实施性强的要求,通信系统采用___系统。
A. 数字微波
B. 通信光缆
C. 数字微波通信及光纤
D. 现代卫星定位
BB040 计算机监控系统应具有远动RTU功能,其功能模块(单元)必须完成___功能,并且功能指标和( )应满足调度自动化系统的总体要求。
A. “四遥”;通信速率
B. “三遥”;通信速率
C. “四遥”;信息量
D. “三遥’’;信息量
BB040 综合自动化变电所对继电保护的要求是:实时向监控系统传送保护主要状态,如___、输入量值以及保护动作信号。
A. 开关模拟量
B. 开关遥测量
C. 功能投入情况
D. 开关遥信量
BB040 综合自动化变电所数据采集量包括:状态量、模拟量、___和数字量。
A. 控制量
B. 脉冲量
C. 启动量
D. 信号量
BB041 后台机监控系统具有事故追忆功能,可追忆事故发生前,___及发生后6 s.内负荷变化和电压变化情况,并形成事故报表。
A. 3 s
B. 4 s
C. 5 s
D. 6 s
BB041 综合自动化变电所前台机主要巡视检查内容有:液晶显示是否正常,液晶循环显示___与实际一次值、压板状态、当前定,值区是否相符。
A. 开关
B. 母线
C. 遥信量
D. 遥测量
BB041 综合自动化变电所前、后台机核对的主要内容包括“远方/就地’’、弹簧储能、___、各保护投停位置及重合闸信号等是否正确。
A. 设备位置
B. 时钟状态
C. 母线电压
D. 告警信号
BCO01 在值班期间,需要移开或越过遮栏时,___。
A. 必须有领导同志在场
B. 必须先停电
C. 必须有监护人在场
D. 必须持有第一种工作票
BCO01 在值班期间,运行人员巡视高压设备时___。
A. 一般由2人进行
B. 值班员可以干其他工作
C. 发现问题可以随时处理
D. 必须持有操作票
BCO01 有人值班的变电站内,指示仪表应每___记录1次。
A. 1 h
B. 2 h
C. 4 h
D. 0.5 h
BC0 0 2 交接班过程中发生事故和紧急操作,均由___处理。
A. 接班人
B. 交班人
C. 技术员
D. 所长
Bc002 接班人员接班前___内不准酗酒。
A. 4 h
B. 6 h
C. 8 h
D. 10 h
BC002 仪器、工具、材料、消防器材等设施应在___时进行检查。
BC003 对于验收后投运的变压器和大修后变压器应进行___冲击试验。
BC003 新建及修试后的设备需要投运时,___是设备验收投运前的最后检查人。
A. 运行人员
B. 修试人员
C. 技术人员
D. 工作人员
BC003 新装投运的断路器在投运后___内每小时巡视1次。
A. 4 h
B. 6 h
C. 8 h
D. 24 h
BC004 变电站缺陷处理率按季度应在___以上。
A. 75%
B. 80%
C. 85%
D. 90%
BC004 发现设备缺陷后,___。
A. 若是严重缺陷则做好记录
B. 若是一般缺陷不一定记录
C. 若是一般缺陷不必汇报
D. 无论何种缺陷均应做好记录和汇报
BC004 下列___属于一般电气设备缺陷。
A. 断路器漏油
B. 触点过热变色
C. 液压机构泄压
D. 套管破裂
BC005 在一般情况下对蓄电池进行定期充放电过程中,___加水。
A. 允许
B. 不允许
C. 冒气泡后
D. 放电以后
BC005 变电所SF6设备工作区空气中的SF6气体含量(体积分数)不得超过___。
A. 500 uL/L
B. 800 uL/L
C. 1000 uL/L
D. 1500 uL/L
BC005 直流母线电压应保持在___范围内。
A. 200×(1±1 0%)V
B. 220×(1±10%)V
C. 200×(1±5%)V
D. 220×(1±5%)V
BC006 变电所的定期运行分析___进行1次。
BC006 变电所的专题分析___。
A. 按指导布置进行
B. 2个月1次
C. 6个月1次
D. 根据运行情况不定期进行
BC006 针对系统或本所出现的突发性事故、异常、障碍,应组织进行___。
A. 反事放演习
B. 事故预想
C. 定期运行分析
D. 专题运行分析
BC007 在有效接地系统中,变电所的接地装置发生不对称短路时,其最大跨步电压发生在___地带。
A. 接地网的中心
B. 接地网的中间
C. 接地网边缘
D. 短路点周围
BCO07 巡视检查变压器时听到不均匀的“嗡嗡"电磁声,___。
A. 说明变压器运行正常
B. 可能是铁芯的穿心螺丝松动
C. 说明变压器绕组间有击穿现象
D. 说明变压器铁芯击穿
BC007 设备接头处涂有相色漆,在巡视时发现相色漆颜色___,说明设备过热。
A. 变深,漆皮裂开
B. 变浅,漆开始熔化
C. 更加明显,并有易湿现象
D. 不变
A. 完好设备
B. 良好设备
C. 优良设备
D. 不可运行设备
BC008 变电站的设备评定级所确定的设备完好率是电力企业管理的___。
A. 重要内容
B. 水平反映
C. 主要考核指标之一
D. 一般工作
BC00 9 在停电的设备上装设接地线前,应先进行___。
BC009 倒闸操作必须持操作票进行,严禁只凭记忆,不核对电气设备___就进行操
A. 名称和编号
B. 运行状况
C. 设备位置
D. 开关用途
394B.C009 变压器停运时应党断开___侧开关,后断开电源侧开关。
BC010 如果操作任务需要改变所用变运行方式,___设备操作前应先完成倒所用变操作,并在倒闸操作票中、设置检查项,以确保可靠的( )。
A. 低压;交流工作电源
B. 低压;直流工作电源
C. 高压;交流工作电源
D. 高压;直流工作电源~
BC010 当变压器回路无断路器时,允许用隔离开关拉、合空载电流不超过,___的变压器。
A. 1 A
B. 2 A
C. 3 A
D. 5A
BC011 110 kV母线充电应用___完成充电操作。
A. 母联开关
B. 主变开关
C. 带充电保护的母联开关
D. 带充电保护的主变开关