A. 安抚、
B. 疏散、
C. 转运、
D. 救治
列车工作人员发现或接到反映车辆下部有___、(ABCD )、(ABCD )、(ABCD )上下振动声、连续磨擦声等异音的通知时,应立即采取紧急停车措施,由司机向列车调度员报告。
局管内组织换乘:有本局其它客运段担当的到达折返站列车,可由担当段向本局___提出申请,由客调通报(AB ),组织具备条件的其它客运段乘务人员换乘。
A. 客调
B. 客运处
C. 客运段
D. 运输处
高铁列车晚点信息发布和宣传工作,跨局列车信息由___负责,管内列车信息由(AC )负责。
A. 运输局运营部
B. 总公司客管处
C. 铁路局客运处
D. 铁路局运输处
A. 黄色冰雪预警
B. 红色冰雪预警
C. 蓝色冰雪预警
D. 接触网结冰预警
A. 组织落实乘务人员岗位防火责任制
B. 加强消防安全管理考核
C. 采取多种方式向旅客宣传防火安全知识
D. 组织查堵易燃易爆危险品
E. 负责客车消防设备、灭火器材的配备和维护管理。
旅客列车班组义务消防队下设___、(ACD )、灭火组、(ACD )、警戒组。
A. 指挥组
B. 宣传组
C. 疏散组
D. 抢救组
旅客列车班组义务消防队,由___任队长,(ABC )或(ABC )任副队长,
A. 列车长
B. 乘警长
C. 随车机械师
D. 司机
动车组列车:指由若干___和(AC )的车辆以固定编组组成、两端设有司机室的一组列车。
A. 带动力
B. 动车
C. 不带动力
D. 拖车
出、入动车所前,由___、(AD )对上部服务设施状态进行检查,办理一次性交接;
A. 车辆
B. 机务
C. 餐饮人员
D. 客运人员
A. 烟雾报警器
B. 应急照明灯
C. 防火隔断门
D. 紧急门锁
A. 工作时间
B. 数量
C. 规格
D. 额定功率
对不能修复的设备问题,由___与(BD )共同确认,在《动车组固定服务设施状态检查记录》(辆动-12)上签字,终到入所前,随车机械师、列车长各持一份,车体入库维修。
A. 司机
B. 列车长
C. 乘警
D. 随车机械师
发生烟火报警时,___、(ACD )和(ACD )根据司机通知立即到报警车厢查实确认,查看指定车厢的客室、卫生间,随车机械师重点查看电气设备。
A. 随车机械师
B. 司机
C. 列车长
D. 乘警
若确认因吸烟等非火情导致烟火报警时,由___做好恢复处理,(ABC )依法调查处理;未配备乘警的,由(ABC )向公安指挥中心汇报,交公安部门处理。
A. 随车机械师
B. 乘警
C. 列车长
D. 司机
开车后、到站前对车厢进行巡视;运行途中,列车长每隔___巡视一次车厢,乘务员每隔(BD )巡视一次车厢,
A. 2h
B. 1h
C. 45min
D. 30min
车厢、卫生间内有___标志, 电茶炉有(ABCD )标志, 车门内侧有“(ABCD )”及“(ABCD )”标志等。
A. 禁烟
B. 安全
C. 紧急开门说明
D. 禁止倚靠
开车前,列车长(ABCD重联时为运行方向前组列车长)确认站方___、(ABCD )、(ABCD )和(ABCD )完毕后,通知司机或随车机械师关闭车门。
A. 开车铃响结束
B. 旅客乘降
C. 高铁快件
D. 餐车物品装卸
A. 车内秩序
B. 环境良好
C. 无闲杂人员
D. 霸座卖座
发现旅客携带品可疑及无人认领的物品时,配备乘警的列车通知___到场处理;未配备乘警的列车由(BC )处理,对危险品做好登记、保管及现场处置,并交前方停车站(BC公安部门)处理。
A. 随车机械师
B. 乘警
C. 列车长
D. 司机
发现行为、神情异常旅客时,重点关注,配备乘警的列车通知___到场处理;未配备乘警的列车由(AB )处理,情形严重时交列车运行前方停车站处理。
A. 乘警
B. 列车长
C. 随车机械师
D. 司机
A. 乘务员室
B. 监控室
C. 多功能室
D. 司机室
A. 位置统一
B. 安装牢固
C. 型号一致
D. 齐全醒目
A. 服务备品
B. 型号
C. 材料
D. 质量
A. 洗手液
B. 托盘
C. 热水瓶
D. 一次性硬质塑料水杯
动车组商务座车有耳塞、___、鞋套、(ABCD )和专项服务项目单、(ABCD )、免费读物。
A. 靠垫
B. 一次性拖鞋
C. 清洁袋
D. 服务指南
动车组商务座车提供___,就餐时提供(ABD )。
A. 小毛巾
B. 餐巾纸
C. 一次性手套
D. 牙签
A. 广告
B. 清洁袋
C. 免费读物
D. 服务指南
动车组特、一、二等座车有___;特、一等座车座椅有(ABD )。
A. 座椅套
B. 头枕片
C. 靠枕
D. 头枕
动车组餐车有___售货车、(ABCD )。备有餐巾纸、牙签。
A. 座椅套
B. 托盘
C. 热水瓶
D. 一次性硬质塑料水杯
A. 洗手液
B. 芳香盒
C. 抽纸
D. 擦手纸
厕所内有___和水溶性好的(ABCD ),座便器有(ABCD ),小便池内放置芳香球。
A. 芳香盒
B. 卫生纸
C. 擦手纸
D. 一次性座便垫圈
卧车被芯、枕芯先加装___,再使用(ABC )。包裹套定期清洗,保持干燥整洁。
__________ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Saturday. ___
A. But for
B. As for
C. In spite of
D. Because of
Cars moved very slowly in the 1920s, but they ______move more quickly than in 1910.___
A. were to can
B. did
C. will
D. can
The little girl needs __________ after her shock. ___
A. being comforted
B. be comforted
C. comforting
D. comforted
The __________ horse ran away from the fire.___
A. having frightened
B. frightening
C. frightened
D. frighten
He is __________ of an actor. ___
A. anybody
B. anything
C. somebody
D. something
You can take ______ seat you like. ___
A. no matter what
B. no matter which
C. what
D. whichever
He changed his name, _____ that nobody would find out what he had done before. ___
A. having thought
B. to think
C. thinks
D. thinking
----- _______is your English teacher? ----- The one in red. ___
A. who
B. which
C. what
D. where
Can you give me a light for my cigarette? I have ____my matches.___
A. got out of
B. got rid of
C. got away with
D. run out of
Then the speaker __________ the various factors leading to the present economic crisis.___
A. went for
B. went after
C. went into
D. went on
I know Jonathan quite well and never doubt_____ he can do a good job of it___.
A. whether
B. that
C. when
D. what
I'm afraid it ______ tomorrow, but who knows?___
A. may have rained
B. might rain
C. would rain
D. ought to rain
He has spent ____money on his new house.___
A. a large number of
B. the number of
C. lots of
D. numbers of
This is the hotel __________ I like to stay.___
A. in which
B. at which
C. to which
D. at that
Would you mind keeping a(n)__________on the house for us while we are away?___
A. eye
B. /look
C. hand
D. view
He suggested the sports meet be _______because of the bad weather. ___
A. put away
B. put up
C. put down
D. put off
If the weather is __________ suitable, we will play the football match on Tuesday. ___
A. by means of
B. by any means
C. by no means
D. by all means
_____________is one of the five working languages at U.N. , which _______ are very proud of.___
A. The Chinese, the Chinese
B. Chinese language, Chinese
C. Chinese, the Chinese
D. Chinese language, the Chinese
The war lasted so long that people were tired of it. Everyday there was large crowds of demonstrators _____against the war.___
A. protecting
B. prescribing
C. protesting
D. prosecuting
Tom is so talkative. I’m sure you'll soon get tired ________ him.___
A. of
B. with
C. at
D. on
He ________ driving me home, even though I told him I lived nearby.___
A. insisted on
B. insisted at
C. insisted that
D. insisted in
We came finally ______ the conclusion that she has been telling lies all the time.___
A. of
B. into
C. to
D. at
I am not used to speaking ________ public.___
I didn’t know what to do, but then an idea suddenly ________to me.___
A. appeared
B. happened
C. occurred
D. emerged
Measles (麻疹) ________ a long time to get over.___
A. spend
B. spends
C. take
D. takes
A pair of spectacles ________ what I need at the moment.___
A. is
B. are
C. has
D. have
I fell and hurt myself while I ________ basketball yesterday.___
A. was playing
B. am playing
C. play
D. played
Don't forget _________ the window before leaving the room.___
A. to have closed
B. to close
C. having closed
D. closing
Twenty people were______ wounded in the air crash.___
A. quickly
B. wrongly
C. bitterly
D. seriously
The top of the Great Wall is ________ for five horses to go side by side.___
A. wide
B. so wide
C. wide enough
D. enough wide
Nancy is considered to be _________ the other students in her class.___
A. less intelligent
B. the most intelligent
C. intelligent as well
D. as intelligent as
She is not only my classmate __________ also my good friend.___
A. or
B. but
C. and
D. too
I would like to do the job ________ you don't force me to study.___
A. in case
B. although
C. though
D. as long as
__________ she survived the accident is miracle.___
A. What
B. That
C. As
D. Which
I often see _________ the road on his way home.___
A. he cross
B. him cross
C. him crossed
D. he crossing
The workers are busy __________ models for the exhibition.___
A. to make
B. with making
C. being making
D. making
The higher the temperature, __________ the liquid evaporates.___
A. the faster
B. the more fast
C. the slower
D. the more slower
Australia is one of the few countries ___________ people drive on the left of the road.___
A. which
B. that
C. where
D. on which
The grey building is the place where the workers live, and the white building is the place where the spare parts _________ .___
A. are producing
B. are produced
C. produced
D. being produced
Once environmental damage ___________, it takes many years for the system to recover.___
A. is to do
B. does
C. had done
D. is done