I tried my best to drive inside in order to avoid the edges that might make me ___ the steep slope.
A. slip down
B. settle down
C. bring down
D. turn down
When the driver heard that there was a bomb on the bus, he immediately ___ to the side of the highway and radioed the police.
A. put out
B. took off
C. pulled over
D. slipped off
She was very ___ to become a manager in our customers’ office, but finally accepted our offer.
A. eager
B. intelligent
C. ridiculous
D. reluctant
In the race, it looked as if he would be the first, but then another young man who was close behind him put on speed and ___ by a few seconds.
A. beat him for it
B. beat him to it
C. beat him up
D. beat it to him
It is really helpful to have someone like you that we can ___ and count on during difficult times.
A. lean on
B. get to
C. hang on
D. get by
Women have a greater ability to ___ names with faces than men do, and they are also better at recalling lists.
A. associate
B. compare
C. engage
D. involve
He was always ready to help others and managed to ___ his friends ____being hurt.
A. expose … to
B. confine …to
C. restrict … from
D. shield … from
Older people are less likely to be ___ their negative emotions (情绪) and more likely to focus on the positive.
A. reserved for
B. caught up in
C. beat up to
D. counted on
I don’t have any bandage, so I have to ___ pressure to the wound to keep the bleeding down.
A. apply
B. involve
C. fulfill
D. establish
It is important that whichever candidate (候选人) is picked the loser should accept the defeat ___.
A. in advance
B. with great pride
C. with good grace
D. in large part
___ that new homes cost more than older homes, but that is not true across the country anymore.
A. It used to be
B. It is used to be
C. It used to being
D. It is used to being
The boss ___ his employees to work longer hours as the company is dreadfully short of staff at present.
A. called on
B. signed up
C. cared for
D. set up
The president’s visit and ___ discussions led to a plan that aimed to improve the trade relations between the two countries.
A. emerging
B. subsequent
C. consequent
D. Submerging
The author ___ his general idea mainly through statistics and results obtained from a survey (调查) about auto customer services in the United States.
A. assumes
B. engages
C. illustrates
D. represents
People in this town starved, several buildings were bombed and crime ___ because you had to steal to eat.
A. eroded
B. reflected
C. released
D. soared
Olympic recognition for bodybuilding (健美) remains ___ since some argue that bodybuilding is not a sport because the actual contest does not involve the same sort of efforts as “real” sports.
A. controversial
B. conventional
C. characteristic
D. influential
Tom tried to justify his absence from the meeting by ___ that he had been ill that day.
A. admitting
B. advocating
C. claiming
D. citing
___ the huge financial benefits, biological companies have been rushing to set up laboratories and new research projects.
A. Aware
B. Aware of
C. Not aware
D. Not aware of
Unfortunately, ___ lack of funds, the studies he began just two months ago, had to be ended early.
A. out of
B. in addition to
C. owing to
D. to begin with
With a good command of English, he soon got ___ to working with British people.
A. accustomed
B. consistent
C. relevant
D. responsible
What needs to be ___ here is that language and culture interact, and that understanding of one requires understanding of the other.
A. altered
B. stressed
C. aroused
D. committed
Policies and organizations must be created to meet workers’ hopes, and to ___ new problems that inevitably arise between workers and managers.
A. compromise
B. ensure
C. undermine
D. resolve
To keep the wheels of industry turning, we produce consumer goods in endless quantities, and, in the process, are rapidly ___ our natural resources.
A. ignoring
B. collapsing
C. enduring
D. exhausting
As a person who loves peace, he is committed ___ realizing peace between countries.
A. of
B. about
C. for
D. to
Learning how to use chopsticks is easy for me, ___ learning how to conduct myself at the table is quite difficult.
A. whereas
B. however
C. therefore
D. besides
___ that the patient smokes 50 cigarettes a day, it would be reasonable to assume there is some lung damage.
A. To give
B. Giving
C. Given
D. Having given
Kenyan (肯尼亚的) women tend to vote for those who could provide them ___ the necessary food to live on.
A. of
B. with
C. for
D. about
___ all obstacles and failures, the scientist continued doing his experiments day and night.
A. In spite of
B. In contrast to
C. As a matter of
D. As a result of
I’m willing to ___ that a larger car would have cost more, but I still think we should have bought one.
A. withdraw
B. indicate
C. abandon
D. concede
Manufacturing (制造) companies spend millions of pounds on advertisements, trying to ___ customers that their products are better than those of other companies.
A. confine
B. convince
C. depress
D. reconcile
He is not the right person for the project: he is not very technically minded and ___, he does not have the sense of responsibility.
A. instead
B. yet
C. furthermore
D. nevertheless
Death rates declined in many places, partly because of the ___ in hunger.
A. decrease
B. myth
C. obstacle
D. burden
In deciding whether or not a situation is safe, pilots must be taught to assume that the worst will happen, and then to ___ whether there is a risk or not.
A. absorb
B. apply
C. assess
D. occupy
The worker was not worried as he knew that if he gave up the job, there would be ___ opportunities for him to work somewhere else.
A. formative
B. marginal
C. vigorous
D. numerous
The research shows the region might ___ overheating (经济过热), but the policymakers so far appear to be relatively relaxed about the future of the economy.
A. catch a glimpse of
B. be at risk of
C. take a toll on
D. be free from
Measures have been taken to ensure that no student will have to ___ of college for economic reasons.
A. lay out
B. cancel out
C. drop out
D. stand out
Stress that is not treated can lead to significant medical illnesses, which ___ can lead to greater stress and even depression (抑郁症).
A. after all
B. in turn
C. on the contrary
D. at least
Narcissism (自恋) has its benefits in terms of self-belief and confidence, but it also tends to be ___ risky decision-making.
A. associated with
B. contrasted with
C. reserved for
D. relieved of
When Tom saw his doctor again, she suggested that maybe a more substantial lunch, like a sandwich, might ___ his desire to have snacks in the afternoon.
A. count on
B. cut back on
C. hold on to
D. contribute to
You shouldn’t ___ – let your children make their own decisions.
A. interact
B. abuse
C. startle
D. interfere
This is a huge and difficult project and if you take it up, you ___ many difficulties.
A. like to encounter
B. like encountering
C. are likely to encounter
D. are like to encounter
挖掘作业施工现场应根据需要设置护栏、盖板和警告、警示标志,夜间应悬挂( )警示。[1分] ___
进入金属管道、容器或狭小空间内作业,照明灯具应具有防爆功能并使用不超过( )V的安全电压。[1分] ___
当班调度应根据上游气源条件、下游用户需求等,调控管网的( )。[1分] ___
A. 压力和温度
B. 温度和流量
C. 压力和流量
D. 压力和流速
《中华人民共和国石油天然气管道保护法》对石油天然气管道的保护适用是限于( )[1分] ___
A. 城镇燃气的管道
B. 中华人民共和国境内及境外的管道
C. 中华人民共和国境内的管道
D. 城镇炼油、化工等企业厂区内的管道
患有心脏病、( )、严重贫血、恐高症、癫痫等不适宜高处作业的人员不允许进行脚手架搭拆作业。[1分] ___
A. 高血压
B. 高血糖
C. 糖尿病
D. 以上都不对
一张工作票工作负责人允许变更( )次。[1分] ___
《安全生产法》第六十二条规定,安全监督管理部门对违法生产、储存、使用、经营、运输的危险物品的作业场所予以( ),并依法作出处理决定。[1分] ___
A. 扣押
B. 查封
C. 关闭停
D. 纠正或者要求限期改正
所有工作开始前,( )应向工作班全体成员进行安全交底。[1分] ___
A. 工作签发人
B. 工作监护人
C. 工作负责人
D. 工作许可人
管道企业在紧急情况下进行管道抢修作业 ,可以先行使用他人土地或者设施 ,但应当及时告知土地或者设施的()和()。[1分] ___
A. 所有权人
B. 使用权人
C. A 和 B 均正确
D. A 和 B 均不正确
工作票应一式( )份,填写应正确清楚,不得任意涂改。[1分] ___
二级动火作业许可证有效期一般不得超过( )小时。[1分] ___
输气管道设备设施停运操作必须按照先切断进气侧、再切断出气侧和先切断( )、再切断()的顺序进行。[1分] ___
A. 近设备设施侧 远设备设施侧
B. 远设备设施侧 近设备设施侧
C. 近设备设施侧 设备设施侧
D. 设备设施侧 远设备设施侧
一类、二类工作和应急类工作开始和结束后,相关站场工作许可人均应向( )及时报告。[1分] ___
A. 调度部门
B. 站场或线路工作许可部门
C. 技术质量部
D. 安全监察部
中控系统维护作业前,应确认调度中心所辖所有站场、阀室的控制权限在( );[1分] ___
A. 中心站或值守站
B. 调度中心
C. 无人驻守站
D. 有人值守站
巡线时应重点检查穿越管道( )和( )地面有无明显变化、跨越管道本体有无异常变化等。[1分] ___
A. 起点、终点
B. 起始点、终点
C. 入土点,出土点
D. 上方,下方
在金属容器内进行焊接工作,容器外应设专人监护,监护人与焊工距离应保持( )[1分] ___
A. 1m内
B. 1.2m内
C. 1.3m内
D. 在对方视力或听力范围内
如遇有( )以上大风不宜进行动火作业,特殊情况需动火时,应采取围隔措施。[1分] ___
A. 3级
B. 4 级
C. 5 级
D. 6级
电缆竖井、电缆层(室)内有充足的照明,有防火、防水、( )的措施[1分] ___
《安全生产法》第五十条规定,生产经营单位的从业人员有权了解其作业场所和工作岗位存在的危险因素、防范措施及( )。[1分] ___
A. 劳动用工情况
B. 安全技术措施
C. 安全投入资金情况
D. 事故应急措施
作业过程中需进行工艺隔离,由( )操作做好相关工艺隔离;若不能有效隔 离,各项补充安措落实后,须由运行人员全程现场监护。[1分] ___
A. 检修人员
B. 监护人员
C. 运行人员
D. 线路人员
当发现( )时,不得靠近泄漏点,应设法快速切断气源,并立即报告站场负责人和调度部门。[1分] ___
A. 大量泄漏
B. 微量泄漏
C. 泄漏
D. 漏气
支路切换、计量比对等操作时严格执行 ( )的原则,待备用支路投运并稳定运行后在运支路方可退出运行或关闭原在运阀门[1分] ___
A. 先开后关
B. 先关后开
C. 边开边关
D. 不开不关
不法分子在盗、抢原油中因不慎所导致自身受到伤害 ,由谁负责 ?( )[1分] ___
A. 国家
B. 本人
C. 被盗企业
D. 本人所在单位
管道的规划、建设应当符合管道保护的要求 ,遵循的原则。 ( )[1分] ___
A. 节能
B. 高效
C. 节约用水
D. 安全、环保、节约用地和经济合理
仪表检定应由( )的人员操作,保证量值传递准确、可靠、统一。[1分] ___
A. 有“三种人”资质
B. 有检定资质
C. 经过三级安全教育
D. 通过安全考试
天然气生产设施宜布置在人员相对集中和有明火产生场所的全年最小频率风向的 ( )。[1分] ___
A. 侧风向
B. 下风侧
C. 上风侧
D. 顺风向
变压器检修前应启动()供电,确认发电机运行平稳、正常带载后再断开变压器()开关。[1分] ___
A. UPS 低压侧
B. UPS 高压侧
C. 发电机 低压侧
D. 发电机 高压侧
签发后的工作票需增加工作项目或变更安全措施的,应向( )报告并经同意后,重新填写新的工作票。[1分] ___
A. 工作许可人
B. 签发人
C. 工作负责人
D. 现场监护人
仪表检定应由有( )操作,保证量值传递准确、可靠、统一。[1分] ___
A. 技术人员
B. 运行人员
C. 检定资质的人员
D. 检修人员
管道所在区域发生地质灾害时,应及时设置 ( ),并划定警示范围,禁止人员进入,防止发生次生灾害;[1分] ___
A. 警示牌
B. 警示带
C. 临时警示牌
D. 监控设备
管道企业应( )进行一次本规程的考试。[1分] ___
A. 每六个月
B. 每两年
C. 每年
D. 每三年
在脚手架作业前和作业过程中应根据需要设置安全通道和隔离区,隔离区应设置( ),禁止在安全通道上堆放物品。[1分] ___
A. 安全警示带
B. 告示牌
C. 警戒标志
D. 专人看管
《安全生产法》把加强事前预防、强化隐患排查治理作为一项重要内容,纳入法律规范,对生产经营单位未采取措施消除事故隐患的,不仅对单位处10万元以上50万元以下的罚款,还对其( )处2万元以上5万元以下的罚款。[1分] ___
A. 直接负责的主管人员
B. 直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员
C. 主要负责人
D. 其他直接责任人员
电焊机一次线(搭铁线)长度应小于( )m。[1分] ___
( )负责对工作现场不定期监督检查,重点检查与运行有交叉的现场作业。发现违章作业应及时制止。[1分] ___
A. 工作负责人
B. 工作许可人
C. 工作监护人
D. 工作签发人
受理并批准一、二类工作申请,明确计划工作开始和结束时间,是()的安全职责。[1分] ___
A. 工作签发人
B. 工作负责人
C. 值班调度
D. 工作监护人
在未办理工作票终结手续之前,()将该设备设施投入运行。[1分] ___
A. 经工作许可人批准
B. 经调度批准
C. 经工作签发人批准
D. 不准
一级动火作业同一作业人员连续作业不能超过( )小时。[1分] ___
流量计算机和流量计重启作业前,( )应记录设备累积量底数,以免重启后累计流量丢失。[1分] ___
A. 运行人员
B. 检修人员
C. 厂家
D. 技术人员
中控系统维护作业前,调度中心值班人员和输气站场人员不得将控制权限切换至( )。[1分] ___
A. 中心站或值守站
B. 调度中心
C. 无人驻守站
D. 有人值守站