Olympic recognition for bodybuilding (健美) remains ___ since some argue that bodybuilding is not a sport because the actual contest does not involve the same sort of efforts as “real” sports.
A. controversial
B. conventional
C. characteristic
D. influential
Tom tried to justify his absence from the meeting by ___ that he had been ill that day.
A. admitting
B. advocating
C. claiming
D. citing
___ the huge financial benefits, biological companies have been rushing to set up laboratories and new research projects.
A. Aware
B. Aware of
C. Not aware
D. Not aware of
Unfortunately, ___ lack of funds, the studies he began just two months ago, had to be ended early.
A. out of
B. in addition to
C. owing to
D. to begin with
With a good command of English, he soon got ___ to working with British people.
A. accustomed
B. consistent
C. relevant
D. responsible
What needs to be ___ here is that language and culture interact, and that understanding of one requires understanding of the other.
A. altered
B. stressed
C. aroused
D. committed
Policies and organizations must be created to meet workers’ hopes, and to ___ new problems that inevitably arise between workers and managers.
A. compromise
B. ensure
C. undermine
D. resolve
To keep the wheels of industry turning, we produce consumer goods in endless quantities, and, in the process, are rapidly ___ our natural resources.
A. ignoring
B. collapsing
C. enduring
D. exhausting
As a person who loves peace, he is committed ___ realizing peace between countries.
A. of
B. about
C. for
D. to
Learning how to use chopsticks is easy for me, ___ learning how to conduct myself at the table is quite difficult.
A. whereas
B. however
C. therefore
D. besides
___ that the patient smokes 50 cigarettes a day, it would be reasonable to assume there is some lung damage.
A. To give
B. Giving
C. Given
D. Having given
Kenyan (肯尼亚的) women tend to vote for those who could provide them ___ the necessary food to live on.
A. of
B. with
C. for
D. about
___ all obstacles and failures, the scientist continued doing his experiments day and night.
A. In spite of
B. In contrast to
C. As a matter of
D. As a result of
I’m willing to ___ that a larger car would have cost more, but I still think we should have bought one.
A. withdraw
B. indicate
C. abandon
D. concede
Manufacturing (制造) companies spend millions of pounds on advertisements, trying to ___ customers that their products are better than those of other companies.
A. confine
B. convince
C. depress
D. reconcile
He is not the right person for the project: he is not very technically minded and ___, he does not have the sense of responsibility.
A. instead
B. yet
C. furthermore
D. nevertheless
Death rates declined in many places, partly because of the ___ in hunger.
A. decrease
B. myth
C. obstacle
D. burden
In deciding whether or not a situation is safe, pilots must be taught to assume that the worst will happen, and then to ___ whether there is a risk or not.
A. absorb
B. apply
C. assess
D. occupy
The worker was not worried as he knew that if he gave up the job, there would be ___ opportunities for him to work somewhere else.
A. formative
B. marginal
C. vigorous
D. numerous
The research shows the region might ___ overheating (经济过热), but the policymakers so far appear to be relatively relaxed about the future of the economy.
A. catch a glimpse of
B. be at risk of
C. take a toll on
D. be free from
Measures have been taken to ensure that no student will have to ___ of college for economic reasons.
A. lay out
B. cancel out
C. drop out
D. stand out
Stress that is not treated can lead to significant medical illnesses, which ___ can lead to greater stress and even depression (抑郁症).
A. after all
B. in turn
C. on the contrary
D. at least
Narcissism (自恋) has its benefits in terms of self-belief and confidence, but it also tends to be ___ risky decision-making.
A. associated with
B. contrasted with
C. reserved for
D. relieved of
When Tom saw his doctor again, she suggested that maybe a more substantial lunch, like a sandwich, might ___ his desire to have snacks in the afternoon.
A. count on
B. cut back on
C. hold on to
D. contribute to
You shouldn’t ___ – let your children make their own decisions.
A. interact
B. abuse
C. startle
D. interfere
This is a huge and difficult project and if you take it up, you ___ many difficulties.
A. like to encounter
B. like encountering
C. are likely to encounter
D. are like to encounter
The ability to live for a long time without water is characteristic ___ the camel.
A. of
B. for
C. about
D. in
Rising sales is a good ___ that this product is well received in the market.
A. response
B. convention
C. indication
D. Influence
When tourists travel abroad, they are sometimes ___ by the local people because the tourists don’t know the real value of products.
A. turned in
B. given chase
C. wrapped up
D. ripped off
The professor’s lecture ___ the capacity of his young audience. They all looked puzzled at him.
A. pointed out
B. went beyond
C. contributed to
D. kept off
We must ___ on the amount of time we use on this project.
A. cut both ways
B. cut in line
C. cut off
D. cut down
We have to be very patient with this experiment. It will take time for some effects to ___ clearly.
A. build up
B. break up
C. clear up
D. show up
Perhaps there is a(n) ___ of truth in both theories, but few of us would ever have the opportunity to find out.
A. lump
B. substance
C. section
D. element
Be careful when you get along with her because she is known for her short ___.
A. temper
B. emotion
C. mood
D. feeling
It seems that wearing less formal clothing to school and work is becoming a(n) ___.
A. trend
B. campaign
C. goal
D. occurrence
You cannot correct children’s bad behavior simply with a (n) ___ or two on the hand or face.
A. slap
B. smash
C. slam
D. strike
Our investigations (调查) ___ something very surprising – many of the employees are underpaid and work overtime all the time.
A. reveal
B. bump
C. rip
D. frustrate
She was James’s faithful assistant, in whom he could have ___ confidence.
A. essential
B. automatic
C. ultimate
D. absolute
If you visit this website, you can ___ the categories to find information about all the universities in that area.
A. observe
B. browse
C. glance
D. look
Making New Year’s resolutions (计划) is a custom that still ___ in this country.
A. prevails
B. attaches
C. descends
D. launches
The military officers were more ___ about their own victory and therefore more willing to predict their enemy’s defeat.
A. appropriate
B. ignorant
C. negative
D. optimistic
22074.___当机器人需要同时和多台设备联动,并且子功能需求较多,对 IO 点位总数要求多达几百时,可以通过使用数个 IO 点位的状态组成二进制编码的方式来满足需求。
22082.___IO 盒上所显示的类型标志为 PNP,则表示低电平有效。
22085.___型号为 HSR-612 的机器人,12 的含义为机器人的最大负载为 12KG。
22090.___机器人手动运行时有 T1 和 T2 两种模式,其中 T1 模式下的运行速度为 125mm/s,
22093.___在示教编程对较点位时发现点位比较难观察到,这时可以让同事帮忙观察点位, 自己操作示教器。
22094.___电柜中总线与电器元件的连接顺序为 HPC—驱动器—IO 盒。
22097.___机器人的位置寄存器包括 REF、TOOL-FRAME、BASE-FRAME、JR、LR。
22104.___关节 i 的坐标系放在 i-1 关节的末端。
22105.___手臂解有解的必要条件是串联关节链中的自由度数等于或小于 6。
22106.___对于具有外力作用的非保守机械系统,其拉格朗日动力函数 L可定义为系统总动能与系统总势能之和。