两孔轴线相交成 90°角,一个孔直径为φ20mm,另一个孔直径是φ30mm,应该先钻穿直径大的孔
所有的紫色酒精,在 1 米内不准点有明火,不准放在暖气片上
What happens to the status of users already logged into ESXi Shell when a vSphere administrator enables lockdown mode?___
A. Users remain logged in and can run commands, except to disable lockdown mode.
B. Users remain logged in and can run commands, including disabling lockdown mode.
C. Users are immediately logged out of ESXi Shell.
D. Users are logged out after a timeout specified by the vSphere administrator.
What is the effective vSphere licensing level during the 60 day evaluation period?___
A. vSphere Foundation Essentials Plus
B. vSphere Standard
C. vSphere Enterprise
D. vSphere
E. nterprise Plus
To comply with security requirements, an administrator with a vCenter Server Appliance needs to force logoff of the vSphere web client after 10 minutes of inactivity.What should the administrator do to meet the requirement?___
A. Edit: /var/lib/vmware/vsphere-client/webclient.properties, modify session.timeout=10
B. Edit: /opt/vmware/vsphere-client/webclient.properties, modify session.timeout=600
C. Edit: /var/lib/vmware/vsphere-client/webclient.properties modify session.timeout=600
D. Edit: /opt/vmware/vsphere-client/webclient.properties, modify session.timeout=10
An administrator enables High Availability (HA) on a Virtual SAN cluster.Which network is used for HA Network Heatbeat configuration?___
A. The Management network.
B. The vMotion network.
C. The Virtual SAN network.
D. The Provisioning Traffic network.
A user wants to monitor a business-critical virtual machine to ensure that it doesn't run out of resources. What metric could be monitored in vRealize Operations to address this concern?___
A. Time Remaining badge
B. Compliance badge
C. Reclaimable Waste badge
D. Density badge
An administrator has recently installed a new ESXi 6.x Host, and during the configuration notices sporadic network problems. To check whether the issue occurred sometime during the configuration, the administrator would like to reset the system.How can this be accomplished in the shortest amount of time?___
A. Run the ESXi installer again and reinstall the host.
B. Select the Reset System Configuration option from the vSphere Client when connected directly to the host.
C. From the
D. irect Console User Interface, select Reset System Configuration.
A vApp is running out of compute resources when overall activity is high within the resource pool. At other times, everything is fine.What should be done to resolve this issue?___
A. Increase the size of the resource pool Shares.
B. Set the vApp's CPU and Memory Reservation Type to Expandable.
C. Set the vApp's CPU and Memory Limit to Unlimited.
D. Create a new resource pool with the existing hardware configuration.
A virtual machine has been renamed and an administrator is unable to find files with the new virtual machine name in the datastore.What is the reason for this?___
A. The names of the files on the datastore do not change.
B. The names of the files on the datastore have been corrupted.
C. The virtual machine needs to be re-added to the inventory.
D. The Distributed Resource Scheduler moved the virtual machine to another host.
An administrator has configured network connectivity for a new virtual machine, as shown in the Exhibit.What will occur with the network traffic of this virtual machine when communicating externally from vSwitch1?___
A. The virtual machine will communicate on both uplinks
B. The virtual machine will only communicate on vmnic1
C. The virtual machine will only communicate on vmnic2
D. The virtual machine will fail to communicate externally
An administrator is unable to create the first group in a new vRealize Operations environment. What is the likely cause of the problem?___
A. There are no group types defined.
B. The group is not defined in SSO.
C. There are more than 32 group types defined.
D. The description for the group is not provided.
A new vApp was built and tested in the corporate headquarters datacenter running vSphere 6.x. What condition would explain why the virtual machine is failing to boot in an offsite datacenter running on vSphere 5.5?___
A. The virtual machine was built with the default hardware version.
B. The VMFS 5 datastore is not compatible with virtual machines configured with vSphere 6.x.
C. a
D. RS 5.5 cluster cannot run virtual machines configured with vSphere 6.x.
An administrator is evaluating whether to deploy vCenter Server on a Windows server or on a vCenter Server appliance. The administrator has the following requirements: <A web browser will be utilized to manage the vSphere environment.> <16 ESXi hosts will be deployed.> <Licenses must be shared with a vCenter Server at another site.> <An external Oracle 10g database server will be used to host the vCenter Server database.> Why will the administrator need to deploy vCenter Server on a Windows server?___
A. Linked Mode is a requirement for the solution.
B. Oracle 10g is a requirement for the solution.
C. The vSphere web client is a requirement for the solution.
D. Management of more than 5 hosts is a requirement for the solution.
What is a benefit of using VMware Data Protection ?___
A. Provides support for guest-level backups and restores of Microsoft SQL Servers, Exchange Servers, and Share Point Servers.
B. Provides support for advanced storage services including replication, encryption, deduplication, and compression.
C. Provides direct access to VDP configuration integrated into the vSphere Client.
D. Reduces disk space consumed by virtual machine data using deduplication.
An administrator enables vSphere High Availability (HA) on an existing cluster with a large number of hosts and virtual machines. The administrator notices that the setup of vSphere HA on some of the hosts is failing. What step, if taken, might resolve this issue?___
A. Increase the value of the config.vpxd.das.electionWaitTimeSec setting.
B. Set the value of vpxd.das.aamMemoryLimit to 256.
C. Set the value of the das.useDefaultIsolationAddress setting to False.
D. Increase the value of the das.iostatsinterval setting.
An ESXi 6.x host consists of 24 logical cores. Hyperthreading is enabled on the host. What is the maximum number of vCPUs that can be assigned to a virtual machine on this host?___
By default, each ESXi 6.x host is provisioned with a certificate from which root certificate authority?___
A. RedHat Certificate Authority
B. VMware Certificate Authority
C. DigiCert Certificate Authority
D. Verisign Certificate Authority
An administrator is adding an NFS datastore as shown in the Exhibit. What is the purpose of the Servers to be added list?___
A. It contains the IP addresses of the NFS Storage Server to provide multipathing capability.
B. It contains the IP addresses of the ESXi hosts that mount the datastore.
C. It contains the IP addresses used for
D. ynamic Discovery of targets.
An administrator reports that the System Event log data is only available for 24 hours when reviewing the Hardware Status tab. Which condition could be responsible for the loss of data?___
A. A Reset event log was executed.
B. The statistical collection level was set to a value of 1.
C. The boot disk of the host is corrupt.
D. Syslog has been configured at the vCenter Server level.
机具和安全工器具入库、出库、使用前应检查。禁止使用( )等不合格的机具和安全工器具。___
A. 损坏
B. 变形
C. 有故障
D. 无编号
安全工器具使用前,应检查确认( )等现象。对其绝缘部分的外观有疑问时应经绝缘试验合格后方可使用。___
A. 无绝缘层脱落、无严重伤痕等现象
B. 固定连接部分无松动、无锈蚀等现象
C. 绝缘部分无裂纹、无老化等现象
D. 固定连接部分无断裂等现象
安全帽使用前,应检查( )、下颏带等附件完好无损。___
绝缘手套应( ),长度应超衣袖。___
A. 湿润
B. 柔软
C. 接缝少
D. 紧密牢固
成套接地线使用前应检查确认完好,禁止使用( )的接地线。___
A. 绞线松股
B. 绞线断股
C. 护套严重破损
D. 夹具断裂松动
禁止使用( )的脚扣和登高板。___
A. 金属部分变形
B. 绳(带)损伤
C. 金属部分严重变形
D. 绳(带)严重损伤
安全工器具宜存放在( )的安全工器具室内。___
A. 温度为-15~+35℃
B. 相对湿度为80%以下
C. 干燥通风
D. 干净
安全工器具运输或存放在车辆上时,不得与酸、碱、油类和化学药品接触,并有( )的措施。___
A. 防晒
B. 防滑
C. 防损伤
D. 防绝缘性能破坏
安全工器具的电气试验和机械试验可由使用单位根据( )进行,也可委托有资质的机构试验。___
A. 试验标准
B. 实际需求
C. 使用状况
D. 试验周期
纤维绳(麻绳)有( )者不得用于起重作业。___
使用的滑车应有防止脱钩的( )。使用开门滑车时,应将开门勾环扣紧,防止绳索自动跑出。___
A. 保险装置
B. 封口措施
C. 专人监护
D. 专人指挥
绞磨作业时( )。___
A. 禁止向滑轮上套钢丝绳
B. 禁止在卷筒、滑轮附近用手触碰运行中的钢丝绳
C. 禁止跨越行走中的钢丝绳
D. 禁止在导向滑轮的内侧逗留或通过
缆风绳与( )的安全距离应大于表6-1的规定。___
A. 架空输电线路
B. 地锚
C. 抱杆
D. 其他带电体
卡线器规格、材质应与线材的规格、材质相匹配,不得使用有( )等缺陷的卡线器。___
A. 弯曲
B. 转轴不灵活
C. 裂纹
D. 钳口斜纹磨平
绞磨在作业前应检查和试车,确认( )后方可使用。___
A. 外观整洁
B. 安置稳固
C. 运行正常
D. 制动可靠
棘轮紧线器使用前应检查( ),吊钩、棘轮或换向爪磨损达10%者禁止使用。 ___
A. 吊钩
B. 钢丝绳
C. 转动装置
D. 换向爪
1目标任务制考核的评分方法可采用( )进行评价。___
2绩效管理流程包括绩效计划、( )几个方面。___
A. 绩效实施
B. 绩效面谈
C. 考核评价
D. 反馈改进
3绩效管理考核模式包括( )几个方面。___
A. 关键业绩制
B. 目标任务制
C. 工作积分制
D. 党建工作评价
4"三级三维三元“评价中,三维包括( )几个方面。___
5员工聘任更高层级岗位、参加各类专家人才选拔、聘任更高层级职务和职员职级,需要满足的条件有:( )。___
A. 近3年绩效等级积分累计达到5分
B. 上年绩效达到A级
C. 近3年绩效等级积分累计达到4.5分
D. 上年绩效达到B级及以上
6张某是地市公司专责,2017年他想参加省公司的岗位招聘,2014-2016三年的年度绩效等级可以分别是( )。___
A. A、B、C
B. A、A、C
C. A、C、B
D. B、B、B
7对连续两年绩效为D级的员工应该执行( )。___
A. 待岗学习培训
B. 待岗
C. 降岗
D. 解除劳动合同
A. "品行端正
B. 具有较好的基础理论和专业知识
C. 具备较强的文字写作能力
D. 个人自主管理意识强
9员工发生奖惩规定中涉及到的违规违纪行为,被给予( )处分的,年度绩效考核直接认定为D等级员工。___
A. 警告
B. 记过
C. 记大过
D. 降级(降职)
A. 品德端正,有较高的职业素养
B. 具有较强的事业心、责任感和团队精神
C. 具有较好的基础理论与专业知识、丰富的实践经验
D. 工作年限满足一定的要求。
A. 因个人问题受到各单位正式通报批评的
B. 未完成公司统一纳入考核的培训学习任务的
C. 经各单位核实的长期不在岗人员
D. 其他经各单位认定的一般违规违纪问题
12年度考核期,党员受到( )处分的,直接认定为D等级员工。___
A. 党内警告
B. 党内严重警告
C. 撤销党内职务
D. 留党察看
A. 直线杆
B. 耐张杆
C. 转角杆
D. 终端杆
E. 分支杆
F. 跨越杆
A. 铁橫担
B. 钢横担
C. 木横担
D. 陶瓷横担
E. 绝缘横担
A. 220/110/35/10kV/0.4kv
B. 220/110/10kV/0.4kv
C. 220/63/10kV/0.4kv
D. 220/35kV/10kV/0.4kv
A. 交联聚乙烯
B. 聚乙烯
C. 高密度聚乙烯
D. 聚氯乙烯
A. 商业中心
B. 工业园区
C. 人口密集的农村地区
D. 城市住宅小区
A. 油断路器
B. 真空断路器
C. 六氟化硫(SF6)断路器
D. 弹操断路器
A. 筒式变压器
B. 箱式变压器
C. 油浸式变压器
D. 干式变压器
A. 定期性巡视
B. 特殊性巡视
C. 夜间性巡视
D. 故障性巡视
E. 监察性巡视
“四不放过”是指调查处理工伤事故时,必须坚持 () 。___
A. 事故原因不清不放过
B. 责任人员未处理不放过
C. 没有采取防范措施不放过
D. 整改措施未落实不放过
E. 有关人员未受到教育不放过
A. 不伤害自己
B. 不伤害他人
C. 不被他人伤害
D. 保护他人不受伤害
A. 强令冒险作业
B. 标准化作业
C. 规范作业
D. 违章指挥
A. 安全文化
B. 安全法规
C. 安全责任
D. 安全科技
E. 安全投入