两孔轴线相交成 90°角,一个孔直径为φ20mm,另一个孔直径是φ30mm,应该先钻穿直径大的孔
所有的紫色酒精,在 1 米内不准点有明火,不准放在暖气片上
What happens to the status of users already logged into ESXi Shell when a vSphere administrator enables lockdown mode?___
A. Users remain logged in and can run commands, except to disable lockdown mode.
B. Users remain logged in and can run commands, including disabling lockdown mode.
C. Users are immediately logged out of ESXi Shell.
D. Users are logged out after a timeout specified by the vSphere administrator.
What is the effective vSphere licensing level during the 60 day evaluation period?___
A. vSphere Foundation Essentials Plus
B. vSphere Standard
C. vSphere Enterprise
D. vSphere
E. nterprise Plus
To comply with security requirements, an administrator with a vCenter Server Appliance needs to force logoff of the vSphere web client after 10 minutes of inactivity.What should the administrator do to meet the requirement?___
A. Edit: /var/lib/vmware/vsphere-client/webclient.properties, modify session.timeout=10
B. Edit: /opt/vmware/vsphere-client/webclient.properties, modify session.timeout=600
C. Edit: /var/lib/vmware/vsphere-client/webclient.properties modify session.timeout=600
D. Edit: /opt/vmware/vsphere-client/webclient.properties, modify session.timeout=10
An administrator enables High Availability (HA) on a Virtual SAN cluster.Which network is used for HA Network Heatbeat configuration?___
A. The Management network.
B. The vMotion network.
C. The Virtual SAN network.
D. The Provisioning Traffic network.
A user wants to monitor a business-critical virtual machine to ensure that it doesn't run out of resources. What metric could be monitored in vRealize Operations to address this concern?___
A. Time Remaining badge
B. Compliance badge
C. Reclaimable Waste badge
D. Density badge
An administrator has recently installed a new ESXi 6.x Host, and during the configuration notices sporadic network problems. To check whether the issue occurred sometime during the configuration, the administrator would like to reset the system.How can this be accomplished in the shortest amount of time?___
A. Run the ESXi installer again and reinstall the host.
B. Select the Reset System Configuration option from the vSphere Client when connected directly to the host.
C. From the
D. irect Console User Interface, select Reset System Configuration.
A vApp is running out of compute resources when overall activity is high within the resource pool. At other times, everything is fine.What should be done to resolve this issue?___
A. Increase the size of the resource pool Shares.
B. Set the vApp's CPU and Memory Reservation Type to Expandable.
C. Set the vApp's CPU and Memory Limit to Unlimited.
D. Create a new resource pool with the existing hardware configuration.
A virtual machine has been renamed and an administrator is unable to find files with the new virtual machine name in the datastore.What is the reason for this?___
A. The names of the files on the datastore do not change.
B. The names of the files on the datastore have been corrupted.
C. The virtual machine needs to be re-added to the inventory.
D. The Distributed Resource Scheduler moved the virtual machine to another host.
An administrator has configured network connectivity for a new virtual machine, as shown in the Exhibit.What will occur with the network traffic of this virtual machine when communicating externally from vSwitch1?___
A. The virtual machine will communicate on both uplinks
B. The virtual machine will only communicate on vmnic1
C. The virtual machine will only communicate on vmnic2
D. The virtual machine will fail to communicate externally
An administrator is unable to create the first group in a new vRealize Operations environment. What is the likely cause of the problem?___
A. There are no group types defined.
B. The group is not defined in SSO.
C. There are more than 32 group types defined.
D. The description for the group is not provided.
A new vApp was built and tested in the corporate headquarters datacenter running vSphere 6.x. What condition would explain why the virtual machine is failing to boot in an offsite datacenter running on vSphere 5.5?___
A. The virtual machine was built with the default hardware version.
B. The VMFS 5 datastore is not compatible with virtual machines configured with vSphere 6.x.
C. a
D. RS 5.5 cluster cannot run virtual machines configured with vSphere 6.x.
An administrator is evaluating whether to deploy vCenter Server on a Windows server or on a vCenter Server appliance. The administrator has the following requirements: <A web browser will be utilized to manage the vSphere environment.> <16 ESXi hosts will be deployed.> <Licenses must be shared with a vCenter Server at another site.> <An external Oracle 10g database server will be used to host the vCenter Server database.> Why will the administrator need to deploy vCenter Server on a Windows server?___
A. Linked Mode is a requirement for the solution.
B. Oracle 10g is a requirement for the solution.
C. The vSphere web client is a requirement for the solution.
D. Management of more than 5 hosts is a requirement for the solution.
“俭以养德”是 三国 时期____的 道德 名言。___
有“日光城” 和“高原古城”之 称 的 城市 是 指____。 ___
祖冲之 推算 出 的 圆周率 被 日本 科学家 尊称为____。 ___
嫦娥是 神话 传说 中____的 妻子。 ___
辽宁省 中南部 是 中国 主要 的_____基地。 ___
《将进酒》是_____的 著名 诗篇。 ___
青海湖 古代 称为____,位于 青海省 东北部。___
使用 打制 石器 的 是____时代。___
在 钟表 没有 发明 之前,用 太阳 来 测定 时刻 的 计时 工具 叫做____。___
中国 的 国歌 是____。___
A. 《解放军 进行曲》
B. 《义勇军 进行曲》
“人生 自古 谁 无 死,留取 丹心 照 汗青” 是 南宋民族 英雄_____ 的 诗句。___
马褂 是____的 传统 服装。 ___
____由于 虎门销烟 成 了 中国 近代史 上 的民族英雄。___
明朝 后期,高迎祥 死后,起义军:一支 由 李自成率领,另一支由_____率领。___
_____是 中国 历史 上 著名 的 抗倭 英雄。 ___
世界 上 最早 的 指南针 叫______。___
黑龙江 和 乌苏里江 主航道 中心线 汇合处 是中国 领土 的 最____端。___
____是 回族 聚居 的 地区。 ___
武汉 的____是 中国 的 四 大名 楼 之一。___
圣保罗 教堂 牌坊 又 叫“大三巴”,是____的 城市象征。 ___
张衡 是 世界 上 著名 的 天文 学家,他 发明 了_____。___
____位于 江西省 北部,以“ 雄、奇、险、秀” 闻名 于世。___
____、武汉、南京 夏天 炎热,被 称为 长江 沿岸城市 的 “三大火炉”。___
在____,冬季 常常 举行 冰灯 灯会。___
京剧 中 “生” 这个 行当 所扮演 的 是____人物。___
____是 中国 传说 中 的 百鸟 之 王。___
著名 的 古典园林 拙政园 位于____。___
排 在 生肖 属相 第一位 的 是____。___
重阳节 这 天,人们 都 喜欢____。___
“塔” 这种 建筑 起源 于____。___
秦岭 是 中国____ 之间 一 条 重要 的 地理分界线。___
北宋 末年,指南针 应用 到_____上。___
东晋 大 书法家_____被 称为 “书圣”。___
云南 昆明 的____以 其 长达180字 的“天下 第一 长联”而 闻名___。
康熙 把_____ 学说 定为 官方 思想,提倡 汉文化。___
____颁布 了《天朝 田亩 制度》。___
战国 时期,中国 人 用 来 指示 方向 的 仪器 叫_____。 ___
藏族 主要 分布 在____高原,被 称为“高原之鹰”。 ___