Our hope for an enjoyable dinner was instantly ___ when the waiter dropped a salad plate on my hea D.
A. spoiled
B. restricted
C. exploded
D. vanished
___ the world has ever seen has occurred in the information and communications technologies.
A. Great a change
B. The great change
C. A greatest change
D. The greatest change
___ so many people around, it wasn’t convenient to have a long talk with him.
A. As
B. When
C. With
D. Since
Alice used to be terribly shy, but working abroad for a year has completely ___ her.
A. solved
B. transformed
C. characterized
D. regulated
Chinese Mandarin (普通话) is ___ for foreigners to learn because the changes in the tone will totally change the meaning of words.
A. difficult
B. accessible
C. competitive
D. easy
Take action on those things that will have the biggest ___ impact on your life with the least amount of effort.
A. portable
B. positive
C. sophisticated
D. moderate
The adoption of this measure will greatly reduce the ___ of greenhouse gas emissions (排放物), which may help slow global warming.
A. loan
B. decline
C. release
D. response
I think I have a healthy lifestyle. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, and I’m a ___ drinker.
A. moderate
B. heavy
C. gradual
D. delicate
In a way the human race needs to improve its mental and physical qualities if it is to deal with the more and more ___ world and meet new challenges.
A. typical
B. complex
C. rational
D. orderly
If a person simply does not care about this activity, it’s ___ impossible to get him to participate.
A. barely
B. seldom
C. hardly
D. practically
Sometimes, even when the mind ___ functioning, the body keeps on working normally.
A. ceases
B. arouses
C. regulates
D. specializes
Jeffery expressed his ___ about the health and fitness of his co-workers, but they said they didn’t want to “waste time” on an exercise bike or jogging.
A. agony
B. concern
C. addiction
D. feedback
Such chemicals are indeed negatively ___ those humans to whom they are expose D.
A. risking
B. detecting
C. impacting
D. overwhelming
We regret for selling you the faulty product, and our company has agreed to ___ you by $500.
A. match
B. reverse
C. reward
D. compensate
This lecture taught me how to manage my time better to include my online studies in my busy ___.
A. schedule
B. outline
C. structure
D. responsibility
Generally speaking, an Irish person will not accept an offer straight away; he will ___ once or twice first before accepting it.
A. receive
B. decline
C. summarize
D. polish
There is every possibility that many species (物种) of animals will die out because of their disappearing food ___.
A. mode
B. source
C. pattern
D. foundation
As a college student, you should enjoy learning and get yourself ___ in those things that interest you.
A. concerned
B. devoted
C. involved
D. pursued
The name of Hitler (希特勒) has always been associated with war and ___ killing in the minds of those people who lived through World War Two.
A. imaginary
B. multiple
C. indispensable
D. massive
He works hard every day to make more money, but he ___ his health, time with his family, and the hobbies he once love D.
A. neglects
B. reminds
C. ceases
D. Declines
I asked a passenger sitting beside me if our train was the Westlake Express train, and he said he ___ of it.
A. not even heard
B. had not even heard
C. even not heard
D. ever had not heard
Whatever you say in the paper has to ___ your own thinking; hence simply repeating the professor’s opinions or whatever is in the readings will not get you very far.
A. ignore
B. arouse
C. reflect
D. release
We are sorry to know that they did not succeed ___ the project for lack of necessary funds.
A. to fulfill
B. to have fulfilled
C. in fulfilling
D. with fulfilling
It is surprising that fewer students were prepared to undertake the ___ to hand in written work on a regular basis, or to study over long periods.
A. engagement
B. commitment
C. authority
D. aspiration
Emily felt hurt and ___ by a close friend who had borrowed a considerable sum of money to pay for a house and then took it as a gift, never thinking of giving back the money.
A. conflicted
B. curbed
C. swollen
D. betrayed
In 1988 the old system was ___ in the country and a new system was introduced to take effect in 1990.
A. transmitted
B. abolished
C. assumed
D. compensated
We should not ___ ourselves to the classroom. We should go out of the classroom, see the world and talk to others as much as we can.
A. entertain
B. confine
C. assign
D. involve
I have always been grateful ___ Fred __the generous and helpful information when I was at the crossroads.
A. to … for
B. to … with
C. for … with
D. for … to
I think we both need to ___ the past, be happy about what we had for a time, learn from our experiences, and move on from there.
A. let go of
B. give authority to
C. make sense of
D. keep up with
My brother and I managed to ___ with each other and we soon made peace after a week’s quarrel.
A. heal
B. reconcile
C. respond
D. advocate
The two robbers in a stolen car tried to ___ a police roadblock (路障), but faile D.
A. break in
B. break off
C. break up
D. break through
Because of his long illness, Lee’s English level had dropped, but he was determined to ___ the other students by working harder.
A. put up with
B. catch up with
C. get along with
D. fill up with
We appreciate your efforts in making changes in your schedule and think that this new arrangement is now ___ to us.
A. agreeable
B. sustainable
C. portable
D. indispensable
The woman who died in a car crash last Saturday in the suburbs has been ___ as Kate Johnson, a 25-year-old office clerk.
A. justified
B. identified
C. notified
D. classified
My nephew failed in the College Entrance Examination, and we were all very sorry that he did not ___ to the university.
A. take it
B. get it
C. make it
D. succeed it
Almost half of that group will experience stress ___ enough to call for professional help.
A. tense
B. moderate
C. bearable
D. intense
If you grow too fast your entire economy could completely shut down and bring growth to a(n) ___.
A. halt
B. cease
C. peak
D. epidemic
I tried my best to drive inside in order to avoid the edges that might make me ___ the steep slope.
A. slip down
B. settle down
C. bring down
D. turn down
When the driver heard that there was a bomb on the bus, he immediately ___ to the side of the highway and radioed the police.
A. put out
B. took off
C. pulled over
D. slipped off
She was very ___ to become a manager in our customers’ office, but finally accepted our offer.
A. eager
B. intelligent
C. ridiculous
D. reluctant
In the race, it looked as if he would be the first, but then another young man who was close behind him put on speed and ___ by a few seconds.
A. beat him for it
B. beat him to it
C. beat him up
D. beat it to him
历史上各时代重要实物、艺术品、文献、手稿、图书资料、代表性实物等可 移动文物分为珍贵文物和一般文物
建筑物、构筑物或者其他设施倒塌造成路过旅游者人身伤害的,由建设单位 与施工单位承担连带责任
旅游突发事件发生在境外的,旅游团队的领队除了应当向旅行社负责人报告, 还应当向当地警方、中国驻当地使领馆或者政府派出机构报告
导游员小张在带团爬山时,未事先向旅游者提示安全注意事项,造成旅游者 小赵从台阶上摔倒,并构成轻伤,为此旅行社应当赔偿小赵医疗费、护理费、交 通费、误工费及误工费利息
某旅行社经营国内、入境、出境与边境旅游业务,同时在省外设立了两家分 公司,经营国内与入境旅游业务,则该旅行社应当为这两家分公司增存旅游服务 质量保证金 70 万元
16 周岁以上不满 18 周岁的旅游者,以自己的劳动收入为主要生活来源的, 视为完全民事行为能力人
甲旅行社将旅游业务委托给乙旅行社的,应当向乙旅行社支付不低于接待和 服务成本的费用
旅行社经与旅游者协商一致或者在旅行社要求下,且不影响其他旅游者行程 安排,可以安排另行付费旅游项目
导游员小李在带团服务过程中,向旅游者兜售登山雨衣。对此,由省级旅游 主管部门对其所在的旅行社给予警告直至责令停业整顿
某旅游电商平台明知或者应知旅游供应商会利用平台侵害旅游者合法权益, 未采取必要措施的,依法与旅游供应商承担连带法律责任
当旅游者起诉旅行社时,对其提出的诉讼请求,可以要求随团导游员提供相 应的证据
旅行社因造成旅游者食物中毒,财产不足以同时承担民事赔偿责任和缴纳罚 款、罚金时,先承担民事赔偿责任
旅游者的不文明行为受到行政处罚或者法院判决承担责任的,“旅游不文明 行为记录”信息保存期限为 1-3 年
建筑物、构筑物或者其他设施及其搁置物、悬挂物发生脱落、坠落造成他人 损害,所有人、管理人或者使用人如果不能证明自己没有过错,就应当承担侵权 责任
合同无效或者被撤销后,因该合同取得的财产,应当予以返还;不能返还或 者没有必要返还的,应当折价补偿
宾馆虽尽到安全保障义务,但游客仍然因第三人造成人身损害,则宾馆应当 承担侵权责任
景区提高门票价格应当提前 3 个月公布
景区在旅游者数量可能达到最大承载量时,超过最大承载量接待旅游者的, 由景区主管部门责令改正,情节严重的,责令停业整顿 1 个月至 6 个月
具有撤销权的当事人自知道或者应当知道撤销事由之日起一年内没有行使撤 销权的,撤销权消灭
当事人订立合同后分立的,除债权人和债务人另有约定的以外,由分立的法 人或者其他组织对合同的权利和义务享有连带债权,承担连带债务
设立社应当加强对分社的管理,对分社实行统一的人事、管理、招徕、接待 制度规范
旅行社应当自取得旅行社业务经营许可证之日起 3 个工作日内,在省级以上旅游主管部门指定的银行开设专门的质量保证金账户
旅行社被吊销旅行社业务经营许可的,其主要负责人在旅行社业务经营许可 被吊销之日起五年内不得担任任何旅行社的主要负责人
67县级以上人民政府应当将旅游应急管理纳入政府应急管理体系,制定应急预 案,建立旅游突发事件应对机制
69受害的旅游者有权就其应获旅行社赔偿的部分直接向保险公司请求赔偿保险 金
在国内航空运输中,对每名旅客随身携带的物品,承运人的赔偿责任限额为 每人 3000 元
从事食品生产、食品销售、餐饮服务以及食用农产品销售,应当依法取得许 可
消费者因商品缺陷造成人、财产损害的,可以向销售者要求赔偿,也可以向 生产者要求赔偿
( )是CML治疗方案优化关键依据。
A. 全血细胞计数
B. FISH监测结果
C. PCR监测结果
D. 以上所有选项
( )是入组无治疗缓解试验的首要条件。
A. 达到血液学反应
B. 达到完全细胞遗传学反应
C. 达到主要细胞遗传学反应
D. 持续的DMR
2013年ELN指南推荐,CML-AP/BC患者一线接受( ) 治疗。
B. 干扰素
C. 羟基脲
D. 化疗