If a person simply does not care about this activity, it’s ___ impossible to get him to participate.
A. barely
B. seldom
C. hardly
D. practically
Sometimes, even when the mind ___ functioning, the body keeps on working normally.
A. ceases
B. arouses
C. regulates
D. specializes
Jeffery expressed his ___ about the health and fitness of his co-workers, but they said they didn’t want to “waste time” on an exercise bike or jogging.
A. agony
B. concern
C. addiction
D. feedback
Such chemicals are indeed negatively ___ those humans to whom they are expose D.
A. risking
B. detecting
C. impacting
D. overwhelming
We regret for selling you the faulty product, and our company has agreed to ___ you by $500.
A. match
B. reverse
C. reward
D. compensate
This lecture taught me how to manage my time better to include my online studies in my busy ___.
A. schedule
B. outline
C. structure
D. responsibility
Generally speaking, an Irish person will not accept an offer straight away; he will ___ once or twice first before accepting it.
A. receive
B. decline
C. summarize
D. polish
There is every possibility that many species (物种) of animals will die out because of their disappearing food ___.
A. mode
B. source
C. pattern
D. foundation
As a college student, you should enjoy learning and get yourself ___ in those things that interest you.
A. concerned
B. devoted
C. involved
D. pursued
The name of Hitler (希特勒) has always been associated with war and ___ killing in the minds of those people who lived through World War Two.
A. imaginary
B. multiple
C. indispensable
D. massive
He works hard every day to make more money, but he ___ his health, time with his family, and the hobbies he once love D.
A. neglects
B. reminds
C. ceases
D. Declines
I asked a passenger sitting beside me if our train was the Westlake Express train, and he said he ___ of it.
A. not even heard
B. had not even heard
C. even not heard
D. ever had not heard
Whatever you say in the paper has to ___ your own thinking; hence simply repeating the professor’s opinions or whatever is in the readings will not get you very far.
A. ignore
B. arouse
C. reflect
D. release
We are sorry to know that they did not succeed ___ the project for lack of necessary funds.
A. to fulfill
B. to have fulfilled
C. in fulfilling
D. with fulfilling
It is surprising that fewer students were prepared to undertake the ___ to hand in written work on a regular basis, or to study over long periods.
A. engagement
B. commitment
C. authority
D. aspiration
Emily felt hurt and ___ by a close friend who had borrowed a considerable sum of money to pay for a house and then took it as a gift, never thinking of giving back the money.
A. conflicted
B. curbed
C. swollen
D. betrayed
In 1988 the old system was ___ in the country and a new system was introduced to take effect in 1990.
A. transmitted
B. abolished
C. assumed
D. compensated
We should not ___ ourselves to the classroom. We should go out of the classroom, see the world and talk to others as much as we can.
A. entertain
B. confine
C. assign
D. involve
I have always been grateful ___ Fred __the generous and helpful information when I was at the crossroads.
A. to … for
B. to … with
C. for … with
D. for … to
I think we both need to ___ the past, be happy about what we had for a time, learn from our experiences, and move on from there.
A. let go of
B. give authority to
C. make sense of
D. keep up with
My brother and I managed to ___ with each other and we soon made peace after a week’s quarrel.
A. heal
B. reconcile
C. respond
D. advocate
The two robbers in a stolen car tried to ___ a police roadblock (路障), but faile D.
A. break in
B. break off
C. break up
D. break through
Because of his long illness, Lee’s English level had dropped, but he was determined to ___ the other students by working harder.
A. put up with
B. catch up with
C. get along with
D. fill up with
We appreciate your efforts in making changes in your schedule and think that this new arrangement is now ___ to us.
A. agreeable
B. sustainable
C. portable
D. indispensable
The woman who died in a car crash last Saturday in the suburbs has been ___ as Kate Johnson, a 25-year-old office clerk.
A. justified
B. identified
C. notified
D. classified
My nephew failed in the College Entrance Examination, and we were all very sorry that he did not ___ to the university.
A. take it
B. get it
C. make it
D. succeed it
Almost half of that group will experience stress ___ enough to call for professional help.
A. tense
B. moderate
C. bearable
D. intense
If you grow too fast your entire economy could completely shut down and bring growth to a(n) ___.
A. halt
B. cease
C. peak
D. epidemic
I tried my best to drive inside in order to avoid the edges that might make me ___ the steep slope.
A. slip down
B. settle down
C. bring down
D. turn down
When the driver heard that there was a bomb on the bus, he immediately ___ to the side of the highway and radioed the police.
A. put out
B. took off
C. pulled over
D. slipped off
She was very ___ to become a manager in our customers’ office, but finally accepted our offer.
A. eager
B. intelligent
C. ridiculous
D. reluctant
In the race, it looked as if he would be the first, but then another young man who was close behind him put on speed and ___ by a few seconds.
A. beat him for it
B. beat him to it
C. beat him up
D. beat it to him
It is really helpful to have someone like you that we can ___ and count on during difficult times.
A. lean on
B. get to
C. hang on
D. get by
Women have a greater ability to ___ names with faces than men do, and they are also better at recalling lists.
A. associate
B. compare
C. engage
D. involve
He was always ready to help others and managed to ___ his friends ____being hurt.
A. expose … to
B. confine …to
C. restrict … from
D. shield … from
Older people are less likely to be ___ their negative emotions (情绪) and more likely to focus on the positive.
A. reserved for
B. caught up in
C. beat up to
D. counted on
I don’t have any bandage, so I have to ___ pressure to the wound to keep the bleeding down.
A. apply
B. involve
C. fulfill
D. establish
It is important that whichever candidate (候选人) is picked the loser should accept the defeat ___.
A. in advance
B. with great pride
C. with good grace
D. in large part
___ that new homes cost more than older homes, but that is not true across the country anymore.
A. It used to be
B. It is used to be
C. It used to being
D. It is used to being
The boss ___ his employees to work longer hours as the company is dreadfully short of staff at present.
A. called on
B. signed up
C. cared for
D. set up
The president’s visit and ___ discussions led to a plan that aimed to improve the trade relations between the two countries.
A. emerging
B. subsequent
C. consequent
D. Submerging
A. 粗犷有力
B. 自然协调
C. 花纹流畅
D. 错综复杂
E. 绚丽多彩
A. 山西介休窑
B. 河南当阳峪窑
C. 湖南长沙窑
D. 福建建阳窑
E. 河北磁州窑
A. 断代,即鉴别瓷器的相对烧造年代
B. 断真伪,即辨别是仿古器还是真器
C. 断优劣,即判别古瓷的质量和价值
D. 断窑口,即判断瓷器的产地
E. 断材质,即判断瓷器的主要成分
A. 成型、釉色
B. 收藏者知名度
C. 作品数量
D. 作者知名度
E. 烧成次数
A. 筑造模版
B. 电子控制
C. 手工拉坯
D. 注浆成型
E. 旋转成坯
A. 看瓷器釉面是否光洁润滑,有无擦伤、小孔、黑点和气泡
B. 看形状是否规整,有无变形
C. 看画面有无损缺
D. 看底部是否平整,须放置平稳,无毛刺34
E. 看材质是否名贵
A. 各种宝石
B. 天然宝石
C. 天然玉石
D. 天然有机宝石
E. 拼合的天然宝石
A. 再造宝石
B. 合成宝石
C. 人工发现的天然玉石
D. 人造宝石
E. 拼合宝石
A. 钻石
B. 蓝宝石
C. 绿宝石
D. 绿松石
E. 红宝石
A. 钻石
B. 白玉
C. 翡翠
D. 祖母绿
E. 红宝石
A. 养殖珍珠
B. 象牙
C. 龟甲
D. 猫眼
E. 水晶
A. 有效而简便的仪器检测
B. 肉眼鉴定
C. 根据积累的经验进行鉴定
D. 稳定的物理常数验证
E. 仪器切割解剖
A. 猫眼石
B. 红宝石
C. 缠丝玛瑙
D. 钻石
E. 绿松石
A. 光学性能
B. 艺术造型
C. 质地与产地
D. 完成时间
E. 大小与价值
A. 玻璃仿制品
B. 染色宝石
C. 拼合宝石
D. 炝色品
E. 空垫层宝石
A. 缅甸
B. 斯里兰卡
C. 泰国
D. 中国
E. 澳大利亚
A. 均为宝石级绿柱石
B. 含铬者呈翠绿色为祖母绿
C. 含 Fe2+元素而成天蓝色至海蓝色者为海蓝宝石
D. 祖母绿与玻璃仿造品的鉴别由包裹体的性质决定
E. 海蓝宝石的产地有哥伦比亚、巴西、俄罗斯,中国的新疆、云南等
A. 翡翠的质地包括透明度、结晶粗细和裂络几个方面
B. 翡翠的透明度又称“水头”,透明度好的翡翠称为“水头足”
C. “玻璃地”是翡翠中的极品
D. 绿色为“翠”是翡翠之宝,红色称“翡”,紫色称“雾”
E. 人们把纯天然的翡翠称为 A 货,次之均称为赝品
A. 江西庐山
B. 山西五台山
C. 杭州西湖
D. 新疆天山
E. 云南红河哈尼梯田
A. 顶部轮廓
B. 形状
C. 色彩
D. 质感
E. 分布
A. 地壳抬升
B. 流水切割
C. 球状风化
D. 岩体出露
E. 岩体形成
A. 太行山
B. 九华山
C. 天柱山
D. 三清山
E. 井冈山
A. 造型多变的山峰
B. 壁立如门的嶂谷
C. 阳光照耀下五彩斑斓的崖壁
D. 有天然画廊之称的熔岩洞
E. 高耸入云的尖峰
A. 花岗岩地貌呈肉红、灰白
B. 流纹岩山地多为浅红、灰白或灰红
C. 花岗岩地貌是酸性侵入岩,流纹岩山地是酸性喷出岩
D. 花岗岩地貌的节理丰富,流纹岩山地是垂直节理
E. 花岗岩地貌景观没有流纹岩山地景观险峻
A. 五大连池火山群
B. 长白山火山群
C. 腾冲火山群
D. 大同火山群
E. 新疆火山群
A. 石芽、石林
B. 溶蚀洼地
C. 峰丛、峰林、孤峰
D. 漏斗、落水洞
E. 赤壁丹崖
A. 重庆市奉节县的小寨天坑是目前已知的世界上最大的天坑
B. 广西乐业是中国天坑分布最多、最集中的地区
C. 广西桂林是中国天坑类型最多的地方
D. 四川九寨天是中国天坑最美的地方
E. 贵州六盘水有中国最险的天坑
A. 干枯沙漠
B. 雅丹地貌
C. 风蚀城堡
D. 连片黄沙
E. 风蚀砂石
A. 新疆罗布泊附近的雅丹地区发育得最为典型,分布面积最广
B. 风蚀城堡有新疆克拉玛依市的乌尔禾“魔鬼城”
C. 风蚀城堡有新疆奇台县将军戈壁上的“五彩城”
D. 青海境内的“鬼城”
E. 宁夏地区的“鬼城”
A. 喷泉多分布在地壳板块的边缘地带
B. 天然涌泉多为冷水泉,天然喷泉多为间歇性热水泉
C. 涌泉是地表水的露头
D. 著名涌泉有济南市的 72 泉
E. 著名喷泉有美国黄石国家公园、西藏羊八井地热区
A. 丰富地热形成的巨大的蒸汽
B. 受岩浆作用的地下水与火山群或地热分布区相伴生
C. 埋藏较深的地下水受地热作用而升温
D. 深层地下水保温形成温泉
E. 深层地下水运动升温形成温泉
A. 八月十八出现是吉祥日
B. 护堤工程
C. 杭州的美誉对观潮游客吸引力的叠加
D. 悠久的观潮文化对现代人的影响
E. 历代著名诗人留下的观潮佳作
A. 地球万有引力的作用
B. 水体对阳光光波的物理性质
C. 所在地理环境、水生植物的颜色
D. 所含的泥沙、矿物结晶体的颜色
E. 水体在自然界中不断运动
A. 中国丹霞地貌
B. 云南红河哈尼梯田
C. 云南澄江动物化石群
D. 四川大熊猫栖息地
E. 中国南方喀斯特
A. 四川九寨沟风景名胜区
B. 元上都遗址
C. 云南三江并流保护地
D. 四川青城山和都江堰水利工程
E. 重庆大足石刻
A. 空中交通管制属于不可抗力
B. 空中交通管制属于意外事件
C. 旅游者因滞留增加的食宿费用,由旅行社与旅游者分担
D. 旅游者因滞留增加的返程费用,由旅行社或旅游者承担
E. 旅游者因滞留增加的返程费用,由旅行社与旅游者分担
A. 免除旅行社责任
B. 加重旅游者责任
C. 因过失造成旅游者财产损失的,旅行社可以免责
D. 因故意造成旅游者财产损失的,旅行社可以免责
E. 排除旅游者主要权利
A. 核心区
B. 缓冲区
C. 保护区
D. 实验区
E. 旅游区
A. 不文明行为当事人的姓名、性别、籍贯
B. 不文明行为当事人的工作单位
C. 不文明行为的具体表现
D. 不文明行为所造成的的影响和后果
E. 不文明行为的记录期限