A. 经络
B. 赎理
C. 尿道
D. 三焦
E. 骨
A. 气滞
B. 气结
C. 气闭
D. 气机不畅
E. 气机失调
A. 宗气
B. 元气
C. 卫气
D. 营气
E. 牌气
A. 推动作用
B. 温熙作用
C. 固摄作用
D. 气化作用
E. 防御作用
A. 体液
B. 阴液
C. 津液
D. 津
E. 液
A. 心主血脉
B. 肺主宣发
C. 肾主气化
D. 肝主疏泄
E. 脾主统摄
A. 血液充盈
B. 脉道通畅
C. 肺脾肾功能正着
D. 心气充沛
E. 三焦通利
A. 气为生津的物质基础
B. 气为生津的动力
C. 气为生津的物质基础和动力
D. 气能化生精气
E. 气能生血,血能化津
A. 水谷精微
B. 宗气
C. 精
D. 元气
E. 营气
A. 营气
B. 卫气
C. 元气
D. 宗气
E. 肾气
A. 肝肾同源
B. 乙类同源
C. 津血同源
D. 精血同源
E. 以上均不是
Q1: What does the man suggest that the woman do this weekend?___
A. Read J .K .Rowling's first book .
B. Go to buy a new Harry Potter book .
C. Watch BBC news about J .K .Rowling .
D. Take her cousin to see a new Harry Potter movie .
Q2: Where did J. K. Rowling come up with the idea for Harry Potter?___
A. At a cafe .
B. On a train .
C. At a cinema .
D. In a bookstore .
Q3: What are J. K. Rowling’s future plans?___
A. She won't write any more books .
B. She will write more magic stories .
C. She hasn't said anything about her future plans .
D. She said she would work on more serious subjects .
Q4: What are the two speakers mainly talking about?___
A. J.K. Rowling's secret .
B. J .K .Rowling's writing plan .
C. A new book by J .K.Rowling.
D. An interview with J .K .Rowling .
Q1: What happened when Stephen tried to remove a bottle of milk from the refrigerator?___
A. He broke the milk bottle .
B. He fell down on the floor .
C. He made a mess inside the refrigerator .
D. He spilled the milk over the kitchen floor .
Q2: What did Stephen’s mother do when she came into the kitchen?___
A. She gave him a long lecture .
B. She shouted at him in anger .
C. She enjoyed the wonderful mess .
D. She cleaned up the mess with him .
Q3: What did Stephen’s mother teach him later?___
A. How to do an experiment .
B. How to carry a milk bottle .
C. How to clean up spilled milk .
D. How to avoid making mistakes .
Q4: What did Stephen learn from this experience?___
A. Mistakes can become learning opportunities .
B. Mistakes are just like scientific experiments .
C. One should sometimes make mistakes .
D. One should try to avoid making mistakes .
Q1: Why is surfing the man’s favorite activity?___
A. Because he likes the sunny weather.
B. Because he wants to challenge himself .
C. Because it can help solve his sleeping problem .
D. Because it can help him forget all his troubles .
Q2: What is the woman going to do this weekend?___
A. To go sailing .
B. To go surfing .
C. To go to the beach .
D. To go to her nephew's .
Q3: What does the woman love doing?___
A. Going to visit relatives.
B. Enjoying the warm sun on the beach .
C. Building sand castles with her niece and nephew .
D. Playing in the sand and jumping in the waves .
Q4: What does the man remember doing with his brothers?___
A. Surfing in the sea .
B. Collecting seashells .
C. Building sand castles .
D. Jumping in the waves .
Q1: According to the survey, what percentage of British adults watched TV in theirfree time?___
A. 89 percent .
B. 84 percent .
C. 76 percent .
D. 71 percent .
Q2: Which age group would be the most likely to visit their friends and relatives?___
A. People aged 16 to 24
B. People aged 25 to 34 .
C. People aged 16 and over .
D. People aged 55 and over .
Q3: What does the speaker say about listening to music as a leisure activity for British people?___
A. People aged 16 to 24 preferred listening to music most .
B. It was getting more and more popular among the British people .
C. It was the third most popular activity among people aged 55 and over .
D. People aged 25 to 34 listened to music more often than those aged 16 to 24 .
Q4: According to the survey, how are leisure activities related to age?___
A. Older people go out to pubs more often . frequently .
B. Younger people go to the cinema less frequently.
C. Older people spend more time reading and gardening .
D. Younger people spend less time visiting friends and family .
Q1: Why was the girl excited?___
A. She is going to have a lot of vanilla ice cream .
B. She won the spelling competition at her school .
C. She is going to the state capital for a competition .
D. She "excellence"correctly,but others didn't .
Q2: What happened when the man was 13 years old?___
A. His family moved to Sacramento to settle down .
B. His family bought him a new suit and a new tie .
C. He went to Sacramento for a spelling competition .
D. He won the first prize in the state spelling competition .
Q3: Why did the man’s mom give him a big hug?___
A. To make him feel better after he lost the first prize .
B. To apologize for not buying him some ice cream .
C. To wish him good luck in the next competition .
D. To congratulate him on winning the first prize .
Q4: What color is the girl going to wear for her next competition?___
A. Red .
B. Blue .
C. Green .
D. Yellow .
Q1: What is this passage mainly about?___
A. Superstitions and science .
B. Tips on how to have good luck .
C. Superstitions in the United States .
D. Rational and superstitious societies .
Q2: According to the passage, what is considered as bad luck?___
A. Walking under a ladder .
B. Dreaming of a black cat .
C. Hanging a mirror in the house .
D. Stepping on one's own shadow .
Q3: Why is it considered bad luck to see a black cat crossing one’s path?___
A. Because black cats look like witches . e witches .
B. Because black cats were thought to be witches .
C. Because black cats bring seven years of bad luck .
D. Because black cats are hard to notice in darkness .
Q4: According to the passage, what will bring people good luck?___
A. Breaking a mirror on purpose .
B. Catching a falling leaf on one's birthday .
C. Finding a on the ground and picking it up .
D. Dreaming of blowing out the candles in one blow .
Q1: How long will the woman spend on her way to and from work by high-speed train?___
A. 4 hours .
B. 2 hours .
C. 1.5 hours .
D. 45 minutes .
Q2: When does the woman arrive back home by subway?___
A. At 8 .
B. At 7 .
C. At 6 .
D. At 5 .
Q3: According to the woman, in what way will the new high-speed train be a big help to her?___
A. She can either read or rest a little on the train .
B. She can read and respond to emails onthe train .
C. She can travel to many different parts of the city .
D. She can go shopping on her way home from work .
Q4: How will the new high-speed train affect the man?___
A. He can take the train to the old part of the city .
B. He can save a lot of money when he takes the train .
C. He can save 20 minutes to go to work with the train .
D. He can take the train to the airport instead of driving .
A. 冠心病
B. 电解质紊乱
C. 酸碱平衡失调
D. 意外事件
E. 药物中毒或过敏
A. 血常规检查
B. 血清淀粉酶检查
C. 尿淀粉酶检查
D. 血清脂肪酶检查
E. 凝血功能检查
A. 结核菌素实验阴性者可排除结核病
B. 卡介苗接种成功,结核菌素实验呈强阳性
C. 粟粒性结核时,结核菌素实验可呈阴性
D. 结核菌素实验强阳性者可肯定结核感染
E. 3岁以内阳性者未接种卡介苗不一定有活动性结核
A. 正常
B. 无尿
C. 少尿
D. 尿潴留
E. 尿量偏少
A. 10天一次
B. 20天一次
C. 30天一次
D. 45天一次
E. 60天一次
A. 喉痉挛
B. 气管异物
C. 严重心律失常
D. 急性呼吸衰竭
E. 心力衰竭
A. HBsAg(+),HBeAg(-),抗- HBc(+)
B. HBsAg(+),HBeAg(-),抗-HBe(+)
C. HBsAg(+),HBeAg(+)
D. 抗- HBc(+)
E. 抗- HBs(+)
A. 急性管状淋巴管炎
B. 急性网状淋巴管炎
C. 蜂窝织炎
D. 急性淋巴结炎
E. 多发性毛囊炎
A. 有传染性、传播途径、免疫性
B. 有病原体、流行性、传染性
C. 有病原性、传染性、流行性、地方性、季节性、免疫性
D. 有传染性、免疫性、流行性、地方性、季节性
E. 有病原性、传染性、免疫性
A. 5~10个
B. 10-15个
C. 15~20个
D. 20~25个
E. 25~30个
A. 双顶径
B. 双颞径
C. 枕下前囟径
D. 枕额径
E. 枕颏径
A. 病人可采取半卧位
B. 观察引流管是否通畅
C. 注意无菌操作
D. 引流管的位置必须低于胸腔
E. 肺组织修复后立即拔管
A. 圆韧带
B. 主韧带
C. 骨盆漏斗韧带
D. 卵巢固有韧带
E. 阔韧带
A. 进行性贫血
B. 肝、脾、淋巴结肿大
C. 出血
D. 全血细胞减少
E. 感染
A. 黑便次数增多伴肠鸣音亢进
B. 网织红细胞计数持续增高
C. 黑便由糊状变为成形略带黄色
D. 呕吐物由咖啡色变为鲜红色
E. 血尿素氮恢复正常后又升高
A. 中枢神经系统白血病
B. 脑出血
C. 脑血栓形成
D. 脑膜炎
E. 蛛网膜下腔出血
A. 1~3分钟
B. 3~5分钟
C. 5~10分钟
D. 10~15分钟
E. 15分钟以上
A. 术后2小时即可进食温流质饮食
B. 术后30~60分钟咽喉部无麻木感即可饮少量水
C. 术后患者如无不适即可进食温流食
D. 术后如无特殊变化,第2餐可恢复正常饮食
E. 术后第1餐一般不给予普食
A. 间歇脉
B. 缓脉
C. 三联律
D. 绌脉
E. 速脉
A. 慢性肾盂肾炎
B. 慢性肾小球肾炎
C. 狼疮性肾炎
D. 肾小动脉硬化症
E. 糖尿病肾病
A. 脾功能亢进
B. 营养吸收障碍
C. 上消化道出血
D. 肝肾综合征
E. 低蛋白血症
A. 上呼吸道感染
B. 阻塞性肺气肿
C. 肺结核
D. 肺不张
E. 自发性气胸
A. 穿孔
B. 癌变
C. 幽门梗阻
D. 出血
E. 营养不良
A. 呼吸浅快
B. 发绀
C. 心率、血压变化
D. 皮肤干燥
E. 球结膜充血、水肿
A. 有利于脑部血液循环
B. 防止脑缺血
C. 减轻脑膜刺激症
D. 预防颅内压降低
E. 防止昏迷
A. 主要侵犯大关节
B. 不留关节畸形
C. 游走性疼痛
D. 对称性改变
E. 关节红肿热痛明显
A. 药物剂量由小到大,逐步增加
B. 根据发作类型选择最佳药物
C. 定期监测血象及肝肾功能和药物浓度
D. 一般情况不主张联合用药
E. 撤换药物要果断、迅速
A. 多为急性起病,病程较长
B. 同一疾病临床表现可有很大个体差异
C. 病程中发作与缓解交替出现
D. 多有复杂的免疫学变化
E. 对疗效有较大的个体差异
A. 肺结核
B. 自发性气胸
C. 肺不张
D. 慢性肺源性心脏病
E. 肺炎
A. 早期、联合、适量、规律、全程
B. 仅早期使用抗结核药
C. 间断使用抗结核药
D. 仅用一种杀菌剂
E. 药物剂量应偏大
A. 是中效支气管舒张剂
B. 常用给药途径为肌内注射
C. 静脉注射应使用葡萄糖稀释后慢推
D. 速度过快可引起心律失常、头晕、血压下降
E. 浓度过高可引起心搏骤停
A. 不同时间测量两次血压,一次超过正常血压值的高限可诊断为高血压
B. 测量两次血压,均超过正常血压值的高限可诊断为高血压
C. 测量三次血压,均超过正常血压值的高限可诊断为高血压
D. 不同时间测量三次血压,均超过正常血压值的高限可诊断为高血压
E. 不同时间测量三次血压,一次超过正常血压值的高限可诊断为高血压
A. 心脏扩大为主,累及左右心室
B. 心力衰
C. 心肌非对称性肥厚,心室腔变小
D. 以左心受累为主,伴有不同程度的肥厚
E. 心室收缩功能减低
A. 金黄色葡萄球菌
B. 军团菌
C. 结核杆菌
D. 支原体
E. 真菌
A. 暴露部位
B. 口腔
C. 胸部
D. 腹部
E. 下肢
A. 遗传因素
B. 性激素
C. 药物作用
D. 潮湿刺激
E. 阳光照射
A. 服药量太小
B. 只在夜间服药
C. 服药次数多
D. 突然停药
E. 两药同服
A. 长期慢性胸、肺疾患病史
B. 胸廓呈桶状、语颤减弱
C. 肺动脉瓣区第二心音增强
D. 肺动脉高压及右心室增大征象
E. 三尖瓣区收缩期杂音
A. 腹水
B. 肝大
C. 交通支扩张
D. 脾大
E. 食管、胃底静脉破裂出血
A. 粘连型
B. 渗出型
C. 干酪型
D. 混合型
E. 坏死型