For years, scientists have debated the ___ dangers of building another nuclear plant after the terrible accident.
A. available
B. potential
C. fascinating
D. genuine
It was a worthwhile attempt ___ it failed to achieve its purpose that we had hoped for.
A. in the end
B. now that
C. all at once
D. even though
Travel in space can be very exciting; ___, it can also be boring and lonely at times.
A. so
B. however
C. thus
D. therefore
Politicians should not ___ in business affairs that might affect their political judgment.
A. engage
B. embrace
C. depart
D. treasure
I wish to ___ a master’s degree in electric engineering after I graduate from college.
A. pledge
B. explore
C. pursue
D. approach
There is no greater importance ___ cultivating independence in children.
A. in
B. than
C. of
D. with
He has made it very clear ___ we should observe the new rules.
A. what
B. which
C. those
D. that
It was when I read his letter ___ I realized he had given me huge help.
A. that
B. then
C. before
D. after
Don’t worry too much, Jane. Your son ___ home already. Let’s go back and check it out.
A. returned
B. will return
C. has returned
D. may have returned
I believe friendship is an essential element of making a healthy, ___ life.
A. flexible
B. rewarding
C. wealthy
D. inquisitive
___ they have written about the behaviors of animals is hardly anything new.
A. That
B. This
C. What
D. Which
No other drugs are as good as this one; it must have been based on a(n) ___ formula (配方).
A. enormous
B. stimulating
C. unique
D. overwhelming
Mothers tend to be too ___ toward their children. They should let them see more of the worl D.
A. hopeful
B. protective
C. modest
D. encouraging
The investigation ___ evidence of a large-scale illegal trade in wild birds.
A. uncovered
B. outweighed
C. overwhelmed
D. evolved
Poor Laura! I feel so sorry for her. When she fell, she hurt her arm and, ___, broke her glasses.
A. in advance
B. in addition
C. over time
D. on the other hand
Showing some sense of humor can be a(n) ___ way to deal with some stressful situations.
A. genuine
B. available
C. effective
D. favorite
It will be worth the efforts even if you fail; the rewards you ___ will be great.
A. reap
B. boast
C. assure
D. cultivate
He suggested transporting the supplies by air. But it is absolutely ___, for it will cost too much.
A. unusual
B. uncertain
C. impractical
D. impressive
The newspaper didn’t mention the ___ of the damage caused by the fire.
A. range
B. level
C. extent
D. quantity
Do you ___ her novels as serious literature or as mere entertainment?
A. classify
B. notify
C. simplify
D. justify
He doesn’t ___ of buying a house this year because the bank has refused to lend him any money.
A. afford
B. make the most
C. run out
D. stand a chance
If you don’t ___ cooking today, we can go out to eat at the new restaurant.
A. would like
B. go on with
C. feel like
D. figure out、
Bullying (恃强欺弱) can ___ a climate of fear and anxiety in school, and prevent students from focusing on their schoolwork.
A. keep back
B. give rise to
C. feel like
D. make use of
Science can now ___ many things which were thought to be mysterious by ancient people.
A. care for
B. lay out
C. account for
D. set up
The school has ___ many after-class activity groups for the pupils to make their spare time more colorful.
A. set up
B. set off
C. set out
D. set down
When he was a small kid, he ___ from his peers because he could read fast and remember whatever he rea D.
A. showed off
B. worked out
C. stood out
D. straightened up
The fall in the number of deaths from heart disease is generally ___ improvements in diet.
A. put up with
B. attributed to
C. added to
D. replaced with
We can be partners for now, but ultimately you have to ___ to develop a new software for our project.
A. keep up
B. fire off
C. make sense
D. take the lead
Emotional Intelligence (情商) could be of practical use in many ___ such as how companies decide which job applicant to hire, how parents should raise their children, how schools should teach the students, and so on.
A. aspects
B. disciplines
C. structures
D. opportunities
The teacher should praise students for their correct answers and also suggest ___ possibilities.
A. unlimited
B. unique
C. alternative
D. essential
In some classrooms, desks are arranged in a U-shape, so the teacher can ___ easily with the students.
A. interrupt
B. interact
C. interpret
D. interview
Computer technology ___ individuals to educate themselves and adapt to a constantly changing job market.
A. lets
B. makes
C. enables
D. provides
Our hope for an enjoyable dinner was instantly ___ when the waiter dropped a salad plate on my hea D.
A. spoiled
B. restricted
C. exploded
D. vanished
___ the world has ever seen has occurred in the information and communications technologies.
A. Great a change
B. The great change
C. A greatest change
D. The greatest change
___ so many people around, it wasn’t convenient to have a long talk with him.
A. As
B. When
C. With
D. Since
Alice used to be terribly shy, but working abroad for a year has completely ___ her.
A. solved
B. transformed
C. characterized
D. regulated
Chinese Mandarin (普通话) is ___ for foreigners to learn because the changes in the tone will totally change the meaning of words.
A. difficult
B. accessible
C. competitive
D. easy
Take action on those things that will have the biggest ___ impact on your life with the least amount of effort.
A. portable
B. positive
C. sophisticated
D. moderate
The adoption of this measure will greatly reduce the ___ of greenhouse gas emissions (排放物), which may help slow global warming.
A. loan
B. decline
C. release
D. response
I think I have a healthy lifestyle. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, and I’m a ___ drinker.
A. moderate
B. heavy
C. gradual
D. delicate
In a way the human race needs to improve its mental and physical qualities if it is to deal with the more and more ___ world and meet new challenges.
A. typical
B. complex
C. rational
D. orderly
A. 外国资本主义的入侵
B. 洋务运动的刺激
C. 明清资本主义的萌芽
D. 爱国商人倡导实业
A. 甲午战后,列强对华侵略到达了新阶段
B. 甲午战争宣告洋务运动破产,刺激维新变法运动兴起
C. 甲午战后,清政府放宽对民间设厂的严格限制
D. 19世界末,民族资本主义产生
A. 《天演论》
B. 《仁学》
C. 《日本变政考》
D. 《变法通议》
A. 运动的兴起都与侵略有关
B. 都曾一度控制了清朝统治中心
C. 都是农民的反封建反侵略活动
D. 都因没有科学理论指导而失败
中国第一个资产阶级民主革命小团体是 ___
A. 华兴会
B. 兴中会
C. 光复会
D. 同盟会
1904年至1905年,日俄两国为争夺在华利益进行的战争发生在 ___
A. 中国东北
B. 中国华北
C. 中国西北
D. 中国华南
北洋军阀政府代表 ___
A. 民族资产阶级利益
B. 大地主和买办资产阶级利益
C. 小资产阶级知识分子利益
D. 工农利益
1906年清政府宣布“预备仿行宪政”,并于1908年颁布了 ___
A. 《临时约法》
B. 《暂时新政律》
C. 《中华民国约法》
D. 《钦定宪法大纲》
中国第一个资产阶级性质的民主革命政党是 ___
A. 兴中会
B. 中国同盟会
C. 光复会
D. 国民党
1903年,发表《驳康有为论革命书》,反对康有为保皇观点的人是 ___
A. 孙中山
B. 邹容
C. 章炳麟
D. 蔡元培
中国近代史上第一个比较完备的民主主义革命纲领是 ___
A. 兴中会纲领
B. 同盟会政纲
C. 中国国民党章程
D. 《钦定宪法大纲》
同盟会成立后创办的机关报是 ___
A. 《民报》
B. 《新民丛报》
C. 《万国公报》
D. 《顺天时报》
孙中山第一次将同盟会的纲领概括为民族、民权、民生三大主义是在 ___
A. 《国民报》
B. 《民报》发刊词
C. 《万法精理》
D. 《民约论》
邹容所写的反清革命的著名篇章是 ___
A. 《猛回头》
B. 《警世钟》
C. 《游学译编》
D. 《革命军》
中国民族资产阶级在政治上的主要特点是 ___
A. 产生于明末清初
B. 是中国自给自足的自然经济的必然产物
C. 最初来源于农民阶层
D. 具有革命性与妥协性
三民主义的核心是 ___
A. 民生主义
B. 民族主义
C. 民权主义
D. 平均地权
A. 黄兴、宋教仁
B. 陈天华、蔡元培
C. 康有为、梁启超
D. 章炳麟、刘揆一
辛亥革命的导火线是 ___
A. 武昌起义
B. 成都血案
C. 保路运动
D. 抵制美货
中国民族资产阶级具有两面性的根本原因是 ___
A. 其产生晚于中国无产阶级
B. 其产生发展于中国社会半殖民地半封建化的过程中
C. 其产生晚于西方资产阶级
D. 中国资产阶级力量弱小
在保路运动期间,四川总督赵尔丰下令军警向手无寸铁的群众开枪,造成 ___
A. 成都血案
B. 五卅惨案
C. 二七惨案
D. 下关惨案
1915年12月25日,在云南组织护国军,宣布独立的是 ___
A. 唐继尧
B. 陆荣廷
C. 蔡锷
D. 黄兴
1917年6月,率军北上拥戴溥仪复辟帝制的人是 ___
A. 康有为
B. 冯国璋
C. 段祺瑞
D. 张勋
1917年,以孙中山为大元帅的护法军政府成立于 ___
1914年7月,孙中山在日本东京组建了 ___
A. 保国会
B. 中华革命党
C. 同盟会
D. 中国国民党
A. 孙中山
B. 黄兴
C. 宋教仁
D. 章炳麟
1913年4月,袁世凯不经国会批准,以出卖国家主权为条件与英、法、德、俄、日五国银行团签订了 ___
A. 西原借款
B. “二十一条”
C. 善后大借款
D. 铁路借款
中国历史上第一部具有资产阶级共和国宪法性质的法典是 ___
A. 《中华民国约法》
B. 《钦定宪法大纲》
C. 《中华民国临时约法》
D. 《共同纲领》
武昌起义胜利后,出任湖北军政府都督的是 ___
A. 袁世凯
B. 孙中山
C. 黎元洪
D. 黄兴
下列哪次运动是针对段祺瑞的 ___
A. 二次革命
B. 护法运动
C. 护国运动
D. 国民革命
A. 洋务运动
B. 戊戌变法
C. 清末新政
D. 预备仿行宪政
A. 资产阶级、小资产阶级的知识分子
B. 华侨
C. 资产阶级工商业者
D. 会党
A. 不能依靠和发动群众
B. 列强的敌视和反对
C. 没有自己的纲领
D. 没有一个自己的政党
A. 湖北军政府
B. 南京临时政府
C. 南京国民政府
D. 北京临时大总统
A. 决定废除不平等条约
B. 承认不平等条约和外债
C. 拒绝偿还外债
D. 拒绝偿还赔款
A. 没有完成反帝反封建的任务
B. 没有推翻清政府的统治
C. 没有打击帝国主义在华势力
D. 没有促进中国革命的向前发展
A. 结束了两千多年的君主专制政体,建立了资产阶级共和国
B. 使人民获得了一些民主和自由的权利
C. 为资本主义的发展创造了条件
D. 使民主共和观念深入人心
A. 段祺瑞
B. 冯国璋
C. 唐绍仪
D. 袁世凯
A. 五色旗
B. 青天白日旗
C. 五星红旗
D. 铁血十八星旗
A. 陈独秀
B. 蔡元培
C. 于右任
D. 汤寿潜