English belongs to the group of Indo-European family of languages.
A. A. Celtic
B. B. Indo-Iranian
C. C. Germanic
D. D. Roman
The introduction of Christianity to Britain added the first element of words to English.
A. A. Danish and Finnish
B. B. Dutch and German
C. C. French and Italian
D. D. Latin and Greek
The evolution of Middle English was reinforced by the influence.
A. A. Norman
B. B. Dutch
C. C. German
D. D. Danish
In Britain, the parliamentary general election is held every years.
A. A. three
B. B. four
C. C. five
D. D. six
has a distinct legal system based on Roman law.
A. A. Wales
B. B. England
C. C. Scotland
D. D. Northern Ireland
Generally speaking, the British Parliament operates on a system.
A. A. single-party
B. B. two-party
C. C. three-party
D. D. multi-party
The policies of the Conservative Party areThe policies of the Conservative Party are characterized by pragmatism and .
A. A. government intervention
B. B. nationalization of enterprises
C. C. social reform
D. D. a belief in individualism
The Labor Party affected the British society greatly in that it .
A. A. set up the National Health Service
B. B. improved public transportation
C. C. abolished the old tax system
D. D. enhanced the economic development
The British economy achieved global dominance by the .
A. A. 1860s
B. B. 1870s
C. C. 1880s
D. D.1890s
In , the British Parliament passed two important acts to establish a welfare state.
A. A. 1945
B. B. 1946
C. C. 1947
D. D. 1948
The in the early 1970s worsened an already stagnant economy in Britain.
A. A. oil crisis
B. B. high inflation rates
C. C. large imports
D. D. unemployment problem
Of the following practices, does not belong to Thatcher’s social welfare reform.
A. A. reducing child benefits
B. B. shortening the unemployment benefits period
C. C. reducing the unemployment
D. D. lowering old age pensions
The Blair government has been successful in all the following aspects except .
A. A. limiting government spending
B. B. keeping inflation under control
C. C. reducing unemployment
D. D. reducing inequality
Britain has devoted of its land area to agriculture.
A. A. 54%
B. B. 64%
C. C. 74%
D. D.84%
Britain’s important fishing areas include all the following except .
A. A. the North Sea
B. B. the English Channelnnel
C. C. The sea area around Ireland
D. D. The sea area between Britain and Ireland
Coal mining industry in Britain provides of the energy consumed in the country.
A. A. 1/3
B. B. 1/4
C. C. 1/5
D. D. 2/3
The car industry in Britain in mostly .
A. A. foreign-owned
B. B. state-owned
C. C. joint-venture
D. D. privately-owned
Of the following sectors in Britain, has experienced spectacular growth since the end of Word War II.
A. A. agriculture
B. B. energy industry
C. C. service industry
D. D. manufacturing industry
Samuel Johnson’s dictionary was influential in establishing a standard form of .
A. A. grammar
B. B. handwriting
C. C. spelling
D. D. pronunciation
At present, nearly of the world’s population communicate in English.
A. A. half
B. B. a quarter
C. C. one third
D. D. one fifth
The attack on Rome ended the Roman occupation in Britain in 410.
A. A. Norman
B. B. Danish
C. C. Celtic
D. D. Germanic
By the late 7th century, became the dominant religion in England.
A. A. Celtic Christianity
B. B. Anglo-Saxon Christianity
C. C. Germanic Christianity
D. D. Roman Christianity
Westminster Abbey was built at the time of .
A. A. St. Augustine
B. B. Edward the Confessor
C. C. William the Conqueror
D. D. Alfred the Great
The marked the establishment of feudalism in England.
A. A. Viking invasion
B. B. signing of the Magna Carta
C. C. Norman Conquest
D. D. Adoption of common law
The end of the Wars of the Roses led to the rule of .
A. A. the House of Valois
B. B. the House of York
C. C. the House of Tudor
D. D. the House of Lancaster
The direct cause for the Religious Reformation was King Henry VIII’s effort to .
A. A. divorce his wife
B. B. break with Rome
C. C. support the Protestants
D. D. declare his supreme power over the church
The English Civil War broke out in 1642 between .
A. A. Protestants and Puritans
B. B. Royalists and Parliamentarians
C. C. nobles and peasants
D. D. aristocrats and Christians
was passed after the Glorious Revolution.
A. A. Bill of Rights
B. B. Act of Supremacy
C. C. Provisions of Oxford
D. D. Magna Carta
The Industrial Revolution was aThe Industrial Revolution was accomplished in Britain by the middle of the century.
A. A. 17th
B. B. 18th
C. C. 19th
D. D. 20th
Britain faced strong challenges in its global imperial dominance by the beginning of the century.
A. A. 17th
B. B. 18th
C. C. 19th
D. D. 20th
As a revising chamber, the House of Lords is expected to the House of Commons.
A. A. rival
B. B. complement
C. C. criticize
D. D. inspect
The British government is characterized by a division of powers between three of the following branches with the exception of the .
A. A. judiciary
B. B. legislature
C. C. monarchy
D. D. executive
The importance of the British monarchy can be seen in its effect on .
A. A. passing the bills
B. B. advising the government
C. C. political parties
D. D. public attitude
British Cabinet works on the principle of .
A. A. collective responsibility
B. B. individual responsibility
C. C. defending the collectivism
D. D. defending the individuals
The main duty of the British Privy Council is to .
A. A. make decisions
B. B. give advice
C. C. pass bills
D. D. supervise the Cabinet
is the first African-American winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature.
A. A.Ralph Ellison
B. B. Tony Morrison
C. C. Richard Wright
D. D. James Baldwin
Of the following writers, is Not a Nobel Prize winner.
A. A. Alice Walker
B. B. Ernest Hemingway
C. C. William Faulkner
D. D. Eugene O’Neil
Of the following books, is NOT written by Ernest Hemingway.
A. A. The Sun Also Rises
B. B. The Sound and the Fury
C. C. A Farewell to Arms
D. D. For Whom the Bell Tolls
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s finest novel is , and its theme is about
A. A. The Great Gatsby, the American Dream
B. B. Tender is the Night, love
C. C. Tales of the Jazz Age, the loss of oneself
D. D. The Beautiful and the Damned, the evil of human nature
Of the following writers, is NOT included in the group of naturalists.
A. A. Stephen Crane
B. B. Frank Norris
C. C. Theodore Dreiser
D. D. Herman Melville
Of the following, is NOT characteristic of Mark Twain’s works.
A. A. colloquial speech
B. B. a sense of humor
C. C. a realistic view
D. D. an idealistic view
A. 持无菌镊的1/2处
B. 持无菌容器时手指触及容器边缘
C. 将无菌敷料伸进无菌溶液瓶内蘸取溶液
D. 将无菌盘的盖巾扇形折叠时,开口边向外
E. 戴无菌手套的手触及另一手套反折部的外侧面
A. 胎方位清楚
B. 先露高浮
C. 胎心正常
D. 子宫大小与停经月份一致
E. 宫颈抬举痛明显
A. 有突破感
B. 拔出针芯有脑脊液流出
C. 能测得负压
D. 拔出针芯有血液流出
E. 注生理盐水无阻力
A. 5岁
B. 6岁
C. 7岁
D. 8岁
E. 9岁
A. 5%葡萄糖静脉滴注
B. 肌注山莨菪碱
C. 静注50%葡萄糖
D. 静注10%葡萄糖酸钙
E. 静注低分子右旋糖酐
A. 心尖区舒张期杂音第一心音亢进
B. 心尖区收缩期杂音
C. 主动脉区舒张期杂音
D. 主动脉瓣区收缩期杂音
E. 肺动脉瓣第二音亢进及剑突处心尖搏动
A. 卧床休息
B. 高蛋白易消化饮食
C. 保持口腔清洁
D. 病室空气流通
E. 保持一定的温度
A. 实质器官
B. 脂肪
C. 骨骼
D. 神经
E. 肌肉
A. 凝血因子减少
B. 皮下脂肪太薄
C. 血小板减少及毛细血胞通透性增加
D. 全骨髓抑制
E. 巨核细胞破坏
A. 腕关节对称
B. 脊柱大关节
C. 膝关节对称
D. 单关节不对称
E. 对称游走
A. 简单部分性发作
B. 复杂部分性发作
C. 单纯失神发作
D. 强直阵挛发作
E. 癫癎持续状态
A. 配血、备血、定血型
B. 备齐一切抢救用物
C. 迅速建立静脉通路
D. 按医嘱应用止血药
E. 高流量氧气吸入
A. 霍乱
B. 急性胃肠炎
C. 肠激惹综合征
D. 细菌性痢疾
E. 阿米巴痢疾
A. 少量消化道出血即可阳性
B. 正常人为阴性
C. 服用铁剂可呈假阳性
D. 判断消化道出血的有效方法
E. 可确诊消化道出血的部位
A. 快速静脉滴注脱水剂
B. 采集标本作毒物鉴定
C. 必要时气管切开
D. 急送高压氧舱
E. 经予流质鼻饲
A. 立即取半卧位
B. 加压给氧
C. 立即气管插管
D. 保持呼吸道通畅,清除血块
E. 人工呼吸
A. 地西泮
B. 水合氯醛
C. 吗啡
D. 硫苯妥钠
E. 以上都不是
A. 疼痛
B. 体液不足
C. 焦虑
D. 营养失调
E. 休克
A. 葡萄球菌
B. 军团菌
C. 克雷白杆菌
D. 肺炎球菌
E. 流感杆菌
A. 合并胃溃疡
B. 合并十二指肠溃疡
C. 合并浅表性胃炎
D. 食管下段及胃底静脉破裂
E. 合并食管炎
A. 疝块的形状
B. 突出径路
C. 疝内容是否进入阴囊
D. 疝囊颈与腹壁下动脉的关系
E. 压迫内环后疝块是否突出
A. 放置24h,抽出气囊气体后观察12h即可取出
B. 放置48h
C. 放置12h
D. 放置48~72h,抽出气囊气体后观察12h无出血即可取出
E. 以上均不对
A. 发生的快慢
B. 出血的多少
C. 出血的部位
D. 引起出血的病因
E. 缺氧的程度
A. 继续出血
B. 病灶扩散
C. 合并其他感染
D. 残血被机体吸收
E. 药物反应
A. 手术治疗
B. 放射治疗
C. 抗癌药物治疗
D. 免疫治疗
E. 中医中药治疗
A. 大肠杆菌
B. 链球菌
C. 肺炎球菌
D. 乙肝病毒
E. 军团菌
A. 睡前勿进食,勿饮水
B. 睡前食少许点心
C. 睡前饮水1~2次
D. 晨间饮水1~2次
E. 起床前先服止吐剂
A. 昼眠夜醒
B. 头痛头胀
C. 昏迷
D. 抽搐
E. 水肿
A. 组织蔓延
B. 接触传染
C. 经呼吸道传染
D. 遗传
E. 食物传染
A. 水肿脉
B. 奇脉
C. 交替脉
D. 不整脉
E. 正常脉搏
A. 小量
B. 迅速达到阿托品化
C. 缓给
D. 隔日1次
E. 每天1次
A. 软食
B. 普食
C. 全量半流
D. 小量流质
E. 禁食
A. 环磷酰胺
B. 硫酸镁
C. 糖皮质激素
D. 硫唑嘌呤
E. 雷公藤
A. 早期心功能不全
B. 肺性脑病
C. 贫血
D. 房室传导阻滞
E. 周围循环衰竭
A. 幽门括约肌松弛胆汁反流
B. 直接刺激胃黏膜
C. 可致黏膜溃疡
D. 可致胃蠕动减慢
E. 可致幽门梗阻
A. 焦虑
B. 抑郁
C. 谵妄
D. 愤怒
E. 激动
A. 静滴碱性药
B. 控制感染
C. 增加通气
D. 使用激素
E. 吸入高浓度氧
A. 神经官能症
B. 地方性甲状腺肿
C. 甲亢
D. 糖尿病酮症酸中毒
E. 慢性肝炎
A. 病情急缓所致
B. 靶部位不同
C. 病情轻重所致
D. 年龄差别所致
E. 性别不同所致
A. 呕前饮咖啡
B. 呕前食用巧克力
C. 呕前食用炸酱面
D. 吐血过多血变色
E. 遇胃酸变成酸化血红蛋白