The British government is characterized by a division of powers between three of the following branches with the exception of the .
A. A. judiciary
B. B. legislature
C. C. monarchy
D. D. executive
The importance of the British monarchy can be seen in its effect on .
A. A. passing the bills
B. B. advising the government
C. C. political parties
D. D. public attitude
British Cabinet works on the principle of .
A. A. collective responsibility
B. B. individual responsibility
C. C. defending the collectivism
D. D. defending the individuals
The main duty of the British Privy Council is to .
A. A. make decisions
B. B. give advice
C. C. pass bills
D. D. supervise the Cabinet
is the first African-American winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature.
A. A.Ralph Ellison
B. B. Tony Morrison
C. C. Richard Wright
D. D. James Baldwin
Of the following writers, is Not a Nobel Prize winner.
A. A. Alice Walker
B. B. Ernest Hemingway
C. C. William Faulkner
D. D. Eugene O’Neil
Of the following books, is NOT written by Ernest Hemingway.
A. A. The Sun Also Rises
B. B. The Sound and the Fury
C. C. A Farewell to Arms
D. D. For Whom the Bell Tolls
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s finest novel is , and its theme is about
A. A. The Great Gatsby, the American Dream
B. B. Tender is the Night, love
C. C. Tales of the Jazz Age, the loss of oneself
D. D. The Beautiful and the Damned, the evil of human nature
Of the following writers, is NOT included in the group of naturalists.
A. A. Stephen Crane
B. B. Frank Norris
C. C. Theodore Dreiser
D. D. Herman Melville
Of the following, is NOT characteristic of Mark Twain’s works.
A. A. colloquial speech
B. B. a sense of humor
C. C. a realistic view
D. D. an idealistic view
Of the following, is considered Herman Melville’s masterpiece.
A. A. The Last of the Mohicans
B. B. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
C. C. Moby Dick
D. D. Daisy Miller
Of the following, is NOT Nathaniel Hawthorne’s work.
A. A. The Scarlet Letter
B. B. The House of the Seven Gables
C. C. The Marble Faun
D. D. Nature
is regarded as “the father of American literature”.
A. A. James Fennimore Cooper
B. B. Ralph Waldo
C. C. Thomas Jefferson
D. D. Washington Irving
Of the following writers, are from the Colonial and Revolutionary Periods.
A. A. Benjamin Franklin & Edgar Ellen Poe
B. B. Edgar Ellen Poe & Jonathan Edwards
C. C. Benjamin Franklin & Jonathan Edwards
D. D. Edgar Ellen Poe & Washington Irving
The National Day of the United States falls on .
A. A. June 4th
B. B. July 4th
C. C. June 14th
D. D. July 14th
Of the following, is NOT among the three major radio and TV networks in America.
A. A. the National Broadcasting System (NBS)
B. B. the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)
C. C. the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)
D. D. the American Broadcasting System (ABS)
is sold especially to the upper or upper-middle class and it has a reputation for its serious attitude and great bulk.
A. A. The Washington Post
B. B. The New York Times
C. C. Los Angeles Times
D. D. New York Daily News
Of the following universities, has NOT cultivated any American President yet.
A. A. Harvard University
B. B. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
C. C. Princeton University
D. D. Yale University
To get a bachelor’s degree, all undergraduate students are required to do the following except .
A. A. attending lectures and completing assignments
B. B. passing examinations
C. C. working for communities
D. D. earning a certain number of credits
Of the following, is NOT the responsibility of the board of trustees in U. S. institutions.
A. A. choosing the president
B. B. establishing policies for administrators and faculty
C. C. approving budget and other financial project
D. D. decide which student to enroll
Of the following, are NOT among the categories of American higher education.
A. A. universities and colleges
B. B. research institutions
C. C. technical institutions
D. D. community colleges
Higher education in the United States began with the founding of
A. A. Yale University
B. B. Harvard University
C. C. Princeton University
D. D. New York University
Of the following subjects, are NOT offered to elementary school students.
A. A. mathematics and languages
B. B. politics and business education
C. C. science and social studies
D. D. music and physical education
Formal education in the United States consists of , secondary and higher education.
A. A. kindergarten
B. B. public
C. C. elementary
D. D. private
At present, U. S. exports account for of the world’s total.
A. A. 10%
B. B. 15%
C. C. 20%
D. D. 25%
is not one of the three giants in American automobile industry.
A. A. Ford
B. B. General Motors
C. C. Chrysler
D. D. American Motors
The following statements are all true except .
A. A. Agribusinesses reflect the big, corporate nature of many farm enterprises.
B. B. Agribusinesses maintain a balanced trade pattern between agricultural imports and exports.
C. C. Agribusinesses range from one-family corporations to multinational firms.
D. D. Agribusinesses include a variety of farm businesses and structures.
About of American crops are for export.
A. A. half
B. B. one third
C. C. one fourth
D. D. one fifth
President Johnson tried to build a “Great Society” by introducing various programs like the following except .
A. A. Medicare
B. B. Food Stamps
C. C. Education Initiatives
D. D. Unemployment Pension
The following inventions took place during the “second indThe following inventions took place during the “second industrial revolution” except .
A. A. typewriter
B. B. telephone
C. C. electric light
D. D. refrigerator
The first National Bank of the United States was established with the urge of .
A. A. George Washington
B. B. Thomas Jefferson
C. C. Andrew Jackson
D. D. Alexander Hamilton
Chartered companies were NOT granted the by the British King or Queen.
A. A. political authority
B. B. economic rights
C. C. judicial authority
D. D. diplomatic authority
The modern American economy progressed from to , and eventually, to .
A. A. colonial economy, handcraft economy, industrial economy
B. B. farming economy, handcraft economy, industrial economy
C. C. colonial economy, farming economy, industrial economy
D. D. handcraft economy, farming economy, industrial economy
America produces a major portion of the world’s products in the following fields except .
A. A. machinery
B. B. automobiles
C. C. ore
D. D. chemicals
The President is directly voted into office by .
A. A. all citizens of America
B. B. the citizens over 18 years old
C. C. electors elected by the voters
D. D. the senators and representatives
The Supreme Court is composed of justices.
A. A. six
B. B. seven
C. C. eight
D. D. nine
The terms for a Senator and Representative are and years respectively.
A. A. two, four
B. B. two, three
C. C. two, six
D. D. six, two
According to the Constitution, a candidate for President must be .
A. A. at least 35 years old
B. B. at least a 14 years’ resident of the United States
C. C. born in America
D. D. all of the above
The following except are all powers of the President.
A. A. vetoing any bills passed by Congress
B. B. appointing federal judges when vacancies occur
C. C. making laws
D. D. issuing executive orders
All the following except cannot make legislative proposal.
A. A. the Senator
B. B. the Representative
C. C. the Secretary of State
D. D. the President
The following except are guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.
A. A. freedom of religion
B. B. the right to get into people’s house by police
C. C. freedom of speech and of press
D. D. the right to own one’s weapon if one wishes
A. 食物
B. 遗传
C. 日光
D. 药物
E. 激素
A. 给予营养丰富的饮食
B. 缓解期适当体育锻炼
C. 注意保暖.避免寒冷
D. 活动期应绝对卧床休息
E. 坚持服药,定期复查
A. 抗核抗体(A.NA.)
B. 抗SRP抗体
C. 抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体(ANCA)
D. 抗ds-DNA抗体
E. 抗磷脂抗体
A. 甲氨蝶呤
B. 布洛芬
C. 金制剂
D. 环孢素
E. 雷公藤
A. 病情处于缓解期半年以上可妊娠
B. 常需终身治疗
C. 外出时尽量避免日光照射
D. 肥皂水洗脸每日3~4次
E. 忌用易诱发本病的药物
A. 起病缓慢
B. 可有发热.乏力和体重减轻
C. 出现Gottron征
D. 晚期可出现肌纤维化
E. 消化道可有反流性食管炎
A. 土壤传播
B. 空气传播
C. 接触传播
D. 虫媒传播
E. 粪-口传播
A. 肿胀处可冷敷
B. 腺肿处可用醋调青黛散外敷
C. 宜进易消化和清淡的软食
D. 保持口腔清洁,餐后漱口
E. 可进食水果.果汁和补充维生素
A. 显性感染
B. 潜伏性感染
C. 隐性感染
D. 病原携带状态
E. 其余选项均不是
哪项是流行性乙型脑炎的主要传染源 ___
A. 患者
B. 猪
C. 鼠
D. 鸡
E. 犬
A. 38℃为宜
B. 37.5℃为宜
C. 37℃为宜
D. 36.5℃为宜
E. 35.5℃为宜
A. 普通型
B. 败血症型
C. 脑膜炎型
D. 慢性败血症型
E. 混合型
A. 福氏志贺菌
B. 痢疾志贺菌
C. 鲍氏志贺菌
D. 宋内志贺菌
E. 志贺氏与鲍氏菌
A. 三日疟原虫
B. 间日疟原虫
C. 恶性疟原虫
D. 卵形疟原虫
E. 不规则疟原虫
A. 典型的果酱样大便
B. 具有腥臭味的脓血便
C. 全身中毒症状轻
D. 右下腹压痛
E. 大便镜检找到阿米巴滋养体或包囊
患者,男性,患钩端螺旋体病,在住院过程中出现面色苍白.烦躁不安.神志模糊,呼吸.心跳进行性加快,咯血。不正确的护理措施是 ___
A. 保持安静,禁止搬动
B. 密切观察病情变化
C. 侧卧位,给氧
D. 用吸引器将气管内积血排出
E. 加快输液,补充血容量
A. 隔离及治疗患者
B. 发现及处理带菌者
C. 切断传播途径
D. 服用疫苗
E. 流行季节预防性投药
A. 高热者采用物理降温法和药物降温法
B. 发现肺大出血先兆应及时配合医生进行抢救
C. 出血时应绝对卧床休息并记录出血量
D. 及时送检尿标本
E. 注意观察有无赫氏反应的发生,一旦发生立即组织救护
A. 物理降温
B. 控制感染
C. 镇痛
D. 支持治疗
E. 卧床休息
A. 90/60mmHg
B. 100/80mmHg
C. 110/80mmHg
D. 120/90mmHg
E. 150/100mmHg
霍乱.副霍乱的临床类型分哪四型 ___
A. 隐匿型.轻型.重型.爆发型
B. 隐匿型.顿挫型.轻型.重型
C. 轻型.中型.重型.爆发型
D. 轻型.重型.爆发型.中毒型
E. 轻型.重型.爆发型.迁延型
布氏杆菌病的潜伏期多长 ___
A. 1周
B. 2周
C. 1个月
D. 2个月
E. 1年以上
下列哪项是霍乱的常见表现 ___
A. 泻.吐同时发生
B. 先吐后泻
C. 先泻后吐
D. 只泻不吐
E. 只吐不泻
哪项是钩虫病最主要的临床表现 ___
A. 食欲亢进,但肢体乏力
B. 异嗜症
C. 发育营养不良
D. 慢性贫血表现
E. 上腹部疼痛或不适
哪项是绦虫病的主要传染源 ___
A. 绦虫病患者
B. 猪和牛
C. 病原携带者
D. 狼.狸
E. 犬.猫
A. 畏寒.发热
B. 呕吐
C. 腹泻
D. 腹痛
E. 肌肉痛性痉挛
A. 水
B. 食物
C. 生活接触
D. 苍蝇媒介
E. 其余选项都不是
A. 虫卵
B. 孕节
C. 囊尾蚴
D. 六钩蚴
E. 头节
A. O≥1:80及H1:160
B. O≥1:32及H≥1:80
C. O≥1:160及H≥1:120
D. O≥1:60及H≥1:120
E. O≥1:64及H≥1:32
A. 极期
B. 初期
C. 缓解期
D. 恢复期
E. 潜伏期
A. 持续发热,脾脏肿大,玫瑰疹,相对缓脉,白细胞减少
B. 持续发热,脾脏肿大,瘀点,重脉,白细胞减少
C. 不规则发热,脾脏肿大,玫瑰疹,相对缓脉,白细胞减少
D. 弛张热,脾脏肿大,玫瑰疹,相对缓脉,白细胞减少
E. 不规则发热,脾脏肿大,重脉,白细胞减少
A. 寒战.高热
B. 皮肤粘膜瘀点.瘀斑
C. 休克
D. 脑膜刺激征
E. 严重颅内高压
A. 病原体.环境.易感人群
B. 病原体.环境.传染源
C. 传染源.传播途径.易感人群
D. 病原体.传播途径.易感人群
E. 传染源.传播途径.环境
A. 病后50天
B. 病后3周
C. 病后1个月
D. 病后2个月
E. 病后3个月
A. 败血症
B. 毒血症
C. 菌血症
D. 脓毒血症
E. 变应性亚败血症
A. 第1天
B. 第2天
C. 第3天
D. 第4天
E. 第5天
关于消化道隔离,下列哪项是错误的 ___
A. 最好同一病种患者收住同一病室
B. 工作人员密切接触患者时应穿隔离衣.戴帽子及口罩.穿隔离鞋
C. 患者的用品.食具.便器.排泄物.呕吐物均须消毒
D. 病室应有防蝇及灭蝇设施
E. 患者可交换使用物品
A. 抗生素
B. 丙种球蛋白
C. 乙肝免疫球蛋白
D. 乙肝疫苗
E. 胎盘球蛋白
A. 睾丸炎
B. 脑膜脑炎
C. 心肌炎
D. 胰腺炎
E. 肾炎
A. 原发性水痘肺炎
B. 水痘脑炎
C. 皮肤细菌感染
D. 细菌性肺炎
E. 感染性休克