A. 政治原则
B. 政治方向
C. 重大方针政策
D. 具体工作
A. 廉洁纪律
B. 干部纪律
C. 作风纪律
D. 群众纪律
The two main islands of the British Isles are .
A. A. Great Britain and Ireland
B. B. Great Britain and Scotland
C. C. Great Britain and Wales
D. D. Great Britain and England
2. is the capital city of Scotland.
A. A. Belfast
B. B. Edinburgh
C. C. Aberdeen
D. D. Cardiff
According to a 2005 estimate, Britain now has a population of over million.
A. A. 160
B. B. 600
C. C. 60
D. D. 16
Among the four parts of the United Kingdom, is the smallest.
A. A. England
B. B. Scotland
C. C. Wales
D. D. Northern Ireland
Almost a quarter of the British population lives in England.
A. A. northeastern
B. B. southeastern
C. C. northwestern
D. D. southwestern
English belongs to the group of Indo-European family of languages.
A. A. Celtic
B. B. Indo-Iranian
C. C. Germanic
D. D. Roman
The introduction of Christianity to Britain added the first element of words to English.
A. A. Danish and Finnish
B. B. Dutch and German
C. C. French and Italian
D. D. Latin and Greek
The evolution of Middle English was reinforced by the influence.
A. A. Norman
B. B. Dutch
C. C. German
D. D. Danish
In Britain, the parliamentary general election is held every years.
A. A. three
B. B. four
C. C. five
D. D. six
has a distinct legal system based on Roman law.
A. A. Wales
B. B. England
C. C. Scotland
D. D. Northern Ireland
Generally speaking, the British Parliament operates on a system.
A. A. single-party
B. B. two-party
C. C. three-party
D. D. multi-party
The policies of the Conservative Party areThe policies of the Conservative Party are characterized by pragmatism and .
A. A. government intervention
B. B. nationalization of enterprises
C. C. social reform
D. D. a belief in individualism
The Labor Party affected the British society greatly in that it .
A. A. set up the National Health Service
B. B. improved public transportation
C. C. abolished the old tax system
D. D. enhanced the economic development
The British economy achieved global dominance by the .
A. A. 1860s
B. B. 1870s
C. C. 1880s
D. D.1890s
In , the British Parliament passed two important acts to establish a welfare state.
A. A. 1945
B. B. 1946
C. C. 1947
D. D. 1948
The in the early 1970s worsened an already stagnant economy in Britain.
A. A. oil crisis
B. B. high inflation rates
C. C. large imports
D. D. unemployment problem
Of the following practices, does not belong to Thatcher’s social welfare reform.
A. A. reducing child benefits
B. B. shortening the unemployment benefits period
C. C. reducing the unemployment
D. D. lowering old age pensions
The Blair government has been successful in all the following aspects except .
A. A. limiting government spending
B. B. keeping inflation under control
C. C. reducing unemployment
D. D. reducing inequality
Britain has devoted of its land area to agriculture.
A. A. 54%
B. B. 64%
C. C. 74%
D. D.84%
Britain’s important fishing areas include all the following except .
A. A. the North Sea
B. B. the English Channelnnel
C. C. The sea area around Ireland
D. D. The sea area between Britain and Ireland
Coal mining industry in Britain provides of the energy consumed in the country.
A. A. 1/3
B. B. 1/4
C. C. 1/5
D. D. 2/3
The car industry in Britain in mostly .
A. A. foreign-owned
B. B. state-owned
C. C. joint-venture
D. D. privately-owned
Of the following sectors in Britain, has experienced spectacular growth since the end of Word War II.
A. A. agriculture
B. B. energy industry
C. C. service industry
D. D. manufacturing industry
Samuel Johnson’s dictionary was influential in establishing a standard form of .
A. A. grammar
B. B. handwriting
C. C. spelling
D. D. pronunciation
At present, nearly of the world’s population communicate in English.
A. A. half
B. B. a quarter
C. C. one third
D. D. one fifth
The attack on Rome ended the Roman occupation in Britain in 410.
A. A. Norman
B. B. Danish
C. C. Celtic
D. D. Germanic
By the late 7th century, became the dominant religion in England.
A. A. Celtic Christianity
B. B. Anglo-Saxon Christianity
C. C. Germanic Christianity
D. D. Roman Christianity
Westminster Abbey was built at the time of .
A. A. St. Augustine
B. B. Edward the Confessor
C. C. William the Conqueror
D. D. Alfred the Great
The marked the establishment of feudalism in England.
A. A. Viking invasion
B. B. signing of the Magna Carta
C. C. Norman Conquest
D. D. Adoption of common law
The end of the Wars of the Roses led to the rule of .
A. A. the House of Valois
B. B. the House of York
C. C. the House of Tudor
D. D. the House of Lancaster
The direct cause for the Religious Reformation was King Henry VIII’s effort to .
A. A. divorce his wife
B. B. break with Rome
C. C. support the Protestants
D. D. declare his supreme power over the church
The English Civil War broke out in 1642 between .
A. A. Protestants and Puritans
B. B. Royalists and Parliamentarians
C. C. nobles and peasants
D. D. aristocrats and Christians
was passed after the Glorious Revolution.
A. A. Bill of Rights
B. B. Act of Supremacy
C. C. Provisions of Oxford
D. D. Magna Carta
The Industrial Revolution was aThe Industrial Revolution was accomplished in Britain by the middle of the century.
A. A. 17th
B. B. 18th
C. C. 19th
D. D. 20th
Britain faced strong challenges in its global imperial dominance by the beginning of the century.
A. A. 17th
B. B. 18th
C. C. 19th
D. D. 20th
As a revising chamber, the House of Lords is expected to the House of Commons.
A. A. rival
B. B. complement
C. C. criticize
D. D. inspect
The British government is characterized by a division of powers between three of the following branches with the exception of the .
A. A. judiciary
B. B. legislature
C. C. monarchy
D. D. executive
The importance of the British monarchy can be seen in its effect on .
A. A. passing the bills
B. B. advising the government
C. C. political parties
D. D. public attitude
British Cabinet works on the principle of .
A. A. collective responsibility
B. B. individual responsibility
C. C. defending the collectivism
D. D. defending the individuals
A. 帝国主义
B. 帝国主义、封建主义
C. 官僚资本主义
D. 帝国主义、封建主义、官僚资本主义
A. 推翻帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的统治,建立新民主主义共和国
B. 建立资产阶级共和国
C. 建立社会主义社会
D. 建立无产阶级专政的共和国
A. 违背了土地革命路线初衷
B. 土地革命始终是党的工作重心
C. 中国主要矛盾的变化
D. 敌后根据地斗争形势严峻
A. 帝国主义侵略
B. 封建主义的统治
C. 资本主义的统治
D. 科学技术落后
A. 相互联系
B. 相互区别
C. 既相互区别,又相互联系
D. 两者并重
A. 工人、农民、城市小资产阶级、民族资产阶级
B. 城市小资产阶级
C. 无产阶级
D. 贫农
巴金创作的小说《寒夜》深刻地写出了抗战时期勤恳、忠厚、善良的知识分子形象,从阶级角度看,这些形象可归入___ 范畴
A. 城市小资产阶级
B. 民族资产阶级
C. 资产阶级范畴
D. 工人阶级
A. 资产阶级
B. 剥削阶级
C. 无产阶级
D. 劳动者阶级
A. 天生的软弱性
B. 革命性
C. 动摇性
D. 两面性
A. 它伴随着中国民族资产阶级的发生、发展而来
B. 它伴随着外国资本在中国直接经营的企业而来
C. 它伴随着洋务派创办的洋务企业而来
D. 它伴随着买办、官僚地主投资兴办的企业而来
A. 革命领导权问题是区别新旧民主革命的主要标志
B. 它与先进的经济形式相联系
C. 它最富于革命的坚定性和彻底性
D. 它本身的特点和优点
A. 它反对帝国主义、封建主义,而不是一般地反对资本主义
B. 资产阶级掌握领导权,指导思想是资产阶级民主主义思想
C. 无产阶级掌握革命领导权,革命前途是建立社会主义社会
D. 它属于世界资产阶级革命的一部分
A. 旧民主主义革命与新民主主义革命的关系问题
B. 新民主主义革命与社会主义革命的关系问题
C. 在民主主义革命与社会主义革命之间横插一个资产阶级专政的阶段
D. 把民主主义革命和社会主义革命“毕其功于一役”
A. 抹杀了无产阶级在民主革命中的领导权
B. 混淆了民主革命与社会主义革命的界限
C. 割裂了两个革命之间的衔接
D. 犯了右倾错误
A. 广州
B. 上海
C. 汉口
D. 武昌
A. 中共四大
B. 中共五大
C. 中共六大
D. 八七会议
A. 井冈山
B. 瑞金
C. 延安
D. 西柏坡
A. 八七会议
B. 秋收起义
C. 三湾改编
D. 古田会议
A. 仍没有完全突破城市中心论
B. 强调中国革命的中心问题
C. 已充分意识到农民革命的重要性
D. 对中国国情有了非常明晰的认识
A. 消灭地主阶级
B. 地主减租减息
C. 没收地主土地
D. 实行耕者有其田的土地制度
A. 没收封建地主阶级的土地归农民所有
B. 保护民族工商业
C. 没收官僚资本归新民主主义国家所有
D. 发展经济保障供给
1920年8月,上海共产党早期组织正式成立,___ 任负责人
A. 陈独秀
B. 李大钊
C. 瞿秋白
D. 毛泽东
A. 学习西方就是对封建制度的不断否定
B. 学习西方是民族资本主义发展的动力
C. 内忧外患交织促进了学习西方的深化
D. 发展资本主义是学习西方的主要目的
A. 无产阶级领导下的农民战争
B. 无产阶级领导下的工人罢工
C. 无产阶级领导下的学生运动
D. 无产阶级领导下的商人罢市
A. 三民主义
B. 爱国主义
C. 新三民主义
D. 资产阶级民主主义
A. 西湖会议
B. 中共二大
C. 中共三大
D. 中国国民党一大
A. 北伐战争的兵源准备充分
B. 国共武装斗争将全面展开
C. 中共有了创建新型军队的条件
D. “工农武装割据”具有可行性
A. 左右江革命根据地
B. 湘鄂赣革命根据地
C. 鄂豫皖革命根据地
D. 粤东革命根据地
A. 杭州西湖会议
B. 中共六大
C. 洛川会议
D. 瓦窑堡会议
A. 注重党的组织建设
B. 着重从思想上建党
C. 注重党的作风建设
D. 注重党的制度建设
A. 工作重心将发生变化
B. 开始采取武装斗争的方式
C. 已放弃城市工人运动
D. 开始关注农民革命问题
A. 发表了《文学改良刍议》
B. 领导了五四爱国运动
C. 主持了中共“一大”
D. 出席了中共八七会议
A. 毛泽东
B. 李大钊
C. 张国焘
D. 陈独秀
A. 鸦片战争
B. 太平天国运动
C. 辛亥革命
D. 五四运动
A. 忽视了反对帝国主义的必要性
B. 未能区分中国资产阶级的两部分
C. 混淆了民主革命和社会主义革命的任务
D. 不承认中国资产阶级与地主阶级的区别
A. 新文化运动的兴起
B. 五四运动
C. 中国共产党的建立
D. 北伐战争
A. 同盟军问题
B. 领导权问题
C. 革命策略问题
D. 革命方式问题
A. 国民革命统一战线
B. 工农民主统一战线
C. 抗日民族统一战线
D. 人民民主统一战线
A. 又联合又斗争
B. 一切经过统一战线
C. 一切服从统一战线
D. 发展进步势力
A. 建设一个广大群众性的马克思主义政党
B. 走农村包围城市的道路,夺取全国胜利
C. 巩固和发展抗日民族统一战线
D. 建立新民主主义的新国家