We must ___ on the amount of time we use on this project.
A. cut both ways
B. cut in line
C. cut off
D. cut down
We have to be very patient with this experiment. It will take time for some effects to ___ clearly.
A. build up
B. break up
C. clear up
D. show up
Perhaps there is a(n) ___ of truth in both theories, but few of us would ever have the opportunity to find out.
A. lump
B. substance
C. section
D. element
Be careful when you get along with her because she is known for her short ___.
A. temper
B. emotion
C. mood
D. feeling
It seems that wearing less formal clothing to school and work is becoming a(n) ___.
A. trend
B. campaign
C. goal
D. occurrence
You cannot correct children’s bad behavior simply with a (n) ___ or two on the hand or face.
A. slap
B. smash
C. slam
D. strike
Our investigations (调查) ___ something very surprising – many of the employees are underpaid and work overtime all the time.
A. reveal
B. bump
C. rip
D. frustrate
She was James’s faithful assistant, in whom he could have ___ confidence.
A. essential
B. automatic
C. ultimate
D. absolute
If you visit this website, you can ___ the categories to find information about all the universities in that area.
A. observe
B. browse
C. glance
D. look
Making New Year’s resolutions (计划) is a custom that still ___ in this country.
A. prevails
B. attaches
C. descends
D. launches
The military officers were more ___ about their own victory and therefore more willing to predict their enemy’s defeat.
A. appropriate
B. ignorant
C. negative
D. optimistic
___ is no doubt that overwork and much worry caused his illness.
A. It
B. There
C. Here
D. This
___ a day goes by that I don’t receive dozens of junk mails in my email box.
A. None
B. Usually
C. Nearly
D. Hardly
Please trust me. Try this new method ___.
A. you feel very relaxed
B. and you feel very relaxed
C. you will feel very relaxed
D. and you will feel very relaxed
John said Mom was coming back tomorrow, not next week. If this is the ___, we’ll all have to clean the house thoroughly.
A. point
B. norm
C. question
D. case
It is far too late for you to go out and play football, ___ the fact that it’s raining.
A. no doubt
B. despite
C. given
D. not to mention
However, under no circumstances should we ___ our achievements, nor should we regard our accomplishments as unimportant.
A. present
B. perceive
C. exemplify
D. exaggerate
Jane picked up a magazine from the bookshelf and started reading here and there ___.
A. accurately
B. randomly
C. emotionally
D. continually
In many Middle Eastern cultures a deadline is taken as a(n) ___, and such terms should not appear in a purchase contract with businessmen from these countries.
A. target
B. favor
C. honor
D. insult
He is by no means a(n) ___ man. On the contrary, he always departs from customs.
A. disgraceful
B. sophisticated
C. traditional
D. intelligent
Although the nuclear radiation problems remain unsolved, the government’s emphasis has been ___ from coal to nuclear.
A. intended
B. defined
C. attached
D. switched
The psychologist doesn’t say directly, but seems to ___ that emotional maturity and self-stimulation are the key elements for success.
A. inquire
B. imply
C. refer
D. confront
The top floors of a building collapsed, trapping a construction worker in the rubble (瓦砾), but he was ___ and could talk to rescuers.
A. reasonable
B. rational
C. innocent
D. conscious
After ___ research by the local government, officials confidently stated that this area of the sea was much safer than before.
A. extensive
B. durable
C. partial
D. extreme
As the world is becoming global, it is increasingly important that countries work together to ___ international trade.
A. soar
B. rise
C. facilitate
D. prompt
As the technology develops, it is probable that electronic books will start to ___ paper books in the near future.
A. ban
B. exchange
C. employ
D. replace
The man was sentenced to 10 years in prison after he was accused of ___ a senior bank official.
A. bribing
B. frustrating
C. chasing
D. eliminating
Youngsters who drink and smoke, and are often absent from school are far more likely to be ___ from school.
A. forbidden
B. induced
C. expelled
D. disobeyed
A. 勇于尝试,不怕失败
B. 培养优良学风
C. 培养和提高独立生活能力
D. 培养自信心。
A. 奇思异想
B. 瞬间顿悟
C. 求真务实
D. 求新求变
A. 求实
B. 一丝不苟
C. 勤奋
D. 敢为人先
A. 胡锦涛
B. 江泽民
C. 温家宝
D. 李长春
A. 社会主义荣辱观
B. 社会主义核心价值体系
C. 科学发展观
D. 马克思主义
A. 雷锋
B. 张思德
C. 王杰
D. 白求恩
A. 学习科学理论
B. 理论联系实际
C. 知行统一
D. 多思考深理解
A. 知识渊博
B. 质量高尚
C. 德才兼备
D. 知行统一
A. 开展大学生活
B. 了解大学精神
C. 适应大学新生活
D. 开始专业学习
A. 掌握丰富知识
B. 陶冶品德情操
C. 确立人生目标
D. 培养竞争能力
A. 绝缘手套
B. 帆布手套
C. 防护目镜
D. 线手套
A. 固定刀片一侧
B. 活动刀片一侧
C. 两侧
D. 左侧
A. 防护装置
B. 漏电保护器
C. 固定销
D. 活动销
A. 固定
B. 夹牢
C. 设防护装置
D. 远离作业人员
A. 150mm
B. 200mm
C. 400mm
D. 500mm
A. 水平距离
B. 安全距离
C. 垂直距离
D. 停机
A. 上手推料
B. 下手拉料
C. 上下手同时进行
D. 上下手不动
A. 基础、塔身和塔臂
B. 基础、架体和提升机构
C. 金属结构、提升机构和安全保护装置
D. 金属结构、工作机构和控制系统
A. 起升机构,变幅机构、回转机构和行走机构
B. 起升机构,限位机构、回转机构和行走机构
C. 起升机构,变幅机构、回转机构和自升机构
D. 起升机构,限位机构、回转机构和自升机构
A. 限制塔机回转半径
B. 防止塔机超载
C. 限制塔机起升速度
D. 防止塔机出轨
A. 起重量和起升速度
B. 起升速度和幅度
C. 起重量和起升高度
D. 起重量和幅度
A. 起升高度限位器
B. 起重力矩限制器
C. 起重量限制器
D. 幅度限位器
A. 起重力矩限制器
B. 起重量限制器
C. 变幅限制器
D. 行程限制器
A. 力矩限制器
B. 吊钩保险
C. 行程限制器
D. 幅度限制器
A. 起重量限制器
B. 起重量限制器
C. 行程限制器
D. 幅度限制器
A. 幅度限制器
B. 力矩限制器
C. 大车行程限位器
D. 小车行程限位器
A. 中间部位
B. 最高的位置间的不挡风处
C. 最高的位置间的挡风处
D. 最高位置
A. 力矩限制器
B. 超高限制器
C. 吊钩保险
D. 钢丝绳防脱槽装置
A. 力矩限制器
B. 超高限制器
C. 吊钩保险
D. 钢丝绳防脱槽装置
A. 配重臂
B. 起重臂
C. 配重
D. 小车
A. 塔身2个标准节之间
B. 起重臂与塔身的连接处
C. 塔身标准节的节点连接处
D. 平衡臂与塔身的连接处
A. 上升按钮
B. 下降按钮
C. 停止按钮
D. 急停按钮
A. 45°
B. 50°
C. 60°
D. 65°
A. 龙门架式和井架式
B. 上回转式和下回转式
C. 高架和低架
D. 行走式和固定式
A. [10
B. [12
C. [14
D. [16
A. 20m
B. 30m
C. 40m
D. 50m
A. 挂绳处断面磨损量超过原高的20%
B. 挂绳处断面磨损量超过原高的15%
C. 挂绳处断面磨损量超过原高的10%
D. 挂绳处断面磨损量超过原高的5%
A. 纵向水平杆
B. 连墙件
C. 竖向水平杆
D. 横向水平杆
A. 等间距设置,间距不大于400mm
B. 等间距设置,间距不大于300mm
C. 等间距设置,间距不大于500mm
D. 间距不大于400mm