A. 肝.脾肿大
B. 皮肤结节
C. 头痛.呕吐
D. 胸骨下段压痛
E. 齿龈肿胀
A. 网织红细胞增多
B. 肝.脾肿大
C. 全血细胞减少
D. 骨髓增生活跃
E. 不易感染及出血
A. 体温过高
B. 营养失调
C. 知识缺乏
D. 有感染的危险
E. 自我形象紊乱
A. 异基因骨髓移植
B. 同基因骨髓移植
C. 自体骨髓移植
D. 羟基脲
E. 干扰素
患者男性,37岁,近几个月来间歇性发热,几乎每个月1次,且高热。全身乏力,盗汗.体重有所减轻,左侧胸部疼痛。经医院检查:左侧颈部和锁骨上均有淋巴结肿大,胸部有带状疱疹。淋巴结活检证实为霍奇金病Ⅱ期。宜首选下列哪一项治疗 ___
A. 化学治疗
B. 放射治疗
C. 免疫治疗
D. 中药治疗
E. 手术治疗
A. 腋下
B. 颈部
C. 纵隔
D. 腹股沟
E. 腹膜后
A. 贫血
B. 低血压
C. 出血
D. 休克
E. 发热
A. 严重感染
B. 恶性肿瘤
C. 手术与创伤
D. 医源性疾病
E. 遗传
A. 术后当天不要沐浴
B. 拔针后加压3~5分钟
C. 术后去枕平卧24小时
D. 保持局部干燥防止感染
E. 观察穿刺处有无出血
A. 紫癜型
B. 关节型
C. 脐型
D. 肾型
E. 混合型
A. 溶血性贫血
B. 缺铁性贫血
C. 珠蛋白生成障碍性贫血
D. 巨幼细胞性贫血
E. 再生障碍性贫血
A. 局部不易吸收
B. 严重者可发生过敏性休克
C. 易有心血管反应
D. 易出现尿路刺激征
E. 不通过肠粘膜屏障而直接入血
A. 止血剂
B. 免疫抑制剂
C. 血管保护剂
D. 大剂量丙种球蛋白
E. 肾上腺糖皮质激素
A. 胃
B. 十二指肠球部
C. 十二指肠及空肠上段
D. 回盲部
E. 空肠下段
A. 部分患者可以做脾切除
B. 感染时用氯霉素
C. 输新鲜血
D. 骨髓移植
E. 注射雄激素
A. 铁剂
B. 叶酸.维生素B
C. 维生素B
D. 糖皮质激素
E. 人基因重组的红细胞生成素
A. 溶血性贫血
B. 再生障碍性贫血
C. 巨幼细胞贫血
D. 缺铁性贫血
E. 脾功能亢进
A. 杀灭白血病细胞
B. 避免移植物排斥
C. 抑制免疫反应
D. 促使造血功能重建
E. 激活免疫活性细胞
B. 血象
C. 骨髓象
D. 胸部超声
E. 淋巴结活检
B. 血象
C. 骨髓象
D. 胸部超声
E. 淋巴结活检
A. 发热
B. 恶病质
C. 严重贫血
D. 肝脾肿大
E. 无痛性淋巴结肿大
A. 变态反应
B. 溶血反应
C. 发热反应
D. 传播疾病
E. 细菌污染输血反应
A. 铁剂
B. 叶酸.维生素B
C. 维生素B
D. 糖皮质激素
E. 人基因重组的红细胞生成素
A. 毛舌
B. 牛肉舌
C. 草莓舌
D. 杨梅舌
E. 游走性舌炎(地图舌)
A. 珠蛋白生成障碍性贫血(地中海贫血)
B. 缺铁性贫血
C. 巨幼细胞性贫血
D. 再生障碍性贫血
E. 铁粒幼细胞性贫血
A. 鱼类
B. 豆类制品
C. 纤维素
D. 奶类
E. 富含维生素C.维生素K的食物
A. 保证充足的睡眠
B. 保持良好的情绪
C. 饮食宜富含营养
D. 注意清洁卫生预防感染
E. 每天复查血常规和骨髓
A. 药物本身呈黑色
B. 肠壁血管被腐蚀
C. 引起肠粘膜溃疡
D. 生成硫化铁所致
E. 形成正铁血红素
A. 10~14℃
B. 28~30℃
C. 18~22℃
D. 15~16℃
E. 24~26℃
A. 橡胶中单和中单
B. 病床.床垫.枕芯.枕套
C. 信号灯.椅.床旁桌
D. 热水瓶.脸盆.茶杯
E. 被套.大单.棉胎
A. 社会文化环境
B. 心理环境
C. 生理环境
D. 自然环境
E. 内环境
A. 医护人员穿软底鞋
B. 病室门应钉橡胶垫
C. 推平车进门时先开门后推车
D. 轮椅应定时注润滑油
E. 医护人员讲话应附耳细语
A. 备热水袋及绒毯
B. 备氧气
C. 铺麻醉床
D. 备输液架,电动吸引器
E. 准备麻醉护理盘用物
A. 生物性损伤
B. 放射性损伤
C. 温度性损伤
D. 压力性损伤
E. 医源性损伤
A. 便于陪床人员休息
B. 便于患者住宿
C. 准备接受患者
D. 使患者安全舒适及预防并发症
E. 供新入院患者使用
A. 20dB
B. 30dB
C. 40dB
D. 50dB
E. 60dB
A. 新生儿及老年病房应保持在18~20℃
B. 环境温度让人感到舒适的标准因人而异
C. 室温过高神经系统受抑制
D. 室温过高干扰呼吸功能
E. 室温过高干扰消化功能
A. 调节室内湿度
B. 降低室外空气污染程度
C. 保持室内空气新鲜
D. 降低室内细菌密度
E. 增加患者舒适感
A. 破伤风患者病室,应光线充足明亮。
B. 产妇病室,应保暖不可开窗
C. 中暑患者,室温温度宜23℃左右
D. 气管切开的患者,室内相对湿度40%左右
E. 儿科患者,室内温度宜23℃左右
A. 关节周围软组织肿胀
B. 关节半脱位
C. 关节骨性强直
D. 关节腔变窄
E. 关节面破坏性改变
What technology can you use to provide data confidentiality data integrity and data origin authentication on your network?___
A. IPSec
B. Certificate Authority
D. Data
E. ncryption Standards
which standard is a hybrid protocol that uses oakley and skerne ke y exchanges is an ISAKMP framework?___
What is the actual los privilege level of User Exec mode?___
What is the effect of the asa command crypto isakmp nat-traversal?___
A. It opens port 500 only on the out side interface
B. It opens port 500 only on the inside interface
C. It opens port 4500 on all interfaces that are IPSec enabled
D. It opens port 4500 only on the out side interfac
Which Fire POWER preproce ssor engine is used to prevent SYN attacks?___
A. Inline normalization
B. IP Defragmentation
C. Ports can
D. etection
Which NAT type allows objects or groups to reference an IP address ?___
A. identity NAt
B. static NAT
C. dynamic
D. dynamic NAT
Which Auto NAT policies are processed first?___
A. Dynamic NAT with longest prefix
B. Dynamic NAT with shortest prefix
C. static NAT with longest prefix
D. static NAT with shortest prefix
Which feature allows a dynamic Pat pool to se lect the next address in the pat pool instead of the next port of an existing address?___
A. next IP
B. round robin
C. dynamic rotation
D. NAT address rotation
Which IPS detection method can you use to detect attacks that are based on the attackers IP address?___
A. anomally-based
B. policy-based
C. signature-based
D. reputation-based
Which type of encryption technology has the broadest platform support?___
A. software
B. middleware
C. file-level
D. hardware
Which type of address translation supports the initiation of comm unications bidirectionally ?___
A. multi-session PAT
B. dynamic NAT
C. dynamic PAT
D. static NAT
Which label is given to a person who uses existing computer scripts to hack into computers while lacking the expertise to write the own?___
A. script kiddy
B. white hat hacker
C. hacktivist
D. phreaker
What is the primary purpose of a defined rule in an IPS?___
A. to configure an event action that takes place when a signature is triggered
B. to define a set of actions that occur when a specific user logs in to the system
C. to configure an event action that is pre-defined by the system administrator
D. to detect internal attacks
Which option is the default valuce for the Diffie- Hell man group when configuring a site-to-site VPn on an asa device ?___
A. Group 1
B. Group 2
C. Group 5
D. Group 7
Which feature filters CoPP packets?___
A. access control lists
B. class maps
C. policy maps
D. route maps
Which command is used in global configuration mode to enable AAA?___
A. configure-model aaa
B. configure aaa-modelA
C. aaa new-model
D. aaa
Which statement about the given configuration is true?___
A. The single-connection command causes the device to establish one connection for all TACACS
B. The single-connection command causes the device to process one TacAcs request and then move to the next server
C. The timeout com mand causes the device to move to the next server after 20 seconds of TACACS inactive
What are two well-known security terms?___
A. phishing//网络钓鱼
B. ransomware //勒索软件
C. BPDU guard
E. hair-pinning
Which two commands must you enter to securely archive the primary bootset of a device___
A. router(config )#secure boot-config
B. router(config)#auto secure
C. router(config)#secure boot-image
D. router(config)#service passw ord-encryption
Which two functions can SIEM provide ?___
A. correlation between logs and events from multiple systems
B. event aggregation that allows for reduced log storage requirements
C. proactive malware analysis to block malicious traffic
D. dual-factor authentication
E. centralized firewall management
Which two features of Cisco Web Reputation tracking can mitigate web-based threats?___
A. buffer overflow filterin dhsuowip
B. Bayesian filters
C. web reputation filters
D. outbreak filtering
E. exploit filtering
What are two challenges when deploying host- level IPS? ___
A. The deployment must support multiple operating systems.
B. It is unable to provide a complete networ k picture of an attack.
C. It is unable to determine the outcome of e very attack that it detects
D. It does not provide protection for offsite computers
E. It is unable to detect fragmentation attacks
Which technology can be used to rate data fidelity and to provide an authenticated hash for data?___
A. file reputation
B. file analysis
C. signature updates
D. network blocking
Which two statements about host-based iPS solutions are true?___
A. It uses only signature-based polices
B. It can be deployed at the perimeter.
C. It can be have more restrictive policies than network-based IPS
D. it works with deployed firewall
E. It can generate alerts based on be havior at the de sto
When two events would cause the state table of a stateful firewall to be updated? ___
A. when a packet is evaluated against the outbound access list and is denied
B. when a con nection is created
C. when rate-limiting is applied
D. when a connection s timer has expired within the state table.
E. when an outbound packet is forwarded to the outbound interface
Which two characteristics apply to an intrusion Prevention System(IPS)?___
A. Cannot drop the packet on its own
B. Cabled directly inline with the flow of the network traffic
C. Runs in promiscuous mode wat
D. Does not add delay to the original traffic
E. Can drop traffic based on a set of rules
crypto ipsec trans form-set myset esp-md5-hmac esp-aes-256,What are two effects of the given command?___
A. It configures authentication use AES 256.
B. It configures authentication to use MD5 HMAC
C. It configures authentication use AES 256.
D. It configures encryption to ase MD5 HMAC.
E. It configures encryption to use AES 256
your security team has discovered a malicious program that has been harvesting the CEos email messages and the com pany 's user database for the last 6 months. What are two possible types of attacks your team discovered?___
A. social activism
B. EPolymorphic Virus
C. advanced persistent threat
D. drive-by spyware
E. targeted malware
A. :数据处理不仅能预测不久的未来,自时还能影响未
B. :数据处理和数据分析可以为决策提供真知灼见
C. :数据处理的重点应从技术角度去发现和解释数据蕴涵的意义
D. :数据处理足从现实世界到数据,冉从数据到现实世界的过程
A. :数字技术得到普遍应用,设计和研发实现协同与共享
B. :通过系统集成,打通整个制造系统的数据流、信息流
C. :企业生产将从以用户为中心向以产品为中心转型
D. :企业、产品和用户通过网络平台实现联接和交互
A. :学习者可以克服时空障碍,实现随时、随地、随愿学习
B. :给学习者提供宽松的、内容丰富的、个性化的学习环境
C. :通过信息技术与学科教学的整合,激发学生的学习兴趣
D. :教育信息化的发展使学校各学科全部转型为电子化教育
A. :16
B. :18
C. :20
D. :24
A. :a
B. :b
C. : min (a,b)
D. :max (a,b)
A. :适用性
B. :准确性
C. :安全性
D. :及时性
B. :移动硬盘
C. :cache
A. :信源
B. :信道
C. :信标
D. :信宿
A. :显示器的分辨率
B. :收集数据的准确度
C. :数据的类型
D. :对小数位数的指定
A. :节省存储量
B. :确保唯一性
C. :便于人识别
D. :便于计算机处理
A. :比较平坦的均匀分布
B. :两头高中间低的凹型分布
C. :大致逐渐降低的分布
D. :两头低中间高的正态分布
A. :硬件兼容性
B. :软件兼容性
C. :数据兼容性
D. :应用兼容性