由壬使用方法及注意事项:( )。___
A. 先将由壬的螺纹检查一遍,内扣和外扣若有断裂错扣现象,应换掉
B. 检查,装好密封胶皮
C. 用榔头砸由壬时要防止砸坏螺纹
D. 用后要及时清洗干净,放在工作台上
闸板防喷器的主要闸板结构有( )。___
A. 盲板
B. 管子闸板
C. 可变径管子闸板
D. 剪切闸板
若天气寒冷,在防喷器组.阻流压井管汇试压结束后,不能采取的措施是( )。___
A. 用空气吹干净管线内的液体
B. 替入清水
C. 替入防冻液
D. 替入泥浆
下套管前涂在套管接箍上的油脂是( )。___
A. 只要是丝扣油就可以
B. 套管丝扣油
C. 二号锂基脂
D. 含固体铜,锌,石墨
阻流管汇操作前的准备工作( )。___
A. 阻流管汇阀开关活动自如
B. 检查所有螺栓上紧及锈蚀情况,更换锈蚀严重的螺栓。
C. 检查所有连接高压管线锈蚀及固定情况
D. 所有阀门按要求试压合格
闸板防喷器的主要功能是( )。___
A. 当井内有钻具时,可封闭钻具与套管之间的环形空间。
B. 当井内无钻具时,可全封闭井口。
C. 在特殊情况下,可切断钻具并封闭井口。
D. 可悬挂钻具。
套管柱采用扶正器的主要目的是:( )。___
A. 加重套管柱
B. 减少套管柱与井壁间的摩擦
C. 保证水泥浆在套管四周均匀分布
D. 使套管和地层之间的环形空间封固严实
当把钻具吊至钻台,需要通径时需要( )。___
A. 保护好井口
B. 钻具戴好护丝
C. 检查通径规是否出来
D. 经常更换通径规
下面哪项是万能防喷器的作用( )。___
A. 当井内无钻具时,万能防喷器可用以全封井口(简称为封零)
B. 当井内有钻具.套管.钢丝绳.电缆时,可用以封闭井口环形空间(简称为封环空)
C. 对与井口悬挂的不同尺寸.不同断面的钻具都能实现良好密封
D. 悬挂钻具
套管柱在井内主要受哪几种力:( ) ___
A. 拉力
B. 外压力
C. 内挤力
D. 扭力
套管柱采用扶正器的主要目的是:( ) ___
A. 加重套管柱
B. 减少套管柱与井壁间的摩擦
C. 保证水泥浆在套管四周均匀分布
D. 使套管和地层之间的环形空间封固严实
关于井漏的现象描述正确的是( )。___
A. 泥浆池液面逐渐降低
B. 返出钻井液增加
C. 无返出
D. 井筒内液面降低
关于防喷考克的使用正确的是( )。___
A. 使用专用扳手开启或关闭
B. 专用扳手要妥善存放
C. 连接时可以处于关位
D. 连接时必须处于开位
若阻流压井管汇的管线安装成直角转弯,则表述正确的是( )。___
A. 高压流体转弯会产生阻力
B. 长期使用后容易使管线针刺损坏伤人
C. 虽然符合API 16A的标准,但现场不提倡
D. 压力不能通畅进入井底,不能有效控制井下压力
管汇中,关于法兰连接中钢圈使用的描述错误的是( )。___
A. 6B型法兰的钢圈不能采用可以R型钢圈
B. BX型法兰只能采用BX型钢圈
C. R型钢圈与RX型钢圈不能互换
D. RX与BX型钢圈可以互换
溢流的现象正确的是( )。___
A. 机械钻速变化
B. 后效增加
C. 扭矩减小
D. 岩屑形状改变
关于硬关井特点描述正确的是( )。___
A. 由于关井时间较长,将会引起地层流体进一步侵入井眼,最终引起井口.套管鞋处及井底的压力不断增加,使井控工作难度增大。
B. 关井迅速,地层流体进入井筒量少
C. 关井套压小
D. 压井作业时井口承受的压力低
关于钻井平台上安装在阻流管汇上的阀门的表述错误的是( )。___
A. 平板阀可以半开半关,能够承受液压的高速冲蚀
B. 平板阀只能做“通流”或“断流”使用,不能当作节流阀使用
C. 针形阀平板阀只能做“通流”或“断流”使用,不能当作节流阀使用
D. 针形阀容易受液压的高速冲蚀损坏,不能当作节流阀使用
漏失的种类包括:( )。___
A. 渗透性漏失
B. 溶洞漏失
C. 裂缝性漏失
D. 人为因素造成的漏失
下面属于卡瓦打捞筒的部件( )。___
A. 顶接头
B. 筒体
C. 引鞋
D. 安全接头
定向井中最容易发生的两种卡钻是( )。___
A. 压差卡钻
B. 键槽卡钻
C. 缩径卡钻
D. 井塌卡钻
卡瓦打捞筒不可用于打捞( )。___
A. 钻杆
B. 牙轮
C. 钻头
D. 电缆
常见的钻具事故包括( )。___
A. 钻具折断
B. 钻铤粗扣折断
C. 钻具脱扣滑扣
D. 掉钻头
井喷失控的危害包括( )。___
A. 引起火灾
B. 初探井发现油.气
C. 井壁坍塌
D. 降低产能
属于阻流管汇操作规程的有( )。___
A. 清楚阻流管汇阀型号工作压力
B. 副司钻每天接班要检查所有阻流阀是否开关到位
C. 在阻流管汇阀每次使用后要用打油保养
D. 阻流管汇及所有高压管线必需为防H2S,温度.材料等级满足要求
A. 漏层位置掌握不准
B. 漏层性质认识不清
C. 设计和施工措施不当
D. 上部有套管
测试前应进行的演习有( ),必要时还应进行防H2S演习,以确保作业人员明确应急状态下的应急岗位。___
A. 井喷演习
B. 消防演习
C. 弃船演习
D. 人员伤病演习
测试前应把( )移放于安全位置,并做好防护措施。___
A. 氧气瓶
B. 乙炔气瓶
C. 燃料油
D. 易燃易爆物品
电测仪器遇卡,但未拉断电缆,此时应选用何种方式或工具解卡( )。___
A. 穿心打捞
B. 旁开式打捞
C. 内捞绳器
D. 专用卡瓦打捞筒
钻浅层气的作业准备有( )。___
A. 作业许可证制度
B. 充足的压井液
C. 进行一次弃船/消防演习
D. 钻进期间值班船在上风上流方向待命
写出与井喷有关的先期征兆( )。___
A. 泥浆池液面升高
B. 泥浆从井中流出
C. 钻进放空
D. 循环压力下降
低泵冲试验应按IADC规范进行,在油气层中钻进,遇下列哪些情况应做低泵冲试验( )。___
A. 每钻进100米
B. 换钻头和底部钻具组合变化时
C. 修复泥浆泵后
D. 泥浆性能发生变化
关于磁力打捞器,下列说法正确的是( )。___
A. 磁力打捞器应根据井眼直径选用
B. 按磁钢类型可分为永磁型和充磁型
C. 下井前应检查吸力.外观.螺纹及水眼情况
D. 本体上可以用电气焊作业,以使用井下情况
下面哪些是内打捞工具( )。___
A. 公锥
B. 套管打捞矛
C. 可退式打捞矛
D. 卡瓦打捞筒
岩屑返出减少时,可能造成的后果有( )。___
A. 钻井液粘度增加
B. 返出流量降低
C. 泥浆当量循环密度增加
D. 井漏
蝶阀阀门两端面泄漏,可能的原因是( )。___
A. 两侧密封垫片失效
B. 管法兰紧力不均或未压紧
C. 密封圈上.下封垫片失效
D. 试压方向错误
蝶阀的密封面泄漏可能的原因为( )。 ___
A. 密封面上有异物
B. 密封面损伤
C. 蝶板.密封面关闭位置吻合不正
D. 密封面光滑
钻井绞车刹车腔内水位过高使轴承密封工作恶化的原因可能是( )。___
A. 进水排量过大
B. 水温过高
C. 排水口背压过高
D. 排水管被堵塞
钻井绞车运行前对其冷却系统应进行哪些检查( )。___
A. 检查刹车鼓冷却水是否畅通
B. 压力表读数是否正常
C. 控制阀门是否打开
D. 水箱水位是否适当,水质是否良好
卸扣使用注意事项正确的( )。___
A. 不可横向受力,也不许超负荷,以免变形横栓卡死
B. 横栓和栓眼要经常润滑
C. 带螺纹的横栓,螺栓不得碰损
D. 用其它材料的螺栓取代卸扣配套螺栓
吊索具安全使用的要求中,正确的是( )。___
A. 起重量不得超过吊具的极限工作载荷
B. 重物应挂在吊钩沟槽的最底部,切不可挂在钩尖处,钩口应向内
C. 起吊重物时,升.降.停要缓慢平稳,注意重心平衡
D. 吊物时,棱角处须加衬垫
Which three actions can be executed when an alarm is triggered? (Choose three.)___
A. Send an email.
B. Send an SNMP trap.
C. Run a script or command.
D. Run an Orchestrator workflow.
E. Send a trigger to syslog.
An administrator is attempting to power on a virtual machine, but is unable to do so. Which two reasons are probable causes of the failure? (Choose two.)___
A. Storage access to the virtual machine swap file has been lost.
B. One of the virtual machine VMDK files is locked.
C. Virtual machine is running CentOS 7.0 64-bit.
D. Virtual machine has Hyper-Threading enabled.
An administrator has configured a host profile so that ESXi 6.x hosts will point to the corporate NTP server for time synchronization. The NTP server is located at, but time has not been synchronized properly across the ESXi hosts. The administrator reviews Host Profile settings as shown in the Exhibit. Which two steps are required to resolve the issue? (Choose two.)___
A. Correct the NTP server IP address.
B. Check the host for host profile compliance.
C. Remediate the host based on the updated host profile.
D. Change the NTP server to the FQDN as IP Addresses are not supported.
An administrator is attempting to migrate a large Hadoop virtual machine using vMotion. The administrator notices a delay when the machine is quiesced. The Hadoop virtual machine is processing many transactions a second to an in-memory database. Which two actions would help reduce the amount of time needed to perform a vMotion on this virtual machine? (Choose two.)___
A. Use multiple NICs for the vMotion vmkernel port.
B. Use a 10Gbps Network card for the vMotion vmkernel port.
C. Add an additional management network to help transmit the data quicker.
D. Disable Fault Tolerance before performing the vMotion.
An administrator is installing a new network card in an ESXi 6.x host that is part of a vSphere cluster. When the host is placed into maintenance mode, the vSphere Web Client displays the progress bar at 2% for over 30 minutes. Which two are likely reasons for this occurrence? (Choose two.)___
A. Maintenance mode is unable to migrate all virtual machines from the host.
B. There is a large number of virtual machines that must be migrated from the host.
C. VMware High Availability is in the process of reconfiguring the cluster.
D. Each virtual machine on the
E. SXi host must be reconfigured to recognize the new adapter.
Which two events happen when Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) is disabled? (Choose two.)___
A. The cluster's resource pool heirarchy and affinity rules are re-established when DRS is turned back on.
B. The cluster's resource pool hierarchy and affinity rules are not re-established when DRS is turned back on.
C. The cluster's resource pools are removed from the cluster.
D. The cluster's resource pools are removed from the cluster and assigned to the hosts.
Which two networking connection types can be configured on a virtual switch? (Choose two.)___
A. Virtual machine portgroups
B. VMkernel services (such as NFS, iSCSI, or vMotion) to the physical network
C. Web services over the Management Network
D. NFS and FCoE storage services
An administrator creates a DRS cluster of eight ESXi 6.x hosts. There are 10 virtual machines balanced across the hosts. An attempt to place the first host into maintenance mode fails. What are two reasons that the host failed to enter maintenance mode? (Choose two.)___
A. The DRS cluster Automation Level is set to Partially Automated mode.
B. One of the virtual machines on the ESXi Host entering maintenance mode is configured with a DRS Host affinity rule Should run on hosts in group.
C. One of the virtual machines on the ESXi Host entering maintenance mode is configured with a DRS Host affinity rule Must run on hosts in group.
D. One of the virtual machines on the
E. SXi Host entering maintenance mode is configured with an individual Automation Level set to Partially Automated.
When modifying a vApp, which two vSphere entities can be added? (Choose two.)___
A. A resource pool
B. A network pool
C. A vApp
D. A folder
From which two locations in the inventory hierarchy can you deploy a virtual machine using a template? (Choose two.)___
A. Directly from the template.
B. From a compute resource.
C. From an existing virtual machine.
D. From a Datastore.
A company has decided to implement Virtual SAN within their vSphere 6.x environment. The Virtual SAN cluster will be composed of three ESXi 6.x hosts that are on the Virtual SAN Ready Node list. Each ESXi host includes: <Two SAS Controllers that support Passthrough Mode> < Four Solid State Drives (SSDs) 1TB in size each> <20 SAS Magnetic Disks (MDs) 1TB in size each> <The SSDs and MDs are evenly split between the two SAS controllers>. The company will pilot a Virtual SAN cluster utilizing VMware best practices while maximizing storage capacity. The Virtual SAN cluster will use Manual Mode. Which two Disk Group configurations would meet the stated configuration requirements? (Choose two.)___
A. 4 disk groups with 1 SSD and 5 MDs each
B. 2 disk groups with 1 SSD and 7 MDs each
C. 2 disk groups with 2 SSDs and 7 MDs each
D. 2 disk groups with 1 SSD and 10 MDs each
A physical Windows 2008 R2 Server is converted to a virtual machine using VMware vCenter Converter. Upon completion of the conversion and subsequent power on operation, the virtual machine fails to boot and the message below is observed in the Console of the virtual machine: <STOP 0x0000007B INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE>. Which two potential issues may be causing this boot failure? (Choose two.)___
A. An incorrect SCSI controller was selected during conversion.
B. Incompatible software drivers were migrated into the virtual machine from the source machine.
C. The vmdk file backing the virtual machine was thick provisioned.
D. A snapshot was taken immediately after the conversion completed.
An administrator is configuring the Failover Order option on a vSphere Distributed Switch. Which two options should be used with IP-hash load balancing? (Choose two.)___
A. Active Uplinks
B. Standby Uplinks
C. Unused Uplinks
D. Override Failover Order
An administrator is configuring the Maximum Transmission Unit value on a vSphere Distributed Switch. Which two options are typical values for ESXi networking? (Choose two.)___
A. 1492
B. 1500
C. 9000
D. 9089
Which two configurable options apply to both virtual machine CPU and memory allocation? (Choose two.)___
A. Reservation
B. Shares
C. Resource Pool
D. Reserve All
When attempting to power on a Virtual Machine you observe the following error: <Cannot open the disk '/vmfs/volumes/volume/vm/vm-000002.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on.> Which three actions will be the best solutions to address this problem? (Choose three.)___
A. Verify that the virtual machine's disk files are present.
B. Investigate the host and virtual machine log files.
C. Verify the vmdk descriptor files and if required, recreate them.
D. Delete the disk file preventing the power on operation.
E. Migrate or register the virtual machine to a different host.
An administrator has been tasked with enabling High Availability ___ on a cluster in a vSphere 6.x environment with default settings. The cluster configures properly and there are no errors. The next day when powering on a virtual machine, an error is presented: <Not Enough Failover Resources>. Which three scenarios are likely causes of this error message? (Choose three.)(CDE)
A. The default VM Monitoring Sensitivity is set too high.
B. There are not enough datastore heartbeat datastores configured by default.
C. The default slot size in the cluster is set too high.
D. There are virtual machines with large CPU reservations.
E. A host is in maintenance mode for a replacement of a failed Hard Drive.
vMotion can be performed between which three physical boundaries? (Choose three.)___
A. Between two vCenter Server Systems
B. Between two vSphere Distributed Virtual Switches
C. Between two vCenter Server Datacenter objects
D. Between two VMware NSX Layer 4 segments
E. Between two NFS datastores
An administrator configures vSphere Replication for a virtual machine and enables multiple point in time (PIT) instances under the recovery settings in the Configure Replication wizard. Which two statements are correct for vSphere Replication with multiple point in time instances enabled? (Choose two.)___
A. vSphere Replication retains a number of snapshot instances of the virtual machine on the target site based on the retention policy that you specify.
B. vSphere Replication uses the virtual machine's snapshot instances to define the target site Point in Time instance based on the retention policy that you specify.
C. vSphere Replication does not support virtual machines with snapshots.
D. vSphere Replication supports virtual machines with snapshots.
An administrator is virtualizing a physical application server and adding it to an existing multi-tiered vApp. The application license is currently tied to the physical NIC's MAC address, so the administrator needs to ensure the license will function properly in the virtual machine. Which two actions can the administrator take to satisfy this task? (Choose two.)___
A. Set the MAC address for the vNIC in the guest operating system.
B. Install the physical server's NIC into the ESXi host.
C. Configure the MAC address for the vNIC using the vSphere Web Client.
D. Assign the physical server NIC's MAC address in the vSphere Distributed Switch.
Which two Fibre Channel zoning options are supported with vSphere 6.x? (Choose two.)___
A. Single-Initiator
B. Single-Initiator-Single-Target
C. Multiple-Initiators-Single-Target
D. Multiple-Initiators-Multiple-Targets
An administrator is attempting to remove an ESXi 6.x host from a vSphere Distributed Switch (vDS). When the administrator attempts to remove the host, the following error is observed: <The resource '16' is still in use.> What three steps are needed to successfully remove the host from the switch? (Choose three.)___
A. Select Manage Ports on the vDS for the host.
B. Locate all ports currently in use on the vDS for the host.
C. Migrate or delete any vmkernel or virtual machine adapters associated with the switch.
D. Remove all network cards from the switch before trying to remove the host.
E. Create a standard switch for everything to be automatically be migrated to.
Which two Virtual SAN related actions might start resynchronization of virtual machine objects? (Choose two.)___
A. Editing a virtual machine storage policy to increase the number of replicas.
B. Editing a virtual machine storage policy to reduce the number of replicas.
C. Editing a virtual machine storage policy to increase the number of disk stripes.
D. Editing a virtual machine storage policy to reduce the number of disk stripes.
An administrator is troubleshooting basic network connectivity issues. Which two scenarios are potential issues that this administrator might face? (Choose two.)___
A. The vSwitch is not attached to the correct physical network.
B. The portgroup is not configured to use correct VLAN.
C. Traffic shaping is configured incorrectly.
D. Jumbo frames is configured incorrectly.
Which three items should be validated prior to installing ESXi 6.x? (Choose three.)___
A. Remote Storage has been disconnected.
B. Installation media is available.
C. Server hardware clock is set to UTC.
D. Storage has been partitioned with a VMFS volume.
E. Network cards have been setup to use Jumbo
F. rames.
An administrator is performing an interactive installation of ESXi 6.x. Which three options are available for installation? (Choose three.)___
D. Scripted
E. Auto Deploy
After installation of a host in your test environment, you need to move it to production. The only major change that needs to be made is that the hostname of the server needs to change. What are two ways that an administrator can change the host name without editing configuration files on the host directly? (Choose two.)___
A. Login to the Direct Console User Interface and change it from here.
B. Edit the Default TCP/IP Configuration from the vSphere Web Client.
C. Use the Ruby vSphere Client to send a script to the ESXi host that updates the hostname.
D. Update the information in DNS and the
E. SXi host will automatically update with these changes.
An administrator has unsuccessfully attempted several times to install an Operating System inside a virtual machine. The administrator finds that the installation fails at random intervals. Which two actions can be taken to resolve this issue? (Choose two.)___
A. Verify the md5sum and if invalid, download the installation files again.
B. Attempt the installation an additional time.
C. Attempt to use a different installation media or installation method.
D. Create a new virtual machine and attempt the installation with the existing media.
VMware tools is failing to install on a Microsoft Windows virtual machine. What are two possible situations that would prevent the installation? (Choose two.)___
A. The VMware tools installation media is corrupt.
B. The incorrect Operating System was selected in the virtual machine options.
C. The software prerequisites have not been installed.
D. The prerequisite services have not been started.
As part of a multisite Single Sign-On (SSO) deployment what two steps are required to ensure that a change to one Single Sign-On instance is propagated to the other instances? (Choose two.)___
A. Schedule a Replication Task on the primary instance
B. Select the first instance during the installation of subsequent instances
C. During the installation of each instance choose Linked-Mode
D. Enable Synchronize to Active Directory on each instance
You need to add an object to an existing vApp using the vSphere Web Client. How is this accomplished?___
A. Create an Object Inside the vApp.
B. Add an Object to a vApp.
C. Add an Object to the
D. atastore the vApp is located in.
Which three steps must be taken to use vSphere Update Manager 6.x to upgrade an ESXi 5.5 host to vSphere 6.x? (Choose three.)___
A. Download an ESXi Image.
B. Configure the vSphere Update Manager Download Service.
C. Create a baseline and attach it to the ESXi Host.
D. Scan the vCenter Content Library for the
E. SXi Image.
Which two options would allow a database administrator, with no access to the vSphere infrastructure, to connect to a virtual machine? (Choose two.)___
A. Use the Virtual Machine Remote Console (VMRC).
B. Use Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to connect.
C. Ask the vSphere administrator to grant permission to access the console through vCenter Server.
D. Ask the vSphere administrator to grant permission to access with the Horizon View Direct Connect Client.
Which three are architecture components of vRealize Operations? (Choose three.)___
A. Identity Server
B. Administrative Server
C. Analytics Server
D. Database Server
E. Connection Broker
A. 手动阀手动阀
B. 撒旦
C. 反对法
D. 第三方
A. 是否
B. 阿斯顿
C. 撒旦
D. 感到反感
A. 撒的
B. 热个股分化
C. 返回
D. 而我认为
A. dfdfgd
B. 梵蒂冈梵蒂冈
C. 广泛大概
D. 热
A. 运动的一种特殊形式
B. 绝对不动
C. 排斥运动
D. 事物处于量变状态
E. 事物在特定参考系中未发生位置变动
A. 运动是物质的固有属性
B. 物质是运动的承担者
C. 运动是物质的存在方式
D. 运动不一定是物质的运动
E. 物质不一定都在运动