增强面对新时代新使命,必须在全党营造善于学习、勇于实践的浓厚氛围,建设马克思主义____政党。 ___
A. 人民型
B. 事业型
C. 研究型
D. 学习型
必须坚持党的( ),既要充分发扬民主,又要善于集中。 ___
A. 集中民主制
B. 民主集中制
C. 多党合作制
D. 全民民主制
党是最高政治领导力量,是推进伟大事业的( )保证。 ___
A. 本质
B. 关键
C. 基本
D. 根本
According to one study, what do green spaces do to people? ___
A. Improve their work efficiently.
B. Add to their sustained happiness.
C. Help them build a positive attitude towards life.
D. Lessen their concerns about material well-being.
What does Dr. White say people usually do to make themselves happier? ___
A. Earn more money.
B. Settle in an urban area.
C. Gain fame and popularity.
D. Live in a green environment.
What does Dr. White try to find out about living in a greener urban area? ___
A. How it affects different people.
B. How strong its positive effect is.
C. How long its positive effect lasts.
D. How it benefits people physically.
What did Dr. White’s research reveal about people living in a green environment? ___
A. Their stress was more apparent than real.
B. Their decisions required less deliberation.
C. Their memories were greatly strengthened.
D. Their communication with others improved.
According to Dr. White, what should the government do to build more green spaces in cities? ___
A. Find financial support.
B. Improve urban planning.
C. Involve local residents in the effort.
D. Raise public awareness of the issue.
The survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation is mentioned to illustrate the idea that . ___
A. kids don’t always follow parents’ rules
B. only few parents believe the good news
C. much media use results in bad health
D. parents’ rules make a huge difference
What did the kids do when parents set any time or content limits, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation? ___
A. They cut down on their screen time.
B. They appreciated their parents’ love.
C. They spent more time staying outdoor.
D. They accepted parents’ rules unwillingly.
What will Kenneth Ginsburg most probably suggest that parents should do? ___
A. Avoid setting firm rules.
B. Avoid ruling with an iron grip.
C. Set rules after family discussion.
D. Set rules that are easy to understand.
Margaret Broe -Fitzpatrick finds it impossible. ___
A. to achieve just- right parenting
B. to keep track of everything done by the kids
C. for the kids to face rules alone
D. for the kids to observe rules without protest
The passage is mainly intended for parents . ___
A. whose kids have difficulty in self- discipline
B. whose kids are addicted to media use
C. who have doubts about setting rules
D. who are too busy to care for their kids
The word “it” (Para. 2) most probably refers to. ___
A. the lack of stable communities
B. the breakdown of informal information channels
C. the increased mobility of families
D. the growing number of people moving from place to place
The main problem people may encounter today arises from the fact that . ___
A. they have to learn new things consciously
B. they lack the confidence of securing reliable and trustworthy information
C. they have difficulty obtaining the needed information readily
D. they can hardly carry out casual communications with an extended family
From the passage we can infer that _______. ___
A. electronic mail will soon play a dominant role in transmitting messages
B. it will become more difficult for people to keep secrets in an information era
C. people will spend less time holding meetings or conferences
D. events will be reported on the spot mainly through satellites
Technology facilitates _______. ___
A. sharing information
B. storing and sending information
C. providing people with easy access to more information
D. all of the above
We can learn from the last paragraph that _______. ___
A. it is necessary to obtain as much
B. people should make the best use of the information
C. we should realize the importance of accumulating information
D. it is of vital importance to acquire needed information efficiently
The author thinks that people are _________. ___
A. satisfied with their appearance
B. concerned about appearance in old age
C. far from neglecting what is in fashion
D. reluctant to follow the trends in fashion
Fashion magazines and TV advertisements seem to link fashion to _________. ___
A. confidence in life
B. personal dress
C. individual hair style
D. personal future
Causes of fashions are _________. ___
A. uniform
B. varied
C. unknown
D. inexplicable
Present-day society is much freer and easier because it emphasizes _________. ___
A. uniformity
B. formality
C. informality
D. individuality
Which is the main idea of the last paragraph? ______________ ___
A. Care about appearance in formal situations.
B. Fashion in formal and informal situations.
C. Ignoring appearance in informal situations.
D. Ignoring appearance in all situations.
Permissive parents would ________. ___
A. let their children read any books they like to
B. not let their children see any films they like to
C. not let their children read any books without first checking their contents
D. let their children see the films with their first checking
The fact that parents check the contents of the book or the film for their children to read or see shows __________. ___
A. the necessity of censorship
B. that many books and films are bad
C. that children need their parents to help them understand more
D. that the parents are permissive
Which of the following statements is NOT true?____________ ___
A. Some adults can’t tell right from wrong.
B. Censorship is compared to the law because both of them perform good service to society as a whole.
C. Censors pay attention only to genuine works of art.
D. Censorship is necessary because many books, plays and films are far from being “works of art”.
What does the word “corrupt” in Para.4 mean?__________ ___
A. Make morally bad.
B. Hurt.
C. Injure.
D. Damage.
What would be the best title of this passage?_____________ ___
A. Permissive Parents and Responsible Parents.
B. Censorship and the Law.
C. Censors Value Artistic Merits .
D. Censorship Performs Good Service to Society.
Lie detectors are widely used in the United States because _____________. ___
A. they can help detect people’s emotional stress
B. they can help detect people's physiological changes
C. they can help find out whether a person is telling the truth or not
D. they can measure the subject’s electrical resistance
According to the passage, we know that Britain______________. ___
A. will adopt lie detectors widely
B. will adopt lie detectors on a smaller scale
C. adopt lie detectors
D. has not decided whether to adopt lie detectors or not
The tests themselves are by no means free from error..." (Line 1-2.Para.3) means ____________. ___
A. the tests definitely have no error
B. the tests sometimes make mistakes
C. the polygraphers do not make mistakes
D. the polygraphers can avoid error by using some techniques
Which of the following is true? ________________ ___
A. The tests are conducted by qualified polygraphers.
B. Innocent people may blush or stammer when questioned.
C. Guilty people can definitely be found out by answer questions
D. Guilty people may escape by refusing to answer questions.
What troubles lie detector researchers most is that _______________. ___
A. innocent people are convicted crimes
B. innocent people will learn to tell lies
C. lie detectors may cause industrial unrests
D. lie detectors are sometimes not dependable
In the passage the author's attitude towards "mixed-ability teaching" is _______. ___
A. critical
B. questioning
C. approving
D. objective
By "held back" (Line 1) the author means _____. ___
A. made to remain in the same classes
B. forced to study in the lower classes
C. drawn to their studies
D. prevented from advancing
The author argues that a teacher's chief concern should be the development of the student's _________. ___
A. personal qualities and social skills
B. total personality
C. learning ability and communicative skills
D. intellectual ability
Which of the following is NOT MENTIONED in the third paragraph? __________ ___
A. Group work gives pupils the opportunity to learn to work together with others.
B. Pupils also learn to develop their reasoning abilities.
C. Group work provides pupils with the opportunity to learn to be capable organizers.
D. Pupils also learn how to participate in teaching activities.
The author's purpose in writing this passage is to ______. ___
A. argue for teaching bright and not-so-bright pupils in the same class
B. recommend pair work and group work for classroom activities
C. offer advice on the proper use of the library
D. emphasize the importance of appropriate formal classroom teaching
According to the author, the deaths among youth are mainly caused by _____. ___
A. traffic accidents
B. smoking-related diseases
C. murder
D. all of these
Every day there are over_____high school students who will become regular smoker. ___
A. 75
B. 23
C. 30
D. 3000
By "dropout" the author means______. ___
A. students who failed the examination
B. students who left school
C. students who lost their way
D. students who were driven out of school
A. 明孝陵
B. 中山陵
C. 秦始皇陵
中国的改革开放开始于 。___
A. 1976 年
B. 1978 年
C. 1980 年
1860 年 8月, 发动了侵略中国的第二次鸦片战争。 ___
A. 英美 联军
B. 美法 联军
C. 英法 联军
供奉观音菩萨,具有“海天佛国”之称的佛教名山是 。___
A. 普陀山
B. 黄山
C. 九华山
西湖、虎跑寺是 市的著名景点。___
A. 上海
B. 杭州
C. 苏州
中国古代建筑的主要材料是 。___学校
A. 木材
B. 石头
C. 竹子
毛泽东领导中国共产党在 建立了第一块根据地。___
A. 大别山
B. 瑞金
C. 井冈山
A. 张家界
B. 西双版纳
C. 九寨沟
峨眉山位于 省,是中国四大佛教名山之一。 ___
A. 福建
B. 四川
C. 广西
A. 毕升
B. 沈括
C. 蔡伦
____是武则天重用的宰相。 ___
A. 魏征
B. 狄仁杰
C. 王安石
A. 拙政园
B. 颐和园
C. 个园
黄道婆年轻时在海南岛,向 人民学到了一整套种植和纺织棉花的技术。___
A. 黎族
B. 苗族
C. 布依族
___是唐朝著名的经济、文化、政治中心。 ___
A. 洛阳
B. 扬州
C. 长安
___被称为“外科鼻祖”。 ___
A. 李时珍
B. 孙思邈
C. 华佗
A. 文庙
B. 夫子庙
C. 孔庙
A. 福建
B. 广西
C. 云南
回族主要信奉 。___
A. 伊斯兰教
B. 基督教
C. 佛教
A. 《南京条约》
B. 《辛丑条约》
C. 《天津条约》
____是中国历史上第一个王朝。 ___
A. 周朝
B. 夏朝
C. 商朝
中国大陆濒临渤海、黄海、东海和 四大海域。___
A. 南海
B. 西海
C. 北海
A. 桂林
B. 西安
C. 杭州
中国面积最大、海拔最高的高原是 。___
A. 黄土高原
B. 云贵高原
C. 青藏高原
___是春秋时期最后一个霸主。 ___
A. 齐桓公
B. 吴王 阖闾
C. 越王 勾践
世界上最大的江海潮是 大潮。___
A. 珠江
B. 长江
C. 钱塘江
被称为 “花城” 和 “羊城” 的城市 是 。___
A. 无锡
B. 南京
C. 广州
A. “塞上江南”
B. “聚宝盆”
C. “水乡泽国”
A. 王充
B. 董仲舒
C. 朱熹
黄梅戏是 省的地方戏。___
A. 安徽
B. 广东
C. 浙江
___是世界上最大的水电站。 ___
A. 三峡工程
B. 小浪底工程
C. 阿斯旺大坝
A. 西汉
B. 南北朝
C. 东汉
节日和节气重合的是 。___
A. 重阳节
B. 元宵节
C. 清明节
中国的主要能源是 ,产量居世界第一位。___
A. 石油
B. 煤炭
C. 天然气
2010 年___世博会是第一次在发展中国家举办的世博会。___
A. 上海
B. 北京
C. 广州
A. 圆形 方孔
B. 方形 圆孔
C. 圆形 圆孔
北宋毕升发明的活字印刷术是把字刻在一小块一小块的 上 。___
A. 木头
B. 胶泥
C. 铜块
建立行省制度的是 。 ___
A. 赵匡胤
B. 铁木真
C. 忽必烈
被尊称为“成吉思汗”的是 。___
A. 铁木真
B. 忽必烈
C. 窝阔台
发明“八卦”的是 。___
A. 伏羲氏
B. 有巢氏
C. 神农氏
A. 洞庭湖
B. 长江
C. 珠江