A. 有权机关出具的解冻通知书
B. 原始冻结资料
C. 执行公务证
D. 特殊业务申请省中心授权通过表(说明冻结已到期,因系统原因未自动解冻,机构主管签字,盖业务章)
A. 审批权限的规定:能出具保证事项已履行完毕的相关依据时,如:贷款到期清偿完毕时,应出具还款证明单;贷款未发放时,应出具审批
B. 未通过材料或情况说明等。由信用社审批,信用社主任签字,盖信用社业务章
C. 审批权限的规定:无法出具保证事项已履行完毕的相关依据时,由联社相关业务部门审批
D. 授权时上传保证金账户划款申请(审批)书
E. 需要联社相关部门审批的,授权时上传特殊业务申请省中心授权通过表
A. 由贷款行一名工作人员前往柜面办理
B. 由贷款行两名工作人员前往柜面办理
C. 提供经审批的借款人(保证人)存款内部止付、解除止付、扣划申请表
D. 贷款行工作人员身份证件
A. 冻结通知书
B. 扣划通知书
C. 产生待销账时打印的凭证
D. 有权机关的判决书
A. 【1057】单位账户开户后,通过资金模块入账,然后使用【1060】打印单位存款证实书;
B. 需要做质押贷款时,使用【1101】交易将存款证实书转换为单位定期存单;
C. 履约事项完成后,通过【1079】交易可对单位定期存单直接销户;
D. 履约事项完成后,使用【1101】把单位定期存单转为存款证实书,最后通过1079交易,对单位存款证实书销户。
A. 正常户转久悬户;
B. 久悬户转正常户;
C. 营业外支出转正常户;
D. 久悬户转营业外收入。
A. UK作废时,“全部作废标志”只能选“否”,否则无法作废成功;
B. 作废的纸质凭证如果缴回,必须注明作废字样或盖作废章;
C. 若无法缴回原凭证,需提供客户盖章、签字的证明;
D. 该交易授权时需要提供单位有效证件原件。
A. 三个月
B. 六个月
C. 一年
D. 两年
A. 事业单位法人证书
B. 营业执照
C. 机构信用代码证
D. 登记证书
A. 客户名称一致,证件号码为15位身份证号和18位身份证号,符合身份证升位规则的
B. 身份证号码最后一位未X,系统中录为x的
C. 客户名称和证件号码一致,仅证件类型不一致的
D. 客户名称不一致,证件号码一致的
A. 若客户变更过证件号码,由公安机关出具证件号码变更的证明等相关证明资料
B. 若为代发的账户,因代发单位提供信息错误导致客户证件号码错误,需由代发单位出具为同一客户的证明
C. 若为客户自己开立的账户,根据客户号开立机构及开立日期,查看办理业务的原始资料,看是否为同一客户
D. 若开户时,客户提供资料正确,柜员录入错误,复印办理开户业务的原始资料,网点出具情况说明
A. 8077做修改时,付款人账号、账户序号、凭证种类、凭证序号、支付凭证序号等付款人信息可以修改
B. 8077交易支持使用8899交易当日撤销,不支持隔日撤销,且必须当日撤销
C. 8077交易,资金来源要选择正确。付款方如果为待销账,资金来源要选择2-待销账,不能选择转账,若资金来源选择错误,则不能修改,只能使用889交易进行撤销
D. 8077录入成功后,当日必须复核,否则日终柜员无法平账
A. 表明“支票”的字样
B. 无条件支付的委托
C. 确定的金额
D. 付款人名称
E. 出票日期
F. 出票人签章
A. 公认具有较高风险的行业(职业)
B. 与特定洗钱风险的关联度。例如,客户或其实际受益人、实际控制人、亲属、关系密切人等属于外国政要
C. 行业现金密集程度。例如,客户从事废品收购、旅游、餐饮、零售、艺术品收藏、拍卖、娱乐场所、博彩、影视娱乐等行业
D. 非自然人客户的股权或控制权结构。例如,个人独资企业存在隐名股东或匿名股东公司的尽职调查难度通常会高于一般公司。
A. 股权、控制权结构
B. 财务决策
C. 人事任免
D. 经营管理
A. 客户身份资料
B. 客户交易信息
C. 报告可疑交易的有关反洗钱工作信息
D. 配合中国人民银行调查可疑交易活动的有关反洗钱工作信息
A. 保存的客户身份资料和交易记录应当真实、完整
B. 应当符合保密和安全的有关规定
C. 保存的客户身份资料应当反映客户身份识别的过程和结果,保存的交易记录资料应当足以反映该笔交易的完整过程
D. 应当符合法律规定的期限要求
A. 了解实际控制客户的自然人和交易的实际受益人
B. 核对客户的有效身份证件或者其他身份证明文件
C. 登记客户身份基本信息
D. 留存有效身份证件或者其他身份证明文件的复印件或影印件
A. 基础知识培训
B. 法律法规培训
C. 业务操作
D. 其他相关知识的培训
A. 高风险
B. 较高风险
C. 一般风险
D. 较低风险
E. 低风险
A. 二次交易补录审核
B. 大额案例报送审核
C. 可疑案例审核
D. 风险评级审核
A. 单笔或者当日累计人民币交易5万元以上(含5万元)或者外币交易等值1万美元以上(含1万美元)的现金缴存、现金支取、现金结售汇、现钞兑换、现金汇款、现金票据解付及其他形式的现金收支
B. 非自然人客户银行账户与其他的银行账户发生当日单笔或者累计交易人民币200万元以上(含200万元)、外币等值20万美元以上(含20万美元)的款项划转
C. 自然人客户银行账户与其他的银行账户发生当日单笔或者累计交易人民币50万元以上(含50万元)、外币等值10万美元以上(含10万美元)的境内款项划转
D. 自然人客户银行账户与其他的银行账户发生当日单笔或者累计交易人民币20万元以上(含20万元)、外币等值1万美元以上(含1万美元)的跨境款项划转
A. 不对外支付残缺污损人民币
B. 积极提供券别调剂服务
C. 主动进行残缺污损人民币兑换和纪念币兑换服务
D. 被动进行残缺污损人民币兑换和纪念币兑换服务
A. 边收边付
B. 过机清点
C. 合理调剂
D. 整理挑剔
E. 合规收兑
A. 能辨别面额,票面剩余四分之三(含四分之三)以上,其图案、文字能按原样连接的残缺、污损人民币,银行业金融机构应向持有人按原面额全额兑换。
B. 能辨别面额,票面剩余二分之一(含二分之一)至四分之三以下,其图案、文字能按原样连接的残损、污损人民币,银行业金融机构应向持有人按原面额的一半兑换。
C. 纸币呈正十字形缺少四分之一的,按原面额的全额兑换。
D. 兑换额不足一分的,不予兑换;5分按半额兑换的,兑付二分。
A. 借记卡主账户
B. 电子现金账户
C. 补登账户
D. 待清算账户
A. 法定代表人(负责人)
B. 商户地址、费率
C. 绑定电话
D. 绑定帐户户名和帐号
A. 退货
B. 查询余额
C. 消费
D. 转账结算
A. 双人点钞
B. 双人开箱
C. 双人复核
D. 双人装钞
A. 接触式IC卡
B. 非接触式IC卡
C. 双界面IC卡
D. 芯片卡
A. 手机号转账
B. 贷款还款
C. 购买理财
D. 批量转账
E. 预约转账
A. 支付宝卡通
B. 银联在线
C. 有卡自助消费
D. 境外消费限额管理
A. 金燕卡有卡自助消费
B. 金燕卡无卡自助消费
C. 金燕卡代收
D. 金燕卡代付
A. 缴纳公共费用
B. 自助转账
C. 自助购票
D. 自助取现
A. 纯芯片卡
B. 芯片磁条复合卡
C. 接触式卡
D. 非接触式卡
A. 实体特约商户
B. 封顶商户
C. 互联网特约商户
D. 非封顶商户
A. 代扣水费
B. 代缴有线电视费
C. 代缴移动话费
D. ETC储值卡充值
A. 自助设备的日常运行管理
B. 财务核对及差错处理
C. 解决自助设备故障
D. 编制自助设备报表
Technology facilitates _______. ___
A. sharing information
B. storing and sending information
C. providing people with easy access to more information
D. all of the above
We can learn from the last paragraph that _______. ___
A. it is necessary to obtain as much
B. people should make the best use of the information
C. we should realize the importance of accumulating information
D. it is of vital importance to acquire needed information efficiently
The author thinks that people are _________. ___
A. satisfied with their appearance
B. concerned about appearance in old age
C. far from neglecting what is in fashion
D. reluctant to follow the trends in fashion
Fashion magazines and TV advertisements seem to link fashion to _________. ___
A. confidence in life
B. personal dress
C. individual hair style
D. personal future
Causes of fashions are _________. ___
A. uniform
B. varied
C. unknown
D. inexplicable
Present-day society is much freer and easier because it emphasizes _________. ___
A. uniformity
B. formality
C. informality
D. individuality
Which is the main idea of the last paragraph? ______________ ___
A. Care about appearance in formal situations.
B. Fashion in formal and informal situations.
C. Ignoring appearance in informal situations.
D. Ignoring appearance in all situations.
Permissive parents would ________. ___
A. let their children read any books they like to
B. not let their children see any films they like to
C. not let their children read any books without first checking their contents
D. let their children see the films with their first checking
The fact that parents check the contents of the book or the film for their children to read or see shows __________. ___
A. the necessity of censorship
B. that many books and films are bad
C. that children need their parents to help them understand more
D. that the parents are permissive
Which of the following statements is NOT true?____________ ___
A. Some adults can’t tell right from wrong.
B. Censorship is compared to the law because both of them perform good service to society as a whole.
C. Censors pay attention only to genuine works of art.
D. Censorship is necessary because many books, plays and films are far from being “works of art”.
What does the word “corrupt” in Para.4 mean?__________ ___
A. Make morally bad.
B. Hurt.
C. Injure.
D. Damage.
What would be the best title of this passage?_____________ ___
A. Permissive Parents and Responsible Parents.
B. Censorship and the Law.
C. Censors Value Artistic Merits .
D. Censorship Performs Good Service to Society.
Lie detectors are widely used in the United States because _____________. ___
A. they can help detect people’s emotional stress
B. they can help detect people's physiological changes
C. they can help find out whether a person is telling the truth or not
D. they can measure the subject’s electrical resistance
According to the passage, we know that Britain______________. ___
A. will adopt lie detectors widely
B. will adopt lie detectors on a smaller scale
C. adopt lie detectors
D. has not decided whether to adopt lie detectors or not
The tests themselves are by no means free from error..." (Line 1-2.Para.3) means ____________. ___
A. the tests definitely have no error
B. the tests sometimes make mistakes
C. the polygraphers do not make mistakes
D. the polygraphers can avoid error by using some techniques
Which of the following is true? ________________ ___
A. The tests are conducted by qualified polygraphers.
B. Innocent people may blush or stammer when questioned.
C. Guilty people can definitely be found out by answer questions
D. Guilty people may escape by refusing to answer questions.
What troubles lie detector researchers most is that _______________. ___
A. innocent people are convicted crimes
B. innocent people will learn to tell lies
C. lie detectors may cause industrial unrests
D. lie detectors are sometimes not dependable
In the passage the author's attitude towards "mixed-ability teaching" is _______. ___
A. critical
B. questioning
C. approving
D. objective
By "held back" (Line 1) the author means _____. ___
A. made to remain in the same classes
B. forced to study in the lower classes
C. drawn to their studies
D. prevented from advancing
The author argues that a teacher's chief concern should be the development of the student's _________. ___
A. personal qualities and social skills
B. total personality
C. learning ability and communicative skills
D. intellectual ability
Which of the following is NOT MENTIONED in the third paragraph? __________ ___
A. Group work gives pupils the opportunity to learn to work together with others.
B. Pupils also learn to develop their reasoning abilities.
C. Group work provides pupils with the opportunity to learn to be capable organizers.
D. Pupils also learn how to participate in teaching activities.
The author's purpose in writing this passage is to ______. ___
A. argue for teaching bright and not-so-bright pupils in the same class
B. recommend pair work and group work for classroom activities
C. offer advice on the proper use of the library
D. emphasize the importance of appropriate formal classroom teaching
According to the author, the deaths among youth are mainly caused by _____. ___
A. traffic accidents
B. smoking-related diseases
C. murder
D. all of these
Every day there are over_____high school students who will become regular smoker. ___
A. 75
B. 23
C. 30
D. 3000
By "dropout" the author means______. ___
A. students who failed the examination
B. students who left school
C. students who lost their way
D. students who were driven out of school
The reason for declining adolescent smoking is that ________. ___
A. NCI has taken effective measures
B. smoking is prevented among high school seniors
C. there are many smokers who have died of cancer
D. not stated
What is implied but not stated by the author is that ________. ___
A. smoking rates among youth have declined very little
B. there are now more female than male smokers among high school seniors
C. high smoking rates are due to the increase in wealth
D. smokers at high school are from low socio-economic backgrounds
According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of part time education? _______________ ___
A. It requires some break in one's career.
B. It tends to last too long for many people to complete a degree program.
C. It affects one's career.
D. It gives the student less time to share with the family.
Which of the following is NOT an advantage of distance learning? _________ ___
A. The student may choose his or her own pace.
B. The student may study at any time to his or her convenience.
C. They can pursue their chosen career while studying.
D. Their tutorial assistance comes through regular airmail, telephone, etc.
What benefit will distance learning program bring to a business? __________ ___
A. Recruitment of more talented people.
B. Good image of the business.
C. Better cooperation with universities.
D. Further training of employees and business growth.
Good distance learning program have the following characteristic EXCEPT______. ___
A. distance learning course is the same as students taking courses in campus
B. the degree should be same as on campus study
C. professor-student relationship is strictly one to one all through the course
D. includes subject evaluation tool
What benefit will distance learning bring to an employee of a business? ___________ ___
A. Professional growth.
B. Good relationship with the employer.
C. Good impression on the employer.
D. Higher salary.
In the first paragraph, what does "plastic money" (Line 6, Para.1) refer to? ______ ___
A. Dollars.
B. Online payment.
C. Credit cards.
D. Coins.
Which of the following is NOT true about credit cards? ____________ ___
A. Shopkeepers, among others, object to the use of credit cards because they add on the cost of the merchandise.
B. Credit card holders actually pay for their goods after the purchase has been completed.
C. The national company enjoys extensive growth because of the use of credit cards.
D. It has had the effect of increasing consumption.
What is the disadvantage of credit cards? _____________ ___
A. It may lead to the overgrowth of the national economy.
B. The delay in the payment of shopping goods may bring damage to shopkeepers' profits.
C. Some people may intentionally purchase goods that they cannot possibly afford.
D. Those who pay by cash at the purchase will have to pay for the cost added to the product as the interest charge of credit cards.
What is the main topic of the text? ________________ ___
A. Advantages and Disadvantages of Credit Cards.
B. Economic Growth Backed up by the Use of Credit Cards.
C. It can encourage great sums of consumption.
D. Credit Cards Make Life
E. asier.
The author's attitude towards credit card is.______________. ___
A. agreeable
B. neutral
C. humorous
D. oppositional
A. 《南京条约》
B. 《北京条约》
C. 《马关条约》
D. 《辛丑条约》
A. “师夷长技以制夷”
B. “中学为体,西学为用”
C. “天下兴亡,匹夫有责”
D. “物竞天择,适者生存”
A. 鸦片战争
B. 第二次鸦片战争
C. 甲午战争
D. 八国联军侵华战争