83 为了给幼儿创设良好的游戏心理环境,教师需要遵循安全的原则、接纳的原则、平等的原则、___。
84 游戏活动观察中,评定法分为等级评定法和___。
85 游戏材料的投放,需要注意投放的丰富性和___。
86 游戏角色就是游戏中幼儿扮演的人物或形象,一般可分为___、互动性角色和造型性角色。
87 由商家统一设计、制作、销售的玩具,属于___。
88 幼儿的游戏时间决定了游戏的___。
89 成人和同伴是通过强化、___、指导的基本方式影响幼儿游戏的。
90 在幼儿游戏观察中,使用行为编码记录,符号H代表___。
91 在实施游戏观察中,观察过程中观察者的站位固定,观察对象也固定的观察策略属于___。
92 重视游戏环境中幼儿___的创设。
93 一张完整的游戏观察记录表一般要包含:___、观察日期和观察起止时间、观察的环境、观察的目的和观察的目标、观察者、观察记录的内容。
94 游戏的结构有游戏主题、___、游戏角色和游戏情节。
95 游戏结构中的游戏主题具有社会性、综合性、___这三个显著的特征。
96 幼儿园游戏的特点是:___、相对固定的玩伴、有教师的指导和干预 。
97 皮亚杰认为幼儿的游戏水平反映了其认知发展水平,根据认知发展水平的高低,游戏可分为感觉运动游戏、___、结构游戏和规则游戏。
98 ___是幼儿身心发展的一面镜子,在游戏中幼儿身心发展有最真实自然的反映。
99 ___是幼儿重要的游戏材料。
100 游戏活动观察中,取样法可分为时间取样法和___。
101 根据游戏的机能分类,幼儿在游戏中的不同体验形式,可将游戏分为机能性游戏、想象性游戏、___和创造性游戏。
102 在观察结果呈现图表形式中,有___、饼图和流程图。
103 哪个选项中,能激发幼儿游戏行为的环境因素。___
104 在幼儿游戏观察中,使用符号___记录,符号CI代表___。
105 在游戏活动中,教师应更多地扮演___,并为每个幼儿充分表达游戏体验创造条件。
106 幼儿园游戏的特点是:有准备的游戏环境、相对固定的玩伴、___。
107 教师应善用“ ___”,能够挖掘材料的多元价值。
108 ___是指以情感的手段表现出对幼儿游戏的欣赏和鼓励,有时教师的一个微笑、一声赞美、能鼓起幼儿战胜自我的信心和战胜困难的勇气。
109 游戏活动观察中,评定法分为___和行为检核法。
110 在游戏的结束阶段,教师是讨论活动的组织者和___。
111 游戏的结构有___、游戏规则、游戏角色和游戏情节。
112 根据游戏的机能分类,幼儿在游戏中的不同体验形式,可将游戏分为机能性游戏、___、接受性游戏和创造性游戏。
113 游戏材料的投放,需要注意投放的___和层次性。
114 当幼儿在游戏中遇到困难时,教师应能给予有的放矢的引导,既不破坏游戏的___和创造性,又使游戏得以延伸,能够帮助幼儿获得良好的发展。
115 在实施游戏观察中,观察对象是固定,观察者只对选定的对象进行观察,观察者追踪幼儿的游戏活动轨迹的观察策略属于___。
116 幼儿认知活动具有___和无意性的特点。
117 幼儿园教育应尊重幼儿的人格和___,尊重幼儿是身心发展的规律和学习特点。
118 幼儿参与维持游戏的时间,这种游戏行为定义为___。
119 扮演角色,并采用口头宣布自己扮演的角色,做出与角色相符的行为。例如,“我是妈妈”,这种游戏行为定义为___。
120 侧重于促进幼儿智力发展,用于智力游戏材料,主要有拼图、拼板、魔方等,是属于___。
121 用口头陈述创设出一种想象中的情境,例如,“我们假装坐在和谐号列车上”,这种游戏行为定义为___。
122 在幼儿游戏观察中,使用符号___记录,符号PP代表___。
123 用一个物体代替拎一个物体,例如,假装用一块积木当香皂给娃娃洗澡。这种游戏行为定义为___。
Amendments to the initial clearance will be issued at anytime an air traffic controller deems such action necessary to______.___
A. avoid possible confliction between aircraft
B. correct the previously issued clearance
C. cancel the flight plan
D. expedite the traffic
研究表明,当耳机话筒的位置距离嘴( )英寸且稍微偏下时,传输的声音质量最佳。(注:1英寸=2.54CM)___
A. 0.25-0.5
B. 0.75-1
C. 1.25-1.5
D. 1.75-2
“I want to divert to shanghai” is equal to______.___
A. I want to our destination Shanghai
B. I want to overfly Shanghai
C. I want to alternate to land at Shanghai
D. I want to call Shanghai control
When an aircraft is being subjected to unlawful interference, the pilot should try to notify _______ of this fact.___
A. the appropriate ATC units
B. company
C. the passengers on board
D. air attendants
When pilot say“Did you pick it upon your screen?”,that means______.___
A. did you pick up your screen?
B. did you see it on your screen?
C. did your screen pick me up?
D. did you change your radar?
ATC clearance does not contain______.___
A. clearance limit
B. altitude data
C. route of flight
D. flight direction
When pilot sets an altimeter setting to a QNH,that will indicate_________
A. flight level
B. altitude
C. height
D. safety level
When pilots set a pressure of 29.92 in mercury to indicate_________
A. altitude
B. height
C. flight level
D. safety level
管制员还应当对管制指令当中的不同内容进行适当的排序,相对重要的内容应当排列在管制指令的 ( )位置___
A. 前面
B. 中间
C. 尾部
D. 以上都可以
When Beijing time is 0801,Zulu time should be______.___
A. 2001
B. 1
C. 601
D. 1601
Emergency frequency is______.___
A. 121.5MHZ
B. 120.5MHZ
C. 121MHZ
D. 119.0MHZ
“PAN” is the international RTF______signal___
A. emergency
B. distress
C. urgency
D. dangerous
“MAYDAY” is the international RTF______signal.___
A. emergency
B. distress
C. urgency
D. dangerous
According to ICAO definition, a condition concerning the safety of an aircraft or other vehicle or of some person on board or within sight but which does not require immediate assistance is _______ .___
A. urgency
B. dangerous
C. emergency
D. distress
Which SSR Code is not right?___
A. 7020
B. 8025
C. 6060
D. 4021
______is the accepted standard for worldwide time signal broadcast used for aviation.___
_____means the level is measured in 1013.2 pha___
A. Level
B. Height
C. Altitude
D. Flight level
An aircraft known or believed to be in a state of emergency should be given______over other aircraft.___
A. way
B. flight plan
C. instruction
D. priority
A. PTT发射键还没有完全按下时就开始发指令
B. 指令还没有结束就松开PTT发射键
C. 按PTT发射键与发话同时进行,松开PTT发射键与发话同时进行
D. 先按下话筒PTT发射键,然后再开始对空发话,发话完毕后再松开话筒PTT发射键
SSR code is a______digital number.___
A. two
B. six
C. one
D. four
Traffic information should include_________
A. direction of aircraft concerned
B. weather
C. speed of aircraft
D. heading of aircraft
根据区管中心业务通告,管制员通知机组转换频率的管制指令应当与其他管制指令( )。___
A. 分开发布
B. 同时发布
C. 无特别要求
20NM is equal to.___
A. 40km
B. 38km
C. 37km
D. 41km
The altimeter setting used in en-route flight should be______hpa___
A. 1019
B. 1013
C. 2992
D. 1000
Larger separations than the specified minima should be applied whenever in.___
A. turbulence
B. bad weather
C. a raining day
D. highlevel
_______is air traffic control service for controlled flights in control areas___
A. Route service
B. En-route fly service
C. Area control service
D. Deviation control service
_______ is a service provided to notify appropriate organizations regarding aircraft in need of search and rescue aid, and assist such organizations as required.___
A. alerting service
B. information service
C. rescue service
D. assistance service
Visibility is the ability as determined by atmospheric conditions and expressed in unit______.___
A. meters
B. feet
C. distance
D. odometer
SIGMET is a weather advisory issued concerning weather______to the safety of all aircraft.___
A. significant
B. changeable
C. information
D. condition
Flight level is a______of constant atmospheric pressure which is related to a specific pressure datum 1013.2hpa.___
A. standard
B. surface
C. height
D. number
Air traffic means all aircraft in flight or operating on the______of an aerodrome.___
A. highway
B. hanger
C. maneuvering area
D. terminal
The true airspeed is the airspeed of an aircraft relative to______air.___
A. turbulence
B. smooth
C. undisturbed
D. the
Air speed is the speed of an aircraft relative to its surrounding______.___
A. traffic
B. airmass
C. clouds
D. wind
“Aircraft” means any machine that can derive support in the______from there actions of the air other than there actions of the air against the earth's surface.___
A. atmosphere
B. water
C. sea
D. lake
If the radar receiver detects the retarding time tR=500mS between transmitting pulse and receiving pulse,now the target is______km from the radar station.___
A. 150
B. 120
C. 100
D. 75
“Advise______”means“ Tell me what you plan to do”.___
A. wanting
B. intentions
C. ideas
D. command
The recommendation is advisory in nature.The decision as to whether the flight can be conducted safely rests solely with the______.___
A. controller
B. manager
C. pilot
D. passengers
“There are broken______along the entire route between niner and one one thousand feet at the present time.”___
A. radial
B. clouds
C. weather
D. way
Th evertical speed in dicator measures______of climb or descent.___
A. time
B. point
C. rate
D. distance
A magnetic compass is the______air navigation instrument.___
A. basic
B. advanced
C. computer
D. improved