This traditional ___ is of indigo blue.
A. clothes
B. diversity
C. costume
D. institution
These cigarettes are a ___ of the best tobaccos.
A. blend
B. band
C. mixture
D. mess
The tennis players need total ___ during play.
A. concentration
B. section
C. depression
D. energy
He ___ that he was innocent.
A. announced
B. declared
C. disclosed
D. admitted
Columbus discovered America but did not ___ the new continent.
A. seek
B. investigate
C. search
D. explore
The trees ___their foliage every year.
A. repeat
B. grow
C. refresh
D. renew
Make a list of the various ___.
A. options
B. choice
C. optional
D. samples
I am well aware that this is a ___ job.
A. rough
B. tough
C. wealthy
D. rogue
I found their kindness quite ___.
A. strong
B. overweening
C. keen
D. overwhelming
The captain wasn’t ___ on having him in the team.
A. eager
B. keen
C. overwhelmed
D. anxious
He was ___at the prospect of seeing them again.
A. thrilling
B. blessed
C. thrilled
D. emotional
They ___ against travelling at night in such a dangerous country.
A. consul
B. advocate
C. counsel
D. recommend
It is absolutely vital that food supplied should be ___.
A. sustained
B. enhanced
C. exhausted
D. maintained
He must have had an accident, or he ___ then.
A. would have been here
B. had to be here
C. should be here
D. would be here
It was essential that the application forms ___ back before the deadline (截止日期).
A. must be sent
B. would be sent
C. be sent
D. were sent
We ___ our breakfast when an old man came to the door.
A. just have had
B. have just had
C. just had
D. had just had
The bridge was named ___ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.
A. after
B. with
C. by
D. from
It wasn’t such a good dinner ___ she had promised us.
A. that
B. which
C. as
D. what
The road now ___two kilometers beyond the river.
A. develops
B. extends
C. expands
D. widens
It was claimed that the level of alcohol in the man’s blood was ___ to cause an accident.
A. sufficient
B. adequate
C. enough
D. accurate
Medical care reform has become this country’s most important public health ___.
A. question
B. stuff
C. matter
D. problem
His retail business in the city___ rapidly between the wars.
A. enlarged
B. extended
C. widened
D. expanded
Many frogs ___ the sound of their voice using special sacs(囊) in their throat.
A. amplify
B. widen
C. expand
D. enlarge
Some old people don’t like pop songs because they cannot ___ so much noise.
A. resist
B. sustain
C. tolerate
D. undergo
I have kept that portrait where I can see it every day, as it always ___ me of my university days in London.
A. recollects
B. reminds
C. recalls
D. invokes
The article suggests that when a person is under unusual ___ he should be especially careful to have a well-balanced diet.
A. weight
B. stress
C. press
D. nerve
You should hire a more ___ manager than the one you currently have.
A. sufficient
B. effective
C. respective
D. efficient
Surgeons began to ___ their hands and arms with soap and water before operating.
A. scrub
B. enhance
C. rub
D. exhibit
He might let something ___ in a moment of weakness.
A. slip
B. leak
C. to slip
D. to leak
Do not ___ the salad until you are ready to serve.
A. mix
B. toss
C. fling
D. eat
The ___ for which he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him.
A. aims
B. objectives
C. subjects
D. goals
You should pause and ___ now.
A. tweet
B. ponder
C. squander
D. gossip
Eating too much fat can ____heart disease and cause high blood pressure.
A. contribute to
B. attribute to
C. attest to
D. devote to
It soon ___ that what she loved was not my person but my wealth.
A. widened
B. expanded
C. extended
D. developed
I want to buy a new tie to ___ this brown suit.
A. go into
B. go after
C. go with
D. go through
Our company decided to ___ the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met.
A. destroy
B. resist
C. assume
D. cancel
My first ___ was to turn and run.
A. institute
B. institution
C. instinct
D. tuition
I think it’s time I ___ in a new computer.
A. invested
B. insulted
C. interacted
D. impacted
The jeweler will ____ the inside of the ring with her name.
A. carve
B. engrave
C. cut
D. engross
He was bleeding from a _____ on his forehead.
A. lash
B. gash
C. ash
D. sash
Let us go to the next ______ on the agenda.
A. matter
B. debate
C. speech
D. item
A. 幼虫
B. 大滋养体
C. 小滋养体
D. 包囊
E. 虫卵
A. 高热
B. 明显脓血便
C. 中毒性休克
D. 吐.泻不止
E. 惊厥
A. 3小时和6小时
B. 6小时和12小时
C. 12小时和24小时
D. 24小时和48小时
E. 48小时和72小时
A. 细菌
B. 立克次体
C. 病毒
D. 螺旋体
E. 支原体
对传染病患者皮肤的护理中哪项错误 ___
A. 观察皮疹的特点如形态大小分布部位等
B. 出疹期可用肥皂水擦洗皮肤
C. 将患者指甲剪短切勿抓破皮肤
D. 瘙痒较重者可用炉甘石洗剂等涂擦局部
E. 出疹期病室要安静整洁
A. 带病毒飞沫经呼吸道吸入传播
B. 污染的日用品玩具间接传播
C. 经口食入传播
D. 皮肤损伤处浸入
E. 泌尿道
下列哪种疾病可表现出腹泻的大便及呕吐物均呈米泔水样 ___
A. 细菌性痢疾
B. 急性肠炎
C. 细菌性食物中毒
D. 霍乱
E. 肉毒杆菌食物中毒
A. 隔离治疗患者
B. 隔离治疗带菌者
C. 切断传播途径
D. 疫苗预防接种
E. 接触者预防服药
A. 鼠疫.狂犬病
B. 鼠疫.霍乱
C. 艾滋病.鼠疫
D. 霍乱.狂犬病
E. 黑热病.狂犬病
A. 潜伏期
B. 初期
C. 极期
D. 缓解期
E. 恢复期
A. 食欲减退.恶心
B. 乏力
C. 消瘦
D. 肝肿大及肝功能损害
E. 部分病例出现黄疸
A. 1~2月
B. 3~4月
C. 5~6月
D. 7~8月
E. 10~12月
误食下列哪项可使人患囊尾蚴病 ___
A. 裂头蚴
B. 猪带绦虫虫卵
C. 猪带绦虫囊尾蚴
D. 牛带绦虫虫卵
E. 牛带绦虫囊尾蚴
A. 肾小球滤过率下降
B. 肾血管内播散性血管内凝血
C. 继发性醛固酮增多
D. 肾小管重吸收增多
E. 其余选项都不是
A. 呼吸道症状
B. 关节疼痛
C. 剧烈疼痛
D. 血红蛋白尿
E. 发热
A. 血氨增高
B. 短链脂肪酸.色氨酸等潴积
C. 假神经递质作用
D. 脑水肿
E. 颅内出血
A. 丘疹.斑疹.疱疹.结痂
B. 斑疹.丘疹.疱疹.结痂
C. 斑疹.疱疹.丘疹.结痂
D. 丘疹.疱疹.斑疹.结痂
E. 疱疹.斑疹.丘疹.结痂
A. 红汞
B. 甲紫
C. 氧化锌糊剂
D. 左旋咪唑涂肤剂
E. 75%乙醇
A. 肝掌蜘蛛痣
B. 肝脾肿大
C. 肝功能持续异常
D. 转氨酶升高伴血浆蛋白改变
E. 腹水
A. 黄疸型多发生于甲型肝炎,无黄疸型多发生于乙型肝炎
B. 慢性重型肝炎是指在慢性肝病基础上发生的亚急性重型肝炎
C. 慢性活动性肝炎可发展为肝硬化
D. 慢性迁延性肝炎可伴有肝外系统损害
E. 瘀胆型肝炎表现为以肝内瘀胆为主
A. IgA
B. IgM
C. IgG
D. IgD
E. 总抗体
A. 是人血中含量最多的抗体(E)
B. 是人体内最重要的抗体
C. 是唯一能穿过胎盘的抗体
D. 胎盘球蛋白.丙种球蛋白中的抗体主要是IgG
E. 凝集实验是抗原抗体反应,其抗体主要是IgG
A. 过敏反应
B. 变态反应
C. 吞噬反应
D. 异性蛋白反应
E. 其余选项均不是
A. 潜伏期10~21天
B. 为痒性皮疹从丘疹变为疱疹
C. 皮疹最多见于面部与四肢
D. 发热1~2天后出现皮疹E.皮疹一般在3~5天内分批出齐
E. 皮疹一般在3~5天内分批出齐
A. 高热
B. 惊厥
C. 呼吸衰竭
D. 循环衰竭
E. 昏迷
A. 1~3天
B. 3~4天
C. 1~10天
D. 4~10天
E. 10~20天
___ 患者,女,28岁,食欲减退.黄疸进行性加深24天,腹胀半个月,既往无肝病史。检查:明显黄疸,皮肤瘀斑,无蜘蛛痣,肝掌,腹胀,肝脾未扪及,腹水征阳性,血清总胆红素342μmol/L,ALT560u/L,最可能的诊断是
A. 急性重型肝炎
B. 亚急性重型肝炎
C. 慢性重型肝炎
D. 慢性肝炎重度
E. 瘀胆型肝炎
A. 潜伏期
B. 急性期
C. 无症状期
D. 持续性全身淋巴结病期
E. 艾滋病期
A. 痢疾杆菌与伤寒杆菌
B. 伤寒杆菌与副伤寒杆菌
C. 痢疾杆菌与霍乱弧菌
D. 痢疾杆菌与副霍乱弧菌
E. 霍乱弧菌与副霍乱弧菌
A. 发热期至低血压休克期
B. 低血压休克期至少尿期
C. 少尿期至多尿期
D. 多尿期至恢复期
E. 恢复期后
A. 细菌的内毒素引起肠细胞分泌功能增加
B. 细菌的外毒素激活环磷腺苷介导系统引起小肠过度分泌
C. 活菌产生的酶引起粘膜损害和炎症
D. 弧菌溶血引起自主神经系统失调
E. 胆汁分泌减少引起肠道功能紊乱
A. 盲肠
B. 回肠末端
C. 直肠和乙状结肠
D. 升结肠
E. 降结肠
A. 与钩端螺旋体活跃的螺旋运动及所含的透明质酸酶有关
B. 与大量繁殖的钩端螺旋体及其死亡后释放出的代谢产物及毒素等有关
C. 与其能分泌外毒素有关
D. 与其能分泌溶组织酶有关
E. 与其能引起机体的过敏反应有关
A. 麻疹
B. 天花
C. 猩红热
D. 伤寒
E. 水痘
A. 流行
B. 大流行
C. 散发
D. 暴发
E. 其余选项都是
A. 以虫媒为传染媒介的传染病
B. 所有地方性传染病都是自然疫源性疾病
C. 以野生动物为主要传染源的动物性传染病
D. 以家畜家禽为主要传染源的传染病
E. 凡是动物源性传染病都是自然疫源性疾病
A. 非特异性免疫功能
B. 特异性免疫功能
C. 预防用药
D. 注射疫苗
E. 增强体质
A. 肺毛细血管出血
B. 急性肝功能不全
C. 急性肾功能不全
D. 播散性血管内凝血
E. 全身毛细血管中毒性损害
A. 再燃
B. 复发
C. 先后两批病原体侵入
D. 青霉素治疗后反应
E. 迟发型变态反应
A. 后发热
B. 虹膜睫状体炎
C. 反应性脑膜炎
D. 肾损害
E. 闭塞性脑动脉炎