You should hire a more ___ manager than the one you currently have.
A. sufficient
B. effective
C. respective
D. efficient
Surgeons began to ___ their hands and arms with soap and water before operating.
A. scrub
B. enhance
C. rub
D. exhibit
He might let something ___ in a moment of weakness.
A. slip
B. leak
C. to slip
D. to leak
Do not ___ the salad until you are ready to serve.
A. mix
B. toss
C. fling
D. eat
The ___ for which he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him.
A. aims
B. objectives
C. subjects
D. goals
You should pause and ___ now.
A. tweet
B. ponder
C. squander
D. gossip
Eating too much fat can ____heart disease and cause high blood pressure.
A. contribute to
B. attribute to
C. attest to
D. devote to
It soon ___ that what she loved was not my person but my wealth.
A. widened
B. expanded
C. extended
D. developed
I want to buy a new tie to ___ this brown suit.
A. go into
B. go after
C. go with
D. go through
Our company decided to ___ the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met.
A. destroy
B. resist
C. assume
D. cancel
My first ___ was to turn and run.
A. institute
B. institution
C. instinct
D. tuition
I think it’s time I ___ in a new computer.
A. invested
B. insulted
C. interacted
D. impacted
The jeweler will ____ the inside of the ring with her name.
A. carve
B. engrave
C. cut
D. engross
He was bleeding from a _____ on his forehead.
A. lash
B. gash
C. ash
D. sash
Let us go to the next ______ on the agenda.
A. matter
B. debate
C. speech
D. item
They are _____ moving their office outside London.
A. considered
B. discussing
C. pondering
D. negotiating
Although she _____ the old pot thoroughly, she could not make it look completely clean.
A. scrubbed
B. washed
C. made
D. screwed
The mistake will remain an indelible ____ on his memory.
A. stain
B. thing
C. issue
D. accident
The wheel ____ through my frozen hand, and the car went right across the road.
A. slipped
B. sipped
C. dashed
D. disappeared
The cupboard was ____ with old fishing tackle.
A. stuffed
B. stocked
C. stored
D. filled
The decision depended on the ____ of a coin.
A. loss
B. lot
C. toss
D. sign
Teaching can be a tiring and ____ job.
A. meaningless
B. stressed
C. rewarded
D. stressful
The building is partly a museum and partly a private ____.
A. place
B. area
C. community
D. residence
Stop ______ your foot.
A. tossing
B. wiggling
C. exhibiting
D. reviewing
It was a bloody ___ between the two armies.
A. rebellion
B. encounter
C. meet
D. fight
They conferred on the best way to ______ business.
A. extend
B. adjust
C. expand
D. adopt
We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so let’s have ____ one this month.
A. another
B. the other B. more D. other
I decided to go to the library as soon as I ____.
A. finish what I did
B. finished what I did
C. would finish what I was doing
D. finished what I was doing
The speaker, ______ for her splendid speeches, was warmly received by the audience.
A. having known
B. being known
C. knowing
D. known
No sooner had we reached the top of the hill ______ we all sat down to rest.
A. when
B. then
C. than
D. until
___ energy under the earth must be released in one form or another, for example, an earthquake.
A. Accumulated
B. Gathered
C. Assembled
D. Collected
Please ___ me for my rudeness. I really do not know the custom here.
A. engaged
B. comfort
C. execute
D. forgive
Sometimes it is very difficult to ___ some of the English words. Even the native speaker cannot help.
A. decrease
B. create
C. define
D. delight
In the wife’s eyes, his ___ to their marriage life is far from perfect.
A. requirement
B. commitment
C. participation
D. reflection
This newspaper often ___ the government’s opinion, not the public opinion.
A. affects
B. reacts
C. reflects
D. recognizes
It is predicted that heavy rains are ___ to flood the area in a few days.
A. frightening
B. threatening
C. scattering
D. warning
I chose to work abroad to improve my career ___.
A. future
B. path
C. prospect
D. expect
Long before I ever went there, Africa was alive in my ___.
A. image
B. imaginary
C. imaginative
D. imagination
The spectacle of the aurora may appear to dazzle and ___ the observer’s eye.
A. enchant
B. charm
C. fascinate
D. draw
The top prize has enhanced the musician’s ___.
A. fame
B. status
C. courage
D. faith
Compared with Westerners, the ___ use less butter. They prefer the very healthful peanut oil.
A. foreigners
B. Southerners
C. Northerners
D. Orientals
HSS与分组核心网之间的接口基于( )的协议。
C. Diameter;
当出现上行干扰时,下列说法不正确的是( )
A. 可以通过优化基站参数来消除外部干扰
B. 可以通过频谱检测跟踪工具,来判断干扰信号的大小、频点、带宽等信息
C. 当存在上行干扰时,那么对几乎所有的KPI都会产生影响
D. 主分集会同时收到干扰信号,在小区无业务时,RSSI的值也相对较大
VoLTE 业务中 SIP 协议响应码不属于判断异常事件是?( )
A. 487
B. 180
C. 408
D. 503
在随机接入过程中,如果在随机接入响应窗中没有检测到与( )联的PDCCH,那么对应的DL-SCH传输块将被送往高层。
全球唯一临时标识是( )。
以下对于LTE功率控制描述正确的是( )。
A. LTE干扰主要来自同频邻区,功率控制可减小对邻区的干扰
B. 以上都正确
C. 功率控制通过调整发射功率,使业务质量刚好满足BLER(Block Error Rate)要求,避免功率浪费
D. 上行功率控制可以有效减少UE 电源消耗
小区重选Qhyst为4dB,小区重选Offset为-2dB,那么邻小区必须大于当前小区多少dB,才能触发小区重选( )。
A. 大于6dB
B. 大于-2dB
C. 大于2dB
D. 大于4dB
E-UTRAN系统中,基站的覆盖半径最大可达( )。
A. 30KM
B. 100KM
C. 10KM
D. 50KM
A. 16000hz
B. 1600hz
C. 8000hz
D. 80000hz
VoLTE语音呼叫流程中,我们最早可以在( )信令中看到主被叫电话号码
A. 主叫上发的INVITE
B. 被叫上发的INVITE 100
C. 主叫收到的INVITE 100
D. 被叫收到的INVITE
对于传输设备的QOS,以下控制流程排序正确的是:( )
A. 业务分类--队列调度--拥塞控制--流量监控
B. 拥塞控制--队列调度--业务分类--流量监控
C. 流量监控--业务控制--队列调度--业务分类
D. 业务分类--流量监控--拥塞控制--队列调度
指示UE发送RRC连接请求的最大次数的计数器是( )
A. N301
B. N311
C. N300
D. N310
在部署LTE网络,通常以下哪种地物类型的优先级最高?( )
A. 郊区
B. 话务热点区域
C. 农村
D. 高速公路
在调度时, eNodeB 根据 ( ) 值将数据包送入不同的优先级队列,并调 度高优先级的队列里数据包。
B. non -GBR
UE会在以下哪种情况下不会发起小区选择过程?( )
A. 从连接模式回到空闲模式
B. 连接模式过程中失去小区信息
C. UE开机
D. 从空闲模式进入连接模式
重配置完成消息是由(1)( )发给(2)( )的。
A. (1).UE(2).Target eNodeB
B. (1).Target eNodeB(2).UE
C. (1). UE(2). Source eNodeB
D. (1). Source eNodeB (2).UE
REGISTER消息的含义( )。
A. 用于对事件的订阅
B. 用于发布网元状态
C. 用于会话的建立和会话属性的修改
D. 用于注册和注销
MIMO天线不能起到如下的( )作用。
A. 空间复用
B. 用户定位
C. 赋形抗干扰
D. 收发分集
NB-IoT技术优势中的低功耗可支持用户设备电池寿命平均保持多少年?( )
NB终端在发送RRCConnectionRequest时启动( )定时器,定时器超时前,如果收到RRCConnectionSetup或者RRCConnectionReject,则停止该定时器。
A. T301
B. T311
C. T300
D. T310
NB-IoT上行支持的最大重传次数是( )。
A. 512
B. 2048
C. 128
D. 1024
目前仅( )系统支持NB-IoT技术。
NB-IoT新增了Suspend-Resume流程,基站会下达指令让NB-IoT终端进入Suspend模式,该Suspend指令中带有( )信息。
A. ResumeID
B. SuspendID
C. Suspend-ResumeID
UE最多监听多少个不同的DCI Format Size Per Slot? ( )
对于1个服务小区,基站可以通过专用RRC信令给UE配置多个DL BWP和多个UL BWP,最多各配( )个。
( )是一种基于码域叠加的新型多址技术,它将低密度码扩频和高维QAM调制技术相结合,通过共轭.置换.相位旋转等操作选出具有最佳性能的码本集合,不同用户采用不同的码本进行信息传输。
以下不属于5G关键性能指标的是( )。
A. 连接速度10gbps
B. 2ms端到端时延
C. 1ms端到端时延
D. 100万连接每平方公里
以下哪种DCI?Format必须与Format?1-0 size相等?( )
A. DCIformat 0-1
B. DCIformat 2-1
C. DCIformat 0-0
D. DCIformat 1-1
当TRS配置的带宽超过其关联BWP的带宽时,UE应该( )。
A. 在TRS配置的带宽范围内接收TRS
B. 在小区载波的带宽范围内接收TRS
C. 在其关联的BWP带宽范围内接收TRS
D. 在UE支持的最小带宽范围内接收TRS
下列选项中关于OFDM特点有误的是( )。
A. 可变带宽的传输资源可以在频域内自由调度,分配给不同的用户
B. 能够降低峰均比
C. 可以在不改变系统基本参数或设备设计的情况下使用不同的频谱带宽。频谱利用率高。就是一个能当两个用
D. 为软频率复用和小区间的干扰协调提供便利
当SRB3未建立时,SCG的测量结果,UE通过下面哪条消息上报给网络?( )
A. RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete
B. ULInformationTransferMRDC
C. Measurement Report
D. RRCReconfigurationComplete
下列选项中哪一个是DFT-s-OFDM特有的调制方式?( )
B. 16QAM
C. π/2-BPSK
对于CDMA多址技术,下列哪个说法是错误的( )。
A. 采用CDMA多址技术具有较好的保密通信能力
B. 采用CDMA多址技术具有较好的抑制远近效应能力
C. 采用CDMA多址技术具有较强的抗干扰能力
D. 采用CDMA多址技术具有较灵活的多址连接
CDMA系统使用( )来区分不同的基站及同一基站的不同扇区。
A. PN码
B. Walsh码
C. 频率
D. 时隙
在CDMA系统中,假设Initial Power = 0dB.Nom power = 3dB.Power Step = 6dB.Num Step = 6。为了发起试呼,手机以6dBm的功率发送了第一个probe。在这种情况下,手机发送第四个probe所需的功率是( )。
A. 18dbm
B. 24dbm
C. 15dbm
D. 23dbm
慢衰落一般遵从( )分布。
A. 对数正态
B. Rician(莱斯)
C. Rayleigh (瑞利)
D. ??直线
若天馈线的驻波比是 1.2,对应的回波损耗是 ( )dB。
以下哪些不属于分集技术?( )
A. 频率分集
B. 时间分集
C. 空间分集
D. 物理分集
40W功率折算到 dB域为( ) dBm。
5G将采用NFV+SDN 架构。( )