The captain wasn’t ___ on having him in the team.
A. eager
B. keen
C. overwhelmed
D. anxious
He was ___at the prospect of seeing them again.
A. thrilling
B. blessed
C. thrilled
D. emotional
They ___ against travelling at night in such a dangerous country.
A. consul
B. advocate
C. counsel
D. recommend
It is absolutely vital that food supplied should be ___.
A. sustained
B. enhanced
C. exhausted
D. maintained
He must have had an accident, or he ___ then.
A. would have been here
B. had to be here
C. should be here
D. would be here
It was essential that the application forms ___ back before the deadline (截止日期).
A. must be sent
B. would be sent
C. be sent
D. were sent
We ___ our breakfast when an old man came to the door.
A. just have had
B. have just had
C. just had
D. had just had
The bridge was named ___ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.
A. after
B. with
C. by
D. from
It wasn’t such a good dinner ___ she had promised us.
A. that
B. which
C. as
D. what
The road now ___two kilometers beyond the river.
A. develops
B. extends
C. expands
D. widens
It was claimed that the level of alcohol in the man’s blood was ___ to cause an accident.
A. sufficient
B. adequate
C. enough
D. accurate
Medical care reform has become this country’s most important public health ___.
A. question
B. stuff
C. matter
D. problem
His retail business in the city___ rapidly between the wars.
A. enlarged
B. extended
C. widened
D. expanded
Many frogs ___ the sound of their voice using special sacs(囊) in their throat.
A. amplify
B. widen
C. expand
D. enlarge
Some old people don’t like pop songs because they cannot ___ so much noise.
A. resist
B. sustain
C. tolerate
D. undergo
I have kept that portrait where I can see it every day, as it always ___ me of my university days in London.
A. recollects
B. reminds
C. recalls
D. invokes
The article suggests that when a person is under unusual ___ he should be especially careful to have a well-balanced diet.
A. weight
B. stress
C. press
D. nerve
You should hire a more ___ manager than the one you currently have.
A. sufficient
B. effective
C. respective
D. efficient
Surgeons began to ___ their hands and arms with soap and water before operating.
A. scrub
B. enhance
C. rub
D. exhibit
He might let something ___ in a moment of weakness.
A. slip
B. leak
C. to slip
D. to leak
Do not ___ the salad until you are ready to serve.
A. mix
B. toss
C. fling
D. eat
The ___ for which he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him.
A. aims
B. objectives
C. subjects
D. goals
You should pause and ___ now.
A. tweet
B. ponder
C. squander
D. gossip
Eating too much fat can ____heart disease and cause high blood pressure.
A. contribute to
B. attribute to
C. attest to
D. devote to
It soon ___ that what she loved was not my person but my wealth.
A. widened
B. expanded
C. extended
D. developed
I want to buy a new tie to ___ this brown suit.
A. go into
B. go after
C. go with
D. go through
Our company decided to ___ the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met.
A. destroy
B. resist
C. assume
D. cancel
My first ___ was to turn and run.
A. institute
B. institution
C. instinct
D. tuition
I think it’s time I ___ in a new computer.
A. invested
B. insulted
C. interacted
D. impacted
The jeweler will ____ the inside of the ring with her name.
A. carve
B. engrave
C. cut
D. engross
He was bleeding from a _____ on his forehead.
A. lash
B. gash
C. ash
D. sash
Let us go to the next ______ on the agenda.
A. matter
B. debate
C. speech
D. item
They are _____ moving their office outside London.
A. considered
B. discussing
C. pondering
D. negotiating
Although she _____ the old pot thoroughly, she could not make it look completely clean.
A. scrubbed
B. washed
C. made
D. screwed
The mistake will remain an indelible ____ on his memory.
A. stain
B. thing
C. issue
D. accident
The wheel ____ through my frozen hand, and the car went right across the road.
A. slipped
B. sipped
C. dashed
D. disappeared
The cupboard was ____ with old fishing tackle.
A. stuffed
B. stocked
C. stored
D. filled
The decision depended on the ____ of a coin.
A. loss
B. lot
C. toss
D. sign
Teaching can be a tiring and ____ job.
A. meaningless
B. stressed
C. rewarded
D. stressful
The building is partly a museum and partly a private ____.
A. place
B. area
C. community
D. residence
Stop ______ your foot.
A. tossing
B. wiggling
C. exhibiting
D. reviewing
A. 受者对信息的理解受其固有的态度、信仰影响
B. 受者对信息有些部分理解,有些部分不理解
C. 受者对信息有些部分理解正确,有些部分理解不正确
D. 受者对信息有选择地记忆
E. 受者对信息有选择地接受
A. 提高社会效益
B. 易犯宫僚主义的错误
C. 提高经济效益
D. 有利于发挥基层人员的主动性
E. 增加了主管人员的主观主义作风
A. 知识
B. 技能
C. 态度
D. 信念
E. 行为
A. 行为目的
B. 行为动机
C. 行为计划
D. 行为结果
E. 行为过程
A. 顽固性溃疡穿孔
B. 饱食后穿孔
C. 空腹下的小穿孔
D. 伴有幽门梗阻
E. 伴有大出血
A. 使病人保持良好外表,维持自尊
B. 保持舒适体位,预防褥疮
C. 了解病人需求
D. 尽量满足临终前愿望
E. 疼痛时给予安慰剂,禁用止痛剂
A. 踝部出现可凹性水肿
B. 休息时心率超过110次/分
C. 休息时呼吸超过20次/分
D. 心尖部闻及Ⅱ级、性质稍粗糙的收缩期杂音
E. 肺底部有持续性啰音
A. 自感胎动停止
B. 长大的子宫又缩小
C. 孕妇感觉全身疲倦,食欲不振
D. 胎死宫内超过两周即发生凝血功能障碍
E. X线照片"颅骨重叠,脊柱成角弯曲"
A. 肾上腺素
B. 肾上腺糖皮质激素
C. 氨茶碱
D. 抗生素
E. 抗胆碱药物
A. 出生时
B. 1岁
C. 2岁
D. 3岁
E. 4岁
A. 腹膜后巨大血肿
B. 泌尿系感染
C. 褥疮
D. 泌尿系结石
E. 疼痛
A. 黄素囊肿
B. 输卵管卵巢囊肿
C. 皮样囊肿
D. 卵巢巧克力样囊肿
E. 卵泡囊肿
A. 口腔溃疡
B. 梅毒性心脏病
C. 神经系统功能障碍
D. 关节强直
E. 皮肤黏膜损害
A. 血压维持在正常范围内
B. 安静卧床4~6周
C. 保持大便通畅
D. 不做体力劳动
E. 手术切除动脉瘤或血管畸形
A. 疼痛常呈左上腹刀割样痛,向左肩和左侧腰背部放射
B. 疼痛常呈右上腹刀割样痛,向右肩和右侧腰背部放射
C. 疼痛常呈右上腹持续性胀痛,向右肩或右背部放射
D. 疼痛常呈右上腹阵发性绞痛,向右肩或右背部放射
E. 疼痛常呈左上腹阵发性绞痛,向左肩或左背部放射
A. 吗啡+甘露醇
B. 哌替啶+呋塞米
C. 硫酸镁+水合氯醛灌肠
D. 硫酸镁+低份子右旋醣酐
E. 硫酸镁+冬眠合剂
A. 神经过敏、失眠
B. 心动过速、收缩压增高
C. 肠蠕动增快、腹泻
D. 甲状腺弥漫性肿大
E. 怕热、多汗、食欲亢进
A. 典型发作属呼气性呼吸困难
B. 为发作性疾病,可自行或用药后缓解
C. 发作时伴哮鸣音
D. 常在午间发作或加重
E. 每次发作,可历时数小时至数天
A. 阿司匹林
B. 氯喹
C. 泼尼松
D. 硫唑嘌呤
E. 环磷酰胺
A. 进行性排尿困难
B. 膀胱刺激症状
C. 排尿突然中断,伴会阴部放射痛
D. 疼痛性血尿
E. 会阴部下坠感
A. 抗胆碱能药物
B. 吗啡
C. 生长抑素
D. 钙剂
E. 安定
A. 血糖水平
B. 血钠水平
C. 血尿素氮水平
D. 血浆渗透压
E. 血清二氧化碳结合率
A. 发热
B. 贫血
C. 消瘦
D. 黄疸
E. 肝区疼痛
A. 心脏电复律治疗
B. 药物治疗
C. 射频消融术
D. 安装永久性心脏起搏器
E. 手术治疗
A. 尿路感染与先天畸形有关
B. 新生儿期男孩发生率高
C. 上行感染多见于男孩
D. 大肠杆菌致病为主
E. 与尿反流有关
A. 无痛性全程血尿
B. 肾绞痛+镜下血尿
C. 尿痛尿急
D. 排尿困难
E. 尿失禁
A. 体位引流
B. 加强营养
C. 限制饮水量1000ml/d
D. 给予祛痰剂
E. 给予雾化吸入
A. 为自限性疾病
B. 多数预后良好
C. 血清补体降低
D. 血浆蛋白明显降低
E. 可出现轻、中度贫血
A. 为自限性疾病
B. 多数预后良好
C. 血清补体降低
D. 血浆蛋白明显降低
E. 可出现轻、中度贫血
A. 怕热多汗、多食消瘦
B. 大便呈糊状
C. 大便有不消化食物
D. 肠鸣音亢进
E. 大便次数多
A. 吸入亚硝酸异戊酯
B. 温肥皂水灌肠
C. 人工破膜
D. 缩宫素静脉滴注
E. 哌替啶肌肉注射
A. 肿瘤破裂
B. 盆腔感染
C. 蒂扭转
D. 恶性变
E. 腹水
A. 晨起深部痰液咳入无菌容器中
B. 在2小时内送检
C. 尽可能在未用抗生素之前
D. 可借助雾化吸入导痰
E. 任何时间的痰均可
A. 用1000mL透析液连续冲洗3~5次
B. 暂时改作间歇性腹膜透析
C. 立即拔管
D. 腹膜透析内加抗生素
E. 全身应用抗生素
A. 白细胞减少
B. 头痛
C. 恶心、呕吐等胃肠道反应
D. 药物性皮疹
E. 药物性泌乳
A. 产前检查开始时间是孕12周
B. 孕24周开始建立围产期保健
C. 孕28周后每4周1次
D. 孕24周后每2周1次
E. 孕最后1个月每周检查1次
A. 呼吸浅表,增快
B. 面色苍白或青灰
C. 脉细速,心率可达160~180次/分
D. 尿少、肝大
E. 脉压增宽,>50mmHg
A. 肠出血
B. 肠穿孔
C. 中毒性心肌炎
D. 中毒性肝炎
E. 中毒性脑病
A. 应尽可能多的摄入优质蛋白,以增加抵抗力
B. 可以摄入,但应控制在0.1~0.2g/(kg?d)
C. 可以摄入,但应控制在0.3~0.4g/(kg?d)
D. 可以摄入,但应控制在0.5~0.8g/(kg?d)
E. 不能摄入蛋白质
A. 多囊卵巢综合征
B. 子宫内膜异位症
C. 子宫内膜结核
D. 子宫肌瘤
E. 卵巢肿瘤