The old couple decided to ___ a boy and a girl though they had three children of their own.
A. adapt
B. adjust
C. adept
D. adopt
Mike was being ___for violent tendencies.
A. contended
B. consulted
C. counselled
D. insulted
I will___ Mr. Walters on this point.
A. refer to
B. commit to
C. contribute to
D. defer to
What happens in the next few days is___to our success.
A. critical
B. critic
C. prior
D. valid
She won’t___that there is a problem.
A. confer
B. concern
C. acknowledge
D. contemplate
This offer is___ for travel before the end of April.
A. effective
B. ineffective
C. invalid
D. valid
___ to British universities depends on examination results.
A. Admittance
B. Entry
C. Admission
E. ntrance
The database is only ___ by authorized managers.
A. proved
B. accessible
C. approved
D. access
This traditional ___ is of indigo blue.
A. clothes
B. diversity
C. costume
D. institution
These cigarettes are a ___ of the best tobaccos.
A. blend
B. band
C. mixture
D. mess
The tennis players need total ___ during play.
A. concentration
B. section
C. depression
D. energy
He ___ that he was innocent.
A. announced
B. declared
C. disclosed
D. admitted
Columbus discovered America but did not ___ the new continent.
A. seek
B. investigate
C. search
D. explore
The trees ___their foliage every year.
A. repeat
B. grow
C. refresh
D. renew
Make a list of the various ___.
A. options
B. choice
C. optional
D. samples
I am well aware that this is a ___ job.
A. rough
B. tough
C. wealthy
D. rogue
I found their kindness quite ___.
A. strong
B. overweening
C. keen
D. overwhelming
The captain wasn’t ___ on having him in the team.
A. eager
B. keen
C. overwhelmed
D. anxious
He was ___at the prospect of seeing them again.
A. thrilling
B. blessed
C. thrilled
D. emotional
They ___ against travelling at night in such a dangerous country.
A. consul
B. advocate
C. counsel
D. recommend
It is absolutely vital that food supplied should be ___.
A. sustained
B. enhanced
C. exhausted
D. maintained
He must have had an accident, or he ___ then.
A. would have been here
B. had to be here
C. should be here
D. would be here
It was essential that the application forms ___ back before the deadline (截止日期).
A. must be sent
B. would be sent
C. be sent
D. were sent
We ___ our breakfast when an old man came to the door.
A. just have had
B. have just had
C. just had
D. had just had
The bridge was named ___ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.
A. after
B. with
C. by
D. from
It wasn’t such a good dinner ___ she had promised us.
A. that
B. which
C. as
D. what
The road now ___two kilometers beyond the river.
A. develops
B. extends
C. expands
D. widens
It was claimed that the level of alcohol in the man’s blood was ___ to cause an accident.
A. sufficient
B. adequate
C. enough
D. accurate
Medical care reform has become this country’s most important public health ___.
A. question
B. stuff
C. matter
D. problem
His retail business in the city___ rapidly between the wars.
A. enlarged
B. extended
C. widened
D. expanded
Many frogs ___ the sound of their voice using special sacs(囊) in their throat.
A. amplify
B. widen
C. expand
D. enlarge
Some old people don’t like pop songs because they cannot ___ so much noise.
A. resist
B. sustain
C. tolerate
D. undergo
I have kept that portrait where I can see it every day, as it always ___ me of my university days in London.
A. recollects
B. reminds
C. recalls
D. invokes
The article suggests that when a person is under unusual ___ he should be especially careful to have a well-balanced diet.
A. weight
B. stress
C. press
D. nerve
You should hire a more ___ manager than the one you currently have.
A. sufficient
B. effective
C. respective
D. efficient
Surgeons began to ___ their hands and arms with soap and water before operating.
A. scrub
B. enhance
C. rub
D. exhibit
He might let something ___ in a moment of weakness.
A. slip
B. leak
C. to slip
D. to leak
Do not ___ the salad until you are ready to serve.
A. mix
B. toss
C. fling
D. eat
The ___ for which he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him.
A. aims
B. objectives
C. subjects
D. goals
You should pause and ___ now.
A. tweet
B. ponder
C. squander
D. gossip
Eating too much fat can ____heart disease and cause high blood pressure.
A. contribute to
B. attribute to
C. attest to
D. devote to
信息传递链属于影响有效沟通障碍因素中的 ___
A. 个人因素
B. 人际因素
C. 结构因素
D. 技术因素
对活动中的人和事进行指导和监督,亦称为现场控制或过程控制的是 ___
A. 前馈控制
B. 同期控制
C. 反馈控制
D. 成果控制
与资源利用有关并被称之为活动力比率的是 ___
A. 流动比率
B. 速动比率
C. 盈利比率
D. 经营比率
A. 代表人、领导者和联络者
B. ,监督者、传播者和发言人
C. ,企业家、冲突管理者和资源分配者
D. 联络者、发言人和谈判者
A. 亚当·斯密提出劳动分工观点
B. 瓦特发明蒸汽机
C. ,美国马萨诸塞车祸
D. 查尔斯·巴贝奇对工作方法的研究
A. 功利主义道德观
B. 公平公正道德观
C. 社会契约道德观
D. 推己及人道德观
A. 协同联盟
B. ,分权联盟
C. 集权中心
D. —体化网络
A. 鉴别
B. 编与
C. 排序
D. 筛选
A. ,最优原则和“渐进决策”模式
B. “有限理性”标准和‘渐进决策”模式
C. , “有限理性”标准和最优原则
D. “有限理性”标准和“满意度”原则
A. 环境因素
B. 组织自身韵因素
C. ,决策问题的特质
D. 抉策主体的因素
A. ,头脑风暴法
B. 销售人员讨论法
C. 德尔菲技术
D. 名义小组技术
A. 区域1
B. 区域3
C. 区域7
D. 区域9
A. 线性规划
B. 非线性规划
C. 动态规划
D. 整数规划
A. 竞争对手分析
B. ,替代品生产商研究
C. ,目标市场确定
D. 产品定位
A. 防御者型
B. ,探险者型
C. 分析者型
D. ,反映者型
A. 矩阵型结构
B. 动态网络型结构
C. 直线职能制结构
D. 事业部制结构
A. 主管和下属的工作能力
B. 工作内容和性质
C. 工作条件的优劣
D. 组织环境稳定与否
A. 人力资源规划
B. 绩效考评
C. 员工培训与开发
D. 工作分析
A. 解冻阶段
B. 变革阶段
C. 再冻结阶段
D. 行为转化阶段
A. 精神层
B. ,制度层
C. ,显现层
D. ,物质层
A. 指挥作用
B. ,协调作用
C. ,激励作用
D. ,组织作用
A. R.李克特及其同事
B. 弗莱西及其同事
C. 菲德勒
D. 罗伯特·豪斯
A. 领导特性论
B. 领导行为论
C. 路径一目标理论
D. 领导生命周期理论
A. 工具式沟通和感情式沟通
B. 个体间沟通和群体间沟通
C. 正式沟通和非正式沟通
D. ,上行沟通和下行沟通
A. 双方的互相信任
B. 信息来源的可靠程度
C. 地位差别
D. 发送者与接收者之间的相似程度
“控制的范围、程度和频度要恰到好处 ”所描述的有效控制特征是___
A. 适时控制
B. ,弹性控制
C. 客观控制
D. 适度控制
有助于推行分权化管理的审计是 ___
A. 经营审计
B. 外部审计
C. 内部审计
D. , 管理审计
标杆控制工侔步骤肋起点是 ___
A. 资料收集和调查
B. 确定标杆控制的项目
C. 组成工作小组
D. 确定标杆控制的对象和对比点
著有《工业管理与一般管理》一书的古典管理学家是 ___
A. 泰罗
B. 法约尔
C. 韦伯
D. 梅奥
根据罗伯特·卡茨的观点,基层管理者最重要的技能是 ___
A. 技术技能
B. 人际技能
C. 概念技能
D. 领导技能
有关研究表明,道德发展的最低层次是 ___
A. 原则层次
B. 惯例层次
C. 前惯例层次
D. 后惯例层次
下列因素中,予全球化任务环境的是 ___
A. 政治体制
B. 供应商
C. 顾客
D. 竞争对手
把全球作为一个单一的市场,认为不同国家消费者的品位和喜好没有实质性差别而采用 的全球化组织模式是 ___
A. 多国组织模式
B. 国际组织模式
C. 跨国组织模式
D. 全球组织模式
在企业信息化管理发展中,盛行于20世纪80年代的MRPII指的是 ___
A. 开环的物料需求计划
B. 闭环的物料需求计划
C. 制造资源计划
D. 企业资源计划
在决策的影响因素中,个人对待风险的态度属于 ___
A. 环境因素
B. 组织自身的因素
C. 决策问题的性质
D. 决策主体的因素
最小最大后悔值法属于 ___
A. 定性决策方法
B. 确定型决策方法
C. 风险型决策方法
D. 不确定型决策方法
根据计划内容的明确性标准,可以将计划分类为 ___
A. 业务计划、财务计划和人事计划
B. 战略性计划和战术性计划
C. 具体性计划和指导性计划
D. 程序性计划和非程序性计划
制定处理未来活动的一种必需方法的计划是 ___
A. 程序
B. 规则
C. 方案
D. 预算
根据战略类型的划分,属于成长战略范畴的是 ___
A. 收缩战略
B. 剥离战略
C. 市场幵发
D. 清算战略
伍德沃德等人根据制造技术的复杂程度将技术划分成若干类,其中定制产品采用的技术是 ___
A. 单件小批量生产技术
B. 大批量生产技术
C. 流程生产技术
D. 连续生产技术