【判断】 火力发电厂假如既发电又供热则称热电厂。 ()
【判断】 为了保证电压质量合乎标准,往往需要装设必要的有功补偿装置和采取一定的调压措施。 ()
【判断】 电能的生产、输送、分配以及转换为其他形态能量的过程 ,是分时进行的。 ()
【判断】 短路电流通过导体时 ,会使导体大量发热 ,温度急剧升高 ,从而破坏设备绝缘。 ()
【判断】 以煤、 石油、 天然气等作为燃料 ,燃料燃烧时的化学能转换为热能 ,然后借助汽轮机等热力机械将热能变为机械能 ,并由汽轮机带动发电机将机械能变为电能 ,这种发电厂称火力发电厂。 ()
【判断】 电网谐波的产生 ,主要在于电力系统中存在各种线性元件。 ()
【判断】 电力系统中的各级电压线路及其联系的各级变、 配电所 ,这一部分叫做电力网 ,或称电网。 ()
【判断】 短路电流通过线路 ,要产生很大的电流降 ,使系统的电流水平骤降 ,引起电动机转速突然下降 ,甚至停转 ,严重影响电气设备的正常运行。 ()
【判断】 大型电力系统有强大的调频和调压能力 ,有较大的抵御谐波的能力 ,可以提供质量更高的电能。 ()
【判断】 若中断供电时可能造成人身伤亡情况 ,则称为二类负荷。 ()
【判断】 变、配电所是电力网中的线路连接点 ,是用以变换电压、交换功率和汇集、分配电能的设施。 ()
【判断】 对三类负荷供电要求 ,一般不考虑特殊要求。 ()
【判断】 10kV 及以下三相供电的 ,电压允许偏差为额定电压的为 ±10%。()
【判断】 10kV 及以下三相供电的 ,电压允许偏差为额定电压的为 ±10%。()
【判断】 电力系统中相与相之间或相与地之间 (对中性点直接接地系统而言 )通过金属导体、电弧或其它较小阻抗连结而形成的正常状态称为短路。 ()
【判断】 从发电厂发电机开始一直到变电设备为止 ,这一整体称为电力系统。 ()
【判断】 在降压变电所内 ,变压器是将高电压改变为低电压的电气设备。 ()
【判断】 按变电所在电力系统中的位置、作用及其特点划分 ,变电所的主要类型有枢纽变电所、区域变电所、 地区变电所、 配电变电所、 用户变电所、 地下变电所和无人值班变电所等。()
【判断】 短路产生的冲击电流会产生很大的电动力 ,其大小可用来校验电气设备在发生短路时的动稳定性。 ()
【判断】 利用江河所蕴藏的水力资源来发电 ,这种电厂称水力发电厂。 ()
【判断】 变、配电所中用来承担输送和分配电能任务的电路,称为一次电路或电气主接线。()
【判断】 在一类用电负荷中 ,当中断供电将发生中毒、 爆炸和火灾等情况的负荷 ,以及特别重要场所的不允许中断供电的负荷 ,称为特别重要的负荷。 ()
【判断】 电力系统正常运行时 ,各相之间是导通的。 ()
【判断】 当电路发生短路或严重过负荷时 ,熔断器能自动切断故障电路 ,从而使电器设备得到保护。 ()
【判断】 三相电度表应按正相序接线 ,经电流互感器接线者极性
【判断】 某一段时间内负载消耗的电能可以用电度表来测量。
【判断】 绝缘电阻可以用接地电阻测量仪来测量。
【判断】 良好的摇表 ,在摇表两连接线 (L 、E)短接时 ,摇动手柄 ,指针应在 “0”处。
【判断】 直流电压表的 “+”端接电路的高电位点 , “-”端接电路的低电位点。
【判断】 接地电阻测量仪主要由手摇发电机 ,电流互感器 ,电位器以及检流计组成。
【判断】 用数字万用表测量直流电压时 ,极性接反会损坏数字万用表。
【判断】 感抗 XL 与线圈的电感 L 和交流电频率 f 成反比。 ()
【判断】 线圈中通过的电流越大 ,在其周围产生磁场就越强。 ()
【判断】 线圈自身电流变化在线圈中产生的感应电动势称为自感电动势。 ()
【判断】 线圈匝数越多 ,线圈电感越大。 ()
【判断】 通电线圈的圈数越多 ,在其周围产生磁场就越强。 ()
【判断】 导体在磁场中做切割磁力线运动时 ,导体内就会产生感应电动势。 ()
【判断】 相线与中性线 (或零线 )间的电压称为线电压。 ()
【判断】 磁力线在某区域的密度与该区域的磁场强弱成反比。 ()
【判断】 磁力线是描述磁场结构的一组曲线 ,磁力线的疏密程度 ,反映磁场中各点磁场的强弱。 ()
【判断】 在电阻并联的电路中 ,电路总电阻等于各并联电阻之和。 ()
Would you like something to drink? What about a cup of tea?___
A. No, thanks.
B. No, I wouldn’t
C. Yes, I want.
D. Yes, I like.
What's the problem with your bike?___
A. Not at all.
B. Good, thank you.
C. Nothing serious.
D. Sure.
Good morning, John. How are you doing?___
A. I'm pleased
B. Good night.
C. Not so bad. And you?
D. How do you do?
How do you do?___
A. Fine, thank you.
B. How do you do?
C. Not too bad.
D. Very well.
Good-bye for now.___
A. The same to you.
B. That's OK
C. See you.
D. Long time no see.
Hello, how are you?___
A. Hello, how are you?
B. How do you do?
C. Fine, thank you.
D. That's OK.
I didn't mean to do that. Please forgive me。___
A. Not too bad.
B. That's all right
C. It's a pleasure.
D. Thank you.
Thank you for your invitation.___
A. It doesn’t matter.
B. It's a pleasure.
C. It's a small thing.
D. I'll appreciate it.
What a beautiful dress you have on today!___
A. It is suitable for me.
B. No, it isn’t.
C. You want to have one, too?
D. Thank you.
I think he is a good lecturer.___
A. Sorry, it doesn’t matter.
B. So do I.
C. Yes. It's a good idea
D. I don't mind
— What's the matter, dear?___
A. I didn't go to school.
B. I have a terrible headache.
C. I took the kids shopping today.
D. It is a beautiful dress.
Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please?___
A. Who's there?
B. Who's that speaking?
C. Who are you?
D. Who wants to speak to Mark?
Let me introduce myself. I'm Steward.___
A. What a pleasure.
B. Pleased to meet you.
C. I don't know.
D. Thanks a lot.
Let's go to the library this afternoon.___.
A. Yes, that's right.
B. No. I can't.
C. What about you?
D. That's a good idea.
What does Tom's wife do for a living?___.
A. She is a doctor.
B. Tom loves his wife.
C. She has a happy life.
D. She lives far from here.
How tall is your sister?___
A. She is not very well.
B. She is 28 years old.
C. She is very nice.
D. She is as tall as I am.
What do you think of this novel?___
A. I've read it.
B. It's well-written.
C. It was written by my uncle.
D. I bought it yesterday.
How much is this necklace?___
A. It's very nice.
B. It's a birthday present from my parents.
C. It costs fifty pounds.
D. It's a bargain.
How can I get to the cinema?___
A. It's very far.
B. Yes, there is a cinema near here.
C. It's well known.
D. Go down this street and turn left.
What's the matter, John?___
A. I failed my French test
B. It doesn't matter.
C. Nothing's wrong with him.
D. I don't think I can.
What are you majoring in?___
A. In a university.
B. Very hard.
C. Mathematics.
D. At nine in the morning.
Are you going on holiday for a long time?___
A. It was a long time.
B. Two weeks ago.
C. No. Only a couple of days.
D. Not long time ago.
Is Mary there?___
A. Speaking.
B. I'm not Mary.
C. Who are you?
D. Mary is well today.
What day is today?___
A. It's March 6.
B. It's a fine day today.
C. It's March.
D. It's Monday.
Is that seat taken?___
A. Please don't worry.
B. I don't think so.
C. Why not?
D. It's very nice.
Thank you for calling.___
A. Don’t mention it.
B. That's fine.
C. Nice talking to you.
D. Call back again.
How are you getting on today?___
A. Very well.
B. How do you do?
C. I'm a doctor.
D. Nice to have known you.
How's your family?___
A. Thanks all the same.
B. Thanks for calling.
C. Not too bad.
D. Don't mention it.
- How is it that you are late for class again?___
A. Because I missed the bus
B. By bus and then on foot
C. Yes, it is quite wrong
D. It is far from school
- Excuse me. Could you spare me a few minutes? - ___
A. Of course.
B. Of course not.
C. I am sorry to hear that.D.Yes. I'm busy now.
- It's very thoughtful of you to give me a ride. ___
A. It's my pleasure.
B. Take it easy.
C. Sure.
D. Never mind.
- This is heavy! What's in it? ___
A. I think you don't like it.
B. My new computer. I just bought it.
C. I'm glad you're here.
D. Are you really interested in it?
___ I'd like to place an order please.
A. Can I help you?
B. I can help you.
C. What are you doing?
D. Why are you doing?
- Do you know the girl over there?___
A. How can I know?
B. Yes, I remember it now.
C. It's Sam, my teacher's daughter.
D. She is a good girl.
- Shall we go out for dinner tonight?____
A. No, you can't.
B. Yes, please.
C. Thank you, I don't want to.
D. Sorry, I have a report to finish.
- I think the reference book(参考书)is very helpful.____
A. Good idea.
B. So do I.
C. With pleasure.
D. No problem.
- I wish you success in your career.____
A. You are welcome.
B. I think so.
C. Yes, please.
D. The same to you.
- Would you like to come over tonight?____
A. Yes, last night.
B. Yes, over there.
C. Sure, I'd love to.
D. Yeah, I liked it too.
- How do I transfer calls? ____
A. Do as you like.
B. It is a bit difficult.
C. Let me show you.
D. Not at all.
- Thanks for inviting me, John, but I've already made other plans. ____. Maybe another time.
A. I hope you enjoy it
B. That's good
C. Oh! I'm sorry to hear that
D. Great! I really had a good time