A. 抑郁消沉
B. 人际交往困难
C. 自我认知缺失
D. 谨小慎微
A. 情绪问题
B. 自我认知缺失
C. 人际交往困难
D. 心理失衡
A. 职业生涯规划
B. 职业发展规划
C. 生涯路线的选择
D. 人生目标的修正
A. 连续性
B. 稳定性
C. 行业性
D. 中断性
A. 设定改目标的原因
B. 达到该目标的途径
C. 达到该目标所需要的能力、训练及其教育
D. 达到该目标可能遇到的阻力、助力
A. 组织的需求
B. 家庭的期望
C. 社会的需要
D. 科技的发展
A. 能力期
B. 试验期
C. 转换期
D. 尝试期
A. 就业形势严峻
B. 高等学校缺乏适当的职业生涯指导
C. 对自我的认识不足
D. 对外围环境认识的缺失
A. 挫折情境越严重,挫折反应就越强烈
B. 主体主观上对严重的挫折情境其认知和评价并不严重,其反应就会较轻微。
C. 并不严重的挫折情境不会引起强烈的情绪反应。
D. 挫折具有两面性。
A. 勒温
B. 沙利文
C. 罗杰斯
D. 多拉德
A. 挫折攻击理论
B. 社会文化理论
C. 需要-紧张理论
D. 挫折与攻击行为关系理论
A. 认识和信念
B. 诱发性事件
C. 情绪反应和行为结果
D. 情境
A. 艾里斯
B. 荣格
C. 弗洛伊德
D. 阿德勒
A. 动机冲突
B. 角色转换不适应
C. 自由与自律的冲突
D. 自尊与自卑的冲突
A. 情商
B. 逆境商
C. 智商
D. 什么都不是
A. 逃避
B. 固着
C. 退化
D. 转向攻击
A. 人际交往挫折
B. 情感挫折
C. 人生发展挫折
D. 学业挫折
A. 挫折情境
B. 挫折情感
C. 挫折认知
D. 挫折反应
A. 生理因素
B. 经济负担的压力
C. 受改革开放和市场经济大潮的冲击
D. 突发事件
A. 归因可以分为:内归因和外归因。
B. 正确的归因是应付和解决问题的必要基础。
C. 倾向于外归因的人,习惯的认为支配自己成功失败和前途的原因是本身的能力和技能以及自己的努力程度等。
D. 内部归因是我们所提倡的。
A. 强烈的交往需要和孤独感的冲突。
B. 期望与现实的冲突
C. 自由与自律的冲突
D. 独立与依赖的冲突
A. 开展心理咨询
B. 注重培养“幸福品质”
C. 加强个体积极的心理指导
D. 创设挫折情境,锻炼意志
A. 5月25日
B. 5月26日
C. 4月25日
D. 6月26日
A. 没有疾病
B. 身体状实
C. 不但躯体健康而且心理健康
D. 心理素质高
心理健康的最终目标是 ___
A. 自我实现
B. 和谐人际关系
C. 保持人格完整
D. 保持协调情绪
A. 心理障碍学生
B. 正常学生
C. 重度心理健康问题
D. 大多数学生
A. 学校心理辅导以少数有心理问题的个别学生为服务对象
B. 心理辅导把工作的重点放在预防心理问题的出现和促进学生潜能的发展上
C. 学校心理辅导侧重于学生的心理与行为障碍矫治的心理治疗
D. 心理辅导等同于心理咨询和心理治疗
A. 学校心理辅导有团体辅导和个别辅导这两种主要的方式
B. 团体辅导以全体学生为对象,以预防辅导为主
C. 个别辅导是以少数学生为对象,以矫治辅导为主,属补救性的辅导
D. 经常逃学的学生、有学习障碍的学生更适合于进行团体辅导
A. 电话咨询
B. 门诊咨询
C. 专题咨询
D. 互联网咨询
A. 否认作用
B. 合理化作用
C. 投射作用
D. 幻想作用
A. 接近性
B. 相似性
C. 外貌
D. 自尊
A. 学校教育
B. 遗传
C. 社会
D. 实践活动
A. 王元比李平高
B. 李平比王元高
C. 相等
D. 无法比较
心理健康表现心理的耐受力方面为 ___
A. 过去的痛苦的体验经常浮现在自己的脑海里,但不影响日常的工作和生活
B. 遇到困难,能够忍受
C. 把克服困难当成一种乐趣,而勇敢地面对生活的挫折
D. 对于同事外入的议论并不在意
A. 学校教育对智力的影响
B. 社会实践对智力的影响
C. 遗传对智力的影响
D. 家庭环境对智力的影响
A. 刻板效应
B. 投射效应
C. 首因效应
D. 晕轮效应
心理健康在社会交往中可表现为 ___
A. 经常与素不相识的人十分热情地交谈,表现为十分兴奋的状态
B. 对同事、好友无缘无故地表现为冷漠、漠不关心
C. 有自己喜欢与不喜欢的人
D. 接触异性时经常表现为紧张的情绪
A. 5月25日
B. 5月26日
C. 4月25日
D. 6月26日
58.BIM 中的图形是赋予了___属性的实体。
59.BIM 是指建筑物在设计和建造过程中,创建和使用的“___”。
The word "wag" (Line 1, Para.1) most probably means _________.
A. move
B. shake
C. bite
D. play
The video cameras were used to catch the dogs' responses because ___________.
A. the dogs were put in the wooden boxes
and tested one at a time
B. it was easier to catch the dogs’s response changes in the tail wagging
C. they enabled the dogs’owners to know
about their dogs’; habit
D. the dogs wagged their tails in different
directions when they were in different
When there are no stimuli, a dog will ___________.___
A. wag to the right
B. no wag at all
C. wag to the left
D. wag to the left and then wag to the right
The purpose of doing the experiment is _________.___
A. to train dogs for their owners
B. to help dogs find companion
C. to help people choose their pet dogs
D. to help people judge the mood of dogs
The underlined word "they" in the last sentence refers to __________.___
A. the trainers
B. the systems
C. the researchers
D. the dogs
The new law passed in Rome will ________.___
A. help improve fishing environment
B. stop people from catching goldfish
C. guarantee better conditions for goldfish
D. discourage keeping goldfish at home
People in Rome believe that the civilization of a city can be judged by _________.___
A. awareness of animal protection
B. exchanges with other cities
C. protection of ancient ruins
D. recognition of animal lovers
The underlined word "compassion" in Para 2 is the closest in meaning to __________.___
A. support
B. pity
C. help
D. love
People may break the law in Turin if they ________.___
A. keep their dogs or cats in cars
B. shut their dogs home all day long
C. raise their cats near ancient ruins
D. feed homeless animals in car parks
We can infer from the passage that _________.___
A. the owners can leave their dogs in hot cars
B. the cat only lives in modern life
C. the new law can prevent cruelty to animals
D. the new law gives recognition to the
people who feed homeless cat
If a person finds getting up early a problem, most probably ________.___
A. he is a lazy person
B. he refuses to follow his own energy cycle
C. he is not sure when his energy is low
D. he is at his peak in the afternoon or evening
Which of the following may lead to family quarrels according to the passage?___
A. Unawareness of energy cycles.
B. Familiar monologues.
C. A change in a family member's energy cycle.
D. Attempts to control the energy cycle of other family members.
If one wants to work efficiently at his low point in the morning, he should __________.___
A. change his energy cycle
B. overcome his laziness
C. get up earlier than usual
D. go to bed earlier
You are advised to rise with a yawn and stretch because it will __________.___
A. help to keep your energy for the day's work
B. help you to control your temper early in the day
C. enable you to concentrate on your routine work
D. keep your energy cycle under control all day
Which of the following statements is NOT true?___
A. Getting off to work with a minimum effort helps save one's energy.
B. Dr. Kletman explains why people reach their peaks at different hours of day.
C. Habit helps a person adapt to his own energy cycle.
D. Children have energy cycles, too.
An effective way to prevent the burnout of young athletes is __________.___
A. to increase their sense of success
B. to make sports less competitive
C. to reduce their mental stress
D. to make sports more challenging
According to the passage sport is positive for young people in that __________.___
A. it can help them learn more about society
B. it enables them to find flaws in themselves
C. it teaches them how to set realistic goals for themselves
D. it can provide them with valuable experiences
Many coaches and parents are in the habit of criticizing young athletes __________.___
A. without realizing criticism may destroy their self-confidence
B. in order to make them remember life's lessons
C. believing that criticism is beneficial for their early development
D. so as to put more pressure on them
According to the passage parents and coaches should __________.___
A. help children to win every game
B. pay more attention to letting children enjoy sports
C. train children to cope with stress
D. enable children to understand the positive aspect of sports
The author's purpose in writing the passage is _________.___
A. to persuade young children not to worry about criticism
B. to stress the importance of positive reinforcement to children
C. to discuss the skill of combining criticism with encouragement
D. to teach young athletes how to avoid burnout
As pointed out at the beginning of the passage, people used to think that air pollution _______.___
A. cause widespread damage in the countryside
B. affected the entire eastern half of the United States
C. had damaged effect on health
D. existed merely in urban and industries areas
As to the greenhouse effect, the author ________.___
A. share the same view with the scientist
B. is uncertain of its occurrence
C. rejects it as being ungrounded
D. thinks that it will destroy the world soon
The underlined word "offset" in the second paragraph could be replaced by _________.___
A. slip into
B. make up for
C. set up
D. catch up with
It can be concluded that ____________.___
A. raising the world's temperature only a few degrees would not do much harm to life on earth
B. lowering the world's temperature merely a few degrees would lead major farming areas to disaster
C. almost no temperature variations have occurred over the past decade
D. the world's temperature will remain constant in the years to come
This passage is primarily about __________.___
A. the greenhouse effect
B. the burning of fossil fuels
C. the potential effect of air pollution
D. the likelihood of a new ice age
What is the major function of paragraph 1?___
A. To arouse the reader's concern.
B. To introduce the theme of the whole passage.
C. To summarize the whole passage.
D. To state the primary uses of TV.
Television, as a source of entertainment, is ________.___
A. not very convenient
B. very expensive
C. quite dangerous
D. relatively cheap
Why are some people against TV?___
A. Because TV programs are not interesting.
B. Because TV viewers are totally passive.
C. Because TV prices are very high.
D. Because TV has both advantages and disadvantages.
One of the most obvious advantages of TV is that _________.___
A. it keeps us informed
B. it is very cheap
C. it enables us to have a rest
D. it controls our lives
According to the passage, whether TV is good or not depends on ___________.___
A. its quality
B. people's attitude towards it
C. how we use it
D. when we use it
What regulation was issued by New York State concerning beverage containers?___
A. A fee should be charged on used containers for recycling.
B. Throwaways should be collected by the state for recycling.
C. Consumers had to pay for beverage containers and could get their money back on returning them.
D. Beverage companies should be responsible for collecting and reusing discarded plastic soda bottles.
The returned plastic bottles in New York used to _____________.___
A. be turned into raw materials
B. be separated from other rubbish
C. have a second-life value
D. end up somewhere underground
The key problem in dealing with returned plastic beverage containers is ______________.___
A. how to reduce their recycling costs
B. to sell them at a profitable price
C. how to turn them into useful things
D. to lower the prices for used materials
Recycling has become the first choice for the disposal of rubbish because ______________.___
A. recycling causes little pollution
B. other methods are more expensive
C. recycling has great appeal for the jobless
D. local governments find it easy to manage