What is the maximum num ber of methods that a single method list can contain?___
A. 4
B. 3
C. 2
D. 5
Which command enables authentication at the oSPFv2 routing process level?___
A. ip ospf authentication message-digest
B. area 0 authentication message-digest
C. ip ospf message-digest-key 1 mds Cisco
D. area 0 authentication ipsec spi 500 md5 1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF
Which type of firewall monitors a nd protects a specific system?___
A. firewall
B. application firewall
C. stateless firewall wvp
D. personal firewall
On an ASA, which maps are used to identify traffic?___
A. Route maps
B. Policy maps
C. Class maps
D. Service maps
Which type of social engineering attack targets top executives?___
A. whaling
B. vishin
C. spear phishing ng
D. baiting
What is the minimum Cisco lOS version that supports zone-based firewalls?___
A. 12.1T
B. 15.1
C. 15.0
D. 124
In which type of attack does an attacker overwrite an entry in the CAM table to divert traffic destined to a legitimate host?___
A. DHCP spoofing
B. ARP spoofing
C. CAM table overflow
D. MAC spoofing
Which two attack types can be prevented with the impleme ntation of a Cisco IPS solution?___
A. DDos
B. man-in-the-middle
C. worms
D. ARP spoofing
E. VLAN hopping
choose four___
A. DHCP snooping ——————————blocks DHCP messages
B. Dynamic ARP inspection——————verifies IP-to-MAC traffic on untrusted ports
C. IP sources guard ——————————provides layer 2 interface security with ports ACLs
D. Port security————————————mitigates MAC-address spoofing at the access interface
choose four___
A. Step1————————run the system setup wizard
B. Step2————————add an authentication realm
C. Step3————————configure identity management
D. Step4————————configure directory group
What are two advanced features of the Cisco AMp solution for endpoints ___
A. contemplation
B. foresight
C. sandboxing
D. reputation
E. reflection
Which two characteristics of RADIUS are true?___
A. It encrypts only the password between user and server.
B. It uses TCP ports 1812/1813
C. It uses UDP ports 1812/1813.
D. It uses UDP port 49
E. It uses TCP port 49
What are two challenges of using a network-based IPS? ___
A. It is unable to determine whether a detected attack was successful
B. It requires additional storage and proce ssor capacity on syslog servers
C. As the network expands, it requires you to add more sensors.
D. It is unable to detect attacks across the entire network
E. It must support multiple operating systems.
What are two default be haviors of the traffic on a zone-based firewall?___
A. Traffic within the self -zone uses an im plicit deny all.
B. All traffic between zones is implicitly blocked
C. Communication is allowed between interfadAss that are members of the same zone
D. Communication is blocked between interfaces that are members of the same zone
E. The CBAC rules that are configured on router interfaces apply to zone interfaces
Which two advantages does the on-premise model for MDM deployment have over the cloud-based model?___
A. The on-premise model is easier and faster to de ploy than the cloud-based model
B. The on-premise model is more scalable than the cloud-based model
C. The on-premise model is generally less expensive than the cloud-based model
D. The on-premise model generally has less latency than the cloud- based model.
E. The on-premise model provides more control of the MDM solution than the cloud
Which two actions can an end usts take to manage a lost or stolen device in Cisco ISE? ___
A. Activate Cisco ISE End point Protection Services to quarantine the device.
B. Add the mac address of the device to a list of blacklisted devices
C. Force the device to be locked with a PIN
D. Request revocation of the digital certificate of the device.
E. Reinstate a device that the user previously marked as lost or stolen
Which two problems can arise when a proxy firewall serves as the gateway between networks?___
A. It can prevent content caching
B. It can limit application support
C. It is unable to prevent direct connections to other networks
D. It can cause reduced throughput.
E. It is unable to provide antivirus protection
When using the Adaptive Security Device Manager(ASDM), which two methods are available to add a new root certificate?___
A. Use sCep
B. Install from SFTP server
C. Install from a file
D. Use Https
Which two are considered basic security principles?___
A. Accountability
B. Redundancy
C. High Availabilit
D. Integrity
E. Confidentiality
Which two roles of the Cisco WSA are true?___
B. firewall
C. antispam
D. web proxy
E. URL filter
Which next-generation encryption algorithm supports four variants?___
A. SHA-2
B. SHA-1
C. MD5
What aims to remove the abil ity to deny an action?___
A. Non-Repudiation
B. Accountability
C. Integrity
D. Deniability
Which statements about the native VLAN is true ?___
A. It is susceptible to VLAN hopping attacks.
B. It is the Cisco recommended VLAN for switch-management traffic
C. It is most secure when it is a ssigned to vLAn 1.
D. It is the cisco-recomme nded vlan for user traffic
There are two versions of IKE:IKEv1 and IKEv2. Both IKEv1 and IKEv2 protocols operate in phases IKEv1 operates in two phases. IKEv2 operates in how many phases?___
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
What does the dh group refer to?___
A. length of key for hashing C
B. length of key for encryption
C. tunnel lifetime key
D. length of key for key exchange
E. length of key for authentication
Which path do you follow to enable aaa through the SDM ?___
A. Configure Tasks > AAA
B. Configure > Addition Authentication > AAA
C. Configure > AAA
D. Configure > Additional Tasks > AAA
E. Configure Authentication > AAA
which technology cloud be used on top of an MPLS VPN to add confidentiality ?___
A. IPsec
Which term is most closely aligned with the basic purpose of a SIEM solution? ___
A. Non-Repudiation
B. Accountability
C. Causality
D. Repudiation
You have just deployed SNMPv3 in your environment, Your manager asks you to make sure that our SNMP agents can only talk to the SNMP Manager. What would you configure on your SNMI agents to satisfy this request?___
A. A SNMP View containing the SNMP managers
B. Routing Filter with the SNMP managers in it applied outbound
C. A standard ACL containing the SNMP managers applied to the SNMP configuration
D. A SNMP Group containing the SNMP managers
Which feature prevents loops by moving a nontrunking port into an errdisable state when a BPDU is received on that port?___
A. BPDU filte
B. DHCP snooping
C. BPDU guard
D. Port Fast
Which command enables port security to use sticky MAC addresses on a switch?___
A. switchport port-security violation restrict
B. switchport port-security mac-address sticky
C. switchport port-security violation protect
D. switchport port-security
When you edit an IPS subsignature, what is the effect on the parent signature and the family of subsignatures?___
A. The change applies to the parent signature and the entire family of subsignatures
B. The change applies to the parent signature and the subsignature that you edit
C. The change applies only to subsignatures that are numbered sequentially after the subsignature that you edit
D. Other signatures are unaffected, the change applies only to the subsignature that you dit
Which type of mechanism does Cisco FirePOWER de ploy to protect ag detected moving across other networks?___
A. antivirus scanning
B. policy-based
C. reputation-based
D. signature-based
What action must you take on the ise to blacklist a wired device?___
A. Locate the switch through which the device is connected and push an a cl restricting all access by the device
B. Issue a CoA request for the de vice's mac address to each access switch in the network
C. Revoke the device's certificate so it is unable to authenticate to the network
D. Add the device's MAc address to a list of black listed devices
Which type of firewall can perform deep packet inspection?___
A. packet-filtering firewall
B. stateless firewall
C. application firewall
D. personal firewall
What is the main purpose of Control Plane Policing?___
A. to prevent exhaustion of route-proce ssor resources
B. to organize the egress packet queues
C. to define traffic classes
D. to maintain the policy map
Which attack can be prevented by OSPF authentication?___
A. smurf attack
B. IP spoofing attack
C. denial of service attack
D. buffer overflow attack
What is the best definition of hairpinning?___
A. ingress traffic that traverses the outbound interface on a device
B. traffic that enters one interface on a device and that exits through another interface
C. traffic that enters and exits a device through the same interface
D. traffic that tunnels through a device interface
Which SNMPv3 security level provides authentication using HMAC with MD5, but does not use encryption?___
A. authPriv
B. authNo Priv
C. noAuthNoPriv
D. NoauthPriv
You have implemented a dynamic blacklist, using security intelligence to block illicit network activity. However, the blacklist contains several approved connections that users must access for usiness pur poses. Which action can you take to retain the blacklist while allowing users to access the approve d sites?___
A. Create a whitelist and manually add the approved addresses.
B. Disable the dynamic blacklist and deny the specif ic address on a whitelist while permitting the others
C. Edit the dynamic blacklist to remove the approved addresses
D. Disable the dynamic blacklist and create a static blacklist in its place
When connecting to an external resource,you must change a source IP address to use one IP address from a range of to Which option do you implement ?___
A. dynamic source NAT that uses an IP ad dress as a mapped source
B. static destination NAT that uses a subnet as a real de stination
C. dynamic source NAT that uses a range as a mapped source
D. static destination NAT that uses a subnet as a real source
下列加点形近字的读音有错的一项是( )  A、羁绊(bàn)    挑衅(bàn)   河畔(pàn)金柳  B、茁壮(zhuï)   笨拙(zhuō)  相形见绌(chù)  C、寺庙(sì)     把持(chí)   恃才放旷(shì)  D、广大(ɡuǎnɡ)  扩大(kuî)   心旷神怡(kuànɡ)
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
下列街头宣传语没有错别字的一项是:( )  A、  夏季服装大促销------满300送100(券)  B、  本商场付食品专柜新到一批特色糖果。  C、  本公司承接管道按装业务。  D、  前车于后车必需保持安全距离。
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
下面成语书写全部正确的一组是( )  A、恪尽职守      骇人听闻      别出心裁      不可思义              B、叹为观止      兴高采烈      相提并论      因地制宜             C、锋芒必露      不言而喻      水泄不通      正经危坐  D、相形见拙      忍劳忍怨      刻不容缓      郑重其事 
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
下列词语中加点的字的读音完全相同的一项是( ) A. 缉私  编辑  舟楫   开门揖盗   疾恶如仇  B. 奴婢  裨益  麻痹   惩前毖后 刚愎自用  C. 强劲  颈椎  劲头  泾渭分明 不胫而走  D. 船舷  炫耀  弦乐 头晕目眩 煊赫一时
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
下列词语中带括号的字的读音,全都不相同的一组是( ) A.(樟)脑 (章)程 (獐)头鼠目 欲盖弥(彰) B.(削)皮 (消)耗 形(销)骨立 (逍)遥法外 C.(感)动 呐(喊) (咸)与维新 不胜遗(憾) D. 官(僚) (撩)拨 青面(獠)牙 星火(燎)原
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
下列各组词语中字的读音,全都正确的一项是( ) A. 羞涩(sè)    踱(dù)步    参(cēn)差不齐  B. 袅娜(nà)   煤屑(xiè)  蓊蓊(wěng)郁郁 C. 倩(qiān)影  缕缕(lǚ)   脉脉(mài)含情   D. 独处(chǔ)   颤(chàn)动    酣(hān)然入梦
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
下列词语中加点字的读音,全都不相同的一组是( ) A. 苗圃 逮捕    哺育 铺面 B. 侥幸 皎洁  缴纳 蹊跷 C. 仿效 旋转  旖旎 旅行 D. 机械 告诫  押解 拮据
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
、下列词语中加点的字,读音全都相同的一项是( ) A. 螳臂当车 庇护 凋敝 筚路蓝缕 B. 蒙头转向 牛虻 懵懂 故态复萌 C. 欲盖弥彰 奢靡 静谧 风靡一时 D. 经年累月 蓓蕾 羸弱 光明磊落
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
(1)对下列语句中加点词的解释,错误的一项是( ) A. 或有助之者,不听                听:听任 B. 裒告求属令                      属:联系 C. 安丘令以为诣己                  诣:造访 D. 犹思慕不能进                    慕:依恋
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
(2)下列各组语句中,加点的词意义和用法相同的一组是( ) A. 乃步担干饭 公子于是乃置酒大会宾客 B. 因执手涕泣而去 因宾客至蔺相如门谢罪 C. 此则京邑之人也 无以,则王乎 D. 安有葬父河南而随母还齐 某所,而母立于兹
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
(3)以下语句分别编为四组,全都说明王裒有操行的一组是( ) ①每雷,辆到墓日:“裒在此。” ②安丘令以为诣己,整衣出迎之 ③计口而田,度身而蚕 ④裒以春性险狭慕名,终必不成 ⑤安有葬父河南而随母还齐 ⑥辞气雅正,博学多能 A. ②④⑤          B. ②③⑥        C. ①④⑥         D. ①③⑤
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
(4)下列对原文有关内容的分析和概括,错误的一项是( ) A. 王裒因父亲为文帝所杀痛而不仕。 B. 王裒对管彦做了校尉并不持否定态度。 C. 王裒改嫁其女是因为管彦去世。 D. 王衰的学生怕触及老师的思亲之情而不读《蓼莪》一诗。
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
(1)对下列句子中的词的解释,不正确的一项是( ) A. 更有盛衰 更:更加。 B. 不使士兵素习干戈 素:平时。 C. 造诸淫费 诸:各种。 D. 备不虞也 虞:预料。
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
(2)下列各句中加线的词与例句中的“涂炭”用法相同时一项是( ) 例句:致遗中国生民涂炭于寇手 A. 即能北逐獯鬻 B. 有以兵刃至御所者刑之 C. 惧有伏焉 D. 稍稍宾客其父
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
(3)以下句子分别编成四组,能够表现太宗强兵策略的一组是( ) ①文武官五品已上先无爵者赐爵一级,六品已下加勋一转 ②令颉利归所掠中国户口 ③兵士唯习弓马,庶使汝斗战,亦望汝前无横敌 ④帝亲自临试,射中者随赏弓刀、布帛 ⑤今引裨卒之人,弯弧纵矢于轩陛之侧 A. ①③④ B. ③④ C. ②③④ D. ④⑤
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
(4)下列叙述不符合原文意思的一项是( ) A. 太宗即位后,大赦天下的罪人,免除天下一年徭役,遣散后宫的宫女三千多人。 B. 太宗命令私家不得随便立妖神,滥设祭祀,不符合礼制规定的祭祀,一律禁止。 C. 太宗总结自汉至隋的教训,告诫将士平时要练兵,否则,一旦外族侵犯,便无力抵抗。 D. 太宗不让挖池筑苑,禁止建造各种浪费钱财的设施,以免农民放纵逸乐,影响生产。
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
(1)第二段中,作者借用梭罗的话,是为了说明( ) A. 信息太多,传播太快,会造成人们预想不到的危机。 B. 信息过剩会降低信息的质量,影响双方密切的接近。 C. 过剩信息的快速传播,将可能湮没真正有价值的信息。 D. 信息的快速传播,使人们无法判断某些信息之间的本质区别。
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
(2)第二段中,画横线的语句作者要强调的意思是( ) A. 高速多向的信息传播将会造成信息的创造和质量的不平等。 B. 在高速多向的信息时代,对信息及时准确地传播和判断的重要性。 C. 充分肯定了“信息高速公路”给人类带来的好处,但要注意纠错。 D. 信息的快速传播将给人类带来许多无法及时纠正的错误信息。
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
(3)根据第三段内容,对“信息污染”产生的客观原因,解释错误的一项是( ) A. 过去十年计算机的飞速发展。 B. 因特网全球化趋势的逐渐形成。 C. 人们心理上对大量信息的依赖。 D. 发送与接受信息的简便快捷。
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
(4)综观全文,对第一段中提到的“新的危机”的正确理解是( ) A. 信息过剩与经济危机 B. 信息贬值与心理压力 C. 信息传播与信息污染 D. 信息贬值与信息污染
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
(1)对“太阳‘打喷嚏’”的科学解释,准确的一项是( ) A. 每隔10-11年,在太阳活动进入高峰期时因能量增加形成周期性的太阳风。 B. 太阳对地球产身的一股强大的夹带磁场的带电粒子流,它具有极大的破坏性。 C. 太阳自身活动加强时太空释放大量带电粒子形成的高速粒子流的天文现象。 D. 太阳风气团中的带电的等离子体高速闯入太空影响地球正常运行的天文现象。
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
(2)下列有关“太阳风”的解说,不正确的一项是( ) A. 太阳风具有高速性,进入太空后将产生等离子体。 B. 太阳风的磁场效应对地球的空间环境影响甚大。 C. 太阳自身能量的增加是产生太阳风的根本原因。 D. 太阳风中的高能粒子有一部分可能穿越地磁层。
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
(3)对“太阳‘打喷嚏’,人体受连累”的含义,理解正确的一项是( ) A. X射线使人们感染疾病的几率大大地增加了。 B. 太阳风能破坏治疗疾病的新抗体原料的合成。 C. 人体内淋巴细胞合成蛋白质的功能下降一半。 D. 太阳风产生的过量辐射能降低人体抗病能力。
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
(4)下列叙述,不符合文意的一项是( ) A. 太阳活动的强弱变化具有周期性。 B. 太阳风对地球空间磁场大有干扰。 C. 太阳风导致臭氧层破坏形成空洞。 D. 太阳风对供电网的运行有副作用。
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
(1)下面对第一段文意的理解,不正确的一项是( ) A. 科学家认为,愤怒和压抑是忧郁的两种表现形式 B. 科学家认为,为美好的春天高歌是典型的喜悦情境 C. 科学家认为,喜悦可以使人留恋生命.延年益寿 D. 科学家认为,紧张感是一种有益于生命的情绪
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
(2)下面对第二段文意的理解,不正确的一项是( ) A. 由脑垂体分泌出来的荷尔蒙是喜悦状态的生理反应 B. “一种可爱药物”是只对啮齿类动物才有特效的药物 C. 医生们关注的“严肃的事情”是指一些能致病的事物 D. 行为科学学者与医生在研究人类喜悦上都不够积极
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
(3)下面对第三段文意的理解,正确的一项是( ) A. 大多数科学家都能从正确的角度研究和解释幸福感 B. 研究者说不能理解幸福是因为无法让实验者产生幻觉 C. 作者认为,“压抑的缺失”是喜悦感产生的主要来源 D. 作者认为,“积极存在状态”是喜悦感的独立状态
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
(4)下面对第四段文意的理解,正确的一项是( ) A. 笑不属于喜悦,所以可以在实验室里进行分析研究 B. 当笑声结束时,血压和心率都会自动恢复原来状态 C. 忍受更高电流强度,说明人在欢笑时可以抵消不适 D. 医生们脸上“欢欣的微笑”有助于缓解病人的不适
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
A. 公司董事会批准
B. 公司股东大会批准
C. 中国证监会批准
D. 公司股东大会作出决议,报中国证监会批准
A. 三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处或者单处二万元以上二十万元以下罚
B. 五年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处或者单处二万元以上二十万元以下罚
C. 处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑,并处罚金
D. 处五年以上十年以下有期徒刑,并处罚金
A. 公司的经营方针和经营范围的重大变化
B. 公司发生轻微亏损或者损失
C. 公司四分之一以上的董事、监事或者经理发生变动
D. 持有公司百分之三以上股份的股东或者实际控制人,其持有股份或者控制公司的情况发生
A. 三年
B. 一年
C. 六个月
D. 两年
A. 向公司承担违约责任
B. 向已足额缴纳出资的股东承担违约责任
C. 向公司承担赔偿责任
D. 向其他股东承担赔偿责任
A. 出席会议的董事过半数通过
B. 出席会议的董事2/3 以上通过
C. 全体董事的过半数通过
D. 全体董事的2/3以上通过
A. 向不特定对象发行证券,属于公开发行
B. 向累计超过二百人的特定对象发行证券,属于公开发行
C. 发行人公开发行的证券,必须由证券公司承销
D. 未经依法核准,任何单位和个人不得公开发行证券
A. 公司未弥补的亏损达实收股本总额三分之一时
B. 董事人数不足本法规定人数或者公司章程所定人数的三分之一
C. 与重要合作对象签署协议
D. 公司章程规定的情形"
A. 甲公司于2014年12月15日受到证监会的行政处罚,并于2015年1月15日受到证券交易所的公开谴责,拟以2017年12月31日为基准日申报
B. 乙公司2015年、2016年、2017年净利润分别为800万,1300 万,1100万,非经常性损益分别100万, 200万,-100万,拟以2017年12月31日为基准日申报。
C. 丙公司于2016年1月15日因涉嫌犯罪被司法机关立案侦查,截至2016年6月15日,己有明确结论,拟以2017年12月31日为基准日申报
D. 丁公司2015年、2016年、2017年经营活动现金流净额分别为1000万元、1200万元、800万元,营业收入分别为8000万元、10000万元、12000 万元,拟以2017年12月31日为基准日申报"
A. 公司章程
B. 股东名册
C. 股东大会会议记录
D. 董事会会议记录
根据《公司法》,以下不属于有限责任公司法定设立条件 的是___
A. 股东符合法定人数
B. 股东出资达到法定资本最低限额
C. 有公司名称
D. 有固定生产经营场所和必要的生产经营条件
A. 公司股东大会决议内容违反法律、行政法规
B. ,股东会或者股东大会的会议召集程序讳反法律、行政
C. 股东会或者股东大会的会议表决方式违反法律、行政
D. 股东会或者股东大会的会议表决方式违反公司章程