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A vSphere content library administrator is attempting to unpublish the content library, but the option is grayed out as shown in the Exhibit. Which statement identifies the reason for not being able to unpublish? ___
A. The content library is optimized for syncing over HTTP.
B. A synchronization operation is in progress with this content library.
C. There are active subscriptions on this content library.
D. Underlying storage for this content library is not accessible.
Assuming a mirrored (RAID-1) object configuration, how many hosts must contribute storage in a non-stretched VMware vSAN cluster to satisfy the “Number of failures to tolerate” policy option?“n” is the desired “Number of failures to tolerate” value for all options.___
A. 2n+2
B. 2n
C. 2n+1
D. 3n
An administrator must change the statistics level for short-term performance monitoring and wants to collect metrics for all counters, excluding minimum and maximum rollup values. What would be the statistics level?___
A. Level 3
B. Level 1
C. Level 2
D. Level 4
In a vSphere environment, two resource pools are created as shown in the Exhibit. Each VM is configured with 1 GB of memory. When the administrator tried to power on VM3, the operation failed. What action in the resource pool settings will allow VM3 to power on successfully?___
A. Deselect Expandable Memory Reservation
B. Increase Memory Reservation
C. Deselect Expandable CPU Reservation
D. Increase the CPU Reservation
Which network is used by vSphere HA when VMware vSAN is enabled?___
A. Management network
B. vSphere Replication network
C. vMotion network
D. VSAN network
Which statement is correct when migrating from a Windows vCenter Server to the vCenter Server Appliance 6.5?___
A. Migration deployments do not migrate local OS users from the source vCenter Server.
B. Migration deployments support DHCP on the source vCenter Server.
C. Migration deployments allow the source vCenter Server to remain powered on afterwards.
D. Migration deployments support custom ports for all services on the source vCenter Server.
How can failback of a recovered virtual machine in vSphere Replication be performed?___
A. No action required, because failback is automatically performed to the source site.
B. Configure a new replication in the reverse direction at the target site.
C. Disable or Stop the virtual machine replication on the source site.
D. Power off and unregister the virtual machine on the target site.
After upgrading the vSphere infrastructure and VMware Tools to version 6.5, the “Upgrade VM Compatibility” option is grayed out in the vSphere Web Client. (See Exhibit.) What must the administrator do to enable the VM compatibility upgrade?___
A. VMware Tools should be upgraded last.
B. Restart the ESXi server.
C. Uninstall VMware Tools.
D. Power off the virtual machine.
What availability mode does vCenter HA provide?___
A. Active-Passive
B. Active-Standby
C. Active-Active
D. Load-balanced
In which scenario will vSphere DRS balance resources when set to Fully Automated?___
A. Hosts with only shared storage
B. Hosts are part of a vSphere HA cluster
C. Power Management is set to Balanced on hosts
D. Hosts with shared or non-shared storage
What VMware technology can be used to move physical servers to the vSphere infrastructure?___
A. VMware vMotion
B. VMware Converter
C. VMware vCenter Server
D. OVF transport
Upgrading vCenter Server with Microsoft SQL database fails with the following error message: The DB User entered does not have the required permissions needed to install and configure vCenter Server with the selected DB. Please correct the following error(s): %sWhat could cause this error?___
A. incorrect ports open on SQL Server
B. incorrect database on the SQL server
C. incorrect compatibility mode on the SQL server
D. incorrect permission on SQL Server database
What is a potential downside of having more than four paths per datastore?___
A. limits the storage protocols
B. increases storage latency for VM
C. limits the path selection policies
D. limits the number of LUNs per host
Which feature facilitates the sharing of templates via vCenter Server?___
A. Content Library
C. folders
D. vApp
A vSphere Administrator is in the process of configuring replication for a virtual machine, but is not able to select the Recovery Point Objective (RPO) value of 5 minutes. Which statement could explain why the RPO value cannot be lower than 15 minutes?___
A. The OS quiescing option is selected for Replication options.
B. The virtual machine hardware version is not compatible.
C. The target and source sites use different types of datastores.
D. The target and source sites are not using VMFS 6.0 datastore.
What advanced parameter defines a custom isolation IP address for a vSphere HA cluster?___
A. das.usedefaultisolationaddress
B. das.isolationshutdowntimeout
C. fdm.isolationpolicydelaysec
D. das.isolationaddress
Which method is supported for backing up the virtual machine that contains vCenter Server?___
A. differential
B. incremental
C. full image
D. individual disks
A vSphere Administrator must ensure that a user is able to view and manage the system configuration in vSphere Web Client. In the vCenter Single Sign-On domain, which group should the user be a part of?___
A. SystemConfiguration.BashShellAdministrators
B. ComponentManager. Administrators
C. Administrators
D. SystemConfiguration.Administrators
What is the minimum number of hosts that must contribute capacity to a non-ROBO single site VMware vSAN cluster?___
A. 1
B. 64
C. 3
D. 2
Which guest operating system supports PVRDMA?___
A. Windows (32-Bit)
B. Linux (32-Bit)
C. Windows (64-Bit)
D. Linux (64-Bit)
What is the correct way to replace the certificate on an existing vCenter Server that is part of a vCenter HA configuration?___
A. Put the vCenter HA in Maintenance mode, replace the certificate, exit Maintenance mode.
B. Shut down Passive and Witness nodes and replace the certificate on the Active node.
C. Remove the Passive and Witness nodes, replace the certificate, reconfigure the cluster.
D. Replace the certificate while all nodes are participating in the cluster.
A. 满月脸
B. 多血质外貌
C. 皮肤紫纹
D. 向心性肥胖
E. 环形红斑
A. 向病人解释说明
B. 安置病人仰卧位,用湿棉球涂擦电极安放部位
C. 将电极板紧贴相应部位皮肤并固定
D. 开启机器,校准定准电压和走纸速度
E. 依次描记各导联3~5个心动周期的图形
A. 体温高达40~42℃
B. 面色潮红,皮肤灼热
C. 常发生弥散性血管内凝血
D. 大脑温度达40~42℃,体温并不一定增高
E. 谵妄、惊厥、昏迷
A. 备皮
B. 应用抗生素
C. 普鲁卡因皮试
D. 麻醉前用药
E. 禁食12h,禁饮4h
A. 主动脉瓣关闭不全
B. 二尖瓣狭窄
C. 二尖瓣关闭不全
D. 主动脉瓣狭窄
E. 肺动脉瓣关闭不全
A. 肺癌早期一般没有胸部疼痛
B. 肋间神经痛呈刀割样、触电样或灼痛
C. 心绞痛常呈压榨样痛或伴有窒息感
D. 胸膜炎的疼痛常在呼气时加重
E. 自发性气胸可在剧咳或劳动中突然发生且较剧烈
A. 瞳孔对光反应正常否
B. 角膜反射存在与否
C. 膝腱反射是否消失
D. 能否看到吞咽动作
E. 患者能否被唤醒
A. 高压氧舱吸氧
B. 使用呼吸兴奋剂
C. 采用人工呼吸器
D. 输新鲜血或换血疗法
E. 解除脑血管痉挛,静脉滴注1g/L普鲁卡因
A. 350ml
B. 500ml
C. 1000ml
D. 2000ml
E. 250ml
A. 铁剂
B. 止咳糖浆
C. 助消化药
D. 健胃药
E. 磺胺类药
A. 心律失常
B. 心室肥大
C. 心肌损害
D. 心功能不全
E. 束支传导阻滞
A. 熟睡
B. 嗜睡
C. 昏睡
D. 浅昏迷
E. 深昏迷
A. 结核菌素试验阴性即可除外结核
B. 卡介苗接种成功,结核菌素反应多呈阳性
C. 重症肺结核的结核菌素反应阳性
D. 结核菌素试验阳性,肯定有结核病
E. 初次感染结核后4周内,结核菌素试验阳性
A. 3岁
B. 4岁
C. 5岁
D. 6岁
E. 7岁
A. 6h
B. 12h
C. 24h
D. 36h
E. 48h
A. 膀胱容量变小
B. 经常血尿
C. 膀胱炎
D. 尿道狭窄
E. 尿道炎
A. 重度贫血
B. 低血钠
C. 低血钾
D. 低血糖
E. 继发感染
A. 新生儿
B. 婴幼儿
C. 儿童
D. 青年
E. 成人
A. 尿糖定性试验
B. 尿糖定量测定
C. 空腹血糖测定
D. 口服葡萄糖耐量试验
E. 胰岛细胞抗体测定
A. X线
B. B超检查
C. 妊娠试验
D. 黄体酮试验
E. 基础体温测定
A. 0.02%呋喃西林
B. 0.9%氯化钠
C. 0.01%新洁尔灭
D. 3%过氧化氢
E. 0.02%洗必泰
A. 用无菌持物钳夹取治疗巾
B. 注意使治疗巾边缘对齐
C. 治疗巾开口部分及两侧反折
D. 有效期不超过6h
E. 避免潮湿和暴露过久
A. 空腹血糖≥7.0mmol/L
B. 空腹血糖≥11.1mmol/L
C. 餐后血糖≥7.0mmol/
D. 餐后血糖≥7.8mmol/L
E. 空腹血糖≥6.0mmol/L
A. 生后29天至1周岁
B. 1~3周岁
C. 2~5周岁
D. 3~5周岁
E. 4~6周岁
A. 15:50:35
B. 15:35:50
C. 25:40:35
D. 25:35:40
E. 25:25:50
A. 上呼吸道感染
B. 肺部病变早期
C. 左心功能不全
D. 支气管扩张
E. 支气管肺癌
A. 生物一社会医学模式
B. 生物一心理医学模式
C. 生物一生理医学模式
D. 生物一生理一社会医学模式
E. 生物一心理一社会医学模式
A. 儿童及其家庭
B. 病儿
C. 疾病
D. 病儿及其家属
E. 儿童预防保健
A. 是妇科最常见的恶性肿瘤
B. 多发生于绝经期妇女
C. 肌壁间肌瘤少见
D. 黏膜下肌瘤多见
E. 黏膜下肌瘤易发生月经过多
A. 纽曼
B. 佩普劳
C. 汉斯席尔
D. 马斯洛
E. 奥瑞姆
A. 保持安静,减少声、光的刺激
B. 夜间持续吸氧
C. 夜间睡眠应保持半卧位
D. 睡前给少量镇静剂
E. 注意保暖
A. 缺氧史
B. 尖叫
C. 产伤史
D. 嗜睡、拒乳
E. 感染病灶
A. 平卧位,膝下垫软枕
B. 预防便秘、尿潴留
C. 切口处用沙袋压迫并托起阴囊
D. 咳嗽时用手按压伤口
E. 不宜过早下床活动
A. 2~4周
B. 4~8周
C. 8~10周
D. 10~12周
E. 12~16周
A. 食欲不振
B. 餐后腹胀
C. 恶心、呕吐
D. 反酸、嗳气
E. 规律性上腹痛
A. 胎儿只有心跳无呼吸称新生儿窒息
B. 产时使用麻醉剂不可能造成新生儿窒息
C. 青紫窒息为重度窒息
D. 苍白窒息为轻度窒息
E. 苍白窒息时,全身皮肤苍白,仅口唇呈暗紫色
A. 尿道口
B. 尿道球部
C. 尿道膜部
D. 前列腺部
E. 尿道中段
A. 热水袋
B. 热坐浴
C. 热湿敷
D. 温水浴
E. 红外线照射
A. 无热惊厥
B. 心力衰竭
C. 喉痉挛
D. 呼吸衰竭
E. 手足搐搦
A. 心力衰竭加重
B. 洋地黄中毒
C. 低钾血症
D. 脑栓塞
E. 蛛网膜下腔出血