The building is partly a museum and partly a private ____.
A. place
B. area
C. community
D. residence
Stop ______ your foot.
A. tossing
B. wiggling
C. exhibiting
D. reviewing
It was a bloody ___ between the two armies.
A. rebellion
B. encounter
C. meet
D. fight
They conferred on the best way to ______ business.
A. extend
B. adjust
C. expand
D. adopt
We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so let’s have ____ one this month.
A. another
B. the other B. more D. other
I decided to go to the library as soon as I ____.
A. finish what I did
B. finished what I did
C. would finish what I was doing
D. finished what I was doing
The speaker, ______ for her splendid speeches, was warmly received by the audience.
A. having known
B. being known
C. knowing
D. known
No sooner had we reached the top of the hill ______ we all sat down to rest.
A. when
B. then
C. than
D. until
___ energy under the earth must be released in one form or another, for example, an earthquake.
A. Accumulated
B. Gathered
C. Assembled
D. Collected
Please ___ me for my rudeness. I really do not know the custom here.
A. engaged
B. comfort
C. execute
D. forgive
Sometimes it is very difficult to ___ some of the English words. Even the native speaker cannot help.
A. decrease
B. create
C. define
D. delight
In the wife’s eyes, his ___ to their marriage life is far from perfect.
A. requirement
B. commitment
C. participation
D. reflection
This newspaper often ___ the government’s opinion, not the public opinion.
A. affects
B. reacts
C. reflects
D. recognizes
It is predicted that heavy rains are ___ to flood the area in a few days.
A. frightening
B. threatening
C. scattering
D. warning
I chose to work abroad to improve my career ___.
A. future
B. path
C. prospect
D. expect
Long before I ever went there, Africa was alive in my ___.
A. image
B. imaginary
C. imaginative
D. imagination
The spectacle of the aurora may appear to dazzle and ___ the observer’s eye.
A. enchant
B. charm
C. fascinate
D. draw
The top prize has enhanced the musician’s ___.
A. fame
B. status
C. courage
D. faith
Compared with Westerners, the ___ use less butter. They prefer the very healthful peanut oil.
A. foreigners
B. Southerners
C. Northerners
D. Orientals
Within a few days she had become seriously ill, ___ great pain and discomfort.
A. surviving
B. suffering
C. affecting
D. accepting
People of their generation who lived through World War II have ___ memories of confusion and incompetence.
A. vivid
B. strong
C. acute
D. profound
Not a breath of fresh air ___ the long white curtains.
A. blew
B. stirred
C. whirled
D. stung
Figures showed customer complaints had ___ to record levels and profits were falling.
A. added
B. climbed
C. accumulated
D. soared
Thanks for the advice, but this is something I have to ___ out myself.
A. fulfill
B. identify
C. figure
D. claim
A ___ monument has been erected in Tian An Men Square in honor of the people’s heroes.
A. magnificent
B. gorgeous
C. huge
D. marvelous
Vietnam made an official ___ that the meeting be postponed.
A. require
B. requirement
C. request
D. agreement
Luke was allowed to sit directly behind the pilot and ___ with him.
A. converse
B. inverse
C. perverse
D. diverse
Maybe this work is not ___, but it will live for a while.
A. mortal
B. deadly
C. immortal
D. worldly
This is why emerging economies set themselves to ___ vast foreign currency reserves in this decade.
A. gather
B. accumulate
C. accelerate
D. assemble
This will enable the audience to sit in ___ while watching the shows.
A. comfort
B. rest
C. relax
D. cozy
Throughout the house, the views are a constant source of surprise and ___.
A. grief
B. pleasant
C. happy
D. delight
Imagination is sometimes more ___ than reality.
A. vivid
B. real
C. bright
D. rich
It is but a step from the ___ to the ridiculous.
A. interest
B. top
C. bottom
D. sublime
My educational ___ is simple: learning should be fun.
A. philosophy
B. psychology
C. physiology
D. physics
I chose to work abroad to improve my career ___.
A. future
B. path
C. prospect
D. expect
Meg stared at her ___ in the bedroom mirror.
A. shadow
B. reflection
C. figure
D. shape
Such technology, however, remains firmly in the ___ of science fantasy.
A. realm
B. region
C. direction
D. district
Long before I ever went there, Africa was alive in my ___.
A. image
B. imaginary
C. imaginative
D. imagination
As a member of the International Olympic Committee her fares and hotel ___ were paid by the IOC.
A. fees
B. allowances
C. expenses
D. money
If they were captured they wished to die, believing that they would go to ___.
A. parasite
B. paradise
C. paraphrase
D. paralyze
Have you ever read Jane Austin's ___ novel Pride and Prejudice?
A. classical
B. class
C. classified
D. classic
关于印发《关于加强和改进机动车检验工作的意见》的通知要求,机动车安全技术检验报告式样要严格遵守 GB21861 的规定,检验报告应由授权签字人签字批准,报告一式三份,一份交机动车所有人(或者由送检人转交机动车所有人),一份交车辆管理所,一份留存检验机构。
关于印发《关于加强和改进机动车检验工作的意见》的通知要求,推行机动车预约检验。要在有 2 条(含)以上检测线的检验机构推行预约检验服务,在核定检验机构检测能力的基础上,允许机动车所有人通过互联网、电话等方式预约检车。
《专用校车安全技术条件》(GB 24407—2012)规定,专用校车可以设置车外行李架。
《专用校车安全技术条件》(GB 24407—2012)规定,车内外不得有容易卡住幼儿和小学生手指的孔洞,并不应存在可能致人员受伤的突起、凹陷、尖角等缺陷。
《专用校车安全技术条件》(GB 24407—2012)规定,驾驶员座椅应配备2 点式安全带。
《专用校车安全技术条件》(GB 24407—2012)规定,专用校车应有倒车语音提示系统。
《专用校车安全技术条件》(GB 24407—2012)规定,乘员舱内应配备灭火器,应保证至少一个照管人员座椅附近和驾驶员座椅附近各有一只至少 2kg 重的 ABC 型二氧化碳灭火器,其要求应符合 GB 4351.1 的规定。灭火器的安装位置应清晰或清楚标识,在紧急情况易于取用。灭火器的压力表应在不移动灭火器的条件下能观察到压力情况。
《专用校车安全技术条件》(GB 24407—2012)规定,专用校车应在车后围板外表面、后方车辆接近时可以看到的区域,清晰标示“请停车等候”及“当停车指示牌伸出时”红色字样。
《汽车、挂车及汽车列车外廓尺寸、轴荷及质量限值》(GB 1589—2016)规定了汽车、挂车及汽车列车的外廓尺寸、轴荷及质量的限值。
《汽车、挂车及汽车列车外廓尺寸、轴荷及质量限值》(GB 1589—2016)适用于在道路上使用的汽车、挂车及汽车列车。也适用于军队、武警、公安特警装备的专用车辆。
《汽车、挂车及汽车列车外廓尺寸、轴荷及质量限值》(GB 1589—2016)规定,客车及封闭式车厢(或罐体)的汽车及挂车后悬应小于或等于轴距的 65%。专用作业车在保证安全的情况下,后悬可按客车后悬要求核算,其他车辆后悬应小于或等于轴距的 55%。
《汽车、挂车及汽车列车外廓尺寸、轴荷及质量限值》(GB 1589—2016)规定,汽车或汽车列车驱动轴的轴荷不应小于汽车或汽车列车最大总质量的 25%。
《检验检测机构资质认定能力评价检验检测机构通用要求》(RB/T 214—2017)是检验检测机构资质认定对检验检测机构能力评价的通用要求,针对各个不同规模的检验检测机构,应参考依据本标准发布的相应领域的补充要求。
《检验检测机构资质认定能力评价检验检测机构通用要求》(RB/T 214—2017)适用于向社会出具具有证明作用的数据、结果的检验检测机构的资质认定能力评价,不适用于检验检测机构的自我评价。
《检验检测机构资质认定能力评价检验检测机构通用要求》(RB/T 214—2017)规定,检验检测机构应是依法成立并能够承担相应法律责任的法人或者其他组织。
《检验检测机构资质认定能力评价检验检测机构通用要求》(RB/T 214—2017)规定,不具备独立法人资格的检验检测机构应经所在法人单位备案。
《检验检测机构资质认定能力评价检验检测机构通用要求》(RB/T 214—2017)规定,应由熟悉检验检测目的、程序、方法和结果评价的人员,对检验检测人员包括辅助人员进行监督。
《检验检测机构资质认定能力评价检验检测机构通用要求》(RB/T 214—2017)规定,检验检测机构应建立和保持人员培训程序,确定人员的教育和培训目标,明确培训需求和实施人员培训。培训计划应与检验检测机构当前和预期的任务相适应。
《检验检测机构资质认定能力评价检验检测机构通用要求》(RB/T 214—2017)规定,检验检测机构应建立和保持处理投诉的程序。明确对投诉的接收、确认、调查和处理职责, 跟踪和记录投诉,确保采取适宜的措施,并注重人员的回避。
《检验检测机构资质认定能力评价检验检测机构通用要求》(RB/T 214—2017)规定,内审员须经过授权,具备相应资格,内审员应独立于被审核的活动。
《检验检测机构资质认定能力评价机动车检验机构要求》(RB/T 218—2017)规定,驾驶机动车进行检验的检验人员应持有与检验车型相对应的有效机动车驾驶证,在检验前熟悉所检机动车的操作。
《检验检测机构资质认定能力评价机动车检验机构要求》(RB/T 218—2017)规定,机动车检验机构应有安全保障措施和应急预案,在场区道路设置上应注明人行通道和车行道, 保证人员安全。
《检验检测机构资质认定能力评价机动车检验机构要求》(RB/T 218—2017)规定,机动车检验机构的场地、建筑等设施应能够满足承检车型检验项目和保障安全的需要,至少应有检验车间、停车场、场区道路、业务大厅、办公区等设施,车辆底盘部件检查时应有检查地沟或者举升装置,各设施布局合理。
《检验检测机构资质认定能力评价机动车检验机构要求》(RB/T 218—2017)规定,行车制动路试检验应有水泥或者沥青路面的试验车道,驻车制动路试检验应有驻车坡道或符合规定的路试驻车制动检验检测设备设施, 试验车道和驻车坡道应正确标识并有安全防护措施要求。
《检验检测机构资质认定能力评价机动车检验机构要求》(RB/T 218—2017)规定,设备之间的比对不可以被视为期间核查的一种方法。
《检验检测机构资质认定能力评价机动车检验机构要求》(RB/T 218—2017)规定,机动车检验可以分包。
《检验检测机构资质认定能力评价机动车检验机构要求》(RB/T 218—2017)规定,不得在已出具的检验报告上做任何修改和增加内容。
《检验检测机构资质认定能力评价机动车检验机构要求》(RB/T 218—2017)规定,如确需对检验报告进行修改或增加内容,应将报告收回、作废,并发出新的报告。