Why are some people against TV?___
A. Because TV programs are not interesting.
B. Because TV viewers are totally passive.
C. Because TV prices are very high.
D. Because TV has both advantages and disadvantages.
One of the most obvious advantages of TV is that _________.___
A. it keeps us informed
B. it is very cheap
C. it enables us to have a rest
D. it controls our lives
According to the passage, whether TV is good or not depends on ___________.___
A. its quality        
B. people's attitude towards it
C. how we use it      
D. when we use it
What regulation was issued by New York State concerning beverage containers?___
A. A fee should be charged on used containers for recycling.
B. Throwaways should be collected by the state for recycling.
C. Consumers had to pay for beverage containers and could get their money back on returning them.
D. Beverage companies should be responsible for collecting and reusing discarded plastic soda bottles.
The returned plastic bottles in New York used to _____________.___
A. be turned into raw materials
B. be separated from other rubbish
C. have a second-life value   
D. end up somewhere underground
The key problem in dealing with returned plastic beverage containers is ______________.___
A. how to reduce their recycling costs
B. to sell them at a profitable price
C. how to turn them into useful things
D. to lower the prices for used materials
Recycling has become the first choice for the disposal of rubbish because ______________.___
A. recycling causes little pollution
B. other methods are more expensive
C. recycling has great appeal for the jobless
D. local governments find it easy to manage
It can be concluded from the passage that ____________.___
A. recycling is to be recommended both economically and environmentally
B. local governments in the U.S. can expect big profits from recycling
C. rubbish is a potential remedy for the shortage of raw materials
D. landfills will still be widely used for waste disposal
The author chose to study engineering at a small liberal-arts university because he ________.___
A. intended to be a sensible student with noble ideals
B. wanted to be an example of practicality and rationality
C. intended to be a combination of engineer and humanist
D. wanted to coordinate engineering with liberal-arts courses in college
 According to the author, by interacting with people who study liberal arts, engineering students can __________.___
A. broaden their horizons
B. receive guidance in their careers
C. become noble idealists
D. balance engineering and the liberal arts
In the eyes of the author, a successful engineering student is expected ______________.___
A. to be imaginative with a value system to guide him
B. to be a technical genius with a wide vision
C. to have an excellent academic record
D. to be wise and mature
The author's experience shows that he was ________.___
A. creative        
B. ambitious  
C. irrational        
D. unrealistic
 The underlined word "they" in "... together they threaten to confuse." (Para.5) refers to ____________.___
A. practicality and rationality  
B. engineering and the liberal arts
C. reality and noble ideals  
D. flexibility and a value system
It can be learned from the passage that the Ouchidas' house __________.___
A. failed to meet energy conservation standards
B. was designed and constructed in a scientific way
C. is well worth the money spent on its construction
D. is almost faultless from the point of energy conservation
What made the Ouchidas' new house a horrible dream?___
A. Lack of fresh air.          
B. Gas leakage in the kitchen.
C. The newly painted walls.  
D. Poor quality of building materials.
The underlined word "accentuate" (Para. 3) most probably means "________".___
A. worsen        
B. accelerate  
C. relieve          
D. improve
Why were cracks in old houses not a big concern?___
A. Because environmental protection was given top priority.
B. Because indoor cleanness was not emphasized.
C. Because they were technically unavoidable.
D. Because energy used to be inexpensive.
This passage is most probably taken from an article entitled "_________".___
A. Energy Conservation
B. Air Pollution Indoors
C. House Building Crisis
D. Traps in Building Construction
We need to plan ahead in order to ___________.___
A. keep a record of all the events    
B. better organize our activities
C. store everything in our head      
D. pile up little tasks neatly
Strategic times are best for us to ___________.___
A. save energy      
B. check e-mails            
C. study efficiently            
D. organize activities
Which of the following could be used as a motivation to do our assignments?___
A. Remembering our urgent tasks.      
B. Any activities we're eager to do.
C. Taking a break in the afternoon.  
D. The promise to study efficiently.
What can help us to keep refreshed throughout the day?___
A. Doing some physical exercise.        
B. Taking a short nap in the afternoon.
C. Rushing through some assignments.  
D. Playing a game of chess with a friend.
Which of the following could be the best title for this article?___
A. Study Habits and Time Management  
B. Business Management and Leadership
C. University Education and Campus Life      
D. Life Goals and Academic Development
It is implied in the text that it is hard to ________.___
A. carry life learning though  
B. tell the nature of life learning
C. learn without going to school
D. find a specially trained teacher
According to the author, the schooling framework often ________.___
A. produces slow students with poor memories
B. ignores some parts of the official curriculum
C. fails to provide enough knowledge about life
D. gives little care to the quality of teaching materials
Life learners recognize that learning will not be difficult if they are _________.___
A. clear about why to learn
B. careful to make a time table  
C. able to respect other people
D. cautious about any mistakes
According to the author, life learning ________.___
A. could prevent one from running risks
B. could be a road full of trials and errors
C. makes a kid independent of his parents
D. teaches a kid how to avoid being scorned
Through life learning, children ________.___
A. will grow without the assistance from parents
B. will learn to communicate with the real world
C. will be driven to learn necessary life knowledge
D. will be isolated from the negative side of society
A good title for this passage is __________.___
A. Sleep                 
B. Good Health    
C. Dreams             
D. Work and Rest
The word drowsy in the last paragraph means __________.___
A. sick                   
B. stand up       
C. asleep               
D. a little sleepy
This passage suggests that not getting enough sleep might make you ___________.___
A. dream more often     
B. have poor health   
C. nervous                 
D. breathe quickly
During REM,  ___________ .___
A. your eyes move quickly    
B. you dream  
C. you are restless   
D. both A and B
The average number of hours of sleep that an adult needs is __________.___
A. approximately six hours    
B. around ten hours    
C. about eight hours      
D. not stated here  
4、Sjogren syndrome___
A. 镇静
B. 镇痛
C. 增强麻醉镇痛效果
D. 防止呕吐物误吸
E. 减少呼吸道分泌物
A. 15分钟
B. 30分钟
C. 45分钟
D. 1小时
E. 2小时
A. 兴奋性中毒反应
B. 抑制性中毒反应
C. 癔症发作
D. 中毒性休克
E. 变态反应
A. 全脊髓麻醉
B. 血压下降
C. 马尾神经损伤
D. 头痛
E. 尿潴留
A. 去枕平卧2~4小时
B. 去枕平卧8~10小时
C. 去枕平卧6~8小时
D. 去枕平卧4~6小时
E. 不去枕平卧4~6小时
A. 东莨菪碱
B. 巴比妥类
C. 阿托品
D. 地西泮
E. 氟哌利多
A. 喉头水肿
B. 舌后坠
C. 喉痉挛
D. 对抗麻醉剂毒性反应
E. 呼吸道分泌物增多
A. 抑制腺体分泌
B. 抑制迷走神经兴奋
C. 增强对局部麻醉药的耐受性
D. 镇静.催眠作用
E. 减轻麻醉药物毒性反应
A. 区域阻滞麻醉
B. 粘膜表面麻醉
C. 局部浸润麻醉
D. 神经干阻滞麻醉
E. 椎管内麻醉
A. 阿托品
B. 苯巴比妥钠
C. 吗啡
D. 氯丙嗪
E. 哌替啶
A. 阿糖胞苷+柔红霉素(DA)
B. 长春新碱+泼尼松(VP)
C. 长春新碱+阿霉素+阿糖胞苷+泼尼松(VAPA)
D. 柔红霉素+阿糖胞苷+硫鸟嘌呤(DAT)
E. 三尖杉酯碱+阿糖细胞苷+长春新碱+泼尼松(HOAP)
A. 好发于儿童
B. 起病前有感染史
C. 病程多为自限性
D. 出血部位下肢最多
E. 痊愈后经常要复发
A. 脾
B. 肝
C. 胃
D. 十二指肠球部
E. 回盲部
A. 多见于女性
B. 常有家族史
C. 多自发出血
D. 皮肤粘膜瘀点或瘀斑
E. 病程短暂,反复发作
A. 凝血因子Ⅷ
B. 凝血因子Ⅸ
C. 凝血因子Ⅴ
D. 凝血因子Ⅵ
E. 凝血因子Ⅶ
A. 疲乏
B. 消瘦
C. 低热
D. 食欲减退
E. 淋巴结肿大
A. 慢性急变用原方案化学治疗无效
B. 慢性急变患者大多预后不良
C. 约半数以上可急变
D. 大多数急性转化而来
E. 国内以慢性粒细胞白血病多见
A. 预防细菌感染
B. 增进食欲
C. 祛除氨臭
D. 发现口腔粘膜损害
E. 防治病毒感染
A. 颅内出血
B. 牙龈出血
C. 消化道出血
D. 皮肤出血
E. 粘膜出血
A. 毛细血管脆性试验
B. 血块退缩试验
C. 血小板计数
D. 凝血时间
E. 出血时间
A. 仰卧位
B. 侧卧位
C. 坐位
D. 平卧位
E. 端坐卧位
A. 有肝脾淋巴结肿大
B. 血白细胞数剧增或剧减
C. 骨髓象见较多中幼及晚幼白细胞
D. 有出血.贫血.感染三大症状
E. 骨髓象见原始白细胞超过30%
A. 发热.贫血
B. 出血.感染
C. 各器官浸润.出血
D. 贫血.出血
E. 贫血.出血.发热和感染,以及各器官浸润
A. 应用抗纤溶剂
B. 压迫止血
C. 1-去氨-8-D-精氨酸-加压素
D. 补充凝血因子
E. 应用肾上腺糖皮质激素
A. 血尿
B. 脓尿
C. 蛋白尿
D. 乳糜尿
E. 血红蛋白尿
A. 0.1~0.2ml
B. 0.5~1.0ml
C. 2~4ml
D. 0.2~0.4ml
E. 1~2ml
A. 骨髓象
B. 血细胞计数
C. 网织红细胞绝对值
D. 肝脾淋巴结有否肿大
E. 血涂片找幼稚细胞
A. 红细胞
B. 血小板
C. 血红蛋白
D. 血细胞比容
E. 网织红细胞计数
A. 两餐之间
B. 餐中
C. 餐前
D. 睡前
E. 早晨空腹
A. 患者取侧卧位
B. 腰椎穿刺给药
C. 推注药物宜慢
D. 注毕去枕平卧3~4小时
E. 注意观察有无头痛等反应
A. 铁吸收不良
B. 慢性失血
C. 铁摄入不足
D. 红细胞本身缺陷
E. 铁需要量增加
A. 红细胞数升高
B. 血红蛋白量升高
C. 血细胞比容升高
D. 网织红细胞计数升高
E. 骨髓铁粒幼细胞计数升高
A. 长春新碱(VCR)
D. 红霉素
E. 霉素
A. 红细胞增多
B. 白细胞增多
C. 血小板增多
D. 全血细胞增多
E. 网织红细胞增多
A. 第一次完全缓解期
B. 第一次急性发作期
C. 脑膜白血病的早期
D. 脑膜白血病恢复期
E. 未使用化疗药物前
A. 贫血
B. 出血
C. 感染
D. 全血细胞减少
E. 肝.脾.淋巴结肿大
A. 血象为小细胞低色素性贫血
B. 骨髓象以中晚幼红细胞为主
C. 骨髓涂片示骨髓细胞外铁消失
D. 红细胞原卟啉升高
E. 血清总铁结合力下降
A. 丙磺舒
B. 磺吡酮
C. 苯澳马隆
D. 别嘌呤醇
E. 秋水仙碱
A. 颅内出血患者禁忌输入血小板
B. 骨痛难忍时及早给予镇痛剂
C. 严重贫血者在床上用膳排便
D. 鼻出血可用局部冷敷和填塞法
E. 发热患者必要时给退热药,不宜酒精擦身
A. <30g/L
B. 60~90g/L
C. 80~100g/L
D. 90~100g/L
E. 110~140g/L