It can be learned from the passage that the Ouchidas' house __________.___
A. failed to meet energy conservation standards
B. was designed and constructed in a scientific way
C. is well worth the money spent on its construction
D. is almost faultless from the point of energy conservation
What made the Ouchidas' new house a horrible dream?___
A. Lack of fresh air.
B. Gas leakage in the kitchen.
C. The newly painted walls.
D. Poor quality of building materials.
The underlined word "accentuate" (Para. 3) most probably means "________".___
A. worsen
B. accelerate
C. relieve
D. improve
Why were cracks in old houses not a big concern?___
A. Because environmental protection was given top priority.
B. Because indoor cleanness was not emphasized.
C. Because they were technically unavoidable.
D. Because energy used to be inexpensive.
This passage is most probably taken from an article entitled "_________".___
A. Energy Conservation
B. Air Pollution Indoors
C. House Building Crisis
D. Traps in Building Construction
We need to plan ahead in order to ___________.___
A. keep a record of all the events
B. better organize our activities
C. store everything in our head
D. pile up little tasks neatly
Strategic times are best for us to ___________.___
A. save energy
B. check e-mails
C. study efficiently
D. organize activities
Which of the following could be used as a motivation to do our assignments?___
A. Remembering our urgent tasks.
B. Any activities we're eager to do.
C. Taking a break in the afternoon.
D. The promise to study efficiently.
What can help us to keep refreshed throughout the day?___
A. Doing some physical exercise.
B. Taking a short nap in the afternoon.
C. Rushing through some assignments.
D. Playing a game of chess with a friend.
Which of the following could be the best title for this article?___
A. Study Habits and Time Management
B. Business Management and Leadership
C. University Education and Campus Life
D. Life Goals and Academic Development
It is implied in the text that it is hard to ________.___
A. carry life learning though
B. tell the nature of life learning
C. learn without going to school
D. find a specially trained teacher
According to the author, the schooling framework often ________.___
A. produces slow students with poor memories
B. ignores some parts of the official curriculum
C. fails to provide enough knowledge about life
D. gives little care to the quality of teaching materials
Life learners recognize that learning will not be difficult if they are _________.___
A. clear about why to learn
B. careful to make a time table
C. able to respect other people
D. cautious about any mistakes
According to the author, life learning ________.___
A. could prevent one from running risks
B. could be a road full of trials and errors
C. makes a kid independent of his parents
D. teaches a kid how to avoid being scorned
Through life learning, children ________.___
A. will grow without the assistance from parents
B. will learn to communicate with the real world
C. will be driven to learn necessary life knowledge
D. will be isolated from the negative side of society
A good title for this passage is __________.___
A. Sleep
B. Good Health
C. Dreams
D. Work and Rest
The word drowsy in the last paragraph means __________.___
A. sick
B. stand up
C. asleep
D. a little sleepy
This passage suggests that not getting enough sleep might make you ___________.___
A. dream more often
B. have poor health
C. nervous
D. breathe quickly
During REM, ___________ .___
A. your eyes move quickly
B. you dream
C. you are restless
D. both A and B
The average number of hours of sleep that an adult needs is __________.___
A. approximately six hours
B. around ten hours
C. about eight hours
D. not stated here
4、Sjogren syndrome___
线路基标,十米标、坡度标、曲线要素标等线路标 志,限速标、停车标、警冲标等信号标志应配置齐全、安装牢固。
车站每个站厅公共区至少有3个独立、直通地面 的出入口具备使用条件;地下一层侧式站台车站的每侧站台应有 不少于2个直通地面的出入口具备使用条件;共用站厅公共区的 换乘车站,站厅公共区具备使用条件的出入口每条线至少有2个。
车站投入使用的出入口应与市政道路连通,当出 入口朝向城市主干道时,应具有客流集散场地;当出入口台阶或 坡道末端与临近的道路车行道距离小于3m时,应采取护栏或其 他安全防护措施;影响车站客流集散的站外广场应与车站同步 具备使用条件。
车站公共区地板应防滑,列车站台停 靠时的列车驾驶员上下车立岗处应经地面防滑和防静电处理。
出入口通道内扶梯控制箱门、消防栓箱 门等暗门应安装门锁和把手。
车站出入口排水沟畅通,排水系统应与城市排 水系统连通,出入口建筑、无障碍垂直电梯接缝应完成密封处理; 雨水多地区的车站出入口建筑不应在低洼地势区域。
车站控制室和控制中心具备通风设备状态信息 显示和故障报警功能。
每组进、出站检票机群均应有不少于2个通道 具备使用条件。每个车站至少有1个宽通道具备使用条件。
电梯、自动扶梯与自动人行道具有语音安全提示功能、电梯具有视频监视和门防夹保护功能,以及电梯的车站控 制室、轿厢、控制柜或机房之间具备三方通话功能。
当高架区间上跨道路净空高度不大于4. 5m 时,应具有限高标志和限界防护架;位于道路一侧或交叉口的墩柱 有可能受外界撞击时,墩柱应具有防撞击的保护设施。
作为疏散通道的道床面应平整、连续、无障碍; 轨行区至站台的疏散楼梯、疏散平台在联络通道处的坡道连接、区 间联络通道防火门开启等不应影响乘客紧急疏散。
试运行前应完成系统联调。试运行时间不少于6个 月,其中按照开通运营时列车运行图连续组织行车20日。
运营单位应具有与运营管理模式和管理任务相 适应的组织架构,并设置行车组织、客运服务、设施设备维护、安全 生产管理等部门。
运营单位主要负责人和安全生产管理人员应按 规定接受安全培训,初次安全培训时间不少于33学时。列车驾驶 员、行车调度员、行车值班员、信号工、通信工等重点岗位人员应通 过安全背景审查,列车驾驶员还应通过心理测试。
列车驾驶员接受不少于300学时的理论知识培训和不少于2个月的 岗位技能培训,培训包括出退勤作业、列车整备和出入场作业、正 线和车辆基地作业、列车设备基本操作、正常和非正常情况下行 车、列车故障应急处置和救援、乘客紧急疏散等;
行车调度员、电力调度员和环控调度员接受不少于300学时的理论知识培训和不少于3个月的 岗位技能培训。行车调度员培训包括调度工作规则、行车组织规 程、客运组织规程、施工管理规程等;电力调度员培训包括电力作 业安全规则、电力操作规程、电力故障和事故应急处置等;环控调 度员培训包括环控、站台门、防灾报警等机电设备的规程、有关环 控设备故障和事故应急处置等;
行车调度员、电力调度员和环控调度员在经验丰富的调度员指导和监督下进行操作,时间不少 于1个月。
行车值班员应接受不少于150学时的理论知识培训和不少于1个月的 岗位技能培训,培训包括车站行车作业、客运服务、票务管理、检修 施工、设备基本操作和突发事件应急处置等;
行车值班员应在经验丰富的行车值班员指导和监督下进行操作,时间 不少于1个月o
控制中心值班主任经系统岗位培训,具有2 年以上行车调度岗位工作经历,并掌握电力调度、环控调度的工作 内容和安全作业要求。
应具有大客流车站(含各种交路折返车站和 停车功能的车站)站台至站厅或其他安全区域的疏散楼梯、用作疏 散的自动扶梯和疏散通道的通过能力模拟测试报告,核验超高峰 小时一列进站列车所载乘客及站台上的候车人员能在6 min内全 部疏散至站厅公共区或其他安全区域、公共区乘客人流密度等参 数是否符合乘客疏散和安全运营要求。
运营单位应结合车辆采购、调试和应急需要 等情况,设置本线路运用车和备用车数量,并满足初期运营列车运 行图行车和应急情况下运输组织调整需要。