Harry was _______ by a bee when he was collecting the honey.___
A. stung
B. stuck
C. bitten
D. scratched
The thief tried to open the locked door but _________.___
A. in no way
B. in vain
C. without effect
D. at a loss
Remember that customers don't ________ about prices in that city.___
A. debate
B. consult
C. dispute
D. bargain
I hope that you'll be more careful in typing the letter. Don't _________ anything.___
A. lack
B. withdraw
C. omit
D. leak
The tomato juice left brown __________ on the front of my jacket.___
A. spot
B. point
C. track
D. trace
The committee is totally opposed ________ any changes being made in the plans.___
A. of
B. on
C. to
D. against
I'm very sorry to have _______ you with so many questions on such an occasion.___
A. interfered
B. offended
C. impressed
D. bothered
The price of beer _______ from 50 cents to $4 per liter during the summer season.___
A. altered
B. ranged
C. separated
D. differed
Their son doesn't know what to ________ at the university; he can't make up his mind about his future.___
A. take in
B. take up
C. take over
D. take after
Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still _________.___
A. blank
B. hollow
C. vacant
D. bare
Being a pop star can be quite a hard life, with a lot of traveling ________ heavy schedules.
A. with regard to
B. as to
C. in relation to
D. owing to
Tony is very disappointed _______ the results of the exam.
A. with
B. for
C. toward
D. on
William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, _________ defended the right of every citizen to freedom of choice in religion.
A. peculiarly
B. indifferently
C. vigorously
D. inevitably
When people become unemployed, it is _______ which is often worse than lack of wages.___
A. laziness
B. poverty
C. idleness
D. inability
In previous times, then fresh meat was in short __________, pigeons were kept by many households as a source of food.
A. store
B. provision
C. reserve
D. supply
Those gifts of rare books that were given to us were deeply _________.___
A. appreciated
B. approved
C. appealed
D. applied
It is our ___________ policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.___
A. consistent
B. continuous
C. considerate
D. continual
He is __________ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.___
A. optimistic
B. optional
C. outstanding
D. obvious
The director was critical _______________ the way we were doing the work.___
A. at
B. in
C. of
D. with
In a sudden _____________ of anger, the man tore up everything within reach.___
A. attack
B. burst
C. split
D. blast
In Britain people _____________ four million tons of potatoes every year.___
A. swallow
B. dispose
C. consume
D. exhaust
I'd _____________ his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community, and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.___
A. take into account
B. account for
C. make up for
D. make out
She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it _____________ enough to eat.___
A. mild
B. slight
C. light
D. tender
The computer revolution may well change society as _____________ as did the Industrial Revolution.___
A. certainly
B. insignificantly
C. fundamentally
D. comparatively
A lot of ants are always invading my kitchen. They are a thorough ___________.___
A. nuisance
B. trouble
C. worry
D. anxiety
As we can no longer wait for the delivery of our order, we have to _________ it.___
A. postpone
B. refuse
C. delay
D. cancel
When a fire _________ at the National Exhibition in London, at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed.___
A. broke of
B. broke out
C. broke down
D. broke up
The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money could __________.___
A. stand up to
B. make up for
C. come up with
D. put up with
The student was just about to ___________ the questions, when suddenly he found the answer.___
A. arrive at
B. submit to
C. work out
D. give up
When there are small children around, it is necessary to put bottles of pills out of _________.___
A. reach
B. hand
C. hold
D. place
The _________ of blood always makes him feel sick.___
A. sight
B. view
C. look
D. form
In Britain, the best season of the year is probably __________ spring.___
A. later
B. last
C. latter
D. late
Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as _________ sickness.___
A. normal
B. regular
C. average
D. ordinary
Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only _________ to his confusion.___
A. extended
B. amounted
C. added
D. turned
A completely new situation will ___________ when the examination system comes into existence.___
A. arise
B. rise
C. raise
D. arouse
Cancer is second only __________ heart disease as a cause of death.___
A. of
B. to
C. with
D. from
The manager needs an assistant that he can _________ to take care of problems in his absence.___
A. count on
B. count in
C. count up
D. count out
We gave out a cheer when the red roof of the cottage came __________ view.___
A. from
B. in
C. before
D. into
They took ________ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping.___
A. fruitful
B. beneficial
C. valid
D. effective
Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true _______ it comes to classroom tests.___
A. when
B. since
C. before
D. after
In developing countries people are _______ into overcrowded cities in great numbers.___
A. breaking
B. filling
C. pouring
D. hurrying
"CRH380A 统型动车组各个中央装置及终端装置间的传送途径是由光纤连接,为 结构。"
"动车组报“准备未完”的条件为失电或 ACMGVR2 失电。(填继电器或接触器名称)"
"CRH380A 统型动车组时速70km 以下,BV 手柄 级 以上,时速70km 以上 BV 手柄 7 级以上,ATP施加常用制动、列车施加紧急制动时,会进行制动力不足检测。"
"为实现不同车型的相互救援要求,CHR380A(统型)动车组在头尾车设置了 ,根据制动档位的不同输出对应的列车管压力。"
"CRH380A 统型动车组空调装置高压压力开关的动作的原因是 或室外滤网污损。"
"CRH380A 型动车组真空集便系统主要由污物箱(含中转箱及真空发生器)、便器、 、气动控制单元、电气控制单元、管路等组成。"
"CRH380A 统型动车组,在运行途中 AC220V 供电电路失电,导致小卖部设备,电源插座等无电,是由于 跳闸造成的。"
"CRH380A 统型动车组空调机组分为室外部分、室内部分和 。"
"真空断路器 、 、 蓄电池接触器三个 NFB 断开时,MON 出库信息画面会报“配电盘 NFB 关”。"
"CRH380A 统型动车组换气装置主要由换气装置本体及_ 构成。"
"在救援平台动车组时, 将制动用的电气指令转换为列车管压力信号,向其他动车组输出。"
"CRH380A 统型动车组空调显示设定器有 “通常模式”和“ ”两种使用模式。"
"CRH380A 统型动车组保护接地开关内部是由操作气缸、 、辅助开关以及加热器、外部是由装备有锭杆的机构箱和固定接头部分构成的。"
"CRH380A 动车组牵引控制器的换向手柄操作力不大于 N。"
"CRH380A 动车组在途硌伤超限动车组需继续运行时,由车辆部门对能否继续运行及运行速度提出意见,但最高运行时速不得超过 公里。"
"CRH380A 型动车组重联时,两列动车组的间距应大于 米。"
"救援 CRH380A 动车组以不大于km/h 的速度连挂,连挂后试拉,确认车钩连接良好。"
"CRH380A 型动车组运行速度达到 km/h 时,警惕功能开始启用。"
"CRH380A 型动车组履历信息分为车组级、 和关键配件级三个层次。"
"CRH380A 统型动车组,每列车配置 个铁鞋,止轮器由铁路局根据使用需要自行配备。"
"CRH380A 型动车组解编时动车组机械师通知主控车司机以低于5km/h 的速度离开连挂面,逐步释放车钩,在不小于 米处停车"
"CRH380A 动车组受电弓弓角磨损表 面 纵 向 磨 损 宽 度 不 超 过 mm。"
"CRH380A 动车组受电弓静态接触压力上升及下降过程中同一高度点力的差值≤ N。"
"CRH380A 动车组受电弓静态接触压力(下降)≤ N。"
"CRH380A 动车组受电弓静态接触压力(上升)≥ N。"
"CRH380A 动车组抗侧滚扭杆轴承、橡 胶 关 节 裂 纹 面 积 之 和 ≤ mm2,不得存在贯通裂纹或损伤。"
"CRH380A 动车组车轮原形 860mm,车轮轮径减少 mm时,必须在空气弹簧处加垫调整,保证车辆限界要求。"
"CRH380A 动 车 组 闸 片 限 度 为 mm。"
"CRH380A 动车组一级修时车轮直径大于等于 mm。"
"CRH380A 动车组二级修测量轮对内 侧 距 范 围 为 mm 至 mm。"
"CRH380A 动车组轮对轮缘厚度的原型为 mm。"
"CRH380A 动车组撒砂装置喷嘴距轨面头车的一级修作业时范围是 mm 至 mm。"
"CRH380A 动车组一级修作业时碳滑板边缘缺陷掉块占宽度方向应不超过 %。"
"CRH380A 动车组一级修作业时受电弓弓角磨损表面纵向磨损宽度不超过 mm。"
"CRH380A 动车组车顶各类软编线断股截面积小于等于 %。"
CRH380A 动车组接地碳刷一级修限度为 。
"CRH380A 动车组一级修作业时碳滑板基座表面孔洞直径不大于 mm。"
"CRH380A 动车组车轮碾边(卷边)小于等于 mm。"
"CRH380A 动车组二级修对 GFX 感应接收器检查时接收器底边距轨面高度的高度为 mm 至 mm。"
"车顶板无塌陷、破损,防滑地胶无剥离磨损防滑地胶剥离每辆车不超过 3 处,每处剥离不大于 mmX mm。"