Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only _________ to his confusion.___
A. extended
B. amounted
C. added
D. turned
A completely new situation will ___________ when the examination system comes into existence.___
A. arise
B. rise
C. raise
D. arouse
Cancer is second only __________ heart disease as a cause of death.___
A. of
B. to
C. with
D. from
The manager needs an assistant that he can _________ to take care of problems in his absence.___
A. count on
B. count in
C. count up
D. count out
We gave out a cheer when the red roof of the cottage came __________ view.___
A. from
B. in
C. before
D. into
They took ________ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping.___
A. fruitful
B. beneficial
C. valid
D. effective
Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true _______ it comes to classroom tests.___
A. when
B. since
C. before
D. after
In developing countries people are _______ into overcrowded cities in great numbers.___
A. breaking
B. filling
C. pouring
D. hurrying
There are other problems which I don't propose to ____________ at the moment.___
A. go into
B. go around
C. go for
D. go up
It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and _________ knowledge.___
A. extensive
B. expansive
C. intensive
D. expensive
I'm not sure whether I can gain any profit from the investment, so I can't make a(n) ______ promise to help you.___
A. exact
B. defined
C. definite
D. sure
The sports meet, originally due to be held last Friday, was finally ________ because of the bad weather.___
A. set off
B. broken off
C. worn off
D. called off
It has been revealed that some government leaders _______ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.___
A. employ
B. take
C. abuse
D. overlook
Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first ________.___
A. intention
B. attempt
C. purpose
D. desire
The store had to _______ a number of clerks because sales were down.___
A. lay out
B. lay off
C. lay aside
D. lay down
All the students in this class passed the English exam ________ the exception of Li Ming.___
A. on
B. in
C. for
D. with
Writing is a slow process, requiring _______ thought, time, and effort.___
A. significant
B. considerable
C. enormous
D. numerous
Lightning is a ______ of electrical current from a cloud to the ground or from one cloud to another.___
A. rush
B. rainbow
C. rack
D. ribbon
I caught a ________ of the taxi before it disappeared around the corner of the street.___
A. vision
B. glimpse
C. look
D. scene
Students or teachers can participate in excursions to lovely beaches around the island at regular _________.___
A. gaps
B. rate
C. length
D. intervals
Physics is ________ to the science which was called natural philosophy in history.___
A. alike
B. equivalent
C. likely
D. uniform
The new appointment of our president _______ from the very beginning of next semester.___
A. takes effect
B. takes part
C. takes place
D. takes turns
TCP / IP 体系共分成四个层次,它们分别是: ___、网络层、运输层和应用层。
A. 物理层
B. 会话层
C. 表示层
D. 网络接口层
网络适配器 NIC ( Network InteifACeC 训)也就是俗称的___。
A. 路由器
B. 交换机
C. 网卡
D. 网关
Rs485 传输技术中采用的电缆是___。
A. 普通多股铜线
B. 屏蔽双绞铜线
C. 双绞铜线
D. 光纤线
A. 原始数据和精度要求
B. 损坏程度
C. 运转情况
D. 维修工艺要求
在检修或更换数控系统 CMOS 电池时,应在___情况进行。
A. 路由器
B. 网桥
C. 通信协议
D. 网关
A. 电容
B. 光敏电阻
C. 热敏电阻
D. 压敏电阻
A. 讲解法
B. 操作训练法
C. 示范操作法
D. 电化教学
A. 导线的另一端的元件端子的标号
B. 本元件端子的标号
C. 本元件的线路编号
A. 一位数字
B. 两位数字
C. 用本元件名称
A. 等电位的
B. 不等电位的
C. 与电位无关的
A. 频繁操作的
B. 不频繁操作的
C. 两地操作
对在一个控制箱里___的元件,比如继电器、接触器、小型断路器等,应当有 l 一 2 只备用元件,以方便维护。
A. 手动控制元件
B. 使用较多而、动作比较频繁
C. 进口元件
A. 对电路的分析
B. 平时经验的积累
C. 了解元件的性能
电机扩大机 K 在该直流控制系统中就是一个___。
在 A 系列龙门刨床电气控制电路中,引起电动机转速振荡的原因,从本质上来说,是因为___。
A. 发电机励磁绕组存在电磁惯性和电动机及由它拖动的部分存在机械惯性的缘故
B. 励磁机电压不稳定
C. 扩大机性能变坏
在 xNZO10 型龙门铣床电气控制系统中,测速发电机的作用是___。
A. 稳定输出电压
B. 稳定输出电流
C. 稳定电机转速
A. 一年
B. 三年
C. 三个月
D. 六个月
A. 设备的保养和设备的维修
B. 设备的保养和设备小修
C. 设备的一级保养和二级保养。
编制程序是根据编制计划的各项依据,由___、一般于当年的 10 月份左右,上报本单位资产管理部门。
A. 操作者提出
B. 生产车间的设备分管领导和设备维修人员共同提出
C. 修理人员提出。
A. 大修
B. 小修
C. 修理人员
D. 设备使用人员
A. l )设备的运转周期 2 )检修间隔期 3 )、设备年度技术状况普查和维修情况资料 4 )生产工艺及产品质量对设备精度和控制、安全等方便的要求
B. 1 )、设备的运转周期 2 )操作者的申请 3 )维修人员的申请 4 )生产工艺及产品质量对设备精度和控制、安全等方便的要求
C. l )设备的运转周期 2 )操作者的申请 3 )电气维修人员的申请 4 )设备生产方的申请
A. 企业资产管理部门负责组织实施
B. 设备使用部门组织实施
C. 由维修人员和操作者组织实施
A. 功率因素低
B. 调速性能很差
C. 起动转矩较小
D. 起动电流太大
A. 电阻值
B. 阻抗值
C. 电压值
D. 热电势
A. 阶梯选择
B. 功耗电阻
C. 集电极一基极电流/电位
D. 峰值范围
A. 接好电源
B. 接好地线
C. 做好绝缘防护
D. 断电操作
A. 斩波器
B. 变频器
C. 变频器中的控制电路
D. 变频器中的逆变器
A. 机械设备加工工艺
B. 电流
C. 功率
D. 电压
A. 原始数据和精度要求
B. 损坏程度
C. 运转情况
D. 维修工艺要求
A. 压力传感器
B. 压磁传感器
C. 霍尔传感器
D. 压电传感器
A. 超过
B. 相当于
C. 低于
D. 远远低于
A. 允许
B. 不允许
C. 需要
D. 不需要
A. 原始数据和精度要求
B. 损坏程度
C. 运转情况
D. 维修工艺要求
PLC 改造设备控制是采用可编程序控制器 PLC 替换原设备控制中庞大而复杂的 ___控制装置。