Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still _________.___
A. blank             
B. hollow   
C. vacant           
D. bare
Being a pop star can be quite a hard life, with a lot of traveling ________ heavy schedules.
A. with regard to      
B. as to     
C. in relation to       
D. owing to
Tony is very disappointed _______ the results of the exam.
A. with             
B. for     
C. toward         
D. on
William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, _________ defended the right of every citizen to freedom of choice in religion.
A. peculiarly        
B. indifferently 
C. vigorously       
D. inevitably
 When people become unemployed, it is _______ which is often worse than lack of wages.___
A. laziness         
B. poverty   
C. idleness       
D. inability
In previous times, then fresh meat was in short __________, pigeons were kept by many households as a source of food.
A. store               
B. provision   
C. reserve           
D. supply
Those gifts of rare books that were given to us were deeply _________.___
A. appreciated     
B. approved  
C. appealed         
D. applied
It is our ___________ policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.___
A. consistent         
B. continuous  
C. considerate      
D. continual
He is __________ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.___
A. optimistic         
B. optional    
C. outstanding       
D. obvious
The director was critical _______________ the way we were doing the work.___
A. at             
B. in      
C. of             
D. with
In a sudden _____________ of anger, the man tore up everything within reach.___
A. attack       
B. burst    
C. split           
D. blast
In Britain people _____________ four million tons of potatoes every year.___
A. swallow             
B. dispose  
C. consume           
D. exhaust
I'd _____________ his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community, and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.___
A. take into account     
B. account for
C. make up for              
D. make out
She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it _____________ enough to eat.___
A. mild                 
B. slight    
C. light                 
D. tender
The computer revolution may well change society as _____________ as did the Industrial Revolution.___
A. certainly               
B. insignificantly
C. fundamentally     
D. comparatively
A lot of ants are always invading my kitchen. They are a thorough ___________.___
A. nuisance             
B. trouble    
C. worry                 
D. anxiety
As we can no longer wait for the delivery of our order, we have to _________ it.___
A. postpone           
B. refuse    
C. delay                 
D. cancel
 When a fire _________ at the National Exhibition in London, at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed.___
A. broke of             
B. broke out  
C. broke down       
D. broke up
 The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money could __________.___
A. stand up to         
B. make up for
C. come up with     
D. put up with
 The student was just about to ___________ the questions, when suddenly he found the answer.___
A. arrive at             
B. submit to  
C. work out             
D. give up
 When there are small children around, it is necessary to put bottles of pills out of _________.___
A. reach                 
B. hand    
C. hold                   
D. place
 The _________ of blood always makes him feel sick.___
A. sight                   
B. view   
C. look                   
D. form
 In Britain, the best season of the year is probably __________ spring.___
A. later                   
B. last   
C. latter                 
D. late
 Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as _________ sickness.___
A. normal               
B. regular  
C. average             
D. ordinary
 Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only _________ to his confusion.___
A. extended           
B. amounted  
C. added               
D. turned
 A completely new situation will ___________ when the examination system comes into existence.___
A. arise                 
B. rise   
C. raise                 
D. arouse
Cancer is second only __________ heart disease as a cause of death.___
A. of               
B. to        
C. with           
D. from
The manager needs an assistant that he can _________ to take care of problems in his absence.___
A. count on      
B. count in      
C. count up      
D. count out
We gave out a cheer when the red roof of the cottage came __________ view.___
A. from             
B. in         
C. before          
D. into
They took ________ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping.___
A. fruitful         
B. beneficial   
C. valid             
D. effective
Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true _______ it comes to classroom tests.___
A. when             
B. since       
C. before           
D. after
In developing countries people are _______ into overcrowded cities in great numbers.___
A. breaking       
B. filling     
C. pouring         
D. hurrying
There are other problems which I don't propose to ____________ at the moment.___
A. go into        
B. go around     
C. go for         
D. go up
It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and _________ knowledge.___
A. extensive      
B. expansive     
C. intensive       
D. expensive
I'm not sure whether I can gain any profit from the investment, so I can't make a(n) ______ promise to help you.___
A. exact             
B. defined     
C. definite         
D. sure
The sports meet, originally due to be held last Friday, was finally ________ because of the bad weather.___
A. set off             
B. broken off      
C. worn off         
D. called off
It has been revealed that some government leaders _______ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.___
A. employ       
B. take     
C. abuse         
D. overlook
Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first ________.___
A. intention     
B. attempt  
C. purpose     
D. desire
The store had to _______ a number of clerks because sales were down.___
A. lay out          
B. lay off      
C. lay aside       
D. lay down
All the students in this class passed the English exam ________ the exception of Li Ming.___
A. on                   
B. in      
C. for                 
D. with
Writing is a slow process, requiring _______ thought, time, and effort.___
A. significant     
B. considerable    
C. enormous     
D. numerous
轮胎标志为 205/ 75R15,这里 R 表示_________。___
A. 斜交胎
B. 子午线胎
C. 轮辋直径(inch)
D. 断面宽度(mm)
目前各类机动车所用的摩擦制动器可分为鼓式和_________两大类。 ___
A. 机械式
B. 气压式
C. 手动式
D. 盘式
GB7258—2017 的全称为_________。___
A. 《机动车运行安全技术要求》
B. 《机动车运行安全技术条件》
C. 《机动车安全技术条件》
D. 《机动车安全技术要求》
A. 乘用车
B. 微型普通客车
C. 微型乘用车
D. 载货车
按照 GB21861 的规定:对于不适用于仪器设备制动检验的车辆,用制动 距离或者_________判定制动性能。___
A. 最大减速度和制动协调时间
B. 充分发出的最大减速度和制动协调时间
C. 充分发出的平均减速度和制动时间
D. 充分发出的平均减速度和制动协调时间 D
按照 GB21861 的规定:对已在制动检验台上检验过的车辆,制动力平衡及前轴制动率符合要求,但整车制动率未达到合格要求时,用便携式制动性能测试仪检测,对于小(微)型载客汽车及其它总质量不大于 4500kg 的汽车的制动初速度应_________。___
A. 不低于 20km/h
B. 不低于 30km/h
C. 不低于 50km/h
D. 不高于 30km/h
A. 40
B. 60
C. 100
D. 180
侧滑检验台是汽车在滑动板上驶过时,用测量滑动板左右_________的 方法来测量车轮滑移量的大小和方向,并判断是否合格的一种检测设备。___
A. 移动量
B. 滑动率
C. 阻力
D. 驱动力
前照灯远近光一体检测仪检测时对车辆停放距离要求一般是_________。 ___
A. 2 米
B. 2.5 米
C. 1 米
D. 0.5 米
A. 整车质量
B. 单轮最大轮荷
C. 单轴最大轴荷
D. 3 轮质量
A. 单板单动
B. 双板联动
C. 双板连体单动
D. 双板分体分动
A. ±10m/km
B. ±8 m/km
C. ±12 m/km
D. ±5m/km
A. 将脚迅速离开油门踏板
B. 将脚迅速离开离合器踏板
C. 将脚迅速离开制动踏板
D. 拉紧手制动
在检验车速表时对前驱动车辆司机为了避免车头在加速过程中左右摆动, 要注意_________。___
A. 加速动作不能过猛
B. 可猛打方向找正
C. 使用最高档
D. 加速动作不能过慢
A. 左边
B. 右边
C. 中心线
D. 斜线
在进行底盘项目检查时,除具备检查工具外检验员还必需配戴_________。 ___
A. 视频记录仪
B. 防毒面具
C. 安全帽
D. 劳保鞋
车下检查时,底盘检验员应按照车下检查项目将_________通过键盘输 入计算机。___
A. 合格项目
B. 不合格项目代码(具体不合格项目说明)
C. 随意输入项目
D. 具体不合格零件
A. 急踏制动踏板
B. 点踏制动踏板
C. 缓慢踏下制动踏板
D. 踏时超出规定时间 C
A. 引车员
B. 底盘检验员
C. 外观检验员
D. 主任检验员
A. 底盘动态检验
B. 外观检验
C. 底盘检验
D. 路试检验
A. 车辆
B. 税讫标牌
C. 车辆说明书
D. 车辆底盘
驾驶机动车上道路行驶,应当悬挂机动车号牌,放置检验合格标志、保险标志,并随车携带_________ 。___
A. 登记证书
B. 机动车行驶证
C. 保险单
D. 驾驶证
A. 使用次数
B. 使用年限
C. 行驶里程
D. 维修次数
国家实行机动车强制报废制度,根据机动车的安全技术状况和_________, 规定不同的报废标准。___
A. 不同用途
B. 行驶里程
C. 维修次数
D. 使用次数
机动车应当从注册登记之日起,对进行安全技术检验的:营运载客汽车 _________以内每年检验 1 次。___
A. 3 年
B. 4 年
C. 5 年
D. 6 年
机动车应当从注册登记之日起,对进行安全技术检验的:营运载客汽车超过 5 年的,每_________检验 1 次。___
A. 4 个月
B. 6 个月
C. 8 个月
D. 10 个月
机动车应当从注册登记之日起,对进行安全技术检验的:摩托车 _________以内每 2 年检验 1 次;超过 4 年的,每年检验 1 次;___
A. 3 年
B. 4 年
C. 5 年
D. 6 年
A. 专用校车
B. 救护车
C. 工程救险车
D. 消防车
专用校车应当自注册登记之日起每_________进行一次安全技术检验, 非专用校车应当自取得校车标牌后每半年进行一次安全技术检验。___
A. 3 个月
B. 6 个月
C. 9 个月
D. 12 个月
A. 小型客车
B. 微型客车
C. 校车
A. 大学生
B. 成人
C. 小学生
A. 载客汽车
B. 载货汽车
C. 专项作业车
D. 特型机动车
乘用车是指设计和制造上主要用于载运乘客及其随身行李和/或临时物品的汽车,包括驾驶人座位在内最多不超过 9 个座位。它也可以牵引一辆_______。 ___
A. 挂车
B. 半挂车
C. 牵引杆挂车
D. 中置轴挂车
A. 专项作业车和低速货车的总称
B. 农用车和低速货车的总称
C. 三轮汽车和低速货车的总称
D. 农用车和专项作业车的总称
A. 专用燃料运输车
B. 专用气体运输车
C. 危险化学品运输车
D. 危险货物运输车
A. 教练 自动变速器 色盲
B. 驾驶技能 自动变速器 肢体
C. 驾驶员 手动变速器 身体
D. 教学手动变速器耳聋
中置轴挂车是指均匀受载时挂车_________紧靠车轴位置,牵引装置相对于挂车不能垂直移动、与牵引车连接时只有较小的垂直载荷作用于牵引车的挂车。半挂车是指均匀受载时挂车质心位于车轴_________,装有可将垂直力和/ 或水平力传递到牵引车的联结装置的挂车。___
A. 重心 前面
B. 重心 后面
C. 质心 前面
D. 质心 后面
摩托车分类为普通摩托车和轻便摩托车,普通摩托车包括_________, 轻便摩托车包括_________。___
A. 两轮普通摩托车、边三轮摩托车、正三轮摩托车 两轮轻便摩托车、正三轮轻便摩托车
B. 两轮普通摩托车、边三轮摩托车 两轮轻便摩托车、正三轮轻便摩托车
C. 边三轮摩托车、正三轮摩托车 正三轮轻便摩托车
D. 两轮普通摩托车、正三轮摩托车 两轮轻便摩托车
A. 平地机
B. 挖掘机
C. 推土机
D. 叉车
汽车、摩托车、半挂车和中置轴挂车应具有唯一的车辆识别代号,其内容和构成应符合 GB 16735 的规定;应至少有一个车辆识别代号打刻在车架,能防止锈蚀、磨损的部位上。无车架的机动车打刻在_________。___
A. 车身任意明显部位
B. 车身底部
C. 发动机舱内
D. 车身主要承载且不能拆卸的部件