I'm very sorry to have _______ you with so many questions on such an occasion.___
A. interfered         
B. offended 
C. impressed         
D. bothered
 The price of beer _______ from 50 cents to $4 per liter during the summer season.___
A. altered             
B. ranged   
C. separated         
D. differed
Their son doesn't know what to ________ at the university; he can't make up his mind about his future.___
A. take in             
B. take up   
C. take over         
D. take after
Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still _________.___
A. blank             
B. hollow   
C. vacant           
D. bare
Being a pop star can be quite a hard life, with a lot of traveling ________ heavy schedules.
A. with regard to      
B. as to     
C. in relation to       
D. owing to
Tony is very disappointed _______ the results of the exam.
A. with             
B. for     
C. toward         
D. on
William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, _________ defended the right of every citizen to freedom of choice in religion.
A. peculiarly        
B. indifferently 
C. vigorously       
D. inevitably
 When people become unemployed, it is _______ which is often worse than lack of wages.___
A. laziness         
B. poverty   
C. idleness       
D. inability
In previous times, then fresh meat was in short __________, pigeons were kept by many households as a source of food.
A. store               
B. provision   
C. reserve           
D. supply
Those gifts of rare books that were given to us were deeply _________.___
A. appreciated     
B. approved  
C. appealed         
D. applied
It is our ___________ policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.___
A. consistent         
B. continuous  
C. considerate      
D. continual
He is __________ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.___
A. optimistic         
B. optional    
C. outstanding       
D. obvious
The director was critical _______________ the way we were doing the work.___
A. at             
B. in      
C. of             
D. with
In a sudden _____________ of anger, the man tore up everything within reach.___
A. attack       
B. burst    
C. split           
D. blast
In Britain people _____________ four million tons of potatoes every year.___
A. swallow             
B. dispose  
C. consume           
D. exhaust
I'd _____________ his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community, and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.___
A. take into account     
B. account for
C. make up for              
D. make out
She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it _____________ enough to eat.___
A. mild                 
B. slight    
C. light                 
D. tender
The computer revolution may well change society as _____________ as did the Industrial Revolution.___
A. certainly               
B. insignificantly
C. fundamentally     
D. comparatively
A lot of ants are always invading my kitchen. They are a thorough ___________.___
A. nuisance             
B. trouble    
C. worry                 
D. anxiety
As we can no longer wait for the delivery of our order, we have to _________ it.___
A. postpone           
B. refuse    
C. delay                 
D. cancel
 When a fire _________ at the National Exhibition in London, at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed.___
A. broke of             
B. broke out  
C. broke down       
D. broke up
 The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money could __________.___
A. stand up to         
B. make up for
C. come up with     
D. put up with
 The student was just about to ___________ the questions, when suddenly he found the answer.___
A. arrive at             
B. submit to  
C. work out             
D. give up
 When there are small children around, it is necessary to put bottles of pills out of _________.___
A. reach                 
B. hand    
C. hold                   
D. place
 The _________ of blood always makes him feel sick.___
A. sight                   
B. view   
C. look                   
D. form
 In Britain, the best season of the year is probably __________ spring.___
A. later                   
B. last   
C. latter                 
D. late
 Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as _________ sickness.___
A. normal               
B. regular  
C. average             
D. ordinary
 Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only _________ to his confusion.___
A. extended           
B. amounted  
C. added               
D. turned
 A completely new situation will ___________ when the examination system comes into existence.___
A. arise                 
B. rise   
C. raise                 
D. arouse
Cancer is second only __________ heart disease as a cause of death.___
A. of               
B. to        
C. with           
D. from
The manager needs an assistant that he can _________ to take care of problems in his absence.___
A. count on      
B. count in      
C. count up      
D. count out
We gave out a cheer when the red roof of the cottage came __________ view.___
A. from             
B. in         
C. before          
D. into
They took ________ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping.___
A. fruitful         
B. beneficial   
C. valid             
D. effective
Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true _______ it comes to classroom tests.___
A. when             
B. since       
C. before           
D. after
In developing countries people are _______ into overcrowded cities in great numbers.___
A. breaking       
B. filling     
C. pouring         
D. hurrying
There are other problems which I don't propose to ____________ at the moment.___
A. go into        
B. go around     
C. go for         
D. go up
It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and _________ knowledge.___
A. extensive      
B. expansive     
C. intensive       
D. expensive
I'm not sure whether I can gain any profit from the investment, so I can't make a(n) ______ promise to help you.___
A. exact             
B. defined     
C. definite         
D. sure
The sports meet, originally due to be held last Friday, was finally ________ because of the bad weather.___
A. set off             
B. broken off      
C. worn off         
D. called off
It has been revealed that some government leaders _______ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.___
A. employ       
B. take     
C. abuse         
D. overlook
Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first ________.___
A. intention     
B. attempt  
C. purpose     
D. desire
A. X线检查
B. 超声心动图
C. 胸部CT
D. 放射性核素检查
E. 有创性血流动力学检查
A. 糖皮质激素
B. 盐皮质激素
C. 雄激素
D. 雌激素
E. 抗胸腺细胞球蛋白和抗淋巴细胞球蛋白
A. 10%葡萄糖酸钙
B. 50%葡萄糖
C. 氨茶碱
D. 11.2%乳酸钠
E. 极化液
A. 食管胃底静脉破裂出血
B. 胃癌出血
C. 应激性溃疡出血
D. 胆道出血
E. 溃疡病出血
A. 侧面横切口
B. 侧面纵切口
C. 掌面纵切口
D. 掌面模切口
E. 鱼口形切口
A. 白细胞<6000个/mm或中性粒细胞<1000个/mm
B. 白细胞<4000个/mm或中性粒细胞<1000个/mm
C. 白细胞<3500个/mm或中性粒细胞<2500个/mm
D. 白细胞<3000个/mm或中性粒细胞<1500个/mm
E. 白细胞<5000个/mm或中性粒细胞<500个/mm
A. 药物种类及剂量
B. 受孕者精神状态
C. 病人的心脏功能
D. 子宫发育情况
E. 月经量
A. 失语
B. 头痛
C. 呕吐
D. 意识障碍
E. 锥体束征
A. 双合诊是盆腔检查最常用的方法
B. 方法是一手入阴道,另一手按下腹部,双手配合进行
C. 检查前须排空膀胱
D. 正常情况下可摸到卵巢
E. 正常输卵管不能扪到
A. 血容量仍不足
B. 急性肾衰
C. 急性心力衰竭
D. 急性肺衰
E. 抗利尿激素分泌过多
A. 肺气肿
B. 肺水肿
C. 肺脓肿
D. 肺结核
E. 肺癌
A. 心电图
C. 超声心动图
D. 胸部X线
A. 急性肺水肿
B. 输异型血溶血
C. 高热尿浓缩
D. 尿中胆红素增加
E. 膀胱癌
A. 床边应加床档
B. 动作要轻巧
C. 保持呼吸道通畅
D. 协助病人多翻身、防止褥疮发生
E. 平卧、头偏向一侧
A. 10%葡萄糖液
B. 20%甘露醇
C. 50%葡萄糖液
D. 10%氯化钠
E. 呋塞米
A. 甲状腺功能亢进
B. 甲状腺功能减退症
C. 亚急性甲状腺炎
D. 地方性甲状腺肿
E. 皮质醇增多症
A. 2个月后
B. 3个月后
C. 新生儿
D. 2.5个月后
E. 6个月
A. 尽早选取脓血部分
B. 应多次送检
C. 无腹泻可用冷盐水灌肠取便
D. 必要时可重复进行灌肠取便
E. 粪便可提前留取
A. 外阴瘙痒,红肿
B. 悬滴法找到白细胞增多
C. 阴道pH4.5
D. 阴道黏膜上附着白带,擦后露出红肿黏膜面
E. 稀薄泡沫状白带增多
A. 精确计算化疗药物的剂量
B. 精确计算补液量
C. 精确计算患者饮食需要量
D. 了解化疗效果
E. 了解患者的营养状况
A. 超过2天
B. 超过5天
C. 超过2周
D. 超过3周
E. 超过7天
A. 苯巴比妥
B. 地西泮
C. 芬太尼
D. 东莨菪碱
E. 异丙嗪
A. 嘱受检者排空膀胱
B. 受检者取膀胱截石位
C. 检查垫应做到一人一垫
D. 对所有病人均做阴道检查
E. 男医务人员检查时要有女医务人员在场
A. 早期
B. 大量
C. 联合
D. 规律
E. 全程
A. 全子宫切除术
B. 吸宫术
C. 诊断性刮宫
D. 物理治疗
E. 免疫疗法
A. 抗生素
B. 注射破伤风抗毒素
C. 夹板制动
D. 止痛剂
E. 肠外营养液
A. B超
B. 肝穿刺针吸细胞学检查
D. X线
E. 选择性腹腔动脉和肝动脉造影
A. 愈合障碍
B. 关节僵硬
C. 骨化性肌炎
D. 骨筋膜室综合征
E. 缺血性骨坏死
A. 气管插管辅助呼吸
B. 镇痛
C. 胸腔闭式引流
D. 加压包扎固定软化的胸壁
E. 气管切开
A. 保持安静,防止继续出血
B. 积极控制脑水肿,降低颅内压
C. 加强护理,防治并发症
D. 维持生命功能
E. 用抗生素,防止感染
A. 止咳
B. 控制感染
C. 平喘
D. 镇咳
E. 化痰
A. 食欲不振
B. 消化道溃疡
C. 腹痛、腹泻
D. 造血功能障碍
E. 肝、肾功能损伤
A. 大便潜血检查
B. 直肠镜检
C. 直肠指检
D. CT、检查
E. CA测定
A. 单纯性胃炎
B. 十二指肠溃疡
C. 黄疸型肝炎
D. 胰腺癌
E. 溃疡性结肠炎
A. 肌酸磷酸激酶(CPK)
B. 碱性磷酸酶(AKP)
C. 乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)
D. 肌钙蛋白Ⅰ(cTnl)
E. 天冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)
A. 诊断性刮宫
B. 调整周期
C. 恢复黄体功能
D. 促进排卵
E. 中医调养
A. 输新鲜血浆
B. 输白蛋白
C. 应用速尿
D. 使用环磷酰胺
E. 糖皮质激素
A. 检测出HCV
B. 尿胆红素阳性
C. HbeAg是活动性复制
D. HAV-IgM阳性
E. 抗Hb
A. 抗休克,血压回升后随即手术
B. 抗休克同时,进行手术解除胆道梗阻
C. 抗休克后,非手术治疗
D. 择期手术
E. 限期手术
A. 对症治疗
B. 急性期1~2周内应卧床休息
C. 必须马上使用青霉素治疗
D. 注意防治合并症
E. 禁止肾毒性药物的使用