The _________ of blood always makes him feel sick.___
A. sight
B. view
C. look
D. form
In Britain, the best season of the year is probably __________ spring.___
A. later
B. last
C. latter
D. late
Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as _________ sickness.___
A. normal
B. regular
C. average
D. ordinary
Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only _________ to his confusion.___
A. extended
B. amounted
C. added
D. turned
A completely new situation will ___________ when the examination system comes into existence.___
A. arise
B. rise
C. raise
D. arouse
Cancer is second only __________ heart disease as a cause of death.___
A. of
B. to
C. with
D. from
The manager needs an assistant that he can _________ to take care of problems in his absence.___
A. count on
B. count in
C. count up
D. count out
We gave out a cheer when the red roof of the cottage came __________ view.___
A. from
B. in
C. before
D. into
They took ________ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping.___
A. fruitful
B. beneficial
C. valid
D. effective
Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true _______ it comes to classroom tests.___
A. when
B. since
C. before
D. after
In developing countries people are _______ into overcrowded cities in great numbers.___
A. breaking
B. filling
C. pouring
D. hurrying
There are other problems which I don't propose to ____________ at the moment.___
A. go into
B. go around
C. go for
D. go up
It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and _________ knowledge.___
A. extensive
B. expansive
C. intensive
D. expensive
I'm not sure whether I can gain any profit from the investment, so I can't make a(n) ______ promise to help you.___
A. exact
B. defined
C. definite
D. sure
The sports meet, originally due to be held last Friday, was finally ________ because of the bad weather.___
A. set off
B. broken off
C. worn off
D. called off
It has been revealed that some government leaders _______ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.___
A. employ
B. take
C. abuse
D. overlook
Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first ________.___
A. intention
B. attempt
C. purpose
D. desire
The store had to _______ a number of clerks because sales were down.___
A. lay out
B. lay off
C. lay aside
D. lay down
All the students in this class passed the English exam ________ the exception of Li Ming.___
A. on
B. in
C. for
D. with
Writing is a slow process, requiring _______ thought, time, and effort.___
A. significant
B. considerable
C. enormous
D. numerous
Lightning is a ______ of electrical current from a cloud to the ground or from one cloud to another.___
A. rush
B. rainbow
C. rack
D. ribbon
I caught a ________ of the taxi before it disappeared around the corner of the street.___
A. vision
B. glimpse
C. look
D. scene
Students or teachers can participate in excursions to lovely beaches around the island at regular _________.___
A. gaps
B. rate
C. length
D. intervals
Physics is ________ to the science which was called natural philosophy in history.___
A. alike
B. equivalent
C. likely
D. uniform
The new appointment of our president _______ from the very beginning of next semester.___
A. takes effect
B. takes part
C. takes place
D. takes turns
A. 发光单级管
B. 发光二级管
C. 发光三级管
D. 液晶显示器
A. 调焦功能
B. 变倍功能
C. 雨刷功能
D. 切换功能
A. 150m 信息板、固定标志、补光灯、有线广播
B. 250m 信息板、固定标志、报警灯、有线广播
C. 150m 视频设备、固定标志、补光灯、有线广播
D. 250m 视频设备、固定标志、报警灯、有线广播
A. 感应线圈检测器、微波检测器
B. 视频车辆检测器、红外检测器
C. 感应线圈检测器、视频车辆检测器
D. 微波检测器、红外检测器
A. 服务攻击
B. 拒绝服务攻击
C. 被动攻击
D. 非服务攻击
A. 公共结合
B. 公专结合
C. 自由结合
D. 上下结合
A. 养护施工
B. 车辆违章
C. 高速公路封闭信息
D. 突发状况
网络安全法中网络运行安全规定,国家实行____制度 。___
A. 网络安全行政级别
B. 网络安全等级保护
C. 网络安全分层
D. 网络安全结构
A. 网络监听,加密技术
B. 网络扫描,防火墙技术
C. 网络后门,操作系统的安全配置
D. 协同检查点恢复,入侵检测
A. 一般事件
B. 较大事件
C. 重大事件
D. 严重事件
A. 显示器
B. 车辆分离器
C. 轮胎识别器
D. 数据采集处理器
A. 车辆检测器
B. 能见度检测器
C. 气象检测器
D. 超高检测器
A. 完整性
B. 保密性
C. 可用性
D. 安全性
A. 物资类别
B. 物资名称
C. 物资存储要求
D. 经纬度
A. 车辆出入收费站时间
B. 车辆出入收费站行驶里程
C. 突发事件信息
D. 断面交通量
A. 弯度
B. 坡度
C. 设备供电
D. 设备遮挡
高速公路沿线主要外场设备不包括______? ___
A. 信息发布设备
B. 视频监控设备
C. 称重检测设备
D. 信息采集设备
A. 源地址
B. 目的地址
C. 协议
D. 有效载荷
A. 紧急停车带
B. 隧道内
C. 隧道外
D. 人行横道
隧道监控系统大致可分为:照明、通风、闭路电视、火灾报警、紧急电话、______ 、______、交通控制和可变情报板等九个子系统。___
A. 计算机控制 、高速救援
B. 计算机控制、环境监测
C. 环境监测、高速救援
D. 高速救援、视频监控
根据《公路网运行监测与服务暂行技术要求》规定,公路网综合运行指数划分,其中局部路网通行阻断,出行效率普遍较高,此时应显示为______ 。 ___
A. 上下可控
B. 左右可控
C. 远近可控
D. 以上都包括
A. 火灾的初期、发展阶段
B. 猛烈阶段
C. 下降阶段
D. 熄灭阶段
A. 石油、汽油
B. 熔化的铁水、钢水
C. 高压电器设备
D. 木材、纸张
防火巡查人员发现初期火灾应当_____并及时扑救。 ___
A. 报告单位消防安全责任人
B. 报告消防安全管理人
C. 立即报警
D. 报告消防归口管理职能部门
A. 冷却、窒息、抑制
B. 冷却、隔离、抑制
C. 冷却、窒息、隔离
D. 冷却、窒息、隔离、抑制
情况紧急、不立即查封可能严重威胁公共安全的,消防监督检查人员可以在报请_____同意后立即实施临时查封。 ___
A. 所属公安机关负责人
B. 所属公安机关消防机构负责人
C. 设区的市级公安机关消防机构负责人
D. 上级公安消防机构负责人
A. 烟囱效应
B. 火风压
C. 孔洞蔓延
D. 水平蔓延
单位的_____是本单位的消防安全负责人。 ___
A. 消防中控室人员
B. 主要负责人
C. 安保经理
D. 法定代表人
A. 烧锅炉
B. 抽烟
C. 使用灶具
D. 电焊
A. 可燃气体
B. 可燃固体
C. 可燃液体
D. 气体
A. 磷酸铵盐类干粉灭火器
B. 碳酸铵盐类干粉灭火器
C. 磷酸铵盐和碳酸铵盐混合类干粉灭火器
D. 酸酸盐类干粉灭火器
A. 普通蛋白泡沫液
B. 氟蛋白泡沫液
C. 水成膜泡沫液
D. 抗溶性泡沫液
A. 现场贵重财物
B. 重要仪器设备
C. 遇险人员的生命
D. 毗邻建筑
A. 纵火罪
B. 失火罪
C. 玩忽职守罪
D. 重大责任事故罪
全国高速公路ETC联网收费之后,货车车型分类由六类调整为五类,三型货车是指车货总质量在 范围内的货车。___
A. 2-5 吨(含5吨)
B. 5-10 吨(含10吨)
C. 10-15吨(含15吨)
D. 2吨以下(含2吨)
联网收费系统应急事件按照处置层级划分为 个等级。___