Are you feeling better today, Jack?___
A. There must be something wrong.
B. Just have a good rest.
C. Yes, thank you, doctor. But I still don't feel good.
D. Don’t worry about me.
Thank you so much for your lovely gift.___
A. Never mind.
B. I'm glad you like it.
C. Please don't say so.
D. No, It's not so good.
Would you like something to drink? What about a cup of tea?___
A. No, thanks.
B. No, I wouldn’t
C. Yes, I want.
D. Yes, I like.
What's the problem with your bike?___
A. Not at all.
B. Good, thank you.
C. Nothing serious.
D. Sure.
Good morning, John. How are you doing?___
A. I'm pleased
B. Good night.
C. Not so bad. And you?
D. How do you do?
How do you do?___
A. Fine, thank you.
B. How do you do?
C. Not too bad.
D. Very well.
Good-bye for now.___
A. The same to you.
B. That's OK
C. See you.
D. Long time no see.
Hello, how are you?___
A. Hello, how are you?
B. How do you do?
C. Fine, thank you.
D. That's OK.
I didn't mean to do that. Please forgive me。___
A. Not too bad.
B. That's all right
C. It's a pleasure.
D. Thank you.
Thank you for your invitation.___
A. It doesn’t matter.
B. It's a pleasure.
C. It's a small thing.
D. I'll appreciate it.
What a beautiful dress you have on today!___
A. It is suitable for me.
B. No, it isn’t.
C. You want to have one, too?
D. Thank you.
I think he is a good lecturer.___
A. Sorry, it doesn’t matter.
B. So do I.
C. Yes. It's a good idea
D. I don't mind
— What's the matter, dear?___
A. I didn't go to school.
B. I have a terrible headache.
C. I took the kids shopping today.
D. It is a beautiful dress.
Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please?___
A. Who's there?
B. Who's that speaking?
C. Who are you?
D. Who wants to speak to Mark?
Let me introduce myself. I'm Steward.___
A. What a pleasure.
B. Pleased to meet you.
C. I don't know.
D. Thanks a lot.
Let's go to the library this afternoon.___.
A. Yes, that's right.
B. No. I can't.
C. What about you?
D. That's a good idea.
What does Tom's wife do for a living?___.
A. She is a doctor.
B. Tom loves his wife.
C. She has a happy life.
D. She lives far from here.
How tall is your sister?___
A. She is not very well.
B. She is 28 years old.
C. She is very nice.
D. She is as tall as I am.
What do you think of this novel?___
A. I've read it.
B. It's well-written.
C. It was written by my uncle.
D. I bought it yesterday.
How much is this necklace?___
A. It's very nice.
B. It's a birthday present from my parents.
C. It costs fifty pounds.
D. It's a bargain.
How can I get to the cinema?___
A. It's very far.
B. Yes, there is a cinema near here.
C. It's well known.
D. Go down this street and turn left.
What's the matter, John?___
A. I failed my French test
B. It doesn't matter.
C. Nothing's wrong with him.
D. I don't think I can.
What are you majoring in?___
A. In a university.
B. Very hard.
C. Mathematics.
D. At nine in the morning.
Are you going on holiday for a long time?___
A. It was a long time.
B. Two weeks ago.
C. No. Only a couple of days.
D. Not long time ago.
Is Mary there?___
A. Speaking.
B. I'm not Mary.
C. Who are you?
D. Mary is well today.
What day is today?___
A. It's March 6.
B. It's a fine day today.
C. It's March.
D. It's Monday.
Is that seat taken?___
A. Please don't worry.
B. I don't think so.
C. Why not?
D. It's very nice.
Thank you for calling.___
A. Don’t mention it.
B. That's fine.
C. Nice talking to you.
D. Call back again.
How are you getting on today?___
A. Very well.
B. How do you do?
C. I'm a doctor.
D. Nice to have known you.
How's your family?___
A. Thanks all the same.
B. Thanks for calling.
C. Not too bad.
D. Don't mention it.
- How is it that you are late for class again?___
A. Because I missed the bus
B. By bus and then on foot
C. Yes, it is quite wrong
D. It is far from school
- Excuse me. Could you spare me a few minutes? - ___
A. Of course.
B. Of course not.
C. I am sorry to hear that.D.Yes. I'm busy now.
- It's very thoughtful of you to give me a ride. ___
A. It's my pleasure.
B. Take it easy.
C. Sure.
D. Never mind.
- This is heavy! What's in it? ___
A. I think you don't like it.
B. My new computer. I just bought it.
C. I'm glad you're here.
D. Are you really interested in it?
___ I'd like to place an order please.
A. Can I help you?
B. I can help you.
C. What are you doing?
D. Why are you doing?
- Do you know the girl over there?___
A. How can I know?
B. Yes, I remember it now.
C. It's Sam, my teacher's daughter.
D. She is a good girl.
- Shall we go out for dinner tonight?____
A. No, you can't.
B. Yes, please.
C. Thank you, I don't want to.
D. Sorry, I have a report to finish.
- I think the reference book(参考书)is very helpful.____
A. Good idea.
B. So do I.
C. With pleasure.
D. No problem.
- I wish you success in your career.____
A. You are welcome.
B. I think so.
C. Yes, please.
D. The same to you.
- Would you like to come over tonight?____
A. Yes, last night.
B. Yes, over there.
C. Sure, I'd love to.
D. Yeah, I liked it too.
- How do I transfer calls? ____
A. Do as you like.
B. It is a bit difficult.
C. Let me show you.
D. Not at all.
A. 罚金
B. 罚款
C. 没收财产
D. 剥夺政治权利
鸦片战争前,中国社会 经济中占统治地位的___
A. 商品经济
B. 自然经济
C. 半殖民地经济
D. 资本主义经济
A. 帝国主义与中华民族、无产阶级与资产阶级
B. 资产阶级与地主阶级、无产阶级与资产阶级
C. 帝国主义与中华民族、农民阶级与地主阶级
D. 帝国主义与中华民族、封建主义与人民大众
鸦片战争后,中国社会最主要的矛盾是 ___
A. 地主阶级和农民阶级的矛盾
B. 外国资本主义和中华民族的矛盾
C. 封建主义和人民大众的矛盾
D. 清朝统治和汉族的矛盾
近代中国半殖民地半封建社会的起点是 ___
A. 第一次鸦片战争
B. 第二次鸦片战争
C. 中日甲午战争
D. 八国联军侵华战争
A. 《望厦条约》
B. 《南京条约》
C. 《辛丑条约》
D. 《马关条约》
英国强迫清政府割让香港的条约是: ___
A. 1842 年《南京条约》
B. 1860 .年《北京条约》
C. 1858 年《爱珲条约》
D. 1895 年《马关条约》
中国无产阶级诞生于 ___
A. 19 世纪 40、 50 年代
B. 19 世纪 70 年代
C. 19 世纪 90 年代
D. 第一次世界大战期间
A. 外国资本主义在华开办的企业
B. 洋务派开办的工厂
C. 中国的民族资本主义企业
D. 辛亥革命后新兴的资本主义企业
帝国主义列强不能灭亡和瓜分中国, 最根本的原因是___
A. 帝国主义列强之间的矛盾和互相制约
B. 帝国主义的社会内部矛盾
C. 中华民族进行的不屈不挠的反侵略斗争
D. 中国疆域辽阔、人口众多
A. 魏源
B. 林则徐
C. 龚自珍
D. 姚莹
11“师夷之长技以制夷”的提出者是 ___
A. 龚自珍
B. 林则徐
C. 洪仁 玕
D. 魏源
A. 《资政新篇》
B. 《海国图志》
C. 《四洲志》
D. 《瀛环志略》
近代中国反侵略战争失败的根本原因是 ___
A. 社会制度腐败、经济技术落后
B. 清廷消极备战、积极求和
C. 文官贪财、武将惜命
D. 军队素质差、军事装备落后
A. 都开始于侵略者对广东沿海地区的进攻
B. 都直接威胁到清朝统治中心京津地区
C. 侵略者的目的都是打开中国市场和掠夺中国财富
D. 外国侵略者都以武力压服中国的抵抗
第二次鸦片战争时期,侵占我国.北方大量领土的国家是 ___
帝国主义竞相在中国投资修铁路时,除获得巨大的经济利益外, 还附有种种条件, 以下各项不属于附有条件的是: ___
A. 控制铁路
B. 控制铁路沿线地区
C. 运输军队
D. 征收赋税
下列不平等条约中, 赔款数额最多的___。
A. 《南京条约》
B. 《北京条约》
C. 《马关条约》
D. 《辛丑条约》
虎门销烟最本质意义是 ___
A. 中国禁烟运动的伟大意义
B. 显示了中华民族反侵略的坚强决心
C. 沉重打击了英国侵略者
D. 林则徐是中华民族的英雄
鸦片战争后首先被外国侵略者控制的是 ___
A. 中国外交
B. 中国内政
C. 中国海关
D. 中国税收
下列中国近代的通商口岸中最早开放的是 ___
从适应当时世界历史的角度来看,以下著作最具有进步意义的是 ___
A. 《海国图志》
B. 《原道醒世训》
C. 《天朝田亩制度》
D. 《资政新编》
1851 年,太平天国运动爆发,当时的清朝皇帝是___
A. 道光帝
B. 同治帝
C. 咸丰帝
D. 光绪帝
A. 义和团运动
B. 三元里人民抗英斗争
C. 太平天国起义
D. 反教会斗争
A. 太平天国农民战争
B. 新文化运动
C. 五四运动
D. 一二九运动
太平天国后期担任军事指挥的青年将领 ___
A. 杨秀清、石达开
B. 萧朝贵、冯云山
C. 陈玉成、李秀成
D. 石达开、韦昌辉
太平天国失败的根本原因是 ___
A. 农民阶级的局限性
B. 战略失误导致北伐失利
C. 遭到中外反动势力的联合绞杀
D. 领导集团的内部斗争
A. 各省设新闻官
B. 提倡兴办新式学校
C. 严禁买卖人口和吸食鸦片
D. 撤并政府机构,裁汰冗员
A. 《四洲志》
B. 《定国是诏》
C. 《应诏统筹全局折》
D. 《天朝田亩制度》
A. 金田起义
B. 永安整顿建制
C. 洪秀全东乡称天王
D. 定都天京
A. 尖锐的阶级矛盾
B. 满汉地主阶级的共同镇压
C. 内讧导致力量削弱
D. 中外反动势力的联合镇压
A. 颁布《天朝田亩制度》
B. 洪仁王干的《资政新篇》
C. 严惩外国侵略者
D. 反对腐朽没落的封建统治
A. 进行政治、经济、文化制度的改革
B. 向西方学习
C. 进行资产阶级思想启蒙运动
D. 在中国发展资本主义
A. 是否学习西方先进技术
B. 是否抵御外来侵略
C. 是否发展资本主义
D. 是否翻译外国书报
A. 英国人
B. 美国人
C. 法国人
D. 德国人
A. 满足军事工业的需要
B. 抵制外国经济势力的扩张
C. 赚取利润,增强经济实力
D. 培养人材,发展资本主义
A. 广东水师
B. 北洋水师
C. 南洋水师
D. 福建水师
A. 湖北织布局
B. 继昌隆缫丝厂
C. 福州船政局
D. 发昌机器厂
A. “师夷长技以制夷”
B. “自强”
C. “扶清灭洋”
D. “求富”
A. 利用西方先进科学技术来维护清朝统治
B. 利用西方先进技术抵抗西方侵略
C. 利用西方先进思想改造中国社会
D. 引进西方先进制度改造中国社会