A. 3天
B. 5天
C. 7天
D. 14天
E. 20天
A. X线
B. CT扫描检查
C. MRI检查
D. 血液细菌检查
E. 关节穿刺检查
A. 0.15g
B. 0.2g
C. 0.25g
D. 0.3g
E. 0.35g
A. 6小时内
B. 12小时内
C. 24小时内
D. 36小时内
E. 48小时内
A. 接生者站在产妇右侧
B. 胎头着冠时,开始保护会阴
C. 缩宫间歇时保护会阴手放松,但不能离开
D. 胎头娩出后,右手继续保护会阴
E. 双肩娩出后,才可松开保护会阴的手
A. 应专人护理
B. 吸氧3~5d
C. 术后取平卧位
D. 鼓励早期下床活动
E. 术后给予静脉补充营养
A. 术前3日遵医嘱给予患者分次口服抗生素溶液
B. 术前3日改半流质饮食
C. 术前12小时禁食
D. 对进食后反流者,术前1日晚遵医嘱予以生理盐水100ml加抗生素经鼻胃管冲洗食管及胃
E. 手术日晨常规置胃管,要将胃管置于胃中
A. 新生儿衣物宜柔软、宽大、易穿脱
B. 衣缝在正面防摩擦新生儿皮肤
C. 尿布宜用质地柔软、吸水、透气性好的纯棉织品
D. 洗涤用品要求柔和无刺激性
E. 均需准备奶瓶、奶粉
A. 体重减轻
B. 多饮
C. 烦渴
D. 关节痛
E. 多尿
A. 痛经发生于月经前期
B. 痛经开始于月经前,经期加重,经后缓解
C. 痛经与月经周期无关
D. 痛经经期轻微,经后加重
E. 痛经多为原发性痛经
A. 因材施教
B. 寓教于乐
C. 讲究实效性
D. 社区参与
E. 程序性原则
A. 平卧24小时,同时持续24小时心电监护
B. 体温升高时要告诉护士
C. 手术侧上肢要制动72小时
D. 保持持续吸氧一周
E. 术后第四天手术侧上肢进行功能锻炼
A. 脑损伤的部位
B. 患者的耐受力
C. 患者原有脑功能情况
D. 脑损伤的程度及血肿形成的速度
E. 血肿的大小
A. 右上肢青紫
B. 左上肢青紫
C. 头面部青紫
D. 下半身青紫
E. 上半身青紫
A. 立即给镇静剂
B. 抗休克治疗
C. 乙醚麻醉,行内倒转术
D. 立即剖宫产
E. 立即将手消毒送回阴道内
A. 用海绵垫保护瘀点、瘀斑处皮肤
B. 避免压迫瘀点、瘀斑处皮肤
C. 按摩瘀点、瘀斑处皮肤,促进血液循环
D. 防止尿液浸渍瘀点、瘀斑处皮肤
E. 定期观察瘀点、瘀斑处皮肤
A. 立即将病人搬到室外空气新鲜处
B. 吸氧
C. 保持呼吸道通畅
D. 给予止痛药
E. 松解衣服
A. 心理作用
B. 对手术的恐惧
C. 继发性贫血所致
D. 压迫直肠所致
E. 肌瘤蒂扭转所致
A. 遵医嘱输液
B. 镇静止痛剂
C. 应用抗生素
D. 严密观察
E. 作急诊手术术前准备
A. 急性膀胱炎
B. 急性肾盂肾炎
C. 慢性肾盂肾炎急性发作
D. 急性肾小球肾炎
E. 尿道感染
A. 0,3,6日各接种1针
B. 0,3,7,14日各接种1针
C. 0,3,7,14,30日各接种1针
D. 0,3,7日各接种1针,半年后加强1针
E. 0,3,7,14各接种l针,半年后加强1针
A. 2.5
B. 2
C. 1.5
D. 1.0
E. 0.5
A. 接触患者前后可以不洗手
B. 嘱患者咳嗽或打喷嚏时,以卫生纸掩住口鼻
C. 接触传染期患者,可以不戴口罩
D. 患者的痰液收集在广口瓶中,然后倒入污物桶
E. 探视者可以近距离与患者交谈
A. 血管紧张素受体拮抗剂
B. β受体阻滞剂
C. 钙通道阻断剂
D. 血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂
E. α受体阻滞剂
A. 75%酒精浸泡30分钟
B. 95%酒精浸泡30分钟
C. 煮沸消毒
D. 经无菌水冲洗后使用
A. 腰痛
B. 腰和臀部痛
C. 腰和大腿前方痛
D. 坐骨神经痛
E. 腰痛伴坐骨神经痛
A. 有无手臂功能障碍
B. 肘部是否剧烈疼痛
C. 是否可摸到尺骨鹰嘴
D. 肘后三点是否失去正常关系
E. 跌倒后是否因手掌撑地受伤
A. 雌激素灭活功能减退
B. 肾上腺皮质功能减退
C. 雌激素比例失调
D. 抗利尿激素增多
E. 醛固酮增多
A. 注射大量黄体酮安胎
B. 口服大量安宫黄体酮
C. 卧床休息同时给予巴比妥
D. 行人工流产
E. 经保胎治疗无效再行人工流产
A. 用听诊器听到清晰的胎心音
B. 自觉胎动
C. 扪及胎头、胎肢
D. B超显示胎儿影像
E. 测及胎儿心电图
A. 胸内大出血
B. 血气胸
C. 开放性气胸
D. 肺裂伤
E. 急性心包填塞
A. 放射性治疗
B. 免疫治疗
C. 抗癌药物局部治疗
D. 手术治疗
E. 冰冻治疗
A. 多见于青壮年
B. 疼痛呈持续性胀痛
C. 呕吐并伴有果酱样血便
D. 以降结肠套入回肠最多见
E. 禁忌钡剂灌肠
A. 鸡胸
B. 扁平胸
C. 漏斗胸
D. 桶状胸
E. 一侧胸廓膨隆
A. 口唇发绀是否改善
B. 瞳孔是否缩小
C. 吹气是阻力大小
D. 胸廓是否扩张
E. 心跳有无恢复
A. 强心药
B. 降压药
C. 利尿药
D. 抗感染药
E. 扩张血管药
A. 晨起深部痰液咳入无菌容器中
B. 在2小时内送检
C. 尽可能在未用抗生素之前
D. 可借助雾化吸入导痰
E. 任何时间的痰均可
A. 腹部X线摄片
B. 免疫学妊娠实验
C. 超声A型示波法
D. 阴道脱落细胞学检查
E. 测定尿中孕二醇值
A. 血缘
B. 感情
C. 经济
D. 政治
E. 人口生产关系
A. 月经过多
B. 两侧输卵管增粗
C. 不孕
D. 输卵管卵巢囊肿
E. 痛经
A. 大于40滴/分
B. 不超过40滴/分
C. 尽可能快
D. 尽可能慢
E. 没有限制
Which two statements are true about VMFS5 datastores on ESXi 6.x? (Choose two.)___
A. Virtual Disk (VMDK) size can be larger than 2TB.
B. Datastore extent size can be larger than 2TB.
C. Only Physical Mode Raw
D. evice Map (Passthrough-RDM) can be larger than 2TB.
Which two statements are correct when turning off a Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) Cluster? (Choose two.)___
A. The resource pool hierarchy of the DRS cluster is maintained.
B. The resource pool hierarchy of the DRS cluster is removed.
C. The affinity settings of the
D. RS cluster are removed and not maintained when DRS is re-enabled.
An administrator is creating a new Virtual SAN cluster on a Layer 2 network. There is an existing Virtual SAN cluster on the same Layer 2 network. Which two actions would allow the new Virtual SAN cluster to coexist with the older cluster? (Choose two.)___
A. Change the default Multicast Address on the new Virtual SAN cluster.
B. Change the default Unicast Address on the new Virtual SAN Cluster.
C. Create a separate VLAN for each cluster.
D. Create an ARP Alias for the Virtual SAN VMkernel Network Adapter.
A vCenter Operations Manager 5.7 environment is upgraded to vRealize Operations. After the upgrade, the analytics services fail to start. Which three steps must be taken to resolve the problem? (Choose three.)___
A. Take the vRealize Operations cluster offline.
B. Delete the activity persistence files.
C. Bring the cluster back online.
D. Remove any unresponsive nodes.
E. Stop the CaSA service.
An organization has an ESXi 6.x host that contains two resource pools. The host is being relocated to a DRS cluster. What two actions can be taken to integrate the host into the cluster, and what would happen to the existing ESXi resource pool hierarchy as a result? (Choose two.)___
A. Place all of the host's virtual machines into the DRS cluster root resource pool. The resource pools present on the host will be deleted.
B. Create a resource pool for the ESXi host's virtual machines and resource pools. The resource pools present on the host will be deleted.
C. Place all of the host's virtual machines into the DRS cluster root resource pool. The resource pools present on the host will be preserved.
D. Create a resource pool for the
E. SXi host's virtual machines and resource pools. The resource pools present on the host will be preserved.
Which two parameters are required when adding an iSCSI target to an iSCSI Software Adapter using Dynamic Discovery? (Choose two.)___
A. The iSCSI device's IP Address or Fully Qualified Domain Name
B. The Port Number
C. The iSCSI device's iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN)
D. The Default Gateway IP Address
Which two SMTP Notification Event Details are specific to alarms triggered by events? (Choose two.)___
A. User Name
B. Summary
C. Old Status
D. Target
Which two High Availability ___ Cluster admission control policies can help avoid resource fragmentation? (Choose two.)(AC)
A. Define failover capacity by static number of hosts
B. Define failover capacity by reserving a percentage of the cluster resources
C. Use dedicated failover hosts
D. Use Virtual Machine Monitoring
An attempt to enable vSphere Fault Tolerance for a powered-on virtual machine fails. Which two scenarios would result in this failure? (Choose two.)___
A. The virtual machine has three vCPUs configured.
B. The host on which the virtual machine is running has insufficient memory resources.
C. The virtual machine has insufficient resources to accommodate full reservation plus the overhead memory.
D. VMware High Availability is enabled on the cluster of which this host is a member.
A vApp template recently added to a Content Library is not displayed. Which two actions could correct this problem? (Choose two.)___
A. Manually synchronize the library
B. Select the Download all library content immediately option
C. Select the Sync subscribed library option
D. Manually download the vApp template
What are three valid disk configurations for the vSphere Data Protection 6.x Appliance? (Choose three.)___
A. 500GB
B. 1TB
C. 1.5TB
D. 2TB
E. 4TB
Which three connection types are available when configuring a vSwitch in the vSphere Web Client? (Choose three.)___
A. VMkernel Network Adapter
B. Physical Network Adapter
C. Virtual Machine Port Group for a Standard Switch
D. vMotion Network Adapter
E. vSAN Network Adapter
Which three features can be enabled for a new host cluster? (Choose three.)___
A. Storage Distributed Resource Scheduling
B. High Availability
C. Fault Tolerance
D. Distributed Resource Scheduling
E. Virtual SAN
An administrator receives a report that no real time statistics are available for a virtual machine in the vCenter Server inventory. Which two statements indicate likely causes of the problem? (Choose two.)___
A. The virtual machine is powered off.
B. The host containing the virtual machine is disconnected from vCenter Server.
C. There is insufficient real time data to display the information.
D. The vCenter Server service is not running.
Your manager has given you a bash script that retrieves data for ESXi 6.x host configurations. This data needs to be collected right after the installation of a host and must be run directly on the host. Which two actions can be used to run this script on an ESXi host? (Choose two.)___
A. Connect to the host with Ruby vSphere Console and run the script from there.
B. Enable SSH access from the Direct Console User Interface.
C. Enable the ESXi Shell from the
D. irect Console User Interface.
Which two are true about the Risk badge in vRealize Operations? (Choose two.)___
A. The Risk badge indicates potential future problems that may degrade the performance of the system.
B. Risks may require attention in the near future.
C. The Risk badge indicates problems that are degrading performance of the system.
D. Risks require attention now to correct system performance problems.
vSphere Update Manager allows which two virtual machine attributes to be upgraded? (Choose two.)___
A. Virtual machine firewall policies for NSX.
B. Software Packages in the virtual machine.
C. Virtual machine Hardware Version.
D. VMware Tools Upgrade.
What are two benefits of using NFS 4.1 with vSphere 6.x as compared to NFS 3? (Choose two.)___
A. NFS 4.1 supports Kerberos Authentication
B. NFS 4.1 supports multipathing
C. NFS 4.1 supports IPv6
D. NFS 4.1 supports hardware acceleration
Which three statements are true regarding Fault Tolerance? (Choose three.)___
A. Applications need to be continuously available to users.
B. Applications without native clustering capabilities can be protected.
C. Custom clustering solutions are complicated to configure and maintain.
D. Applications that have 16 vCPUs are supported.
E. Prevents application crashes by analyzing the workload and correcting problems.
Which two statements are true regarding VMware vSphere Flash Read Cache (vFRC)? (Choose two.)___
A. Cache fills and cache evictions happen in the granularity of a cache block size.
B. vFRC caches data from both read and write I/Os, but write I/Os are always serviced by the underlying storage.
C. vFRC caches data from both read and write I/Os, but write I/Os are always serviced by the underlying cache data.
D. Cache fills and cache evictions happen in the granularity of the disk block size.
What are two possible causes of Storage Distributed Resource Scheduler (SDRS) being disabled on one or more virtual machine disks in a datastore cluster? (Choose two.)___
A. The virtual machine has vSphere Fault Tolerance disabled.
B. The virtual machine is a template.
C. The virtual machine swap file is on a shared datastore.
D. The disk is a CD-ROM/ISO file.
An administrator attempts to install vCenter Single Sign-On Server. The installer returns an error message indicating that the installation failed. Prior to the installation, all setup prerequisites were met. The administrator has generated a vCenter Server Single Sign-On support bundle. Which two files should the administrator analyze to determine the cause of the failure? (Choose two.)___
A. Server\utils\logs\imsTrace.log
B. Server\utils\logs\install.txt
C. %TEMP%\utils\logs\vminst.log
D. %TEMP%\vminst.log
An administrator is unable to remove an ESXi 6.x host from a vSphere Distributed Switch. What are two likely reasons for this issue? (Choose two.)___
A. Vmkernel interfaces on the switch are still in use.
B. VM Network port group adapters are connected to different switch.
C. Physical NICs are migrated to different switch.
D. VM Network adapters are connected to this switch.
Which two Identity Sources are available to add for vCenter Single Sign-On authentication? (Choose two.)___
A. LocalOS
C. NIS as an LDAP Server
What are three goals of resource management within a cluster? (Choose three.)___
A. To prevent virtual machines from monopolizing resources and to guarantee predictable service rates.
B. To exploit undercommitted resources and overcommit with graceful degradation.
C. To provide solutions to potential problems that you might encounter when using vCenter Server.
D. To control the relative importance of virtual machines and provide flexible dynamic partitioning.
E. To provide additional network administration capabilities.
Which three actions can be taken as a result of executing the vSphere Update Manager 6.x scan and remediation wizards? (Choose three.)___
A. Install and upgrade software in virtual machines.
B. Upgrade the firmware on ESXi host devices.
C. Upgrade and Patch ESXi hosts.
D. Install and update third-party software on hosts.
E. Upgrade virtual machine hardware.
Which two statements are true about deploying and using vSphere Replication? (Choose two.)___
A. ESXi hosts managed by a single vCenter Server instance require a connection between the two vSphere Replication appliances.
B. Sites managed by different vCenter Server instances require a connection between the two vSphere Replication appliances.
C. Sites managed by different vCenter Server instances require the use of Site Recovery Manager and a connection between the two vSphere Replication appliances.
D. ESXi hosts managed by a single vCenter Server instance require a single vSphere Replication appliance.
An administrator is attempting to power on a virtual machine, but the task is hanging at 95%. What three scenarios best explain why this problem is happening? (Choose three.)___
A. A virtual machine question is currently being posed to the administrator.
B. Another task for the virtual machine or other component is already in progress.
C. The VMware High Availability cluster has insufficient resources to guarantee failover.
D. The host has lost access to the storage device containing the virtual machine files.
E. The host is under resource contention and unable to power on the virtual machine.
Which three features are not supported when using Fault Tolerance in vSphere 6.x? (Choose three.)___
A. Virtual Volumes (VVOLS)
B. Storage vMotion
C. Virtual Machine Component Protection
D. vMotion
E. vSphere Distributed Switches
Which two storage controller configurations can be used with Virtual SAN? (Choose two.)___
A. SAS controllers in Passthrough mode
B. SAS controllers in RAID0 mode
C. SAS controllers in RAID1 mode
D. SAS controllers in RAID10 mode
Which three are requirements when using vMotion to move a virtual machine across vCenter Server systems? (Choose three.)___
A. Both vCenter Servers must be using Enhanced Linked Mode.
B. Both vCenter Servers must be in the same Single Sign-On Domain.
C. Time must be synchronized.
D. Duplicate VM MAC addresses must be configured.
E. Both vCenter Servers must have High Availability enabled on source and destination clusters.
Which two components can be used when configuring Enhanced Linked Mode? (Choose two.)___
A. vCenter Server Appliance
B. vRealize Operations Manager
C. vSphere Management Appliance
D. vCenter Server for Windows
An organization has a number of virtual machines that would benefit from Fault Tolerance. These include: <A single vCPU Apache Server> < A dual vCPU vCenter Server> < A quad vCPU SQL Server> <An eight vCPU Hadoop Server>. Which two virtual machines can be configured to use VMware Fault Tolerance? (Choose two.)___
A. Apache Server
B. vCenter Server
C. SQL Server
D. Hadoop Server
Which two badges are major badges in vRealize Operations? (Choose two.)___
A. Risk
B. Efficency
C. Workload
D. Faults
An administrator is deploying multiple Windows 2003 Virtual Machines from the same template. What two steps should be taken to avoid network conflicts? (Choose two.)___
A. Customize the guest operating system.
B. Install VMware Tools into the new virtual machines.
C. Copy the Microsoft Sysprep tools onto the vCenter Server system.
D. Ensure the e1000 vmnic is selected for each new virtual machine.
Which three conditions would prevent Storage I/O Control from being enabled on a group of datastores? (Choose three.)___
A. The datastores planned for the solution are used by different vSphere clusters.
B. A datastore planned for the solution is configured as a Raw Device Mapping file.
C. A datastore planned for the solution has three extents.
D. A datastore planned for the solution is configured as NFS.
E. The organization has an Enterprise license.
Which two actions are prerequisites to adding ESXi 6.x hosts to a vSphere Distributed Switch? (Choose two.)___
A. Verify that there is at least one Distributed Port Group on the Distributed Switch.
B. Verify that the Distributed Port Group have active uplinks configured in its teaming and failover policy.
C. Verify that the
D. istributed Switch has been configured with a Network Profile.
An organization has configured Distributed Power Management (DPM) on a vSphere 6 cluster. The organization wants to be alerted when an ESXi host has been powered down by DPM. Which two options represent the type and name of the alarm that would accomplish this? (Choose two.)___
A. DrsEnteringStandbyModeEvent
B. DrsEnteredStandbyModeEvent
C. Event-based
D. Condition-based
Which two allow for the disabling of Network Rollback operations? (Choose two.)___
A. Modifying the vpxd advanded configuration options and adding the config.vpxd.network.rollback key
B. Modifying the C:\ProgramData\VMware\CIS\cfg\vmware-vpx\vpxd.cfg file and adjusting the<rollback> xml tag
C. Modifying the C:\ProgramData\VMware\CIS\cfg\vmware-vpx\vpxd.cfg file and adjusting the <networkrollback> xml tag
D. Modifying the C:\ProgramData\VMware\CIS\cfg\vmware-vpx\firstboot\vpxd-service- spec.prop file and adjusting the <rollback> xml tag
An administrator is tasked with performing a vMotion migration of a virtual machine. The virtual machine is configured as follows: <vSphere Flash Read Cache (vFRC) enabled> <Is part of a Distributed Resource Cluster (DRS) Cluster> Which two statements are true? (Choose two.)___
A. Each ESXi host in the cluster supports multiple virtual flash resources.
B. Each ESXi host in the cluster supports one virtual flash resource.
C. DRS treats powered-on virtual machines with Flash Read Cache as having a preferred affinity to their current host and moves them only for mandatory reasons.
D. DRS treats powered-on virtual machines with Flash Read Cache as having a required affinity to their current host and does not move them.