A. 思维过程离开直接感知的事物和操纵事物的动作的思维方式
B. 依靠事物或情景的表象及表象的联想进行的思维活动
C. 通过逻辑思考而进行的思维方式
D. 通过表象的联想并进行逻辑思考的思维方式
A. 钙,铁,磷,铜
B. 钙,铁,锌,碘
C. 钾,镁,钴,碘
D. 钴,氟,锌,硫
A. 降至最低
B. 下降
C. 不变
D. 时升时降
A. 呼吸系统
B. 消化系统
C. 心血管系统
D. 内分泌系统
A. 词汇的发展
B. 句式的掌握
C. 口语的表达能力
D. 说成语
A. 尊重婴儿发展权利的原则
B. 促进婴儿全面和谐发展的原则
C. 教育第一,养育第二的教养原则
D. 以情感体验为主的原则
A. 音乐,自然,体育,数学逻辑,语言,人际关系,自我认识
B. 音乐,自然,舞蹈,数学逻辑,语言,人际关系,自我认识
C. 音乐,智能,形体,数学逻辑,语言,自理能力,自我认识
D. 音乐,智能,运动,数学逻辑,语言,人际关系,自我认识
A. 反映当前客观事物的个别属性的认识过程
B. 反映当前客观事物的整体属性的认识过程
C. 反映当前客观事物的个别属性的思维过程
D. 反映过去客观事物的整体属性的认识过程
A. 选择混合喂养
B. 选择母乳喂养
C. 选择人工喂养
D. 最易添加辅助食品
A. 溢奶是进食长时间后有少量奶溢出,呕吐是进食后有大量的食物吐出
B. 溢奶是喂奶后时间不长有少量奶溢出,呕吐是进食后有奶或食物从口中流出
C. 溢奶和呕吐的区别只是以婴儿口中溢出物的多少来判断
D. 溢奶是喂奶后不长时间内有少量的奶溢出,呕吐是进食后有大量的食物吐出
A. 厌食,皮肤干皱,体重不增
B. 不停地哭闹,入睡困难,肌肉松弛
C. 便秘,皮肤干皱,面容像老人
D. 免疫功能下将,体重不足,便秘
A. 多加些糖
B. 多加些盐
C. 避免食用过量的化学添加剂
D. 脂肪可适当的高些
A. 通过感官来学习
B. 不会主动提问
C. 注意力不易集中
D. 需要反复教育
A. 视觉功能
B. 咀嚼功能
C. 运动功能
D. 心肺功能
A. 多喝热水
B. 停止进食及饮水
C. 在肚子上放个暖水袋
D. 缓解婴儿紧张情绪
A. 120-130ml
B. 150-180ml
C. 160-180ml
D. 180-210ml
A. 嗜睡
B. 厌食
C. 喜动
D. 消化不良吧
A. 一级火箭-母乳喂养期,二级火箭-配方奶衔接期,三级火箭-自然食物均衡期
B. 母乳喂养期(一级火箭),泥状食品添加期(二级火箭),固体食物添加期(三级火箭)
C. 哺乳期(一级火箭),换乳期(二级火箭),泥状食物添加期(三级火箭)
D. 婴儿出生立即开始的母乳喂养(一级火箭),及时给与配方奶衔接和泥状食物添加(二级火箭),固体食物期到自然食物均衡膳食的合理喂养(三级火箭)
A. 产生饱感
B. 胃液稀释
C. 增加小便量
D. 加速肠胃蠕动
A. 肠痉挛
B. 呕吐
C. 拉肚子
D. 食欲不振
A. 碳水化合物
B. 脂肪
C. 呼吸速率和体温
D. 钙的水平
A. 消毒只是多种预防措施中的一种
B. 消毒是唯一的预防措施
C. 消毒是不要的预防措施
D. 消毒是可有可无的预防措施
A. 温度较高的地方
B. 温度较低的地方
C. 低处
D. 不通风的地方
A. 8个月以后
B. 1岁以后
C. 2岁以后
D. 3岁以后
A. 室内装修豪华
B. 室温,卧具
C. 室内空气流通
D. 服装舒适,光线适宜
A. 生长监测
B. 心理监测
C. 发育监测
D. 日常生活
A. 生长监测
B. 营养
C. 心理
D. 教育
A. 体重测量
B. 智力测评
C. 情绪测评
D. 环境测评
A. 抓准间隔时间提前提醒
B. 提早训练
C. 以家长的威严制服婴儿
D. 用食物逗引婴儿
A. 接种反应
B. 生长监测
C. 生活护理
D. 疾病护理
A. 营养物
B. 生活用品
C. 学习用品
D. 水
A. 口角炎
B. 全身骨头疼
C. 血色素低
D. 吸收力差
A. 剧烈运动
B. 不良生活习惯
C. 说话
D. 洗手
A. 过敏史
B. 不良生活习惯
C. 口吃
D. 洁癖
She ___ 100 pages of the book today.
A. has already read
B. already reads
C. already read
D. was already read
He has been ___ for nearly three weeks after the death of his dear pet.
A. sad
B. satisfied
C. evil
D. joyful
One cannot learn a foreign language well ___he studies hard.
A. unless
B. if
C. as
D. when
A large number of people___ present at the meeting, which was out of our expectation.
A. was
B. were
C. have
D. has
When the girls saw the funny man, they couldn't ___ laughing.
A. keep from
B. keep on
C. keep away
D. keep at
We are glad that we finally managed to get into contact ___ them.
A. at
B. on
C. from
D. with
This kind of plant___a lot of water at all times.
A. assumes
B. limits
C. produces
D. requires
Look! Here ___ the famous player.
A. comes
B. come
C. had come
D. coming
Uncle Sam sent him a___ bicycle as a birthday present.
A. red sports new
B. sports new red
C. new sports red
D. new red sports
I couldn't find my English-Chinese dictionary___.
A. anywhere
B. everywhere
C. nowhere
D. somewhere
The plane was about to___, and yet I left my ticket behind.
A. take off
B. take on
C. take up
D. take in
John succeeded ___ what he wanted.
A. to get
B. to getting
C. in getting
D. and getting
The accident was ___ to careless driving.
A. for
B. likely
C. due
D. because
With a good command of reading skills, most students can manage to read ___as they could the year before.
A. as twice fast
B. as fast as twice
C. as twice as fast
D. twice as fast
Some famous singers live on the ___from their record sales.
A. salary
B. price
C. bill
D. income
_____of them thinks that is a good idea.
A. Anyone
B. No one
C. None
D. Someone
Don't be too ___about things you're not supposed to know.
A. strange
B. amusing
C. curious
D. conscious
It was in 1969 ___the American astronauts succeeded in landing on the moon.
A. when
B. the moment
C. which
D. that
___people in the world are sending information by e-mail every day.
A. Several million
B. Many millions
C. Several millions
D. Many million
He___less time reading stories about film stars than before.
A. takes
B. spends
C. costs
D. pays
Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology___so rapidly.
A. is changing
B. has been changed
C. will have changed
D. will change
The taxi driver always reminds passengers to ___their belongings when they leave the car.
A. keep
B. catch
C. hold
D. take
Little Tom is used to getting up ___eight every morning.
If the doctor had been available, the child _______.
A. would not die
B. could not have died
C. might not die
D. should not have died
If Mary___shopping this afternoon, please ask her to write a shopping list first.
A. will go
B. goes
C. went
D. has gone
These desks and chairs ___to the children in the mountain villages next week.
A. are sent
B. will send
C. have sent
D. will be sent
Every society has its own peculiar customs and ___of acting.
A. attitudes
B. behavior
C. ways
D. means
China is ___the Great Wall.
A. on
B. famous
C. famous for
D. famous as
The dog was tearing the cloth___its teeth.
A. with
B. by
C. through
D. in
A man should not be judged always ___what he says.
A. by
B. in
C. with
D. to
We will have a ___holiday after the exam.
A. two month
B. two-month
C. two month's
D. two-months
Mr Wang is going to teach you maths ___one year.
A. with
B. on
C. for
D. to
The population of the earth ___increasing fast.
A. is
B. are
C. were
D. have been
Mike is ___than Jack.
A. careful
B. carefully
C. less careful
D. more carefuler
There ___a basket ball match this afternoon.
A. is going to be
B. is going to have
C. is going to is
D. is going to has
Nobody ____to smoke in the cinema.
A. allow
B. allows
C. is allowed
D. are allowed
___delicious these moon cake are!
A. How a
B. What a
C. How
D. What
There's no food in the fridge. They ___shopping.
A. go
B. are go
C. are going
D. are going to go
The soup smells___. Would you like some?
A. good
B. well
C. properly
D. finely
Picking apples was hard work, ___ they really enjoyed it.
A. and
B. so
C. but
D. or