___0146.社会福利机构应当依法( )并落实( )消防安全责任制,明确各级、各岗位的消防安全职责。
A. 建立;逐级
B. 建立;各岗位
C. 制定;逐级
D. 制定;各岗位
___0147.属于消防安全重点单位的社会福利机构应当确定( )名消防安全工作专业人员为消防安全管理人,负责组织实施日常消防安全管理工作。
___0148.社会福利机构应当( )至少组织各部门负责人开展一次防火检查,做好检查记录。
___0149.设有消防控制室的社会福利机构,工作人员应当持有消防行业特有工种职业资格证书,实行每日( )小时专人值班制度。
___0150.社会福利机构设有消防控制室的每日有专人值班,且每班不少于( )。
___0151.北京市社会福利机构应在消防设施的醒目位置,设置指明( )的明显标志和警示标语。
A. 报警求助电话、安全逃生知识
B. 安全逃生路线、报警求助电话
C. 报警求助电话、消防设施操作使用方法
D. 安全逃生路线、消防设施操作使用方法
___0152.社会福利机构在消防设施、器材上设置醒目的( ),并标明( )。
A. 安全标识;使用期限
B. 安全标识;操作使用方法
C. 警告标识;使用期限
D. 警告标识;操作使用方法
___0153.社会福利机构应当对所有员工( )至少开展一次消防安全培训。
A. 每半年
B. 每一年
C. 每两年
D. 每三年
___0154.社会福利机构应当制定本单位灭火和应急疏散预案,并每( )至少演练一次。
___0155.养老院应组织每日夜间防火巡查,且不应少于( )次。
___0156.美容美发场所从业人员卫生知识培训每( )进行一次。
___0157.根据《北京市商业零售经营单位安全生产规定》,下列不属于商业零售经营单位的是( )。
A. 仓储式会员店
B. 家居建材店
C. 折扣店
D. 食品工业园
___0158.北京市商业零售经营单位营业期间每2小时至少进行( )次安全巡查。
___0159.北京市设有集中收银区的超市等商业零售经营单位应当在收银区设置( )。
A. 收银台
B. 无购物出口
C. 安全出口
D. 售后服务中心
___0160.北京市商业零售经营单位的库房可以( )。
A. 设置移动式照明灯具
B. 使用碘钨灯
C. 使用80瓦的白炽灯
D. 设置与货物的间距为1m的灯具
___0161.北京市商业零售经营单位营业区域不得设置在( )。
A. 16层以上
B. 20层以上
C. 地下2层以下
D. 地下3层以下
___0162.根据《北京市家具制造业作业场所职业卫生管理规范(试行)》的规定,以下关于家具企业说法正确的是( )。
A. 作业场所可以住人
B. 严禁使用压缩空气吹扫作业现场的粉尘
C. 劳动者可以在尘毒作业区休息
D. 喷漆作业中所用溶剂可当作皮肤清洁剂使用
___0163.北京市印刷企业应采取( )措施降低作业场所毒物浓度。
___0164.北京市印刷企业作业场所贮存挥发性物质(如油墨、稀料)的容器应在( )区域内密闭保存和隔离。
___0165.北京市互联网上网服务营业场所安全出口处不得设置( ),门口不得设置( )。
A. 门槛;屏风
B. 门帘;屏风
C. 门槛;台阶
D. 台阶;自动售货机
___0166.北京市互联网上网服务营业场所在营业期间应当安排专职人员至少每( )小时进行一次消防安全巡视,巡视区域要有明确的划分,巡视内容要有明确的要求。
___0167.用人单位缴纳工伤保险费的数额为本单位职工工资总额乘以( )之积。
A. 当地最低缴费费率
B. 单位缴费费率
C. 当地银行最低贷款利率
D. 当地国有企业最低缴费费率
___0168.《油气罐区防火防爆十条规定》是国家安监总局发布的关于油气罐区安全防护的要求,其中:严禁在油气罐区( )、切罐、装卸车时作业人员离开现场。
A. 手动切水
B. 自动切水
C. 手动阻断
D. 自动阻断
___0169.发现、拣拾无主民用爆炸物品的,应当立即报告当地( )。
A. 公安机关
B. 交通部门
C. 安全生产监督管理部门
D. 工商行政管理部门
___0170.根据《严防企业粉尘爆炸五条规定》规定,企业必须严格执行安全操作规程和劳动防护制度,严禁员工培训不合格和不按规定佩戴使用防尘、( )等劳保用品上岗。
A. 防爆
B. 防潮
C. 防静电
D. 报警装置
___0171.有粉尘爆炸危害的企业每班按规定( )和规范清理粉尘,在除尘系统停运期间和粉尘超标时严禁作业,并( )撤人。
A. 检查;停业
B. 检查;停产
C. 检测;停业
D. 检测;停产
___0172.以下储存民用爆炸物品方式错误的是( )。
A. 建立出入库检查、登记制度,收存和发放民用爆炸物品必须进行登记
B. 储存的民用爆炸物品数量不得超过储存设计容量
C. 民用爆炸物品丢失、被盗、被抢,应当立即报告当地消防部门
D. 专用仓库应当指定专人管理、看护,严禁无关人员进入仓库区内
___0173.( )在工作场所存储易燃物品。
___0174.安全生产监督管理部门对烟花爆竹的管理范围是( )。
A. 安全生产监督管理
B. 公共安全管理
C. 质量监督
D. 进出口检验
___0175.烟花爆竹生产、经营、运输企业和焰火晚会以及其他大型焰火燃放活动主办单位的( ),对本单位的烟花爆竹安全工作负责。
A. 法定代表人
B. 主要负责人
C. 安全负责人
D. 安全管理人员
___0176.生产烟花爆竹的企业,应当按照国家标准的规定,在烟花爆竹产品上标注燃放说明,并在烟花爆竹包装物上印制( )警示标志。
A. 安全
B. 燃放
C. 使用说明
D. 易燃易爆危险物品
___0177.北京市烟花爆竹零售网点内应分为销售区与储存区,两区之间应有( )制成的( )隔断,隔断上方应设置到顶,不留空隙。
A. 可燃烧材料;非硬质
B. 可燃烧材料;硬质
C. 不燃烧材料;非硬质
D. 不燃烧材料;硬质
___0178.北京市烟花爆竹零售网点灭火器材配置应符合消防安全要求,并应至少配备( )具5kg磷酸铵盐干粉灭火器及其他符合规定的消防器材。
___0179.北京市烟花爆竹零售网点从业人员实施产品搬运作业,应( )件搬运,不应碰撞、拖拉、翻滚和倒置产品,不使用( )质工具。
A. 单;木
B. 单;铁
C. 双;木
D. 双;铁
___0180.烟花爆竹零售经营者,应当具备的条件不包括( )。
A. 主要负责人经过安全知识教育
B. 实行专店或者专柜销售,设专人负责安全管理
C. 经营场所配备必要的消防器材
D. 张贴明显的警告标志
___0181.下列说法错误的是( )。
A. 烟花爆竹的经营分为批发和零售
B. 禁止在城市市区布设烟花爆竹批发场所
C. 黑火药、烟火药、引火线丢失的,企业应当立即向当地公安部门报告即可
D. 城市市区的烟花爆竹零售网点,应当按照严格控制的原则合理布设
___0182.申请从事烟花爆竹零售的经营者,应当向所在地( )人民政府安全生产监督管理部门提出申请。
___0183.经营道路运输烟花爆竹的单位,应当经( )许可。
A. 公安部门
B. 安全生产监督管理部门
C. 质量监督检验部门
D. 工商行政管理部门
___0184.从事烟花爆竹进出口的企业,应当按照《烟花爆竹经营许可实施办法》的规定申请办理( )。
A. 批发许可证
B. 运输许可证
C. 储存许可证
D. 零售许可证
___0185.批发企业( )在城市建成区内设立烟花爆竹储存仓库,( )在批发(展示)场所摆放有药样品。
A. 可以;可以
B. 可以;不得
C. 不得;可以
D. 不得;不得
___0186.严格控制城市建成区内烟花爆竹零售点( ),且烟花爆竹零售点( )与居民居住场所设置在同一建筑物内。
A. 数量;可以
B. 数量;不得
C. 范围;可以
D. 范围;不得
An administrator is installing Windows into a virtual machine. The DVD has been mounted on the Host and configured for the virtual machine as shown in the Exhibit. Based on the exhibit, when the virtual machine is booted, why would it attempt to search for a PXE server? ___
A. The CD/DVD device is not connected.
B. The ISO is in the incorrect storage location.
C. The OS minimum requirements have not been met.
D. The CD/DVD device is not set to Client Device.
What component must be installed prior to deploying a vCenter Server in vSphere 6.x? ___
A. vCenter Identity Services
B. Platform Services Controller
C. vCenter Single Sign-On
D. Client Integration Plug-In
What is a valid plug-in status for a plug-in that has been added to a vSphere client? ___
A. Disabled
B. Unknown
C. Stopped
D. Installed
Users of an application are reporting performance issues. The following performance values are observed in the vSphere Web Client: <Host CPU utilization is 90%> <Virtual Machine memory utilization is consistently greater than 90% CPU Ready values are higher than 20%> What could be the cause of the application performance issue? ___
A. The host is lacking the CPU resources required to meet the demand.
B. The host is lacking the memory resources required to meet the demand.
C. The virtual machine is lacking the CPU resources required to meet the demand.
D. The virtual machine is lacking the memory resources required to meet the demand.
An administrator creates an ESXi cluster using vSphere Auto Deploy. The ESXi hosts are configured to get a management IP address from a DHCP server. The administrator needs to troubleshoot the management network on one of the hosts. Which DCUI option should the administrator use to renew the DHCP lease? ___
A. Restart Management Network
B. Restore Network Settings
C. Test Management Network
D. Configure Management Network
An administrator is re-provisioning an ESXi host and moving it to another datacenter. Which DCUI option should the administrator use to revert the system configuration to the default settings? ___
A. Reset System Configuration
B. Rebuild Default System Configuration
C. Revert System Configuration
D. Renew Default System Configuration
An administrator has just completed installing an ESXi 6.x host, but doesn't know what address has been configured. Where is the ESXi host IP address configured? ___
A. RVC console
B. Direct Console User Interface
C. vSphere Web Client
D. vSphere Client
When is it possible to place a VMFS5 datastore in maintenance mode? ___
A. When it is a member of a Storage DRS cluster
B. When it is a member of Virtual SAN cluster
C. When it is a member of a multi-extent datastore
D. When it is a member of a Virtual Volume
Immediately after installing ESXi, an administrator observes that the Configure Lockdown Mode option is grayed out in the Direct Console User Interface (DCUI). What is the most likely explanation? ___
A. The host has not yet been added to a vCenter Server.
B. The BIOS on the host does not have NX/XD enabled.
C. The ESXi host is running in evaluation mode.
D. The host requires a reboot before this feature is available.
Immediately after installing ESXi, an administrator observes that the Configure Lockdown Mode option is grayed out in the Direct Console User Interface (DCUI). What is the most likely explanation? ___
A. The host has not yet been added to a vCenter Server.
B. The BIOS on the host does not have NX/XD enabled.
C. The ESXi host is running in evaluation mode.
D. The host requires a reboot before this feature is available.
Which Single Sign-On deployment mode should an administrator use for two 6.x vCenter Servers configured with linked mode? ___
A. Basic Single Sign-On with vCenter Server Heartbeat
B. Multisite Single Sign-On
C. Basic Single Sign-On
D. Single Sign-On with Linked Mode
What is required when changing a virtual machine name using the vSphere Web Client? ___
A. Verify connectivity to the ESXi host where the virtual machine is running and its inventory list is accessible.
B. Verify in which datastore the virtual machine resides and that you have access and its inventory list is accessible.
C. Verify that virtual machine files are stored in the same datastore and can be accessed in the datastore browser list.
D. Verify the virtual machine is not running in Fault Tolerant mode and that it is not in a Distributed Resource Scheduler cluster.
An administrator deploys vRealize Operations into a vSphere 6.x environment. After the deployment, the administrator notices that badges are not appearing. What is a likely cause of this behavior? ___
A. Badges do not appear until you register vRealize Operations with vCenter Server.
B. Badges do not appear until you register a vCenter Server in vRealize Operations.
C. The vRealize Operations appliance needs to be redeployed.
D. The vCenter Server appliance needs to be redeployed.
How are ports scaled on vSphere Standard Switches (vSS)? ___
A. Ports on a vSS can be dynamically scaled up and down.
B. Ports on a vSS can only be statically scaled up or down.
C. Ports on a vSS can only be dynamically scaled down.
D. Ports on a vSS can only be dynamically scaled up.
A High Availability (HA) cluster is configured to respond to a given number of host failures. The cluster contains virtual machines configured with these settings: VM1 has a 1GHz CPU reservation and no Memory reservation VM2 has a 2GHz CPU reservation and no Memory reservation VM3 has no CPU reservation and no Memory reservation . Given this information, what is the correct slot size for the cluster? ___
A. The CPU Reservation should be set to 32MHz and the memory reservation should be set to 32MB plus memory overhead.
B. The CPU reservation should be set to 1 GHz and the memory reservation should be set to 0MB plus memory overhead.
C. The CPU reservation should be set to 2 GHz, and the memory reservation should be set to 0MB plus the virtual machine memory overhead.
D. The CPU reservation should be set to 2 GHz, and the memory reservation should be set to 32MB, plus the virtual machine memory overhead.
An administrator is planning a vSphere infrastructure with the following specific networking requirements: <The ability to shape inbound (RX) traffic> <Support for Private VLANs (PVLANs)> <Support for LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol)>. What is the minimum vSphere Edition that will support these requirements? ___
A. vSphere Essentials Plus
B. vSphere Standard
C. vSphere Enterprise
D. vSphere
E. nterprise Plus
When you add an ESXi 6.x host to a new Cluster, which vSphere object owns the CPU and Memory resources of the hosts? ___
A. vCenter Server
B. Datacenter
C. Cluster
D. Host
A user is trying to retrieve objects from a SharePoint server and finds the request is taking an excessive amount of time. An administrator tries to isolate the issue and notes the following: Application performance is poor when compared to virtual machines on other hosts. Performance improves when the virtual machine is moved to another host. The virtual machine encounters higher than expected CPU %Ready times. What conclusion can be reached regarding the performance issues for this virtual machine? ___
A. Host Power Management is directly impacting virtual machine performance.
B. The virtual machine has a large number of snapshots.
C. The Path Selection Policy for the storage device is set differently on the affected host.
D. Network I/O control is configured for the portgroup.
A virtual machine template is accidently removed from the vCenter Server Inventory. Which method would be used to recover the template back into the environment?___
A. Use the datastore browser to locate the template, then right click and add the .vmtx file to inventory.
B. Use the datastore browser to locate the template, then right click and add the .vmx file to inventory.
C. Using the Managed Object Browser and adding the template from the ManagedObjectReference:GuestFileManager object.
D. Using the Managed Object Browser and adding the template from the ManagedObjectReference:VirtualDiskManager object.
A vSphere administrator needs to backup a virtual machine that has a Microsoft SQL Server Database installed. Which solution allows for an application quiesce to occur during backup?___
A. VMware vCenter Converter
B. VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager
C. VMware vSphere Replication
D. VMware vSphere Data Protection Advanced
An administrator is migrating a virtual machine from a Test cluster to a Production cluster. The two environments do not have any shared storage. What is the easiest way to accomplish this task? ___
A. Perform a Storage vMotion.
B. Perform a regular vMotion.
C. Perform a Virtual to Virtual migration.
D. Perform a backup and restore using VMware Data Protection.
An administrator must determine an appropriate backup solution, given these conditions: 50 of the virtual machines are in a resource pool named Finance. 50 of the virtual machines are in a resource pool named QA. Which solution allows an administrator the ability to backup 100 virtual machines? ___
A. Use Snapshot Manager on the vCenter Server to backup the virtual machines.
B. Use the VMware Consolidated Backup (vcb) tool on the ESXi Host to backup the virtual machines.
C. Use the VMware Data Recovery (VDR) Appliance on the vCenter Server to backup the virtual machines.
D. Use the VMware Data Protection (VDP) Appliance on one of the
E. SXi Hosts to backup the virtual machines.
What is a benefit of using Enhanced vMotion Compatibility for an environment? ___
A. EVC masks CPU features to allow compatibility between hosts that are dissimilar.
B. EVC allows for cross platform vMotion to occur.
C. EVC enables Long
D. istance vMotion.
How many Link Aggregation Groups (LAGs) can be configured on a vSphere 6.x Distributed Switch? ___
A. 64
B. 96
C. 128
D. 256
How many Link Aggregation Groups (LAGs) can be configured on a vSphere 6.x Distributed Switch? ___
A. 64
B. 96
C. 128
D. 256
An administrator needs to verify that vMotion operations can be performed in a vSphere data center.What round trip time (RTT) latency is the maximum value that will allow vMotion operations to succeed? ___
A. 50ms RTT
B. 100ms RTT
C. 150ms RTT
D. 200ms RTT
A storage administrator has reported that full utilization of all bandwidth from an ESXi 6.x host is not being seen. In troubleshooting the issue, the Adapter details are shown in the Exhibit. Based on the exhibit, what is cause of the issue? ___
A. The array is not setup to use the correct multipathing policy.
B. There are no virtual machines on the ESXi host.
C. Not all links are used because a path is disabled.
D. Another path needs to be configured.
An administrator is migrating a powered-on virtual machine, as shown in the exhibit. Which option should be selected to perform a Storage vMotion of the VM? ___
A. Change storage only
B. Change VM compute resource only
C. Change both compute resource and storage, changing the compute resource first.
D. Change both compute resource and storage, changing the storage resource first.
An administrator is attempting to enable Storage I/O Control on a datastore, but it is failing. What is the likely reason for this failure? ___
A. The host is connected to a datastore is running on ESX 4.0.
B. The host is connected to a Fibre Channel storage array.
C. The datastore has multiple extents.
D. The datastore is managed by a single vCenter Server.
A mission-critical virtual machine built on vSphere 4.1 needs to be moved to an ESXi 6.x host.Which virtual hardware version is needed to move the virtual machine without upgrading? ___
An administrator is analyzing a virtual machine as shown in the Exhibit. What is the current long term risk for this virtual machine? ___
A. The virtual machine may run out of memory before April 27.
B. The virtual machine may continue to function after April 27.
C. The virtual machine has adequate memory configured for operation for the next 120 days.
D. The virtual machine has adequate memory reservation configured for operation for the next 120 days.
An administrator is monitoring a High Availability (HA) and Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) enabled cluster and has noticed that virtual machines in the cluster are being migrated without user intervention. Why is this happening? ___
A. The DRS Automation level is set to Fully Automated.
B. The Automation level is set to Automatic.
C. The
D. PM Threshold is set to Aggressive.
An administrator attempts to migrate a suspended virtual machine to a newly deployed vSphere 6.x cluster. The compatibility check fails. What condition could cause this behavior?___
A. The new vSphere 6.x cluster is running Intel CPUs instead of AMD CPUs.
B. A suspended virtual machine cannot be migrated.
C. The hardware virtualization feature of the CPU is not enabled on the new hosts.
D. A vSphere Distributed Switch is required to migrate a suspended virtual machine.
A vSphere administrator has been using vSphere in evaluation mode and now wants to deploy an environment that provides the same features. Which edition of vSphere provides similar functionality to evaluation mode? ___
A. Enterprise Plus
B. Enterprise
C. Standard
D. Essentials
A vSphere administrator has been using vSphere in evaluation mode and now wants to deploy an environment that provides the same features. Which edition of vSphere provides similar functionality to evaluation mode? ___
A. Enterprise Plus
B. Enterprise
C. Standard
D. Essentials
An administrator has just configured the IP address on an ESXi host from the Direct Console User Interface. How can the configuration be validated as correct without any additional tools?___
A. Add the host to vCenter Server and if it works, then all networking settings are ok.
B. Select the Test Management Network option from the DCUI.
C. Connect to the host with the vSphere Client and click the Test Network option.
D. Use PowerCLI to connect to the host and initiate a network test.
An administrator is installing vCenter Server for an environment that has 40 ESXi 6.x Hosts and 150 virtual machines. Which database would meet the minimal requirements needed for this task? ___
A. vFabric Postgres
B. Microsoft SQL Express 2008
C. Microsoft SQL Server 2014
D. Oracle 11g
What is a requirement when enabling a Virtual SAN cluster in an existing High Availability (HA) and Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) Cluster? ___
A. Disable DRS and HA before enabling Virtual SAN
B. Enable DRS before enabling Virtual SAN
C. Disable HA before enabling Virtual SAN
D. Enable Storage DRS before enabling Virtual SAN
The vSphere administrator attempts to connect to an ESXi host via an SSH client and receives the following security alert: The vSphere administrator needs to determine whether the RSA key fingerprint shown in the security alert is the fingerprint of the intended ESXi host. Which tool should the vSphere administrator use? ___
A. Direct Console User Interface
B. vSphere Client
C. vSphere Web Client
D. vSphere Management Assistant
An administrator needs to monitor traffic on vSwitches in a vSphere 6.x environment. Which option, if configured, would accomplish this task? ___
A. Forged Transmits
B. MAC Address Changes
C. Promiscuous Mode
D. Notify Switches