A. 我看见老师很高兴,急忙上前打招呼。
B. 在激烈的市场竞争中,我们所缺乏的,一是勇气不足,二是谋略不当。
C. “快乐男生”选秀活动从命题、决赛、海选到颁奖,一直受到歌迷们的关注。
D. 文艺作品里面语言的好坏,不在它是否用了一大堆词儿,是否用了某一行业的话语,而在它的词儿,用的是不是地方。
A. 先破后立
B. 先立后破
C. 边破边立
D. 先破后立再破
A. 老人因为自己的丈夫有记者来采访即将出名而高兴。
B. 老人黯然是因为国家不重视清洁工作,人们瞧不起低贱伺候人的掏粪工作。
C. 在如今的现代化的大都市中,掏粪工是个已经消失了的行业,但时代仍然需要时传祥精神。同时,由于时代的变迁,人们的价值观有所不同,有些年轻人看不起脏、累的工作。所以老人激动,同时也有些黯然。
D. 老人为自己的丈夫有记者来采访而激动,黯然是因为家里过于简陋,没有因为时传祥获得全国劳模的称号而使生活变得富裕起来。
A. 壬(rén)戌 (xū) 酗酒(xiōng) 落蕊(ruǐ) 横槊(shuî)
B. 渔樵(qiáo) 熨帖(yù) 狭隘( yì) 殷红(yān)
C. 俨然(yǎn) 羁旅(jī) 嫠妇(lí) 一椽破屋(chuán)
D. 祈求(qí) 属客(shǔ) 歧韵 (qí) 混淆(xiáo)
A. 即望 惊鸿一瞥 御风 桂棹
B. 幽壑 正襟危坐 横槊 麋鹿C.椭圆 酽黑如漆 骆驼 潋滟 D.裨益 所向披靡 鉴赏 倚歌
A. 鲁迅,原名周树人,字豫才,浙江绍兴人,作品主要有小说《阿q正传》,短篇小说集《朝花夕拾》,散文诗集《野草》等。
B. 苏轼,字子瞻,号“东坡居士”,世人称其为“苏东坡”。南宋著名文学家、书画家、诗人,美食家,豪放派词人代表。中国文学史上少有的全才之一。
C. 郁达夫 (1896~1945)原名郁文,浙江富阳人,当代小说家、散文家。其代表作有短篇小说《沉沦》《春风沉醉的晚上》等。
D. 萧红(1911-1942),原名张乃莹,笔名萧红,现代著名女作家,出生于黑龙江呼兰县。1934年到上海,与鲁迅相识,同年完成长篇《生死场》,次年在鲁迅帮助下作为“奴隶丛书”之一出版,由此取得了在现代文学史上的地位。她更有成就的长篇是写于香港的回忆性长篇小说《呼兰河传》。
A. 张老师,我们全班同学都很赏识你的教学方法。
B. 鲁迅先生不幸逝世,噩耗传来,举国震惊。
C. 你既然身体欠佳,那你给老师打个电话,请半天假。
D. 中国政府历来主张,地区间的矛盾应以和平方式加以解决,不能二句话说不到一块,就动刀动枪的。
A. 驾一叶之扁舟
B. 倚歌而和之
C. 自其变者而观之
D. 取之无尽,用之不竭
A. “壬戌之秋”中的“壬戌”是古代纪年法中的干支纪年,文中指宋神宗元丰五年。
B. “七月既望”中的“既望”是指农历的每月十五。
C. “徘徊于斗牛之间”中的“斗牛”指斗宿和牛宿,都是星宿名。
D. 曹孟德,及曹操,“孟德”是他的字。
A. 徘徊于斗牛之间
B. 杯盘狼藉
C. 凌万顷之茫然
D. 白露横江,水光接天
A. 这秋蝉的嘶叫,在北方可和蟋蟀耗子一样,简直像是家家户户都养在家里的家虫。
B. 像橄榄又像鸽蛋似的这枣子颗儿,在小椭圆形的细叶中间,显出淡绿微黄的颜色
C. 北方人念阵字,总老像是层字,平平仄仄起来,这念错的歧韵,倒来得正好。
D. 秋之于人,何尝有国别,更何尝有人种阶级的区别呢?
A. 我的不远千里,要从杭州赶上青岛,更要从青岛赶上北平来的理由,也不过想饱尝一尝这“秋”,这故都的秋味。
B. 江南,秋当然也是有的;但草木凋得慢,空气来得润,天的颜色显得淡,并且又时常多雨而少风。
C. “唉,天可真凉了”(这了字念得很高,拖得很长。
D. 但外国的诗人,又何尝不然?
A. 月出于东山之上
B. 客亦知夫水与月乎
C. 此非曹孟德之困于周郎者乎
D. 则物与我皆无尽也,而又何羡乎
1. 日常生活和工作中,需要接待交际场合很多,那么接待的基本要求是:___热情大方,___;______,察言观色;___言行谨慎,___。
2. 《从罗丹得到的启示》一文的作者是______著名作家斯蒂芬茨威格,本文是一篇传记,赞美了罗丹痴迷艺术创作、专注忘我、精益求精的精神,作者从中得到的启示是 一切艺术与伟业成功的奥秘在于专心。
6. ___,雪却输梅一段香。
7. 树欲静而风不止,___。
8. ___,寸有所长。
9. ___,春风拂槛露华浓。
10. 绳锯木断,___
A. 大量清水冲洗;
B. 稀HCl中和;
C. 稀NaOH清洗;
D. 醋酸清洗。
A. 体内清洗;
B. 体外清洗;
C. 体内或体外均可;
D. 一般不清洗。
A. Fe3+;
B. Ca2+;
C. Na+;
D. Mg2+。
A. SO42-;
B. NO3-;
C. HCO3-;
D. HSiO3-。
A. <6.5;
B. 6.5-8.5;
C. 9-10;
D. 大于10。
A. 泵是否缺油;
B. 入口流量是否不足;
C. 叶轮是否损坏;
D. 水泵是否反转。
A. 盐酸;
B. 食盐溶液;
C. 氢氧化钠溶液;
D. 食盐溶液和氢氧化钠溶液。
A. 可逆性;
B. 选择性;
C. 酸碱性;
D. 工作交换容量。
A. 先低流速,后逐渐增大流速,最大不超过15m/h;
B. 大修完后,应先进行反洗后再再生;
C. 每个工作周期结束后,都应进行大反洗;
D. 反洗效果取决于反洗水分布均匀性和树脂膨胀率。
A. 10%;
B. 20%;
C. 32%;
D. 40%。
A. μS·cm;
B. μS/cm;
C. μS ;
D. Ω。
1.China’s economic success over the past three _________has raised the living standards of hundreds of millions of Chinese citizens.
2.Citibank picked the chief executive of Etang.com as its first Chinese customer Thursday to open an account at its new branch in the _______Pease Hotel along Shanghai’s fabled waterfront.
3.The United States last Wednesday _________tariffs关税 of up to 30 percent on a range of foreign steel imports to help protect its domestic国内的industry.
4.Although he was raised as a Christian, he’s not really very _________.
5.You can distinguish between frogs ands toads蟾蜍 in the following way: frogs have _________bodies, long limbs, and a smooth skin, and toads have stouter bodies, short limbs, and dry skin.
6.From the airplane window I could see a _________of city streets.
7.Aunt Pat smiled at her little niece and _________her to eat.
8.Dr. Rich Hamilton is planning his own World Wide Web _________on the Internet to provide assistance to anyone who asks for medical help.
9.It is difficult to estimate the number of people doing part-time jobs _________
10.The president _________his foreign minister, Mr. Burns, to act as representative to the international conference to be held in Tokyo next month.
11.Advances in telecommunications have meant that it is just as easy to work from a computer _________at home as it is from a town center office.
12.Until the new gym is built, you have no option but _________existing buildings which may or may not suit your immediate目前的requirements.
1.According to some scientists, global warming _________the survival of the whole human race.
2.The number of visitors from parts of Scotland not including the Edinburgh area was, in fact, relatively small19%, and exceeded the number of overseas visitors16%_________.
3.The early Spaniards established a chain of mission _________the local population along the San Antonio River.
4.It was common practice then that when the store owners wanted to go on vacation they simply _________
5.As they didn’t have relatives or friends there they often _________around nearby malls when they got bored.
6.To make a birthday card, you can simply cut out some funny or pretty pictures from magazines, _________them _________a piece of card and then write your message inside.
7.She picked up the receiver and, _________ asking the caller to hold on, went off to tell Jack that he was wanted on the phone.
8.To relax himself for a little while, he rose from the computer desk, walked across the room towards the window and stretched both arms upwards and _________.
9.The new product has a pair of small loudspeakers fitted inside, which you can easily _________ your computer’s sound card.
10.Music in fact is a _________language of a non-verbal nature which is rich in expression.
11.This _________is designed to show at a glance how many rooms have been rented out and how many are still available.
12._________ glorious sunshine, the boundless stretch of corn fields looked an impressive sight.
1.The cook put the meat on a plate, _________it with salt and pepper, wrapped up the plate in aluminum foil铝箔 and then placed it in the oven to roast.
2.Every waking moment we talk to ourselves about the things we experience. Our self-talk, the thought we communicate to ourselves, _________control the way we feel and act.
3.John made everyone laugh when he got the words _________and referred to himself as “my husband’s wife”.
4.You can’t live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will perhaps never be able to _________you.
5.Because the Earth is a sphere, sailors _________only can view other ships to a distance of about 13 miles before those ships seem to disappear into the horizon.
6.Johnson dismissed _________ideas lightly as no good on several occasions.
7.One tends to believe whatever one repeats to oneself sufficiently often, whether the _________be true or false.
8.Susan told me numerous times how her sister _________children.
9.I don’t know what my roommate is up to because he does everything _______________, either when I am away or when I am asleep.
10.For economic reasons, shipbuilders have designed vessels___ that can be loaded and _________in a minimum amount of time with minimum labor.
11.Laugh, and the world laughs with you; _________, and you weep alone.
12.A national debate is now _________about the manner in which we as a society should protect our natural resources.
A. 安全线
B. 安全纤维
C. 纸张
D. 水印
A. 纤维
B. 安全纤维
C. 纸浆
D. 水印
A. 木材
B. 棉花
C. 旧报纸
D. 布碎
A. 安全线
B. 安全纤维
C. 水印
D. 防伪彩点