2.限额以上除执行本标准,还需执行Q/ZN 201076、Q/ZN 202094、Q/ZN 211011相关管理规定。限额以上的由___报上级单位进行决策管理。
13.金额在 ___的合同谈判由计划发展部主任组织、项目涉及的其他相关部门负责人或代表参加,监审专职参与监督。
25.计划发展部在收到项目承办部门及外包单位完整的结算资料后,可直接进行审核,也可以委托具有相应资质的工程造价咨询机构审核,并要求在___ 个工作日内完成审核。
26.合同订立阶段,采用定向外委、询价比选的项目,在合同订立前,如合同条款、价款、质量、工期、支付方 式与定标会议纪要相比发生变更___,由该合同签署人同意后方可通过合同谈判进行调整,若遇重大变更需由___同意后方可调整。
28.合同范围内变更,如变更引起费用单项或累计预估增加额为合同总价在___以内并且 __万元以内), 合同变更申请单由分管领导批准
29.合同范围内变更,如变更引起费用单项或累计预估增加额为合同总价在 ___, 合同变更申请单由经营领导审核,总经理批准
31.合同范围外变更,如变更引起费用单项或累计预估增加额为合同总价 20%含以内并且 10 万含以内,合同承办部门应填写合同变更申请一,详见附录 H,由___批准后,由计划发展部视情况组织与原合同单位进行谈判,确认主要工作内容及结算方式后方可实施合同范围外变更,如变更引起费用单项或累计预估增加额超过合同价的 20%或 10 万以上的,由计划发展部组织与原合同单位进行谈判,初步确定主要工作内容及结算方式,须经___审议通过后方可实施,并及时签订补充协议。补充协议由计划发展部起草,流程应由合同承办部门在合同管理系统上发起。"
32.合同收口用于对方已履行完成所有合同义务,但因其自身原因部分或所有权利已过___追 诉期,且经我方提醒无反馈;合同收口时必须要有法律顾问的书面确认函,且与合同变更申请二一并归档。
----- "Where is your college located, John?" ----- "It is ________."___
A. on the Fifth Avenue
B. on Fifth Avenue
C. in Fifth Avenue
D. at Fifth Avenue
__________ is she in London than she rings up her old friend Mary.___
A. Scarcely
B. Rarely
C. No sooner
D. Hardly
A fireman discovered the __________ of the fire.___
A. truth
B. reason
C. cause
D. fact
he weather __________ us from climbing the mountain.___
A. discharged
B. disguised
C. disturbed
D. discouraged
I didn't expect to receive a postcard from you!It's really _____my wildest imagination.___
A. behind
B. beyond
C. except
D. through
John Smith is _____ honest young man.___
A. one
B. an
C. the
D. a
She __________ in wearing that old – fashioned hat.___
A. insists
B. persists
C. assists
D. consists
Some of the meat came from Canada. How about________?___
A. another
B. the other
C. others
D. the rest
I have brought you ___ flowers for your birthday. ___
A. few
B. a few
C. little
D. a little
I have also experienced many adventures, but nothing that I have seen ___what you have described. ___
A. compares
B. relates
C. resembles
D. assembles
That young man has made so much noise that he ___ not have been allowed attend the concert. ___
A. could
B. must
C. would
D. should
“What is Mary doing at home?” “She is playing ____.”___
A. a piano
B. her piano
C. piano
D. the piano
I’m busy now ,ask him to see me ____ time.___
A. the other
B. some other
C. other
D. another
The child took a spoonful and tasted it carefully __________ it was hot.___
A. in case
B. provided
C. if
D. unless
The French pianist who had been praised very highly __________ to be a great disappointment. ___
A. turned off
B. turned up
C. turned out
D. turned down
“Shall I turn on the television?” – “No, I’d rather not __________ television tonight.”___
A. have watched
B. to watch
C. watch
D. for watching
They said that they had made up their minds to ____the task in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.___
A. carry on
B. carry off
C. carry away
D. carry forward
The two girls are getting on very well and share with each other. ___
A. little
B. much
C. some
D. none
The teacher said that the classroom was empty __________ a few chairs.___
A. but for
B. except for
C. apart from
D. besides
______you choose, make sure that it is a good one. ___
A. What
B. Wherever
C. Whichever
D. Which
Vingo was released from prison_____the successful efforts of his friends to prove his innocence. ___
A. according to
B. as a result of
C. for reasons of
D. with the help of
Entering the room, I found my father __ at the desk and ___ something .___
A. seat... write
B. seated ... wrote
C. seated ... writing
D. seating ... writing
Cake __________ of flour, sugar, egg and some other ingredients. ___
A. contained
B. consists
C. includes
D. composed
Mr. Peter wanted Steve to take half the money, but Steve did not __________ it. ___
A. obtain
B. achieve
C. accept
D. receive
I'd like to take my picture ________stands a high tower. ___
A. where
B. which
C. that
D. there
__________ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Saturday. ___
A. But for
B. As for
C. In spite of
D. Because of
Cars moved very slowly in the 1920s, but they ______move more quickly than in 1910.___
A. were to can
B. did
C. will
D. can
The little girl needs __________ after her shock. ___
A. being comforted
B. be comforted
C. comforting
D. comforted
The __________ horse ran away from the fire.___
A. having frightened
B. frightening
C. frightened
D. frighten
He is __________ of an actor. ___
A. anybody
B. anything
C. somebody
D. something
You can take ______ seat you like. ___
A. no matter what
B. no matter which
C. what
D. whichever
He changed his name, _____ that nobody would find out what he had done before. ___
A. having thought
B. to think
C. thinks
D. thinking
----- _______is your English teacher? ----- The one in red. ___
A. who
B. which
C. what
D. where
Can you give me a light for my cigarette? I have ____my matches.___
A. got out of
B. got rid of
C. got away with
D. run out of
Then the speaker __________ the various factors leading to the present economic crisis.___
A. went for
B. went after
C. went into
D. went on
I know Jonathan quite well and never doubt_____ he can do a good job of it___.
A. whether
B. that
C. when
D. what
I'm afraid it ______ tomorrow, but who knows?___
A. may have rained
B. might rain
C. would rain
D. ought to rain
He has spent ____money on his new house.___
A. a large number of
B. the number of
C. lots of
D. numbers of
This is the hotel __________ I like to stay.___
A. in which
B. at which
C. to which
D. at that
Would you mind keeping a(n)__________on the house for us while we are away?___
A. eye
B. /look
C. hand
D. view